


時間: 玉鳳862 分享




  He was praised by the teacher.他受到了老師的表揚。

  The book was written by Lu Xun.這本書是魯迅寫的。

  2.表示方式、方法、手段等,后常接無冠詞的名詞或動名詞,意為“通過;靠;用”。 Don't judge a person by appearances. 勿以貌取人。

  He made a living by teaching.他以教書為生。


  He ought to be here by now.他現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該在這兒了。

  By the time he was ten, he had learnt about 1,000 English words.到十歲時,他已學(xué)了約一千個英語單詞。


  the bullet missed me by two inches.那子彈以兩英寸之差未擊中我。 the rope needs to be longer by two feet.這繩子需要再長兩英尺。


  go by bus / plane / train 乘汽車(飛機、火車)去

  travel by land / sea / air 陸上(海上、空中)旅行


  There is a pumping station by the river.河邊有個抽水站。


  一、by+地點名詞。表方位,意為:“在…旁邊”。如:by the lake/river/tree/window/door等。

  She searched the top of the hill and stopped to rest on a big rock by the side of the path.(NMET90)她搜索了山頂,然后停下來在路邊的一塊大石頭上休息。

  After supper she would sit down by the fire,sometimes for as long as an hour,thinking of her young and happy days.(2003上海·春)晚飯后,她常坐在火旁,有時長達一個小時地回憶她那青春、快樂的年代。


  As we boys were rushing towards the playground,Jim slipped by the table.(NMET92完形)當(dāng)我們這些男生沖向操場時,吉姆從桌旁溜過。

  二、by+時間名詞。意為:“到…時(已發(fā)生某事),此時謂語多用完成時;最晚、不遲于…,在…之前”。如:by now/then/this time/next Friday/the end of/three o`clock等。

  By the end of last year,another new gymnasium had been completed.(2003上海·春)到去年年底,又有一座新體育館峻工了。

  The train leaves at 6:00 pm.So I have to be at the station by 5:40 pm at the latest.(NMET97)火車下午六點開,所以最晚我得五點四十趕到車站。


  1、by+the+可數(shù)的時間、長度、重量等名詞。意為:“按…計算,按…買(賣)”。如:by the pound/ton/yard/meter/dozen/bale/day/month等。

  Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the hour.(NMET98)城市里的女清潔工通常按小時獲得報酬。

  In the market,tobacco is sold by the bale,eggs by the dozen and salt by the pound.在市場里,煙葉按捆賣,雞蛋按打賣,鹽按磅賣。

  2、by+表示時間、長度、重量等總稱的不可數(shù)名詞(名詞前不加冠詞)。意為:“按…計算,按…買(賣)”。如:by time/volume/length/weight/height/depth/width/area等。 As we all know,the freight of the luggage is charged by weight.眾所周知,行李的運費是按重量計算的。

  3、by+交通工具、交通方式名詞(名詞前不加冠詞,不變復(fù)數(shù))。意為:“通過…,由…,乘…”。如by train/rail/tube/taxi/bus/truck/bike/boat/plane;by land/road/sea/water/air等。(on foot)

  It takes a long time to go there by train;it`s quicker by road.(或by bus)(NMET93)乘火車去那兒要花很長時間,公路比較快。

  “I usually go there by train”.“Why not try going by boat(或water)for a change?”(NMET92)“我常乘火車去那兒。”“為何不嘗試一下坐船呢?”


  by skill/determination/practice/diligence/inference/chance/accident;

  by mail/letter/radio/fax/telephone/telegraph/hand/machine等。

  Although he had been searching in the wrong area most of the time,he found it by logic,not by luck.(NMET2002閱讀)雖然他曾大部分時間一直在錯誤的地方尋找,但他還是靠邏輯推理而非運氣,找到了它。

  I made a coat with my own hands.It was made by hand,not by machine. 我用雙手織了一件外套。它是用手工織的,而不是機器織的。

  5、by+ 地點或工具等具體名詞。表路線、途徑,意為:“通過(某物、某地),取道…”。如:by a stone bridge/the back door/the freeway/country roads等。 The man entered the room by the back door.那人通過后門進入了房間。


  by waiting/practing/begging/working/imitating等。

  He gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers.(NMET95)他通過印刷著名作家的作品而獲得了巨大的財富。

  Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. Similarly,our minds are developed by learning.(2000上海)身體是靠鍛煉強壯的,同樣,大腦是靠學(xué)習(xí)開發(fā)的。


  1、表升降、增減的程度。如:by one-fifth/20 percent/£3/two feet等。

  With production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(NMET2000)產(chǎn)量上升了百分之六十,這家公司今年的業(yè)績極好。

  The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year.(NMET2002閱讀)對綠色食品的需求每年在增長大約三分之一。

  2、表示距離和面積、體積中的尺寸及乘除法中的運算。如:by 2cm/6 inches/four feet/nine yards/a hair`s breadth等。

  Luckily,the bullet narrowly missed the captain by an inch.(2002上海)幸運地是,那顆子彈差一英寸就擊中了上尉。

  The bed is three meters wide by two meters long,and can fit at least four at one time.(NMET2001閱讀)那張床三米寬,兩米長,一次至少可以睡四個人。

  五、by+身體部位名詞或衣服名詞。表示被抓住身體/衣物的某一部分,常與動詞catch/seize/take/hold/grab等連用。如:by the hair/hand/arm/nose/horns;by the collar/lape/sleeve等。

  The policeman caught the thief by the arm.警察抓住了小偷的胳膊。

  The soldier grabbed the child by the collar.那個士兵揪住了孩子的衣領(lǐng)。


  by means of/by way of/by the way/one by one/step by step/side by side/shoulder by shoulder/by oneself/by birth/by society/take…by surprise/learn…by heart/what do you mean by …/by my watch等。

  by 的用法


  1. 在近處;在旁邊 standing by the window 站在窗戶旁邊

  a table by the bed 床邊的桌子

  2. 經(jīng);由;從

  to enter by the door 由門進去

  3. 經(jīng)過…旁

  He walked by me. 他從我旁邊走過。


  By tomorrow he'll be here. 他明天就到這兒。


  written by Shakespeare 莎士比亞寫的


  to play by the rules 按規(guī)則比賽


  His horse won by a nose. 他的馬以一鼻之差取勝。


  She earned money by writing. 她靠寫作掙錢。

  We went by air.


  9.表示相(乘)除(以計算面積) a room 15 feet by 20 feet

  一間長20英尺寬15英尺的房間 to divide X by Y



  The animals went in 2 by 2. 動物兩個兩個地走進去。




  Please let me by.



  Do it when nobody is by. 等附近沒人時再做。


  本單元by + v.-ing結(jié)構(gòu)是一個重點,該結(jié)構(gòu)意思是“通過„„,以„„的方式”,后面常接v.-ing形式,表示“通過某種方式得到某種結(jié)果”,即表示行為的方式或手段。

  I practice speaking English by joining an English-language club. 我通過加入一個英語語言俱樂部來練習(xí)講英語。

  Mr Li makes a living by driving taxis.李先生靠開出租車為生。

  介詞by + v.-ing 結(jié)構(gòu)常用來回答How do you...?或How can I...?之類的問題。 —How do you learn English? 你怎樣學(xué)習(xí)英語呢?

  —I learn English by reading aloud. 我通過大聲朗讀來學(xué)英語。 —How can I turn on the computer? 我怎樣才能打開電腦呢? —By pressing this button. 按這個按鈕。 [相關(guān)鏈接]

  by 是個常用介詞,其他用法還有:

 ?、俦硎疚恢?,意思是“在„„旁邊”,“靠近„„”,有時可與beside互換。 The girls are playing by (beside) the lake. 女孩們正在湖邊玩。 此時要注意它與介詞near有所不同,即by 表示的距離更“近”。 比較:

  He lives by the sea. 他住在海濱。 He lives near the sea. 他住在離海不遠(yuǎn)處。 ②表示交通方式,意為“乘坐”,后接表示交通工具的名詞(如 bus, bike, train, plane, car, taxi, ship等)或與交通工具密切相關(guān)的名詞(如air, water, land, road等),在句中主要用作方式狀語,其中通常不用冠詞或其他限定詞。

  Jim often goes to work by bike. 吉姆常騎自行車上班。

  但是,若表示交通工具的名詞前插有定語修飾語,則也可以用冠詞。如: We’re going by the 9:30 train. 我們坐9:30的火車去。

  We went to Shanghai by a large ship. 我們乘一艘大船去上海。 注意,漢語說“步行”,英語習(xí)慣上用on foot, 而不用 by foot。 注意以下表示方式的有用表達,其中不用冠詞或其他限定詞:

  by phone 用電話 by telegram 用電報 by letter 用信件 by express 用快件 by air mail 用航空郵件 by ordinary mail 用平信 by post 用郵寄 by radio 用無線電 by hand 用手工 by machine 用機器


  e.g. My mother will come back by 6:00. 我媽媽將在六點前回來。 ④ 表示動詞執(zhí)行者,意思是“被;由”,主要用于被動語態(tài),此時要注意它與介詞with的區(qū)別:by 表示動作的主體,with 表示動作者的手段工具。如: The house was destroyed by fire. 此屋被大火燒毀。(fire是動作的主體,此句的主動形式為Fire destroyed the house.)

  The house was destroyed with fire. 此屋是(被人)用火燒毀的。(fire只是工具,動作的主體另有其人,此句可認(rèn)為省略了一個by短語,如by someone之類的,其主動形式可以是 Someone destroyed the house with fire.)



 ?、?ldquo;with + 名詞” ①表示用„„工具(具體有形的工具)②(表材料或內(nèi)容)以„„,用„„來填充 We see with our eyes and hear with our ears. 我們用眼睛看用耳朵聽。

 ?、?ldquo;in + 名詞”表示“用„„方式,用„„原料或用„„語言(語調(diào)、筆墨、顏色)等;”。 Listen!They’re talking in English. 聽!他們正在用英語交談。

 ?、?ldquo;through + n.”表示“通過某種方式、由于某種理由、穿過”,多強調(diào)作用或原因。 You can achieve success only through your hard work. 你只有通過努力工作才能獲得成功。 [趁熱打鐵]

  用by, with, in填空

  1.He gets to school ______ bike.

  2.He is painting ______ a Chinese brush.(毛筆) 3.I don't know how to say "Jiaozi" ______ Japanese. 4.Maybe you can solve the problem ______ this way. 5.I study Enlish _____ practicing speaking it every day. 6.I usually write ______ a pen. 7.We can look and see ____ our eyes.

  8.How did you send the letter, _______ airmail or _____ ordinary mail? 9.He caught(接住) the ball ______ his left hand. 他用左手接球。 10.She wrote the letter ______ a pencil. 她用鉛筆寫那封信。 11.He came here _______ his car. 12.He came here ______ car.

  13.Fill the glass ______ wine. 把杯子裝滿酒。

  14.The window was broken ______ that naughty boy.窗戶被那個淘氣的男孩打破了。

  15. The old man sat there _____ a basket beside her. 老人坐在那兒,身邊放著一個籃子。 16.He fell asleep______the lamp burning. 他沒熄燈就睡著了。 17. He sat there ______ his eyes closed. 他閉目坐在那兒。 18.You must return _______ 10:00 pm.

  19.She has a house _______ a beautiful garden.

  20.Tom often goes to see Beijing Opera ______ his father on weekends.


  1—5 by, with, in, in, by 6. with, 7.with 8. by, by 9.with, 10. with 11-15.in, by, with, by, with

  16.-20. with, with, by, with, with





4.-’s 所有格和of 所有格的用法區(qū)別
