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  一、have + 賓語 + 不定式


  1. 表示有某事要做,其中的不 定式為定語。如:

  She didn’t have the courage to refuse. 她沒有勇氣拒絕。

  Birds have the instinct to learn to fly. 鳥有飛的本能(from www.nmet168.com)。

  We have every reason to think he may still be alive. 我們有充分理由認為他可能還活著。

  2. 表示因為有A結果發(fā)生了B,其中的不定式為結果狀語。如:

  I had the luck to find him at home. 我真幸運,找他時他正在家。They had the misfortune to be hit by a violent storm. 他們不幸遇上了猛烈的風暴。

  二、have + 賓語 + 動詞原形


  1. 表示叫(請、使 、讓)某人做某事。如:

  He had his son clean the car. 他叫他的兒子擦車。

  I’ll have the gardener plant some trees. 我要讓園丁種些樹。

  Don’t interrupt her:let her have her say. 別打斷她的話,讓她把意見說出來。

  2. 表示容忍或允許某人做某事(用于否定句,尤與 won’t, can’t連用)。如:

  I won’t have you tell me what to do. 我不能讓你對我做的 事指手劃腳。

  三、have + 賓語 + 現(xiàn)在分詞

  該結構 中的現(xiàn)在分詞用作賓語補足語,其中的have為使役動詞。該結構的主要用法有:

  1. 表示使(讓)某人(某事物)一直做在做某事或處于做某事的狀態(tài)之中。如:

  She had her audience listening attentively. 她使聽眾聽得入神(from www.nmet168.com)。

  Within minutes he had the whole audience laughing and clapping. 沒出幾分鐘他就讓全體聽眾笑起來,鼓起掌來。

  The film had us all sitting on the edges of our seats with excitement. 這部影片讓我們大家激動不已。

  2. 表示容忍或允許某人做某事(用于否定句,尤與 won’t, can’t連用)。如:

  He won’t have boys arriving late. 他不允許孩子們遲到。

  I won’t have you smoking at your age. 我不能讓你在這個年紀就抽煙。

  I hate to have m y boss standing over me. 我不喜歡上司監(jiān)督我。

  3. 說服或命令某人做某事。如:

  He had me doing all kinds of jobs for her. 他叫我為她做各種事情。

  注:have difficult doing sth是英語中一個很有用的句式,其中的have表示“有”,

  We had the greatest diffi culty imaginable getting here in tim e. 我們?yōu)榱思皶r趕到此地,經歷了可能想見的最大的困難。

  四、have + 賓語 + 過去分詞

  該結構中的過去分詞用作賓語補足語,其中的have為使役動詞。該結構的最大特點就是,其中的過去分詞與其 前的賓語有被動關系。具體說來,該結構有以下主要用法:

  1. 表示請(讓)別人做某事。如:

  We had the machine repaired. 我們請人修理了機器(from www.nmet168.com)。

  She’s gone into hospita l to have her appe ndix taken out. 她已住院去切除闌尾。

  What beautiful curls — why do you want to have them cut off? 你那鬈發(fā)多漂亮啊——為什么要剪掉呢?


  He had his salary raised. 他加薪了。

  2. 表示經歷或遭遇某情況。如:

  He had his finger cut. 他的手指弄傷了。

  I h ad my w atch stolen yesterday. 我的表昨天被人偷去了。

  3. 表示主動地完成某動作或解決某事。如:

  I’ve had all my mistak es corrected. 我已把所有的錯誤都改正過來了。

  You should understand the traffic r ule by now. You’ve had it explained often enough 到現(xiàn)在你應該理解這條交通規(guī)則了,已經給你解釋得夠多了。(2005天津卷)

  I have had everything prepared beforehand. 我已事先把一切都準備好了。

  Paul’s mother had him adopted because she couldn’t look after him herself. 保羅的母親因為自己無力撫養(yǎng)他,便將他送給別人收養(yǎng)了(from www.nmet168.com)。

  4. 表示容忍或允許做某事(用于否定句,尤與 won’t, can’t 等連用)。如:

  We won’t have anything said against the Party. 我們不允 許有人這 樣攻擊黨。


  The news had me worried. 我 聽了這消 息十分不安。