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  Yang Mi


  2005年,楊冪進入北京電影學院表演系本科班就讀。2006年,楊冪因出演金庸武俠劇《神雕俠侶》而嶄露頭角。2008年,楊冪憑借歷史劇《王昭君》獲得了第24屆中國電視金鷹獎觀眾喜愛的電視劇女演員獎提名 。2009年,楊冪在“80后新生代娛樂大明星”評選活動中與其她三位女演員共同被評為“四小花旦” 。2011年,楊冪憑借穿越劇《宮鎖心玉》贏得廣泛關注 ,并獲得了第17屆上海電視節(jié)白玉蘭獎觀眾票選最具人氣女演員獎 。

  2012年,楊冪工作室成立,而她則憑借都市劇《北京愛情故事》相繼獲得第9屆金鷹電視藝術節(jié)最具人氣女演員獎 、第26屆中國電視金鷹獎觀眾喜愛的電視劇女演員獎提名 。2015年,楊冪主演的《小時代》系列電影取得了近18億人民幣的票房成績 。2016年,其主演的職場劇《親愛的翻譯官》取得全國年度電視劇收視冠軍 。2017年,楊冪主演的仙俠劇《三生三世十里桃花》獲得頗高關注;同年,她還憑借科幻片《逆時營救》獲得休斯頓國際電影節(jié)最佳女主角獎 。


  Yang Mi is a chinese actress.she is very young,She is only 25 years. She is very cute and pretty.She starts her acting career when she was young.Now she is famous.She involved a hot drama series-Gong.More and more people like her


  Yang Mi is one of the most famous actress in China. She was born in September 12, 1986 in Beijing and graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in 2005. She was nominated twice for the Golden Eagle Award, or the highest honor any actor/actress can get in China. She began to gain popularity by playing a minor role in the Legend of the Condor Hero in 2006 along with many famous actors and actresses like HuangXiaoMing and LiuYiFei. I looke forward to her new movie I'm a Witness.

  楊冪是中國最有名的一個女演員之一。她在1986年9月12日出生于北京,而且與2005 年畢業(yè)于北京電影學院。她兩次被評金鷹獎提名,這也是中國演員能得到的最高榮譽。她在神雕俠侶中因扮演了一個小角色而走紅,神雕俠侶中跟她合作的有許多名人,例如黃曉明和劉亦菲。我非常期待她的新作:我是證人。


  More than good luck

  Many believe that life has smiled on Yang Mi :at the age of 4,she got her first TV drama role; at 16 she became a model for a fashion magazine; at 18 she went to her dream college---Beijing Film Academy.

  Last year,the 24-year-old actress played bad girl Luo Qingchuan in the time-traveling TV drama,palace.The drama became a bid success and made Yang very famous.The number of her micro blog followers increased from several thousand to more than 3 million overnight.

  Could she be any luckier?

  Yang doesn’t think luck had anything to do with her success.She paved her way all by herself.“Every chance is gained from the efforts I’ve made.”said Yang.People now think she’s very hard-working.

  She still recalls the time when people gave her the cold shoulder.Some treated her with little respect.They didn’t want to her in her time of need.“I’ have to thank them because they gave me the drive to prove myself.”she said.

  That’s why she is eager to help others when they are in need.In May,Yang became the ambassador for the Climate Group.She calls on people to join the Million-Miracle project and plant trees on China’s dry land.

  Together we’ll fight the bad weather!



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