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  1. Define Your Dream Job(s) 確定你的理想工作

  What are your passions and your interests? What activities give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction? Can you envision yourself in a job that fully1 engages your heart and your mind? You may still be trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. That's OK. This eight-step process gives you the opportunity to explore, experiment, and discover what your dream job is and how to pursue it. 你的興趣是什么,你對什么懷有激情?什么樣的活動能給你使命感和滿足感?你能想出某個讓你全身心投入的工作嗎?也許你還在考慮當你長大以后要做什么。那沒關(guān)系。八步法能給你探尋、嘗試和發(fā)現(xiàn)理想想工作的機會,并教你如何追求。

  2. Address Your Fears 解決恐懼

  Financial instability, family disruption, giving up an identity, failing at something new. These are all fears that may stand in the way of pursuing your dream job. The biggest thing you can do to get past these fears is to meet them head-on. Bring these deepest fears to light and examine them with reason; talk about them; play each one out to its most irrational2 end. What is the worst thing that could happen? 經(jīng)濟不穩(wěn)定、家庭阻撓、放棄(現(xiàn)有的)身份;在新事物上失敗。這些都可能會阻止人們?nèi)プ非罄硐牍ぷ?。要克服恐懼你能做的最重要的事就是“坦然面對”。面對那些最深層次的恐懼、理智地審視,和別人談談你的恐懼,設想每個恐懼會導致的最不理性的結(jié)局。可能會發(fā)生的最糟的事情是什么?

  3. Do Your Research 做調(diào)查

  Internal and external research helps you discover who you are and what kind of work meshes1 with your deepest self. Do your homework and access resources ranging from the Internet to one-on-one contact with people on-the-job to determine if what you think is your dream job truly is your dream job. 從自身和外部做調(diào)查能幫助你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己、發(fā)現(xiàn)哪種工作適合最真實的自我。做足功課,從互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上尋找資料,或者和從事你認為的理想工作的人聯(lián)系來獲得資源。從而確定你所認為的理想工作是否確實是理想工作。

  4. Find a Mentor2 找位導師

  Inspirational, experienced, realistic, forthcoming, and optimistic. A good mentor is all of these things and eager to help someone else get started. Recruiting a mentor who is a good match for you requires following a plan of action, asking the right questions, and building a relationship that is mutually satisfying. Having a mentor is the crux3 to the vocationing process. Whether you're 20-something, 30-something, or even 60-something, you need a mentor! 能啟發(fā)靈感、經(jīng)驗豐富、現(xiàn)實、樂于助人、樂觀——一個好的導師具有所有這些特質(zhì),而且愿意幫助別人、將他們領(lǐng)進門。給自己聘請一位合適的導師需要遵循行動計劃、詢問正確的問題,并建立雙方都滿意的關(guān)系。有個導師是找到理想工作的關(guān)鍵。20多歲、30多歲甚至60多歲的人,都需要導師。

  5. Test-Drive Your Dream Job 對理想工作進行初次嘗試

  There's no better way to learn than by doing. Test-driving your dream job with a mentor1 provides a hands-on experience that has the potential to change your life. This is the opportunity to learn as much as possible about the job, how you feel about the day-to-day activities, and what it takes to succeed. Whether your mentorship proves your perceived dream job is indeed your dream job, or if it is a reality check illuminating2 that the job is not the one of your dreams, the mentorship experience gives you the required personal and professional due diligence you need prior to making a career decision. 實踐是最好的學習方法。和導師一起嘗試你的理想工作,你將獲得可能改變?nèi)松捏w驗。這可以讓你盡可能多地了解工作,了解日常程序和怎樣才能成功。不論“學徒經(jīng)歷”是證明了你的理想工作的確是理想的,還是與之相反,都讓你學到做人和工作都要勤奮,這是你決定事業(yè)選擇之前必須具備的。

  6. Create an Action Plan 制定行動計劃

  Pursuing a dream job is less a leap than a series of incremental3 steps that move you closer to your goal. What is critical to reaching that goal is making sure the steps you follow are the right ones. An action plan is needed. If you make a list of all the things you need to learn and do in order to realize your dream job, you will have mapped out a plan for moving ahead. A knowledgeable4 action plan provides you with the power to forge ahead. 追求理想工作與其說是跳槽不如說是一系列讓你接近目標的循序漸進的步驟。要實現(xiàn)目標,至關(guān)重要的是要確保自己的路是正確的。你需要一個行動計劃。如果你將所有獲得理想工作需要學習和做的事情列了表,你就為實現(xiàn)目標畫好了藍圖。一份內(nèi)容詳細的行動計劃能讓你充滿力量、勇往直前。

  7. Establish Thresholds 建立“門檻”

  The biggest reason we pursue our dream job is to increase our life satisfaction. It is important to understand how much risk, challenge, and uncertainty1 you can tolerate before the life-satisfaction goal becomes blurred2 by the process. The vocationing process is as much about what you learn on the journey as the rewards when you reach your destination. 我們追尋理想工作的最大原因是提高生活滿意度。了解在追求迷失目標之前你能夠承受多少風險、挑戰(zhàn)和無常。在這個追尋過程中所學到的東西和你到達目的地時的獲得的獎勵一樣重要。

  8. Think Big, Start Small 大處著眼,小處著手

  You don't have to quit your 9-to-5 job to pursue your dream job. Obligations and concerns may take you down a less-than-direct path. It may take months, not weeks; years, not months. If you are patient and creative, you can keep your career transition moving forward. 你不必辭職來追尋理想工作。職責和憂慮也許會讓你走上一條不那么順暢的路。這個過程可能需要數(shù)月甚至數(shù)年的時間。如果你有耐性和創(chuàng)造力,就能向著你的事業(yè)變遷(更換到理想工作)不斷前進。








確認你的理想工作和通向理想工作的路是一個挑戰(zhàn)也是一次機會。遵循下面實際有用的步驟,你就能追尋自己的興趣和激情、獲得理想工作。接下來,小編給大家準備了通向理想工作的八步法,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 通向理想工作的八步法 1. Defin


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