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時間: 楚薇20 分享

  其實,關于仰望天空,在一部叫《環(huán)太平洋》的電影中就有描述。電影一開場,主人公說:When I was a kid.Whenever I'd feel small or lonely, I'd look up at thestars. Wondered if there was life up there.這道題目在前面三個線索中,完全可以多加入一些背景的描述,很像是一道旅行題目,將旅行中的小過程(和誰,在哪兒,做了什么)描述的稍具體一些,最后再抬頭看了一下天空,心生感慨罷了。下面給大家提供一篇小文,可以參考一下:


  Describe a time when you watched the sky (New)

  You should say

  When this happened

  Who you were with

  What you saw

  And explain how you felt when you were watching the sky

  As for a time when I watched the sky, I would like to talk about a time when I went to oneof the most famous mountains in China, Mountain Tai. Last spring festival, my parents decidedto climb the mountain Tai, so we drove to the city of Taian and spent a whole day there. On theroad, we were talking about what historical sites and attractions we would see on the mountain.

  When we arrived at the mountaintop, it was totally dark. My father advised that we couldtake a short rest. You know, when I lied on one big stone and looked up the sky, I was amazedby the beautiful shining stars. Some of them were so bright on a background of black ‘velvet’.At that moment, I felt that the universe was so immense and we human beings were so tiny. Ialso recalled when I was a little boy, my grandpa told me some Chinese Fairy Tales like ‘Chang Eflying to the moon’ and ‘Houyi shooting down nine suns’. At that time I always sat on mygrandpa’s legs and counted the stars, wondering if there was life out there.

  Well, that ‘Watching Sky’ experience somewhat brought me back to my childhood. It was soimpressive and unforgettable.


  Describe a time when you were looking at the sky.

  You should say:

  when and where you looked at the sky

  who you looked at sky with

  how you felt when looking at it

  and explain why you looked at the sky.

  I don’t often take much notice of the sky, unless it’s a particularly lovely day and the weather is beautiful, with a clear blue sky. I live in a big city, so during the day the sky is usually grey due to pollution caused by cars and factories, and at the night it is glowing because of light pollution, so you can see the moon but hardly any stars.

  The one time of the year I make a special effort to look up at the sky is Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival occurs during the 15th of August in the Chinese lunar calendar, when there is a bright full moon. I can’t always make it back to my hometown, but last year I was lucky enough to have time.

  My family live in the country, so the night sky is very clear and you can see a spectacular array of stars and sometimes even the Milky Way. After eating a big meal, I stood outside with my mother, father and sister and looked at the moon while we all ate moon cakes. As I looked up, I thought about my family and the sacrifices they have made to give me a good education and a good start in life, as well as how magnificent the stars looked.

  Whenever the festival comes, people tend to look up at the full silver moon and drink wine as a way to celebrate their happy life and to extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends far from home.



  Do you like to watch the sky?

  Do you like to watch stars?

  What’s your favorite star?

  What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

  Where is a good place to watch stars?

  Is it important to study stars?

  Have you learnt any courses about stars orplanets?


  1. Do you like looking at the sky?

  答案一:The sky in England today was clear and blue, and i looked at it for a very long time.

  答案二:I love looking at the sky, clear blue cloudless sky is really nice but so are clouds, sunrise, sunset, stars too.

  答案三:I used to do this a lot as a child. My Father used to have us look at the stars with him.

  答案四:I like to look up at the sky, I like it when I see the clouds flows by slowly.

  2. Do you like to look at the sky more during the day or the night?

  答案一:The moon and stars are so romantic. Seeing how theclouds move is so calming. The sky in general is just..intriguing. I do likelooking at it at night though, especially when you are in a really dark areaand can see all the stars. It is just so vast that it's seriously fantastic. Youcan get lost in it.

  答案二:At day I love just looking at the sky when thereisn't a cloud in sight!! It just looksso peaceful, ahhhh. But I also lovelooking at in when there are clouds!! So then I can try and make out what theyare (animals, stuff like that)

  And at night I love to look up at the stars and try and think about what's outthere. I just love looking at the sky!!

  答案三:I prefer clouds during the day and not stars atnight because with clouds sometimes they look like waves or mountains and otherstuff, with stars it's all cluttered and I find it VERY hard to make outimages. Constellations(群星) are definitely not my thing.

  答案四:At night, I like to look at the stars than the moonbecause they shine more brightly. I especially like rainbows and shooting starsthough! I also like sitting at a beach and watch the sea waving under the sky.During summer, at about 8 p.m. I watch the sun going down and when I turnaround, you can see all the rainbow colors but in horizontal view, it's sopretty, very pretty indeed(別忘記帶上一幅享受的表情哦). When you doall that, it gives you a relaxing feeling. It’s likeyou're in another world, or in a beautiful dream.

  3. Where is a good place to watch stars?

  答案一: London has about the worst light pollution of anycity in the world. Like most city dwellers, you should expect to have to travelat least 50 to 100 miles to get to somewhat darker skies. Generally localastronomical societies have located the best observing sites in their area, andare an excellent source of information. (注意改地名)

  答案二:Hardly anywhere. Look at maps of the lit up earthat night and you will see that nowhere can be said to be that far away fromlight pollution, though choosing a place in the wilds of, say, Scotland, mighthelp.

  答案三:I recently spent three days and nights in DeathValley and it was the best display of stars I have ever seen! And I have beento quite a few good stargazing locations in my life.

  The number of stars in the night sky was absolutely incredible! The entireMilky Way band of stars was clearly visible from horizon to horizon. I couldalso see a number of constellations that I haven't seen outside of a photographin years.

  I highly recommend Death Valley for stargazing.

  答案四:To look at stars at night it must be a totaldarkness without street lamps or city lights. Best is in countryside sky or inthe open sea or lake and you see a total black sky with shining stars inthousands. Everywhere is the same.


  At the sight of this topic, the fancy view Aurora comes into my mind.

  I bet that seeing aurora is always a goal for many, I am no exception. However, I’ve never made this dream come true just owning to the costly travel fee.

  To be honest, I first knew this dazzling natural wonder was on the internet. I followed a blogger who is a nature lover years ago, and I couldn’t take my eyes off a video he shot in Iceland. In that short video, I watched in amazement as half the sky was filled with colors. Red, purple, and green pillars rose up and exploded across the northern sky, changing by seconds.

  Actually I doubt whether my poor expression can tell you how awesome the view is. Have you ever seen the rainbow after raining? It has been said that they are alike, but aurora in my eyes is more appealing. You know, those colorful lights lighten up the deep night, which make the sky a multicolored photograph. Even more striking, it is almost as if the lights are dancing in the wind.

  Unfortunately, we cannot predict when the lights will appear somewhere, but it’s worth the effort when you find yourself underneath them as this magnificent light festival covers the sky.


  1. I am no exception 我也不例外

  2. costly adj. 昂貴的,代價高的



  3. take one’s eyes off 把視線移開

  4. in amazement 驚訝地,吃驚地

  5. striking

  adj.引人注目的;異乎尋常的 (interesting and unusual enough to attract attention)

  雖然美麗填空這個話題很多學生都覺得難,但是我們準備了這一個也是有好處的,因為它可以完美遷移到事件類中其他的話題,例如Describe a special day that you remember well還有Describe a time when you were excited。我們就可以說真的去了冰島,然后非常幸運的看到了極光,人生第一次興奮無比。只要我們顛倒下語序,這兩道題也順利的解決啦!










