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  Rain in My Old Home


  Tang Tao

  | 譯文摘自張培基《英譯中國散文選二》


  Spring in the south is known to be rainy. During this season, it never rains there but it remains wet for seven or eight days on end. Dwellers in Shanghai, who usually do not feel the need for rain, will be bored with having to confine themselves in their close quarters when outside it is gloomy with rain. While in the open, seeing no mountains, nor lakes, nor rain-drenched soft green leaves, you’ll find nothing comparable to a fine day. Sometimes, worse still, a rich man’s car flashing past may splash you all over with mud.


  1,“一落就是七八天”譯為it never rains there but it remains wet for seven or eight days on end.,相當(dāng)于 it never rains there without remaining wet for seven or eight days on end,其中wet 作rainy,on end 意為continuously,或at a time.英語常用never but +主語+動詞,表達“未有…而不…”之意(雙重否定表肯定~~),也可譯為”總是“如He never comes but he brings something for the children.


  2,“耐不住悶在狹小的家里“譯為be bored with having to confine themselves in their close quarters when outside it is gloomy with rain.其中對于否定詞”耐不住“,譯者采用一個形式上肯定,內(nèi)容上否定的be bored with來譯,符合英語的行文習(xí)慣。To confine themselves in/to,即“悶著”。


  4,worse still,是增譯的關(guān)聯(lián)詞,將上下文遞進的關(guān)系表達了出來,使得行文更流暢~


  注意新句型never but+主語+動詞~


  I remember when I first came to Shanghai to attend school six or seven years ago, I used to be so very busy with my homework that I often had to sit up late into the night. As it happened to be a rainy year, I was often disturbed by the pitter-patter of rain beating down against the window and roof. Indeed, I dislike rain with no less intensity than the elderly gentleman Qi Ming, who sits about moaning about the wet weather all day in his study, over the doorway of which hangs a horizontal board bearing an inscription in his own hand, “Distressing-Rain study”.


  1, sit up late意為“深夜不睡”灰常常見~

  2, “豈明老人”即周作人(字豈明),因此譯為the elderly gentleman Qi Ming,這類有中國特色的詞翻譯時一定要加注釋哦,可以在不影響理解的情況下加在原文,也可用括號或腳注的方法,總之一定要解釋給讀者

  3, “額其齋”即“ 給某人的書齋取名題字,然后掛到正堂墻或門的上方(所謂的額指的是墻或門的上方)”故“額其齋曰:‘苦雨’”譯為over the doorway of which hangs a horizontal board bearing an inscription in his own hand, “Distressing-Rain study”.

  4, “苦雨”中的“苦”更多地理解為“凄苦,悲慘”因此譯為Distressing-Rain

  5, “天天坐在里面噓氣”譯為who sits about moaning about the wet weather all day in his study,其中moan相當(dāng)于sigh之前我們在總結(jié)“感慨,感嘆“的時候均有提及

  6, To sit about意即“懶洋洋地閑坐“,用在此處較sit更為貼切



  But that’s something which can be experienced in Shanghai only. I’ll never forget the days when I enjoyed the spring rain in my native place as a small child. I would go upstairs to take a distant look. The faraway mountains were veiled in a misty rain. The villages were now visible, now invisible. The wet open country was fresh and serene. And the rainy evening was even more lovely. One spring, together with two companions, I rowed a small boat to a townlet ten li away to see a village opera. At midnight, after the performance was over, we got caught in a rain on the way home. The boat made its way slowly and our faces were hardly distinguishable by the dim light of the lantern. Rustles were heard the boat rubbed its body against the newly grown green grass by the river bank. The rain beating on the awning gave off a pleasant sound, as if with musical rhythm and cadence. My companions began to sing, to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song In a Boat by a Bridge on a Rainy Night. It was truly fascinating.


  1,“村落恍惚,若有若無”意同“村落若隱若現(xiàn)”,譯為The villages were now visible, now invisible.其中“now …and now…”作”時而…時而…”解

  2,“和著同伴們土著的歌謠”意即”伴隨著同伴們唱的地方歌謠“。譯時顛倒過來,按”伴隨著雨聲,同伴們唱起一支地方歌謠…”譯為My companions began to sing, to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song…


  4,“不知哪一年春天,我和兩個同伴,搖著小船到十里外一個鎮(zhèn)上看社戲,/完場已是午夜,歸途遇雨,/船在河塘中緩緩前進,燈火暗到辨不出人面,/船身擦著河岸新生的茅草,發(fā)出沙沙的聲音?!笆且婚L句,我們之前說過,在翻譯時不推崇寫太長的句子,因此在翻譯時,譯者根據(jù)主語和意群進行了斷句,將原句譯為4個分句,主語分別是I, we,the boat, rustles(沙沙聲),譯文結(jié)構(gòu)清晰~



  In recent years, living, as I do, in a big city remote from my old home, I invariably feel homesick listening to the harsh, monotonous drip, drip, drip of the rain. O even the sound of rain has changed, to say nothing of the affairs of human life!


  1,“投荒“本意為”貶謫“或”被流放到荒遠處“,原文作者意為”寄居或居住在遙遠的城市“,故譯為In recent years, living, as I do, in a big city remote from my old home, as I do 是為了加強語氣

  2,“滯澀枯燥的調(diào)子“,”滯澀“即”刺耳“,”枯燥“即”單調(diào)“,分別譯為harsh 和monotonous。

  3,“調(diào)子“即”滴滴答答“的雨聲,譯者用擬聲詞drip,drip,drip 表達~和前面的pitter-patter也是擬聲詞,表示”淅淅瀝瀝“

  4,“更待何說“即”更不用說“,譯為to say nothing







