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  forget things

  1 What kinds of things do you have to bring when you go out

  2 Did you ever forget to bring something?

  3 How do you remind yourself?

  4 Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?







  1.What kind of things do you have to bring when you go out?

  Cell phone, of course. I take it with me wherever I go. And my keys, wallet, lipstick are also must-have items. I always put them together in a small handbag.



  2.Did you ever forget to bring something?

  I rarely forget to bring something as I have a good memory. But there was a time when I forgot to take my house key before I left home. What was worse, my parents were on their trip. So I had to stay with my friend for one night.


  我很少忘記帶東西,因?yàn)槲矣泻芎玫?a href='http://wyyxscd8644.com/jiyi/' target='_blank'>記憶力。但是有一段時(shí)間我在離家前忘記帶鑰匙了。更糟糕的是,我的父母在他們的旅行。所以我不得不和我的朋友呆了一夜。

  3.How do you remind yourself?

  I always write a note about whatI should bring, and stick it to therefrigerator door. Everydaybefore I leave my home, I checkit to find out what is missing. And it really works.



  4.Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?

  For me, there is no difference between the things carried in the morning and in the evening, almost the same.



  雅思口語(yǔ)救生圈(MP3+文本) 第12期:遺忘


  Describe something important you once forgot to do.

  You should say:

  what you forgot;

  when and where this happened;

  why you forgot it;

  and explain what the result of your forgetting was.

  There was a time that I forgot my camera on the train.

  It was about two months ago when I was on my way back from Sanya, a beautiful place where I just had my summer trip. I was quite drowsy when the train arrived at my station. When I heard the train announcement, I quickly grabbed my backpack which was placed on the luggage rack above my head, and got off in a hurry. On my way to the taxi stand, I had this gut feeling that something wasn’t right. All of a sudden, I realized I‘d left my camera on the seat. By the time I rushed back, the train had already left. The result was that I lost it, my beloved camera.

  beloved:[only before noun] loved very much

  beloved by/of somebody loved very much by somebody; very popular with somebody

  I felt so sad, you know, for a second, I really wanted to stick my head into the oven. I couldn’t stop blaming myself for over a month. One of the most obvious consequences was definitely the monetary value. The camera was a state of the art SLR from Canon, I mean, a real pro one. It cost me a fortune. And having lost it meant I had to save for a really long time to get a decent replacement.

  Besides, it was not just the monetary value of the camera I cared about, it was also the memories the camera stored. There were so many beautiful photos that the camera captured, like the one I took of the sunset on the mountain, and the one of the rope and chain bridge in the wind. What was worse, I hadn’t got time to transfer the photos of that trip to my computer yet. I lost everything.

  This devastating experience told me a lesson – never leave important things unattended. I seriously hope I’ll never be this reckless again.


  THE morning sunlight, the panorama from the Shwethaung pagoda, on the highest hill in Mrauk-u, looked magical: lush rice paddy, sparkling lakes and wooded hills, many topped by other glinting gilt pagodas. But in one spot, black smoke was billowing. Another village was burning. From October 22nd-24th Mrauk-u, a tourist centre in Rakhine state in Myanmar, and former capital of the independent kingdom of Arakan, turned into a war zone.

  Below the pagoda a spontaneous, medieval army was massing. Hundreds of young men were on the march: packed on the backs of pickups, on motorcycles, on trishaws, tuk-tuks and bicycles, but mostly on foot. They carried spears, swords, cleavers, bamboo staves, slingshots, crossbows and the occasional petrol bomb. Violence between the Buddhist majority and the mostly Muslim Rohingya minority has wracked Rakhine since June. These were angry Buddhists seeking to avenge the deaths of three of their kin, killed, they said, by Muslims. One tugged at an imaginary beard and made a grisly throat-cutting gesture.

  days the trouble had spread across Rakhine, a strip of Myanmar's western coastline that borders Bangladesh in the north. The government reported 82 killed, 4,600 houses burned and more than 22,000 people displaced―all almost certainly underestimates. Satellite imagery shows the utter destruction of a Muslim quarter of the coastal town of Kyaukphyu, from where oil-and-gas pipelines are to cross Myanmar to China.

  Many of its residents had fled by sea for the state capital, Sittwe, to join some 75,000 others, mostly Rohingyas, who have been confined to squalid camps since June, when the conflict flared up after the rape and murder of a Buddhist woman. A state of emergency was imposed. Sittwe has been under curfew ever since, as now are some other parts of Rakhine. Some blame the central government for fuelling the violence: some ministers made inflammatory statements, perhaps hoping to derail Myanmar's democratic reforms. The need to contain ethnic strife and separatism was long used to justify the army's 50-year dictatorship. Some must mourn its passing.

  2016年 雅思口語(yǔ)難題 --Describe a time that you forget something important; 遺忘,很抽象的題目

  Describe a timethat you forget something important;

  You should say:

  When thishappened;

  What you forgotto do ;

  Who you werewith;

  And whatconsequences you faced;

  Well, what I’vedecided to talk about is the time I forgot to wish happy birthday toone of my friends, which I feel really bad about, not leastbecause he always remembers my birthday.

  Anyway, as for when this happened, well I suppose it must have been about threeor four weeks ago, so it wasn’t all that long ago. And basically whathappened was that I was in the middle of preparing for my universityexams, so I had quite a lot on my mind, as you can probably imagine. Andit was only when my friend texted me a few days later that I suddenlyremembered it was his birthday. So I called him straight away and wished him abelated happy birthday, coz you know, “better late than never”!And hewas really good about it, you know, he told me not to worry, and said that birthdaysare no big deal, so he wasn’t fussed about it. But as I said earlier, Istill felt pretty bad about it, and so I told him I’d try to make it up tohim somehow.So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to sayreally, and hopefully in the future, I’ll get better at rememberingpeoples’ birthdays!







6.雅思英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)Part 1中最難的十話題







  • 雅思口語(yǔ)話題素材:一條新聞


  • 雅思口語(yǔ)話題素材:一首歌

      說(shuō)到歌曲,想必烤鴨們心中應(yīng)該或多或少有一兩首特別喜歡單曲循環(huán)的歌曲吧。下面是雅思口語(yǔ)描述一首歌的方法,跟小編一起來(lái)了解下吧。  &n

  • 一周備考雅思口語(yǔ)經(jīng)驗(yàn)分享

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  • 雅思口語(yǔ)語(yǔ)料:一堂英語(yǔ)課

    雅思口語(yǔ)其中一個(gè)??嫉脑掝}就是教育類的話題,下面小編給大家分享一些雅思口語(yǔ)語(yǔ)料:一堂英語(yǔ)課,希望大家喜歡。雅思口語(yǔ)話題庫(kù)Part2范文之: 一節(jié)英