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雅思口語題庫part2話題之:收獲好的建議(a situation you received some useful advice)

Describe a situation you received some useful advice

You should say:

Who gave you this advice

What kind of advice he/she gave you

Why he/she gave you this advice

And explain how did the advice help you

雅思口語話題P2范文:好的建議(a situation that you received some useful advice)




I remember when I was considering which course I wanted to follow at university I received two pieces of good advice from two different people. One of them was my father and the other was one of my teachers at school.

My teacher told me that based on my abilities and academic performance I would probably be good at subjects like economics or maybe mathematics. My father told me that I should study something I am interested in, no matter what other people think about my choice. I think that both of them gave me good advice.

My teacher observed that I was very good at analyzing things and understanding how different things can influence each other. I was very interested in economics at school when we studied it because it involves many different aspects of life, business, and social factors.

She (my teacher) said that I would probably find it more satisfying to study something I was really interested in than try and do something that was maybe more popular like something related to oil and gas or medicine which is quite popular for women here.

Finally, I decided to study Economics because I like the subject and because I knew I would be happy doing it. I’m almost finished my course now and I have really enjoyed it so I think it was a good decision.

Hopefully, I will be able to get a good job, either here or abroad when I graduate. So I guess you could say I followed the advice from both people who gave me it. I’m happy about my choice, and my father and teacher too.


地道用詞:follow the advice

高分句型:My father told me that I should study something I am interested in, no matter what other people think about my choice. I think that both of them gave me good advice.

She (my teacher) said that I would probably find it more satisfying to study something I was really interested in than try and do something that was maybe more popular like something related to oil and gas or medicine which is quite popular for women here.

My teacher observed that I was very good at analyzing things and understanding how different things can influence each other.

雅思口語庫part2參考范文之:收獲好建議(a situation you received some useful advice)




I was bit confused while picking the situation when I received some useful advice from others and finally I decided to talk about the advice I got from my father when I was in my early teenage.

There was no particular situation or reason my father gave me some advice. In one evening I was sitting near him and watching TV. I was then 14 years old and was very fond of quiz shows. Both of us were enjoying the programme and a few minutes later my father asked me about my school. That was a bit embarrassing to talk about since my recent exam result was disappointing. He then told me some fascinating stories from his childhood and how he felt about school, study and other stuff. My father has a natural talent for telling compelling stories or maybe I love his stories because I like him very much. At one point I was so amazed to learn that he was very much like me and had more passion for playing, hanging out with friends than studying. He then explained me the importance of studying very attentively and how my academic performance will determine my future.

If the advice had not been received from my father, I might have taken it very lightly. But when he told me how he had changed himself and achieved excellence in his academic results and how that has helped him to achieve a career he always dreamt about, I took it very seriously. The best point about this conversation was that I did not feel like I was being lectured or intentionally delivered some good advice. I thought about what my father advised me and I was really captivated about the idea that my academic excellence can someday make me a person I want to be. I was really enthralled about what I want to be in the future and my father’s advice made it clear to me that I will have to study hard to achieve this in my life.

I won’t say I have achieved an excellent academic record, but this advice helped me to become interested in learning and studying. Things could have been quite different for me if I did not receive the advice in proper time. This is the reason I consider it as the best advice I have ever received from anyone. This advice grew the interest of reading and learning in me and that’s the best part in my life so far.


地道用詞:natural talent

proper time

hang out

academic excellence


I was bit confused while picking the situation when I received some useful advice from others and finally I decided to talk about the advice I got from my father when I was in my early teenage.

My father has a natural talent for telling compelling stories or maybe I love his stories because I like him very much.

I thought about what my father advised me and I was really captivated about the idea that my academic excellence can someday make me a person I want to be.

雅思口語庫Part2話題參考范文之:a situation you received some useful advice(收獲好的建議)




When I was in my college, I decided to start a coffee shop at the street where the college was located. My childhood friend, Jonny was my advisor. I always seek advice from him for his extraordinary intellectual level and ability to judge the situations.

When I described the intention to open up a small business, like a coffee shop, at the college street, Jonny suggested me not to open the shop. Besides, he advised me to keep patience and continue the study. Hearing the suggestion, I was astonished and thought that he might be jealous of my potential earning and success. So, I wanted to avoid him and his advice. He also said that my partner was not a trustworthy man. Moreover, the partner I selected was not insincere and I might not be able to continue the partnership for a long, he commented. Jonny asked me to think about the issue again and again, and then to decide either I will continue or not.

The advice was extremely useful to me for several reasons. I followed the advice and did not open the business. Jonny told me that there is a skyrocketed competition among the existing coffee shops, and actually, there are a substantial number of small coffee shops in the college street. So, if I opened a new one, I would have to struggle a lot to survive in the business. Moreover, I was wrong in partner selection. Three months later, the man I teamed up with chose another partner, a friend of mine, and opened a new coffee shop at the same place where I intended to run my business. But unfortunately, they failed to attract new customers and keep pace with the immense competition.

There were some other internal business issues between them, told my friend, like lack of transparency and trust. The advice was beneficial for me as if I started the business with that man, I had to suffer a huge amount of financial loss.


地道用詞:open up a small business

continue the study

a skyrocketed competition

team up with

keep pace with

So, if I opened a new one, I would have to struggle a lot to survive in the business.

高分句型: I always seek advice from him for his extraordinary intellectual level and ability to judge the situations.

Jonny asked me to think about the issue again and again, and then to decide either I will continue or not.

Hearing the suggestion, I was astonished and thought that he might be jealous of my potential earning and success.

There were some other internal business issues between them, told my friend, like lack of transparency and trust.

雅思口語庫Part2話題范文之:收獲的好建議(you received some useful advice)




I’m gonna tell you some useful advice that I have received.

This situation happened about half a year ago. It was around September, 2013, I guess. At that time I was in my last year at university. I was thinking about what I should do after graduating. There were two options for me which was whether to continue my study or to get a job right away. It was a really difficult choice that I had to make.

One of my friends was the one who gave me the advice that affected strongly my decision. He had been studying in UK, in Manchester to be specific, for 4 years. And he had a lot of experience in study abroad. So I knew I needed to ask for his opinion. He told me that I should do a master program in the UK. It would only take me one year to receive a master degree. so it would not cost much time and money as well. he also said that the education system in the UK is very good, very practical and I would learn so much from when I study in there. He even told me stories about his student life in Manchester. and I immediately got so excited after hearing those things. And I finally decided to go study in UK. Partly because of his advice.

I really hope that it would be a right decision and I will benefit a lot from it.


地道用詞:in my last year at university

高分句型:One of my friends was the one who gave me the advice that affected strongly my decision.








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