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  Completing a 26-mile marathon race shares some characteristics with a successful job search. 跑完26英里的馬拉松賽跑和成功找到工作有一些相似之處。

  There is one "winner" who crosses the finish line first. There are the many who quit before they've completed the race. Finally, there are the rest of us who don't finish first, but are determined1 to complete the race nevertheless. 這兩者都是有一個“勝利者”會第一個穿過終點;有許多人中途退出;而其余的人并非第一個穿過終點,但還是決定完成比賽。

  For most of us, half the battle is finishing the race, regardless of where we place among the finishers. The same goes for a job search. 對多數(shù)人來說,完成比賽就是成功的一半,不論最后是排在第幾位。找工作也是如此。


  1. Visualize2 想象自己實現(xiàn)了目標

  Marathon runners and other goal-directed athletes are great at visualization3. They set a goal and see themselves achieving it. The same applies for your job search. Set a goal and see yourself achieving it. No matter how many setbacks you have, hold that vision of the job you want. Continue to hold it. 馬拉松選手和其他以實現(xiàn)目標為目的的運動員非常擅長于想象。他們會設定一個目標,想象自己實現(xiàn)了。找工作也是一樣。設定一個目標,想想自己實現(xiàn)了它。不論遇到多少挫折,都對你所希望的工作抱有憧憬,并不斷憧憬它。

  Focus on the outcome you want, and not on how you're going to achieve it. Picture it in your mind. Be specific. What is your supervisor4 like? How about your co-workers? What is your workspace like? What hours do you work? Including your right brain in the imagination and visualization process enhances the achievement of your goal. 去關注結果,而不是實現(xiàn)目標的過程。在腦海中想象,讓勾畫的圖像清晰明確。你的上級會是什么樣?你的同事們會是什么樣?辦公環(huán)境會是什么樣?工作時間多長?在想象和視覺化的過程中用右腦思考會有助實現(xiàn)目標。

  There is one "winner" who crosses the finish line first. There are the many who quit before they've completed the race. Finally, there are the rest of us who don't finish first, but are determined1 to complete the race nevertheless. 這兩者都是有一個“勝利者”會第一個穿過終點;有許多人中途退出;而其余的人并非第一個穿過終點,但還是決定完成比賽。

  For most of us, half the battle is finishing the race, regardless of where we place among the finishers. The same goes for a job search. 對多數(shù)人來說,完成比賽就是成功的一半,不論最后是排在第幾位。找工作也是如此。


  2. Be Persistent2 持之以恒

  Just as in running a marathon, nothing worth having is ever easy to achieve. There is a lot of rejection3 in job search. Sometimes it seems as if you'll never get a "yes." Remember what good sales people already know: that winning a sale, a job, or any other goal is a numbers game. Commission sales people will tell you that every "no" is one step closer to a "yes." When you can see your process from a more objective viewpoint, knowing that you're one more rejection closer to a "yes," you'll be less inclined to take the "no's" personally or get discouraged. 正如在馬拉松賽跑中一樣,真正的成就不下一番功夫是獲得不了的。 在找工作中會常常遭拒。有時看起來你好像永遠都不會成功。請記住優(yōu)秀的銷售人員早已知道的一點:做成一筆買賣、獲得一份工作或任何達成其它目標都是“數(shù)字游戲”。委托銷售人員會說每一次“不成功”都讓你和“成功”更近一步。當你從一個更客觀的角度來審視,知道你遇到的“拒絕”越多,表明立那個“接受”就越近,那么你就不會傾向于讓“拒絕”往心里去,或者氣餒。

  3. Replenish2 Yourself 給自己打氣

  The job search process, like a marathon race, can be an endurance test with a lot of disappointments and setbacks. It can also go on for weeks, months, and for some people, even a year or more. If you're going to outlast3 this process and prevail, you have to take care of yourself. This means taking time to relax to take your mind off the challenges, frustrations4 and rejections5. Work hard on your job search, then take time out to exercise and pursue activities that bring you joy and replenish you. 找工作的過程如同馬拉松比賽一樣是一個充滿許多失望和挫折的耐力考驗,它可能持續(xù)幾周、幾個月,對某些人來說可能會持續(xù)一年或者更久。如果你想“完成”這一過程并取得勝利,那么就要照顧好自己。這就是說要去放松,使大腦暫時不考慮那些挑戰(zhàn)、沮喪和拒絕。努力找工作,然后花時間鍛煉、參加讓你快樂、振奮的活動

  4. Inoculate2 Yourself Against Negative Messages 抵制消極信息

  Succeeding at a job search is a mental process, and negative input3 from anywhere can poison your mental outlook and encourage fear, discouragement, anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions. Associate with positive people and protect yourself from all types of negativity. 成功找到工作是一個腦力工作過程。發(fā)自任何地方的消極訊息都會毒害你的精神面貌,促生恐懼、氣餒、焦慮、憤怒和其它負面情緒。和積極的人們交往,保護自己不受所有形式的消極侵害。

  A job search can be a big undertaking4. You need all of the assets5 and advantages that you can possibly bring to the party. You can't afford to be exposed to the negativity of others. This includes friends, relatives, and negative articles in newspapers and magazines as well as negative TV shows. Make a point of reading books and articles that motivate, encourage, and inspire you. 找工作是一件大事。你需要動用一切可能的有用東西和優(yōu)勢。你承受不起外界的消極影響,包括朋友和親人的消極影響、報紙及雜志上的消極文章,以及消極的電視節(jié)目。去讀那些給你動力、鼓勵和激勵的書籍和文章。

  5. Meditate2 冥思

  This can be the most important secret, yet it can be very simple. Take some time every day to be still and to get away from the "white noise" of life. Whether you are a spiritual person or not, commit to some quiet time away from the noise of TV, radio, and other distractions3. Give yourself the gift of quietness to contemplate4, calm down, and center yourself. Even five minutes of quiet time can make a positive difference in your life. It will ground you and make it easier to face and overcome the stresses of your job search journey ahead. 這是最重要的一個秘密,但卻非常簡單。每天花一些時間安靜地呆一會兒,遠離“生活的喧囂”。不論你是否有信仰,遠離電視、收音機和其它干擾物,安安靜靜地呆上一會兒。讓自己有時間安靜下來,鎮(zhèn)定下來,把注意力集中在自己身上。就算五分鐘的安靜時間都能讓你的生活發(fā)生積極的變化。這會讓你不再浮躁,讓你更容易面對和克服以后在找工作時遇到的精神壓力。

  As with successful marathoners, job hunters have some secret tactics5 that make their success look easy to others. Winning the job search game has a mental component6. Developing the above five winning secret tactics will enhance7 your chances of success, and make the process more pleasant and less stressful. 正如成功的馬拉松選手一樣,求職者們的一些秘密招數(shù)會使別人認為他們的成功來得容易。精神力量是幫你在求職的“賽場“上獲勝的重要因素。掌握好這五個成功的秘訣將會提升你成功的幾率,讓你在求職中多一些快樂,少一些壓力。









對多數(shù)人來說,完成比賽就是成功的一半,不論最后是排在第幾位。接下來,小編給大家準備了成功人士的秘密雙語,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 成功人士的秘密雙語 Completing a 26-mile marathon race shares some characteristics with a succes


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