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  There is a foreign food that I would really like to try, but I wonder if my choice will surprise you? I will tell you what it is, how I learned about it, where it is mostly eaten and explain why I want to taste it so badly.

  The food is…. Pizza! Now, of course, this is a food that you can buy all over the world, and I really enjoy the pizza that I can buy in my home country which is England in the UK. However, I recently learned from a friend that the style of pizza available here is nothing like the authentic Italian pizza you can get if you visit its country of origin, and since then, it’s one of the things on my bucket list. That is, something I’d like to do before I die is to travel to Italy, find a local pizzeria and get a really authentic pizza.

  So how did I learn what I’ve been missing? I shop regularly at a local family owned delicatessen. The proprietor is Italian, and he is a great foody – that is he takes food very seriously, sourcing only the best ingredients. He and his wife are both vegetarian like me, so they often suggest food or recipes. The other day we were talking and he was bemoaning the lack of ‘proper’ pizzas in this country. He told me that whilst of course, Italian food is very regional including its pizzas, they are nevertheless distinctive. All pizzas MUST be cooked in a wood-fired oven for a start, the dough should be tossed by hand. The pizza should only be made with the very freshest and finest ingredients, and is best eaten outdoors too, of course, against the backdrop of the Italian countryside!

  Pizza is eaten everywhere in Italy, though of course approximations of pizza can be bought the world over. Even so, my deli friend has persuaded me I’ve been missing out, and I’d like to find out for myself how different it might taste if I go for an authentic recipe, venue and location. I’ve never had a real pizza, and I’ve never been to Italy either, I think it would be a winning combination – not to mention that it would also be a great excuse to go to a beautiful country that I have yet to visit. What do you think, would you like to come too?

  Written by - Lucy Marris | Careers Adviser (UK)


  地道用詞: I want to taste it so badly 非常渴望嘗試

  bucket list 遺愿清單,人生清單

  高分句型:I’ve never had a real pizza, and I’ve never been to Italy either, I think it would be a winning combination – not to mention that it would also be a great excuse to go to a beautiful country that I have yet to visit.


  Food has become cheaper and food production has increased thanks to enlarged manufacturing capacity, the use of fertilizers and better machinery. However, some people believe that this will do harm to the health of humans and the local community as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  這道雅思寫作話題語料庫中題目的關鍵詞要落腳到food上,而不是科技提高這個方面。很多考生很容易忽視。對于food的理解,我們不僅需要知道日常生活所吃到的產(chǎn)品,還需要擴展思維,像漁業(yè),種植,畜牧業(yè)生產(chǎn)出來的都可以叫為food. 然后相對應的話題就是健康問題,這里的health是與人類居住的環(huán)境相關的,也就是說農(nóng)業(yè)的快速發(fā)展是否會對生活環(huán)境,食品品質(zhì)產(chǎn)生影響。










  Does skipping breakfast cause weight gain?



  skip breakfast不吃早餐

  weight gain體重增加

  When I was younger, my mother said that if I don’t eat breakfast then I’ll “train” my metabolism to slow down, thus leading to weight gain and associated health issues. I prefer to just have some tea and eat a snack a few hours after getting up. Any truth to her theory?




  slow down慢下來

  lead to導致

  weight gain體重增加


  health issue健康問題

  prefer to 更喜歡


  The food industry has promoted this claim for decades to sell breakfast cereal. But rigorous scientific studies have found no evidence that it’s true.



  food industry食品行業(yè)


  breakfast cereal早餐麥片


  scientific study 科學研究

  The idea that a hearty breakfast is good for your health dates back to the 1920s,when Edward Bernays, a publicrelations guru, led a nationwide media campaign encouraging people to start their mornings with bacon and eggs. One of Mr. Bernays’s clients at the time was Beech-Nut Packing Company, which sold bacon and other pork products.

  豐盛的早餐有益健康這種說法可以追溯到20世紀20年代,當時有個名叫愛德華·伯內(nèi)斯(Edward Bernays)的公關大師領導了一項全國性的媒體宣傳活動,鼓勵人們早餐吃培根和雞蛋。而當時,伯內(nèi)斯先生的一個客戶正是銷售培根等豬肉制品的比納肉類加工公司(Beech-Nut Packing Company)。



  date back to追溯到

  public relations公關


  nationwide media campaign全國性的媒體宣傳活動


  In the decades that followed, dozens of observational studies reported that breakfast eaters tendedto be leaner. Though these studies could not show cause and effect, many health authorities and food companies asserted that they proved that eating breakfast protects against weight gain.




  tend to往往

  cause and effect因果關系

  health authorities健康專家

  food company 食品公司


  weight gain體重增加

  But experimental studies that randomly assigned people to eat or skip breakfast have found no such thing. One ofthe most recent, published in February, found no difference “in weight change and most health outcomes” between people assigned to eat breakfast for six weeks and those assigned to skip it.



  Task:The range and quality of food has been improved with the development of technology and scientific advances. Some peopel think it is good and others think it is harmful. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.





  Sample answer:

  Food science and technology has brought better food and more choices to our table.Many people cheer for this development while others are pretty cautious about it.

  On the one hand, many people are happy because now they can eat their favorite food any time they like to. For instance, some 20 years ago, those who like water melon could enjoy it only in summer because water melon used to be grown in that season. Yet today, owing to the new technology, water melon fans can eat it to the full of their stomach even in the depths of winter. Meanwhile, this wider choice of food provides people with better nutrition, which is definitely beneficial to their health. One example is that people now can have almost all vegetables all the year round, so compared with before, they now have a better chance to maintain a healthy diet.

  On the other hand, this situation may also be harmful to our health. With the wider range and better quality of food on table, many people find it hard to resist the temptation to over eat their favorites. This is actually the main reason why many people today become overweight and suffer from such diseases accordingly as obesity, heart trouble and diabetes, to name only a few. At the same time, it is still open to question whether those modified food will do harm to our body system. Chances are that they will, because they are not natural, after all.

  I would argue for the increased range and quality of food because it grants us more freedom in the food we eat. Though it has some potential risks to our health, those risks can well be minimized by our good judgment. As long as we try to avoid overeating, the wider choice and better quality of food brought over by food technology will be more a blessing than a curse to us human beings.

  (321 words)





4.雅思大作文范文 物品類








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