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  1.增補(Addition) >in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what is more, next, finally.

  2.比較(Comparison) >in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as

  3.對照(contrast) >whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, unlike, on the contrary, while

  4.轉折性過度 >however, nevertheless, instead

  5.因果(Cause and effect) >because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result (of), accordingly, hence, so, thus

  6.強調(Emphasis) >certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most important

  7.讓步(Concession) >although, though, after all, in spite of, still, provided, while it is true....

  8.例證(Exemplification) >for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in >this case

  9.總結(Conclusion) >to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, in summary

  10.推斷(Inference) >therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise

  11.時間和空間(Time and space) >afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyond, above, >below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (well-liked) and effective in helping students to learn.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  It is very difficult for a popular teacher to really help the students learn to the best of their abilities. Popular teachers are more concerned about their image than about pushing students to do their best. As a result, popular teachers are often too easily distracted from the class content, they make the class too easy, and they focus on the students that respond best.

  Popular teachers are invariably very social. They try to show that they are interested and involved in the students’ world by discussing sports, television shows, and other things which are not related to the subject. Although such conversation may be fun for the students, it leaves less time to cover class material. I had a teacher once who was so talkative that he only completed half of the topics on the syllabus. The students like myself who were interested in learning the material had to read the second half of the textbook on our own. Sharing funny anecdotes about his weekend activities, that professor did not effectively teach what needed to be covered.

  Another potential problem with popular teachers is the desire to give good grades. If a teacher fails a student, the student invariably is not happy. Therefore, popular teachers often make tests very easy so that students can get high scores. This may satisfy students who don’t care about mastering a subject, but the top students are not challenged or pushed to study and reach a higher level of understanding. Giving everyone good grades does not make the class better; itkeeps the stronger students from testing their limits.

  Finally, popular teachers often focus on the students who respond well to their teaching style and keep the class entertaining. They call on those students who answer the questions in a funny way rather than students who address the topic in a thoughtful manner. They may even highlight the accomplishments of a few students during their conversations rather than trying to engage and encourage everyone. As a result, some students feel left out, and may even stop attending class. The unpopular students lose motivation and do not excel because they are ignored in favor of students that cater to the popular teacher.

  Popular teachers often do a poor job in helping all students learn because they are more interested in socializing than teaching the class material, they want to give good grades rather than challenge students, and they focus on a few students who like the teacher.

  help the students learn to the best of their abilities 幫助學生盡其所能地學習

  are often too easily distracted from 經(jīng)常太容易分心

  leave less time to do X 為做X留更少的時間

  the second half of X X的后半部分

  keep the stronger students from testing their limits 阻止較強的學生去測試他們的極限

  left out 被忽視,被遺忘

  cater to 迎合


  Popular teachers can be effective in helping students to learn. In fact, the very reason that some teachers are popular is that they make the information they are presenting interesting, are available to answer questions, and they take an interest in the students’ activities.

  The primary role of a teacher is giving information to students. If teachers create appealing programming that relates to the real world, students will pay attention. The teacher is well-likedbecause the students enjoy learning. It is easier for the student to remember the material, too, when it is presented in a fun manner. For example, I will never forget a physics lesson in which we threw eggs into different types of basket. Although some of the alternatives were messy, I still remember how a flexible surface that catches and moves with the egg will absorb the impact of even the strongest throw, so the egg stays intact. I remember the concept because the teacher was good at engaging the students.

  Teachers who are not natural showmen can still be popular by being available to answer any question. Teachers who explain in different ways can clarify doubts, making even the toughest lessons understandable. Teachers can be available in different ways, too. Some teachers are willing to interrupt lessons to explain points. They allow students to ask questions at any time so that no one is confused or left behind. Other teachers have an open office policy where students can drop by and ask questions in a one-on-one setting. Whatever method the teacher uses, it can help the students understand the material and perform better.

  Finally, popular teachers take an interest in their students. Talking about hobbies or goals may seem detrimental to a solid education, but in reality, it can help the teacher explain concepts in ways that the students can relate to. Once I was having a hard time in a math class. That teacher sat down and asked about my interests, and he got excited to hear I liked quilting. He pulled out some paper and showed how the things we were learning could help with my hobby: I could calculate the yardage for a pattern or proportionately change the design’s size. I realized that his popularity was not just based on his chattiness; he used the students’ hobbies to make math practical and interesting.

  Popular teachers gain their popularity by doing the things that help students excel. They come up with creative lessons, are available to answer questions, and take an interest in their students. As a result, popular teachers can be very good at helping students learn.

  is well-liked 受歡迎的

  the teacher was good at engaging the students 老師擅于吸引學生

  natural showmen 天生的表演家

  drop by 順便拜訪

  in a one-on-one setting 在一對一的環(huán)境下

  take an interest in X 對X感興趣

  help students excel 幫助學生出類拔萃



