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托福寫作要解釋原因的時候我們常常會用到due to和because of,那么這兩者區(qū)別在哪里呢?下面一起來看看吧!

托福寫作詞匯:due to和because of的區(qū)別

due to和because of的區(qū)別簡單概括一下上面的描述:

due to相當于介詞。

due to和because of是同義詞,各種混用。

18世紀有一票人研究due和owing的區(qū)別,認為due to不能作介詞。

due to就是介詞,就是介詞,就是介詞。



due to有一個意思是“由...引起的”

due to還有一個意思是“因為...”所以說,牛津字典的觀點是due to既可以作形容詞,也可以作介詞。

下面我們再來看看The Economist Style Guide是怎么說的:

When used to mean caused by, due to must follow a noun, as in The cancellation, due to rain, of... Do not write It was cancelled due to rain. If you mean because of and for some reason are reluctant to say it, you probably want owing to. It was cancelled owing to rain is all right.

仔細想想上面這段話寫的不是很清晰,因為按照韋氏字典和牛津字典的描述,It was cancelled due to rain是對的,只不過這里的due to是因為的意思,而不是由...引起的意思。


這道題大家都比較熟悉,是OG2016的句子改錯第30題,我們重點看看關(guān)于due to說了什么:

神馬?官方直接給due to定性為修飾名詞,意思是caused by。



Usage Note: Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some criticshave insisted that due should be used only as an adjective. According to this view, it is incorrect to say The concertwas canceled due to the rain, but acceptable to say The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain, where duecontinues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation. Although there is still some support for this notion among members of the Usage Panel, the tide has turned toward accepting due to as a full-fledged preposition. Back in 1966,the "adverbial" use of due to (as in was canceled due to the rain) was rejected by 84 percent of the Panel. In our 2001survey, however, 60 percent accepted this construction. There is no linguistic reason to avoid using due to as apreposition, but English has a variety of ready substitutes, including because of, on account of, and owing to.


確實有一票人反對due to當because of用,1966年這票人占比84%,2001年這票人占比只有40%了

語言上講沒必要避免使用due to作為介詞,但是可替代的詞多了,你干嘛非要跟due to干上了




第一句,As is known to all...,逗號,加上具體的原因,一個完整的句子。中文意思是眾所周知,后邊再加上一個眾所周知的原因就可以了。

第二句,是一個比較直接的表達,寫完主旨句之后,后邊加上The primary reason for this is that...,后邊再加上具體的原因。這個this就是指的前邊的主旨句。

第三句,同樣也是一個很直接的表達。寫完主旨句之后,點上句號,后邊再加上一個This is because,后邊再加 上一個具體的原因,就可以了。這三句話是一個非常直接的表達原因的方式。


① As is known to all, +具體的原因

② The primary reason for this is that …+具體的原因

③ This is because +具體的原因


第一個,短語due to,后邊要加上一個表示名詞的短語,加上逗號,再加上一個表達結(jié)果的、完整的句子,這樣構(gòu)成一個完整的因果鏈。

第二個,把due to可以換成because of,后邊加上表達原因的名詞性短語,加上逗號,再加上一個結(jié)果就可以了。


① due to+原因的名詞短語,+結(jié)果

② because of +原因的名詞短語+結(jié)果


第一個,前邊寫一個表達原因的名詞性的短語,再加上result in,再加上一個表達結(jié)果的名詞性短語,就構(gòu)成了一個表達結(jié)果的句型。簡單的說就是,表達原因的名詞短語、表達結(jié)果的名詞短語,中間加上一個動詞短語result in,就構(gòu)成了一個因果鏈。

第二個,前邊寫一個句子表達原因,后邊加上逗號,(和)thereby doing,再加結(jié)果,最后加上句號,就可以了,這是表示結(jié)果的。


①表達原因的名詞短語result in 表達結(jié)果的短語

②原因句, thereby doing +結(jié)果.





① if…+條件,結(jié)果

②一種虛擬的結(jié)果 + unless+條件


沒有什么句式來表達對比,固定的句式你可以使用一些固定的關(guān)聯(lián)詞來表示對比。比如說,in contrast、on the other hand、however和but,這幾個短語都可以表示對比的邏輯。


in contrast/on the other hand/however/but



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The food we eat today is much healthier than it was in the past.



The first reason for less healthy food today is that some pollutants from industry contaminate the crops in the field.


接下來要解釋原因呢,這個地方說個句型,The primary reason for this is that...加上去之后表示原因是什么什么什么。nowadays more and more industrial plants are discharging some harmful substances into rivers or other waters,,現(xiàn)在越來越多的工廠排放了一些有害的物質(zhì),在河流和其它水源當中,這是第一個原因。


and when the farmers utilize the tainted water to irrigate the crops,


those pollutants would contaminate the food produced in the farmland.



On the other hand,in the past, fewer factories were established, and less harmful materials were absorbed by the crops.



Therefore, foods today are possibly more hazardous for people's health.



The first reason for less heathy food today is that some pollutants from industry contaminate the crops in the field. The primary reason for this is thatnowadays more and more industrial plants are discharging some harmful substances into rivers or other waters, 原因①and when the farmers utilize the tainted water to irrigate the crops, those pollutants will contaminate the food produced in the farmland. 原因② On the other hand,in the past, fewer factories were established, and less harmful materials were absorbed by the crops. (對比)Therefore, foods today are possibly more hazardous for people’s health. (結(jié)論)


The first reason for less healthy food today is that some pollutants from industry contaminate the crops in the field.

同樣的topic sentence,寫短語表示原因我們可以用due to,Due to the harmful substances ,這加了個短語,中間加了個插入語such as wasted water,比如說一些廢水,廢水哪兒來的呢,后邊用一個released by more and more factories nowadays,這個地方用名詞短語來表達原因,里邊包含了插入語和過去分詞等語法現(xiàn)象。more pollutants are likely to contaminate the irrigation water, 導致的結(jié)果是什么呢,更多的污染物可能會污染這種灌溉水源。

接下來,thereby making,注意逗號(在thereby之前),導致的下一個結(jié)果是什么呢,more hazardous food produced in this tainted fields.,這就是更多有風險的食物在這種被污染的土壤當中被生產(chǎn)出來。

原因解釋完畢,接下來再和過去進行對比,換個短語,However, farmlands were less possible to be polluted because of ...,再用短語,fewer factories in the past.,因為過去的工廠較少。

總結(jié)一下,點題As a result, foods today are possibly riskier for people’s health today,最后再點一下題,現(xiàn)在的食物在健康上比過去的食物在健康上更有風險。


The first reason for less heathy food today is that some pollutants from industry contaminate the crops in the field. Due to the harmful substances, such as wasted water, released by more and more factories nowadays(名詞短語-表原因), more pollutants are likely to contaminate the irrigation water,(結(jié)果①) thereby making more hazardous food produced in this tainted fields.(結(jié)果②) However,farmlands were less possible to be polluted because of fewer factories in the past.As a result, foods today are possibly riskier for people’s health today..






Range from...



I can think of no better illustration than the example of my own visit to Singapore. Only after going shopping on Orchard road, the main shopping district in Singapore,did I realize what "a paradise for shopping”really was. Only after roaming in the City Hall,the financial center of Singapore, did I experience the quick pace of modern life. Only after lying on the beach of Sentosa did I know about the Singaporean typical way of spending leisure time.


For example, on account of the advent of the technologically advanced society, employers tend to hire people equipped with a wide range of knowledge rather than the ones with limited knowledge.


I can think of no better illustration than the statistic. Experts from

the Department of Sociology in Peking University pointed out that

the average sleeping time an adult has everyday, compared with 8

hours in the 1970s, has decreased t0 6.8 hours due to the busy

work and study.






On account of/owing to/due to+ N

For the reason that/as/since+句子

It is due to_____that

eg:It is due to his persistence and perseverance that he eventually reached his acme.(琨調(diào)句)

derive/arise/stem from來源于

eg:His success derives from his persistence and perseverance.

ascribe A to B歸結(jié)于

eg: His success can be ascribed/attributed to his persistence and perseverance


A serves as a catalyst for B(our further success)

If/on condition that/provided that /as long as _____


Despite the fact that/regardless of




1) Only via(by/through /with/when/after)_____do/did/can we_____

ef: Only after going to the beach of Hawaii will I know about American typical type of spending leisure time.

2) Hardly/Seldom/Scarcely can_____

ef: Hardly can we imagine a world/our life without /devoid of

3_) So +adj+主謂倒裝+that_____

4) Not only主謂倒裝but also_____

eg: Not only should education prepare children to compete not only do people care their economic needs,they but also want to meet their spiritual needs.

5) 0n no account主謂倒裝(決不…)


It is/was_that/who(m)....


l)限制性副詞 probably/directly or indirectly/to some(a large) extent




● 排比

1)It is tourism that gives me the opportunity to know the culture of this dynamic, robust and alive country.

2)It is computers that make our life diverse,convenient,dynamic/ vibrant , with which our life would probably pale.

3) A/which needs to be/in this way, A can be readily accepted, respected,appreciated and advocated.

4) Only via university education can we have systematic knowledge concerning arts and science.Only via university education can we know the essence of symbiosis and collaboration. And Only via university education can we meet the demands of society and make our future success inevitable.


1) Considerably

2) Invariably

3) Undoubtedly/indisputably/incontrovertibly

4) Increasingly


6) Insightfully富有見底地

7) Regrettably

8) Effectively and efficiently

9) Gradually and eventually

10) Readily


It is not difficult for us to imagine that不難想象

2) B makes it possible for us to have an universal access to A/A is readily available.A容易得到

3)In order to survive and thrive in this fiercely competitive society, people have no choice but to work and study hard.

4) Ruthless and relentless 無形 /fierce and intense competition

The ruthless and relentless competition imposes an unprecedented pressure on each and every individual, and therefore, there is no exaggeration to say that our innovative and inventive ability can lay a solid foundation for our future, enabling us to survive and thrive in the modern world.

5) Inspiration, aspiration and perspiration

6) Vision,passion and mission



Sample one(適用于有一些背or有一個中心詞而且編得出來那個quotation的所有情況(二選一,agree or disagree,除了個別);

On contemporary society(一般的背景)/ With the advent of the technologically advanced

society (the information explosive era (與科技有關(guān)的背景),_(中心詞)servers as a catalyst for our future success/_ is synonymous with knowledge and the road to success /_ plays an essential/increasingly important role in .../_ is enjoying an increasingly high popularity among people 很簡單的一句背景

However, people (universities, government, citizen, society, government,) are/is invariably faced with such a question/ can't help wondering:改寫題目1.Confucian (Yu Qiuyu, Mark Twain, William Shakespeare), (one of) the greatest and most influential Chinese philosophers (scholars,

educators, writers, thinkers, statesmen), has insightfully commented,”"I cling to an unshakeable belief that his comment gives the answer to this question:

改寫題目2.Among countless factors which contribute to my position are following conspicuous ones(最后一定排比結(jié)尾,且如果字數(shù)夠了這一句就不要).


Sample two:(如果sample one的名言編不出來或者不適合編如leisure time,就用下面的)

On contemporary society(-般的背景)/ With the advent of the technologically advanced society (the information explosive era (與科技有關(guān)的背景)/ On account of…,_(中心詞)serves as a catalyst for our future success/_ is synonymous with knowledge and the road to success/_ is plays an essential / increasingly important role in ... /_ is enjoying an increasingly high popularity among people./很簡單的一句背景(如 so...that.../not only...but also). However, when it comes to the choice between AA and BB/When asked about whether 改寫題目1,people get into a dilemma. According to my personality and experiences/As far as I am concerned/From my perspective, I cling to an unshakeable belief that改寫題目2.以下最后決定怎樣寫:Among countless factors which contribute to my position are following conspicuous ones(最后一定排比結(jié)尾)/AA not only…but also(2)/There are various merits AA brings about, first of all, to...; secondly, to...;and lastly. . .(3).

要做的:想一句簡單的背景+ 改寫兩次題目+總起(最后寫)


Basic to any understanding of the benefits we can get from_____

is that_____/ First and foremost,

On one hand_____, On the other hand_____

Besides/ What's more/ In addition.



Further lending credence to my position is that_______

(簡單闡述/例子字不夠就多講點廢話)I can think of no better illustration than the example of (典型例子 ) /A case in point is that (不是很典型_______ ……(例子見后面)一句話總結(jié)例子:As a result,強調(diào)句/倒裝句/表利弊的句型/反面論證如果沒有會怎樣


Agree or disagree: Admittedly,_____ ,to some extent, may directly or indirectly_____ /has its undeniable detriments. For instance,_____However, the valuable merits of_____ considerably overshadow the drawbacks/ on no account_____./

二選一: Admittedly,BB also has certain merits which deserve some words here.For example,____【字數(shù)不夠就多講點)However,BB的缺點或AA也可以做到.Compared with AA, (which 可以總結(jié)所有優(yōu)點或針對BB的一方面,) it pales.


Therefore, due to the above mentioned reasons, which sometimes correlate with each other to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any single one of them(字不夠了用), I reinforce my stand point that改寫題目3Only via(by/through /with/when/after) _____can we_____;

only via(by/through /with/when/after) _____can we_____;

and only via(by/through /with/when/after)_____can we_____;

Or It is A that...;it is A that...;and it is A that_(不好寫或顯得累贅就不要了)

托福寫作詞匯:due to和because of的區(qū)別相關(guān)文章





托福寫作要解釋原因的時候我們常常會用到due to和because of,那么這兩者區(qū)別在哪里呢?下面一起來看看吧!托福寫作詞匯:due to和because of的區(qū)別due to和because of的區(qū)別簡單概括一下上面的描?


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