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時(shí)間: 楚薇20 分享

  寫作所要用到的詞匯、語法、和邏輯思維等,無不是中國考生的弱項(xiàng),這就導(dǎo)致了我國考生在寫作部分一直都處于弱勢的部分,如果要想拿高分的話,那么在平時(shí)的練習(xí) 時(shí)可以提前做好這些準(zhǔn)備。下面小編給大家?guī)硗懈懽鱾淇疾豢扇鄙俚乃狞c(diǎn)提分技巧。






  如果不能保證文章的質(zhì)量,可以從數(shù)量入手,記住我在課上講過的托福寫作黃金法則“the longer, the better”!如果不能把文章寫得很漂亮,不能寫出亮點(diǎn),那就多寫點(diǎn)吧,字?jǐn)?shù)多也是亮點(diǎn)。


  假設(shè)你的文章字?jǐn)?shù)是 400字,那么你大概要寫40~50個(gè)句子。把這40~50個(gè)句子,排成編號,從第1個(gè)到第40個(gè),也就是從文章的第一句話到最后一句話,你都知道要寫什么,并且知道怎么寫,甚至每個(gè)句子你都掌握了2~3個(gè)漂亮的句式。假設(shè),這40~50個(gè)句子,你有50%都已經(jīng)是固定句式了,也就是成了自己的寫作套路,那么你還愁文章寫不完么。


  題庫中一共有185個(gè)題目,如果說每個(gè)題目都準(zhǔn)備一篇范文是相當(dāng)不可取的,效率太低,完全沒有必要,壓縮題庫的方法主要有2種:A.將題庫分類。每個(gè)分類寫1~2篇就可以解決這個(gè)類的題目。 B.文章之間的互相轉(zhuǎn)化:




  TOPIC2:如果你能回到過去,你想見誰?why ?


  TOPIC 3:如果you could invent something new ,你想發(fā)明什么?why-

  ANSWER: time machine


  TOPIC 4:你最喜歡的書?


  TOPIC 5:一空地,你想用來干嘛?

  ANSWER: 建毛澤東雕像

  TOPIC 6:一個(gè)外國人來到你的國家,你推薦她去哪?

  ANSWER: 毛澤東紀(jì)念館



  Student can get more benefits from traditional schools than distance learning.

  這句話里traditionalschools 指的是傳統(tǒng)的學(xué)校,而distance learning指的是遠(yuǎn)程教育,所以這句話的意思是學(xué)生是學(xué)生能從傳統(tǒng)學(xué)校獲得比遠(yuǎn)程教育更多的好處。這句看上去還順的話有一個(gè)明顯的語病,不知道同學(xué)們有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn),那就student應(yīng)該改成a student或者students.


  We can receive some helpful advices from our faithful friends.


  從上面兩個(gè)小例子我們可以看出,簡單的名詞也會成為同學(xué)們學(xué)習(xí)作文中的絆腳石。但是名詞又是特別重要的單詞,因?yàn)樗鼈兪亲鳛榫渥拥闹髡Z或者賓語。下面我給大家簡單的總結(jié)一下。英文的名詞分為可數(shù)和不可數(shù)名詞。對于可數(shù)名詞如果不是復(fù)數(shù)形式(通常加s或者es),前面一定要加冠詞(a,the)或者形容詞(this,that, our…)表示名詞的指代和所有人。

  不可數(shù)名詞可以分詞兩類。第一類是很容易理解的抽象想法或者情感,比如正義(justice),高興(happiness)。這類事物是我們沒有辦法用身體去觸及的。而第二類事物是我們特別需要注意的,即不能被數(shù)算的單詞。有時(shí)候英文里的單詞與我們中文的概念不太一樣,這類單詞就需要我們特別去記。如上面出現(xiàn)過的advice(建議) ,information (信息),news(新聞)這些單詞如果我們不留心,便很容易誤認(rèn)為是可數(shù)名詞。另外,很多與食物相關(guān)的單詞如rice,sugar, butter, water 等等也不可數(shù),但是可以通過加上量詞來表達(dá)復(fù)數(shù)的概念,如兩磅糖(twopounds of sugar),兩杯咖啡(twocups of coffee),兩千克黃油(two kilograms of butter)等。


  Employeecan have more personal space if they can work at home although theirproductivity may decrease.

  Iwould like two coffee, please.

  Someevents are not reported by the medias in objective way.

  Conflictsmay occur between local resident and tourist.


  Employee——employees;two coffee——two cups of coffee; medias——media(媒體),objectiveway——an objective way; resident and tourist——residents and tourists.



  In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old buildings and streets.


  Nowadays, for the economic development of a city, the government place undue emphasis on how to boost its tourism industry. While some experts show their enthusiasm on selling their cities to outside tourists by publicizing good social security via recruiting more police, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, improving old buildings and streets is a better alternative.

  Admittedly, hiring more police might be useful in attracting tourists. When government is focusing on recruiting more policemen, these new recruiters would be helpful in improving social security standards. Thanks to the improved standards, more visitors might be relieved about the city when paying a visit to the city; hence the the city reputation would be enhanced. However, on balance, only focusing on police while not improving building places of interest is not enough. Without places about culture or places for amusement parks, visitors still would not come even if social security is good. To attract more visitors, a more effective way would be to improve olds buildings.

  To begin with, improving old buildings helps preserve old cultures. In other words, more visitors would love to visit places with cultural value so the maintenance of old buildings is attractive to them. For example, when Beijing government begins to repair the Great Wall, the symbol of diligence of ancient Chinese people, the experts pay great attention on building the wrecked walls and restoring some stone relics. Meanwhile, they reshape some broken bricks for the steps so that visitors could step onto the Great Wall. As a result, an increasing number of visitors from foreign countries come to Beijing to watch the marvelous Great Wall building on top of piles of mountains. On the contrary, if hiring more police, though government would gain reputation for their good management in social security, it would not add to any cultural attraction.

  In addition, improving the streets makes it convenient for tourists. That's is to say, tourists would love to visit places with convenient facilities. According to a survey conducted on Sina Weibo, after polling hundreds of tourists from the National Holiday, a significant percentage of them claim that when deciding a place as their touring destination, they are more likely to choose a city with broader streets. In their minds, when the city is built with convenient streets and beautiful auxiliary facilities, this urban planning would give tourists a sense of modernism and make them feel go into colorful metropolitan life. With these perfect streets, public transport would be convenient for them to visit both in city and around city.

  To sum up, due to the reasons I lost above, I would regard that by perfecting streets and maintaining old buildings, government would be more likely to attract tourists to visit the city.



  Independent Writing:

  Which is better for children’ education: 9-month study and 3-month break or 3-month study and 1-month break? (2014.7.26NA / 2015.10.10ML)

  Nowadays, topic regarding how to balance study time and break time has aroused a wide discussion among teachers and even parents. While some parents think that 9-month study and 3-month break might make students more easily concentrate on their academic life due to more consecutive time spent in school, I disagree. In my opinion, 3-moth study along with 1-month break would be better for students.

  Admittedly, 9-month study time seems to be helpful for students. Since students would spend 9 month in a stretch, they might be more focusing on their study. Days after days, students are immersed with their coursework, discuss their problems in class and do their homework after class; Meanwhile, they would be less likely to be disturbed by some casual entertainment. Both of them contribute to students’ devotion to study. However, if viewing it from a different angle, after students spend long time on study, three-month vacation is waiting for them. It is supposed that they would consider this vacation as a total outlet after study, and they would play extravagantly without control. Consequently, what they have learned might leave behind, and this would not be helpful for their study in the next phrase. To avoid this, 3-month study with 1-moth break would be a better option.

  To begin with, 3-month study time is beneficial for students. In other words, this kind of schedule is helpful for students to adjust between coursework and rest. In normal middle school, students are asked to study in a quarter of time where teachers choose appropriate course materials so that they will not be too hard for students to study. In physics class, teachers would focus more on Newton’s theories in the quarter, but they might neglect the content related to Einstein because these theories might be too abstract for high school to understand. Meanwhile, even if students have some problems during these three-month study, they would use the one-month time to review them. They could organize their own study at home by making study plan, such as focusing on Chinese passages in the morning and trying to solve math problems in the afternoon. Or they could sign up for some online courses that concentrate on the same course contents, which could help students make up for the knowledge they are not familiar with and understand how teachers solve these difficult problems. In either way, students could have selected content to study in a relatively short time, and they could find ways to review problems if they encounter some misunderstanding.

  In addition, 3-month study is beneficial for teachers as well. That is to say, teachers would dynamically update their knowledge based on feedback according to students from the previous quarter. According to the recent study released from Pennsylvania State University, most teachers in local high school would review their syllabus after every quarter is finished. They would ask students to evaluate the difficulty level of each subject; if students consider the course content is too hard to master, teachers might be required to replace the harder part with a simpler one. Thanks to their feedbacks, for those who have not received satisfied performance in the previous quarter, they will not feel frustrated with these simpler contents and keep on studying.

  To sum up, based on the reasons I list above, though longer consecutive months sound reasonable, students might suffer from too much pressure. As a result, three-moth study would be more appropriate for both student and teachers.










