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老托福閱讀文本 passage30

Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects — it is estimated that 90 percent of the world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions. For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour's walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed.

A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather man between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly "personal communication" citations, even for vertebrates. In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.

In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of examples because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

老托福閱讀題目 passage30

1. Which aspect of butterflies does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Their physical characteristics

(B) Their names

(C) Their adaptation to different habitats

(D) Their variety

2. The word "consequence" in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) result

(B) explanation

(C) analysis

(D) requirement

3. Butterflies are a good example for communicating information about conservation issues because they

(A) are simple in structure

(B) are viewed positively by people

(C) have been given scientific names

(D) are found mainly in temperate climates

4. The word "striking" in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) physical

(B) confusing

(C) noticeable

(D) successful

5. The word "exceed" in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) locate

(B) allow

(C) go beyond

(D) come close to

6. All of the following are mentioned as being important parts of a general theory of diversity EXCEPT

(A) differences between temperate and tropical zones

(B) patterns of distribution of species in each region

(C) migration among temperate and tropical zones

(D) variation of patterns of distribution of species among different animals and plants

7. The author mentions tropical Asia in lines 19 as an example of a location where

(A) butterfly behavior varies with climate

(B) a general theory of butterfly diversity has not yet been firmly established

(C) butterflies are affected by human populations

(D) documenting plant species is more difficult than documenting butterfly species

8. Which of the following is NOT well understood by biologists?

(A) European butterfly habitats

(B) Differences in species richness between temperate and tropical regions

(C) Differences in species richness within a temperate or a tropical region

(D) Comparisons of behavior patterns of butterflies and certain animal groups

9. The word "generated" in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) requested

(B) caused

(C) assisted

(D) estimated

老托福閱讀答案 passage30



托福中的詞匯題是不是讓同學(xué)們的都很手足無(wú)措,可能新手考生還不太明白什么是閱讀中的詞匯題,即選擇4個(gè)選項(xiàng)中和原文某一詞匯意義表達(dá)相同的選項(xiàng),題目基本都為T(mén)he word X in the passage is closest in meaning to ......為什么很多考生會(huì)對(duì)詞匯題束手無(wú)措?一方面是因?yàn)榭忌脑~匯量達(dá)不到,OG中詞匯題的解釋里有一句話(huà),there is no "list of words" that must be tested. 這句話(huà)就告訴考生死了那條心去背所謂的大綱詞匯,因?yàn)闆](méi)有大綱,而考試中要考查到的單詞可能是來(lái)自牛津字典或朗文字典中的任何一個(gè)單詞,范圍大的離譜;而另一方面則是因?yàn)橛械目忌鷽](méi)有學(xué)會(huì)從上下文或者從語(yǔ)法結(jié)構(gòu)去猜測(cè)詞義。因?yàn)镺G中的解釋還有一句a word might have more than one meaning, but in the reading passage,only one of those meaning is relevant。 所以很有可能考生在考試中所碰到的詞匯并不是已經(jīng)讓人熟知的第一詞義,而是要根據(jù)語(yǔ)境上下文推斷出的第二詞義甚至是第三詞義,所以又對(duì)考生做題增加了難度。最可悲的是不僅文章中的單詞意思不知道,連4個(gè)選項(xiàng)中的單詞都有不認(rèn)識(shí)不熟悉的,這樣的結(jié)果就只能是亂猜一氣,聽(tīng)天由命全憑運(yùn)氣,當(dāng)然考試結(jié)果也不會(huì)好。所以在此朗閣海外考試研究中心的專(zhuān)家將給考生一點(diǎn)準(zhǔn)備新托福閱讀考試詞匯題的建議和解題方法,希望能給考生攻克詞匯題給予一些幫助。

Tip 1: 單詞記憶

單詞記憶主要就是背單詞。背單詞是很多同學(xué)覺(jué)得非常痛苦的事情,經(jīng)常會(huì)有學(xué)生來(lái)問(wèn)藥怎么背,背了一些又馬上忘了另外一些。所以關(guān)于如何去背單詞,在這里有幾點(diǎn)建議:1、利用零散的時(shí)間背單詞。利用零散的時(shí)間背單詞可以使用單詞卡片。不過(guò),為了保證效率,首先要確定哪些單詞需要記憶。理論上,單詞量越多越好。實(shí)際上,如果一味貪多,結(jié)果容易打疲勞戰(zhàn),而且效率低。所以,只記那些??嫉暮诵脑~匯,而對(duì)于那些不太常用的學(xué)科名詞、物質(zhì)名詞一般加以忽略。2、進(jìn)行高頻率的重復(fù),建議把重復(fù)的周期控制在7天以?xún)?nèi)。具體說(shuō)來(lái),就是每天背100個(gè)單詞,將過(guò)一遍這些單詞的時(shí)間控制在半個(gè)小時(shí)以?xún)?nèi),每天過(guò)4遍,第二天再過(guò)一遍前一天的。如果程度不是很好的同學(xué)可以壓縮到50個(gè)左右,但盡量不要低于50個(gè)。單詞材料可以找一些相關(guān)的新托福閱讀詞匯書(shū),或者是以往考過(guò)的詞匯題內(nèi)容。3、把背單詞和閱讀相結(jié)合。廣泛的閱讀也是增加詞匯量的一種方法,并且能夠在閱讀中加強(qiáng)對(duì)已經(jīng)背過(guò)的單詞的記憶。當(dāng)一篇文章的生詞量在5%左右的時(shí)候,這些生詞的詞義是可推的。所以我們?cè)谶x擇閱讀材料的時(shí)候,應(yīng)盡量將單詞量控制在10%左右。單詞太多,看不懂文章,太少又起不到提高的作用。相關(guān)材料可以上一些網(wǎng)站看,例如economist,national geographic等等。

Tip 2: 詞根詞綴

有了一定的單詞基礎(chǔ),那么通過(guò)詞根詞綴去猜單詞也不成問(wèn)題了。而且除了單詞有同義詞,詞根詞綴也有同義關(guān)系。例如都是表達(dá)否定的同義前綴就有in-,un, non-,dis-等等,表示否定的后綴有-less,所以當(dāng)看到題目中的單詞有這類(lèi)的否定含義,那么就可以去找選擇項(xiàng)中也有否定前綴和后綴的詞,也許就是正確選項(xiàng),因?yàn)槎际蔷哂蟹穸P(guān)系的。例如incalculable和unmeasured就是一組同義詞。所以對(duì)于一些常見(jiàn)詞綴詞根是需要考生記憶的。具體有哪些可以參見(jiàn)一些英語(yǔ)字典的附錄。

Tip 3: 邏輯關(guān)系

邏輯關(guān)系主要是看上下文及背景內(nèi)容。比較常見(jiàn)的邏輯關(guān)系是并列,轉(zhuǎn)折,因果,遞進(jìn)等,所以考生要特別注意記憶邏輯關(guān)系連接詞。例如這句話(huà)The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising form cities both delay and stimulate the fall of precipitation,depriving some areas of rain while drenching others。這句話(huà)中出現(xiàn)一個(gè)邏輯關(guān)系連接詞while,這個(gè)詞是表示一種轉(zhuǎn)折,意思是然而,所以drenching和之前的動(dòng)作depriving構(gòu)成了反義關(guān)系,depriving意思是剝奪,所以drenching可以猜測(cè)其意可能與剝奪相反,前文為剝奪了一些地方的雨,那么相反就是給予另一些地方更多的雨,所以可以看到選擇項(xiàng)中C。 Thoroughly wetting就是表達(dá)了多雨這個(gè)意思。而drenching本意就是濕透的意思。

Tip 4:代入驗(yàn)證

由于新托福的題目都是單選題,所以范圍已經(jīng)縮小到四選一,尤其是對(duì)詞匯題來(lái)說(shuō),有一種方法就是將選項(xiàng)中的詞放入到原文中去閱讀,看意思與上下文是否合拍通順,如文章中選擇的單詞前后有介詞,就更能顯出代入驗(yàn)證的好處。例如有這樣一句話(huà):When hoisted up in the sky, the microscopic particles act as...選擇項(xiàng)則為A. Lifted B.Grouped C.returned D.pointed, 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)代入后,發(fā)現(xiàn)只有A選項(xiàng)能和后面的介詞UP連接通順,所以答案就是A選項(xiàng),表示升起的意思。

托福閱讀輔導(dǎo):老托福閱讀真題及答案 passage30相關(guān)文章: