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Should the use of mobile-phones in public vehicles be prohibited ?

Well, as far as I am concerned, the use of mobile-phones in public vehicles should not be prohibited.Firstly, using mobile-phone in public places is a civil right for each citizen. This right should be protected as long as it doesn’t run against the law. In fact, this behavior is mostly harmless so it’s impossible to break the law.Secondly, we have a strong need to use mobile-phones even in public vehicles. You know, in this fast-paced society, our schedules are always full and we might receive a phone call at any time. If we cannot use mobile-phones we may miss many business chances.Thirdly, it’s impractical to do a such silly thing to prohibit the use of mobile-phone.Therefore, it should not be prohibited.

What characteristics do you think a good teacher should have?

Well, in my opinion, a good teacher should have the following characteristics:The first one is dedication. A good teacher should be fully devoted to the cause of education so that he or she could do best in his/her job and win students’ respect.The second is patience. A good teacher should never lose his/her patience because this may cause the students’ ignorance of the knowledge. Instead he/she should explain again and again until the students understand.Most of all, a good teacher should be amiable and friendly. If a teacher could become true friends of his/her students, they will communicate better and have a better interaction in class and thus improve the teaching quality.

What are important characteristics you look for in friends?

Well, the first one is honesty. Only if a person is honest he/she can be trusted. I praise highly for honesty because if your friend is honest, he/she would treat you sincerely and would never betray you no matter what condition you are in.Another important characteristic is helpfulness. You know, what are friends for? Help and support, right? And we could enhance our friendship by helping each other.Also, I’d like my friends to be very tolerant. You know anyone can make mistakes. If your friend is not tolerant how can you expect your friendship to last long?

Describe a person that influenced you most.

Well, I want to talk about my father.When I was young, he often told me to be honest, strong and hardworking and he set a good example for me. He neverbroke his promise and he worked hard every day to support our family. Although it was very tough, he never complained nor yielded (gave in) to the difficulties.He never imposes pressure upon me so I could learn what I love freely. He encouraged me to work hard to enter a good university and whenever I got frustrated he would encourage me and help me overcome the difficulties. He made me understand how to care for others.In addition, he never beat me and made me know how important it is to respect others.

Describe the most efficient transportation in your country.

In my view, the most efficient transportation in my country is bicycle.First of all, it’s very convenient. It won’t cost you a single penny to refuel your bike. And you don’t need to go to great length to find a parking lot. What’s more, in big cities, bicycles are sometimes faster than cars because cars are often trapped in traffic jams. Actually you can get rid of all those troubles that have plagued car drivers.Secondly, it is very cheap. Anyone can afford a bicycle. In fact, almost every Chinese family has got at least one bike.In addition, bicycles don’t contribute to air pollution. Travelling by bicycle can do a lot of good to your health.


Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places and explain why.

Well, I’m gonna talk about my study room.Firstly, there are all kinds of books in this room and the atmosphere makes me feel like to study. There are a few tablets on the wall with famous sayings which have inspired and stimulated me a lot. The interesting books make me preoccupied with them and I have learned a lot of knowledge from them.Secondly, it’s very quiet and helps me relax. When I am tired after a long time of study, I usually open all the windows and listen to the birds singing and smell the pleasant scent of the flowers. Looking far into the sky, watching the clouds moving slowly, all these just seem to be fascinating.

Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday.

I would go to New Zealand for a trip if I had a chance. It's a lovely country, made up two islands. It is very lush(青蔥的) and green because it rains a lot there. I would do a lot of different things and one thing I would definitely do is to swim with the dolphins. One of my friends ever did it, which she said was very interesting. At first, she was only brave enough to pat them and then she got braver and held on to one's fin while it took her for a swim. They moved very quickly and gracefully through the water and it was fascinating(棒極了). So the place for a trip would be New Zealand! I’d like to go to Japan if I have a chance.Visiting the Fuji mountain is one of my dreams, you know the peak covered with snow stands there erectly stretching up to the sky ,it is just fascinating. The beautiful scenery of the countryside and the modern amenities in the cities are both attractive to me.What’s more, I am very interested in Japanese history and culture. If I could go there I could deepen my understanding of them.In addition, Japanese girls are very soft and tender which sounds fascinating to me. I am really eager to make friends with them and maybe I could find a charming girl friend.

Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood.

Well, I wanna talk about my first boating in a lake.Actually it was a big fish pond and the contractor didn’t allow boating in his lake.But a fellow of mine and I disanchored his boat and pulled the boat to the middle of the lake. We were very excited thatwe splashed water to each other. And suddenly, a big fish jumped out of the water and we became more excited and we began to strike the water surface with the paddles. To our surprise more and more fishes jumped out of the water and some of them jumped into the boat. We were so excited that we exclaimed cheerfully. Later we were reprimanded by the contractor severely but we really had a good time.

If you unexpectedly received a large amount of money, what would you do with it? Would you spend it for practical purposes or simply for fun? (06. 11.18 考題)

Well, first of all, I would like to establish an education fund for the children in Sichuan Province whose houses were damaged in the earthquake to make sure they could receive a good education. Some of them have lost their parents, it will be very hard for them in the rest of their lives. You know a good education is the most important thing for a person in the long run. If they were well-educated they might lead a happy life in the future.And of course I would set up a company in my hometown to improve the local economy. I have a deep love for my hometown but it mainly depends on agricultural economy so I want to improve the industrial level and thus raise(elevate) the residents’ livingstandard.


Conversation 1

學生請求Art Department多用環(huán)保型材料,教師要她做預算并提交Proposal。

Lecture 1

藝術類。從Pottery的檢測出發(fā),提出了一些常見的方法??梢钥闯?a href='http://wyyxscd8644.com/zixun/wenhua/' target='_blank'>文化交融,但是短處是這樣的檢測很麻煩。

Lecture 2


Conversation 2


Lecture 3

藝術類。講法國畫家倫勃朗會帶學生,所以很難分辨他和學生的作品。但是研究發(fā)現(xiàn)倫勃朗有獨特的畫畫方式,就是把畫分成幾塊,而塞尚則是會一大塊一起畫。友人提出了X Ray and Auto Radiation,只能看到最底層的顏色,其他都看不出。現(xiàn)在用另一種方法研究畫作,就能知道每種顏色留在畫布上的時間,然后這幫助科學家成功發(fā)現(xiàn)了他的繪畫技巧。

Lecture 4





Conversation 1

學生請求Art Department多用環(huán)保型材料,教師要她做預算并提交Proposal。



Lecture 1




Lecture 2




Conversation 2





Lecture 3

藝術類。講法國畫家倫勃朗會帶學生,所以很難分辨他和學生的作品。但是研究發(fā)現(xiàn)倫勃朗有獨特的畫畫方式,就是把畫分成幾塊,而塞尚則是會一大塊一起畫。友人提出了X Ray and Auto Radiation,只能看到最底層的顏色,其他都看不出。現(xiàn)在用另一種方法研究畫作,就能知道每種顏色留在畫布上的時間,然后這幫助科學家成功發(fā)現(xiàn)了他的繪畫技巧。



Lecture 4










相信大家都在找托業(yè)考試的真題吧,下面小編給你們整理了,現(xiàn)在分享給大家。2014年TOEIC托業(yè)考試聽力選擇部分真題Should the use of mobile-phones in public vehicles be prohibited ?Well, as far as I am concerned,


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