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  在托福考試的兩篇作文要求中,綜合寫作因?yàn)槠?a href='http://wyyxscd8644.com/yu/wenzhang/' target='_blank'>文章要求所以不存在觀點(diǎn)方面的扣分,而獨(dú)立寫作由于需要更為完整的論述過程,因此對考生在提煉和展開文章論點(diǎn)方面就由較高要求了。考生在論點(diǎn)上出問題的情況主要有以下兩類:

  1. 觀點(diǎn)太空泛無法寫全寫透




  2. 論點(diǎn)太窄無法進(jìn)一步展開









  網(wǎng)絡(luò)上能夠搜索到的媒體資源有很多,但并不是所有資源都可以利用、值得利用。文韜老師在此為各位考生確定兩項(xiàng)原則:一是語言必須高大上,例如New York Times、USA Today、The Economist等。這些歐美國家主流媒體有良好的聲譽(yù),使用的語言優(yōu)美、簡練,且經(jīng)過資深編審把關(guān),值得信賴。二是選擇有效信息。新聞、評論等文章一般呈現(xiàn)“倒金字塔”的機(jī)構(gòu),最重要的信息通常出現(xiàn)在開頭部分,之后很可能旁征博引,敘述很多內(nèi)容,因此考生務(wù)必明確一個主題,選擇最重要、最有用的信息組織語料,用3-4句話把事情說清楚、說具體。




  接下來文韜老師帶各位考生具體感受一下。例如我們點(diǎn)擊USA TODAY官網(wǎng),發(fā)現(xiàn)科技版頭條新聞“Uber首席執(zhí)行官表態(tài)降價要玩真的(Uber CEO is serious about keeping prices down)”,我們就可以按照閱讀的規(guī)則技巧快速瀏覽,找出文章中有價值的信息。原文鏈接附上:



  The CEO of the world biggest ridesharing service Uber Technologies, is serious about the company’s goal of keeping prices low for his customers. During the press conference, the CEO several times brought his arm down emphatically and pointed out that Uber wants to make the cost of its service cheaper than owning a car. To walk the line between capitalism and humanitarianism, Uber needs detailed data about the demand for its service. But always having a reliable ride is what he wants on Uber, and the sharing mode will be so reliable that every customer won’t have to schedule a ride in advance.


  一般來說,考生只要用這種方法整理約20個不同題材的語料,就可以輕松搞定托福寫作和口語中的“Independent Task”。當(dāng)然,備考時間相對充裕的考生還可以從多個角度利用語料提升語言能力。例如針對托??谡Z考試,我們可以根據(jù)語料對Ridesharing這種現(xiàn)象進(jìn)行復(fù)述和評價,也可以聽關(guān)于Uber公司的音頻積累科技、交通類的詞匯等。


  1. However

  1)We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors.我們原以為這些數(shù)據(jù)正確,不過我們現(xiàn)在發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些錯誤。

  2)However, he smothered, as best he was able, these feelings.然而,他盡其所能抑制住了這些感情。

  3)If, however, you are an extrovert you are quite likely to enjoy it.然而,如果你是一個性格外向的人,你很可能會喜歡它。

  4)It was, however, a little disappointing.不過,這有點(diǎn)兒令人失望。

  2. Nonetheless

  1) The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.這本書篇幅太長,但是很有知識性和趣味性。

  2) The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.問題不嚴(yán)重, 不過我們還是需要盡快處理。

  3) Nonetheless, it contains an element of truth.然而它也有些道理。

  3. Nevertheless

  1) He was very tired, nevertheless he kept working.他累得很,然而仍繼續(xù)工作。

  2) There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.我們幾乎沒有可能改變法律。不過,重要的是我們努力爭取。

  3) Nevertheless, they deserve notice and respect.然而,他們應(yīng)該受到重視和尊敬。

  4. By comparison

  1) He was mortified by comparisons between his classmates’ good marks and his own.拿自己的成績與同學(xué)們的優(yōu)異成績相比較他感到羞愧。

  2) By comparison, expenditure on education increased last year.相比之下,去年教育經(jīng)費(fèi)增加了。

  5. By contrast

  1) By contrast, she was much more outspoken.對比起來,她坦率得多。

  2) When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.看看他們的新系統(tǒng),我們的相比之下就顯得太過時了。

  6. Therefore

  1) He is young and therefore easily pervertible.他年輕,因而容易變壞。

  2) All sincere opinions should therefore be respected.因此一切誠懇的意見都應(yīng)該收到尊重。

  3) He is highly strung, and therefore, subject to heart attacks.他神經(jīng)高度緊張,所以很容易發(fā)心臟病。

  4) Therefore energy is now not a peripheral but a central issue in the economy.因此,能源在現(xiàn)時經(jīng)濟(jì)中并非枝節(jié)問題而是一個中心問題。

  5) We have a growing population and therefore we need more and more food.我們的人口越來越多,因此我們需要越來越多的食物。

  7. Hence

  1) It’s handmade and hence expensive.這是手工制作的,因此價格很貴。

  2) The computer has become smaller and cheaper and hence more available to a greater number of people.計(jì)算機(jī)已向小型低價的方向發(fā)展,從而使更多的人能夠用上。

  8. Thus

  1) Life was thus made richer.生活因此變得更加豐富充實(shí)了。

  2) We have failed. Thus we have to take the consequences.我們失敗了。因此,我們只得承擔(dān)后果。

  3) We hope the new machine will work faster, thus reducing our costs.我們希望新機(jī)器將工作得更快,從而降低成本。

  4) We’re able to do in-depth research and thus spot future trends.我們能作深度的研究,因而能看出來未來的趨向。

  5) Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health.老年人常常想方設(shè)法節(jié)約暖氣,結(jié)果損害了他們的健康。

  6) The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.大學(xué)擴(kuò)招了,這樣就使更多人能有機(jī)會接受高等教育。

  7) A rise in incomes will create increased purchasing power, thus stimulating demand for goods and services.收入增加會提高購買力,從而刺激對商品及服務(wù)行業(yè)的需求。

  8) We give money to charities, and thus salve our consciences.我們給慈善事業(yè)捐款,從而使自己的良心得到寬慰。

  9. In view of

  1) In view of the recent developments, we do not think this step advisable.考慮到最近事態(tài)的發(fā)展,我們認(rèn)為這一步不可取。

  2) Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.考慮到婦女婚后常常被迫放棄有償工作,志愿工作就尤為重要。

  10. More often than not

  1) Food is scarce and more often than not they go hungry.食物特別少,所以他們經(jīng)常挨餓。

  2) More often than not, his dog will try to bite his guests.他的狗經(jīng)常會去咬客人。

  11. On the one hand

  1) On the one hand they’d love to have kids, but on the other, they don’t want to give up their freedom.一方面,他們想要孩子,但另一方面,他們又不想放棄自由自在的生活。

  2) The firm was accommodating its customers on the one hand and making aggressive demands on the other.這家公司一方面盡量給顧客提供方便,另一方面則向他們大提要求。

  12. For instance

  1) What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?比如說,如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)有職員偷東西,你會怎么辦?

  2) It is a very nice town; it’s got very nice shops for instance.那是座非常好的城鎮(zhèn);例如,它有很好的商店。

  3) Taking advertising for instance.以廣告為例。

  4) Let’s take Napoleon, for instance.以拿破侖為例。

  5) Murder, petty theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.比如謀殺、小偷小摸和逃稅,都有不同的動機(jī)和后果。



  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them. 人們買一些東西并不是出于需求,而是因?yàn)槠渌艘矒碛兴鼈?,是否認(rèn)同?


  In recent decades, international trades and improving living standards have largely contributed to the large scale of purchase of products. The reason behind this commercial behaviors either comes from individual’s needs for them or from envy of those who have already possessed them. From my perspective, the essential motive behind the scene would be for individual purposes.

  Admittedly, people would sometimes buy the products because friends or classmates have them. it is not rare to see that after a high school studens has bought a newly-released iPad and bring it to the class, other friends would be at first gathering around him to witness how the product runs and then beg their parents to buy the one for them. For them, buying the newest generation iPad might bring them attention from others, which has nothing to do with the functionality of product. However, on balance, this only happens for within a small number of people, especially young students and women. For other consumers, they would be wise in choosing what they want. In this regard, more people are buying products out of their needs.

  To begin with, for college students, they are inclined to buy what they really want. In other words, due to limited living expenses monthly, most of them could not buy whatever they want. According to the recent survey conducted on Sina Weibo, after polling 500 students in universities from Beijing, most of them claim that each month they have to manage their living expenses within 1500 yuan. Not only does this sum of money have to cover meal bills, clothing and fees for textbooks, but it also have to deal with emergencies. Under this circumstance, normally they have to make a plan for money use, and try to avoid buying things with little practical use. This explains why college students in Beijing rarely buy the newest generation of iPhone or pay for monthly travel, and they have to put the money either on textbooks or living necessities.

  In addition, male adults are another group of consumers who make purchase based on real needs. For example, for those who decide to buy a car, the motive is mostly because the car could help family member to tackle emergencies or drive them to the suburb for a relaxing weekend. Also, for those who decide to equip with a new Macbook, the motive might have something to do with work requirement, which asks them to process the data faster and more accurately. Moreover, for those who deicide to spend money on applying for MBA in business school, the motive might be related to career development. A wider caree insight cultivated from MBA would give them a broader window of success in the work. Seeing from this, it is the utilitarian purpose that makes male adults buy real products.

  To sum up, although it is normal to see some customers making impulsive purchase since, most of the rational customers would buy products out of their needs.




托福獨(dú)立寫作因?yàn)檎擖c(diǎn)問題而扣分的情況并不少見。。下面小編就來重點(diǎn)解讀兩種托福獨(dú)立寫作中的論點(diǎn)扣分問題,一起來看。 托福獨(dú)立寫作如何給出合理觀點(diǎn)避免扣分?立論點(diǎn)需躲


  • 托福寫作一定要避開的四大誤區(qū)


  • 托福獨(dú)立寫作第一段寫作模板


  • 托福寫作第一部分的注意事項(xiàng)


  • 托福寫作_獨(dú)立寫作“三選一”類型題目,到底怎么寫?
