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Your favorite car

You should say:

What is name of your favorite car?

What are the features of the car?

How has it changed your life?

The name of my favorite car is Toyota Corolla. I bought this car 3 years ago. Before this I used to travel on the bus, but after buying this car my life changed significantly. This car is not very expensive, yet it provides all the good features which a person might from a luxury car. I like red color so I chose to buy a red a car. It is true that I cannot always look at the color of my favorite car, but whenever it is parked somewhere I feel good.


The car has power windows, so we do not have to manually do the work. The car also has a very beautiful interior. The interior of the car is comparable to the interior of any good luxury car in the world. The thing is that I do not like to drive the car fast, but for all those people who want to drive the cars fast should definitely go for this car. This car also has an SRS airbag which means that in the event of an accident the driver’s life would be safeguarded. The design of the car also strives to provide a certain kind of protection for all those people who are sitting in it.


I bought the cat 3 years ago since then my life has been great. Before buying this car I was in a dilemma. I never reached at places on time and I was not able to manage my in a proper way. This car has made my life easier and I can easily say that I can’t survive without it now.



Under pass train is a common vehicle type in my city and I often use this transportation system. Though bus is the most common transportation system in my city, there are so many people who use the under pass trains to reach to their academic and work places.

I use the trains almost 5-8 times a week to reach my work place/ university. While returning home, I take the taxi as train schedule in the evening contradicts my schedule. The train is much cheaper than the public bus or taxi in my city. Since, I do not own a car I need to rely on the public transportation systems and the train costs only few dollars per week. Someone can have a train pass for the whole month only for 50 dollars and this would allow him/her to travel any places within the city as many time as he/she needed.

The train station is in walking distance from my living place and that’s the primary reason I prefer this transportation to reach my university/ work place. I do not have to wait for a long and usually I can get a moderate seat in it. There is no traffic jam to kill my time on the road and that’s another important reason for my preference for this train transportation system. Finally, I can save a great deal of money using the train over taxi or other sorts of transportation system. Because all of these facilities and advantages I often use this transportation system.

Alternative Answer:

The tram bus is a common vehicle in my hometown and I often use it to travel to different parts of the city. I often use this tram bus to reach my university/ work place and to return home. On an average, I use this transportation 3-5 days a week.

Tran bus in my city is a cheap way to travel compared to other forms of transportations like taxi, shuttle train, or private car. Tram bus is cheap, easily available and a safe mode of transportation system for me. I do not have to wait for a long to catch a tram bus and it has a diverse route throughout the city which makes it an ideal form of transportation for the city people. I most of the time enjoy my journey in these buses especially when I can get a seat beside the window of the bus. I can watch the natural scenarios besides the roads and the ticketing system of this bus has become online. I can get tickets or a pass card f the tram bus from home using internet and that is another reason I prefer this transportation system over other available form of transportation in my city.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

1. Describe a common transportation system in your hometown.

2. Describe a vehicle you often use.

3. Describe the transport people in your city often use.


1. Can you drive a car?

No, I don’t have a driver’s license. Actually I don’t think I can handle the steering wheel properly and keep the car going straight. Also, I am bad at locality so driving would be the last thing I want to do.


2. Do you like cars?

Yes, I like cars. There are different types of cars, such as sports car; limousine, truck, van, wagon etc. but I like SUV most.


3. If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose?

My dream car is BMW X6 and because it’s multi-functional. It has got 5 leather seats and an enlarged sky window. It’s cool and the flashiest thing is that a GPS system was installed in it, so I do not need to locate the route.


4. Do you like travelling by car?

No, I don’t think so. Driving for a long time is no picnic. It takes lots of energy concentrating on the road condition. Also, traffic congestion is a norm in my country.


5. Why people buy private cars?

Most families purchase cars for convenience. My father has a van, and he knows driving backwards and forwards. My father drives to work on weekdays and he drives us for picnic or to the beach during weekends or family days.




很多話題中包含兩個話題點,當遇到這類話題的時候,考生通常選擇比較片面的回答。如Do you like to watch sports on TV? 考生則往往側重于sports而非TV進行回答--No, not really. I do not like sports. Instead of sports, I like reading. I am interested in comic books, which own loads of pictures. 這樣的回答看似完整,其實已經跑題了。話題變成了談論興趣愛好。雖然連貫性仍舊很好,但是考官可能就一頭霧水了。

Do you like to watch sports on TV?

No, not really. I am interested in various kinds of sports. However,I am fond of doing sports like jogging by myself instead of watching TV. When it comes to TV, I seldom watch it, let alone watching sports programs on TV.



面對抽象問題,如果考生同樣用抽象的方法進行回答,這樣不僅不能夠把問題表達清楚,同樣的,考生也會感覺自己能夠說的點少之又少。但是如果能夠把抽象問題具體的分類進行表達的話,話匣子自然而然就可以打開了。如What do you do in your spare time? 什么是spare time,如果籠統的回答的話,可能就變成了日常生活活動---In my spare time, I will read some books, watch movie and sometimes go shopping.如果再具體說下去,也基本上是添加一些日??赡艿幕顒?,考生自己都會感覺這樣的列舉讓回答顯得比較單調。


由于部分主要為針對個人問題的回答,如果考生按照通常感受進行回答的話,通常會缺乏觀點,因而導致夸張而不真實的回答。如對于近期熱門的工作學習類話題中的問題Who is more important to you in terms of study, teachers or classmates? 很多學生表示會說老師,理由通常為They teach me knowledge and give me a lot of instructions in my study. In a word, they help me a lot. 這樣回答的同學占了絕大多數,可想如果考官多次聽到這樣的回答會是多么的厭倦。因此,建議考生要按照自己的特定身份進行特定的回答,講講自己身邊的實事和事實,這樣話匣子會比較容易打開。

如對于很多大學生來說,通常的感覺是同學對自己的幫助更大,能夠及時給予幫助,而老師基本上完課就很難再次聯系到了。由此,我們可以按照自己的身份進行如下回答:As an undergraduate, classmates tend to be more important to me. As for teachers, they are hardly to be found when I get some questions to ask. However, classmates are more accessible. I am able to ask them questions at any time coz we usually study together in the library.


As a senior high school student, teachers are more important. When it comes to classmates, I would say we seldom talk about study during the short class break. Instead discussing study problems, we would have a brief chat together. However, teachers are usually in the office. Once we get any question, we can seek them for help as soon as possible and get the most convincing explanation.















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