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雅思口語考試話題類型多種多樣,掌握每種話題的表達方法,才能以不變應萬變,今天小編就來給大家分享一下,雅思口語話題Part2范文:a good news heard from other people,更多雅思口語話題范文,歡迎隨時關注學習啦。

雅思口語話題Part2范文:a good news heard from other people

You should say:

when you heard about the news

what this news was about

how you got this news

and explain why you think it was a good news


After I finished my graduation, I applied for 2-3 jobs and faced the interviews in these companies. One day I got a phone call from one of the companies from the HR department and the caller confirmed that I was hired for the job I applied for. This was a very exciting and good news for me as I was expecting to start a job so eagerly.

I did not know the person who called me at that time but later I found that he was the head of the human resources department of the company and his name was Kane. I heard it in (…say a year i.g. 2017b…) and it was probably June.

My parents and relatives wanted me to get involved in a job right after my graduation and I felt the same. Some of my classmates were already doing jobs and I thought I should start a job as well. After I got the job confirmation call, I was very excited and happy. The first job confirmation, in my opinion, is very significant and exhilarating and I felt no less. I was so happy that I instantly confirmed that I’d be joining the job from the next week. Then I shared the news with my parents and sisters and they were very happy as well.


? What are the different of communicating online and face-to-face communication?

? By what means do people receive news from social media?

? How do people share good news?

? Why people do not share good news of their own?

? How do people share good news with their neighbours?

雅思口語Part 2 好消息 Describe a piece of good news you heard

Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the internet). You should say:

What the news was about

When you got this news

Where you got this news from

And explain why you think it was a good piece of news

故事簡介:我曾經在CCTV新聞中,看到了一個很棒的法律,酒駕法,它生效于2011年4月,說酒 駕是違法行為,違者將面臨嚴肅懲罰。我覺得這個法律非常好,因為它幫助減少了事故發(fā)生率,讓擁 擠的馬路變得少風險。

I have heard countless great news from TV and the Internet, such as tax reform and education reform. But here I would like to share a piece of important and great news which I heard from a TV show called CCTV News when I was in high school. I was super excited and thought that the government was doing the right thing.

The news was about the law for drunk driving. It took effect in April 2011, saying that drunk driving is criminal behavior. Anyone caught over the legal alcohol limit when driving get a serious penalty, such as several months of detention, revoking of their driving licenses and fine of 1000 Yuan.

You know, numerous laws in China have ensured social justice and human rights, making China one of the safest countries in the world. I would say the news about the law is excellent. Government reports have shown that lots of people got injured these years. Drink driving is not only harmful to yourself, but it also puts others in danger. It’s important for everyone to observe the law. After the law came into effect, the number of drunk driving cases fell dramatically. Since China’s roads are getting busier, the new drunk driving law was designed to make them a little less dangerous.




注意:游覽卡片內容要既準確又迅速,一定不要誤解標題和小標題上的任何內容,否則會造成談話跑題而丟分。比如卡片上要求考生“talk about a Chinese traditional festival”,如果考生講的是“National Day”就不會得到任何分數,因為“National Day”是個現代節(jié)日,而不是“traditional festival”這就象寫作考試中作文寫跑題一樣。








雅思口語考試內容是什么?雅思口語考試問題的回答過程中,通常出現的情況就是在沒有任何時間思考的情況下,考生很多時候的回答都是第一反應。小編認為這樣的答案內容并不是說不好, 只是說缺乏創(chuàng)意,而且很多學生都會說一樣的內容。


雅思口語考試內容第一部分,introduction and interview部分

那什么叫introduction and interview呢,主要我們分成兩個部分在這個小項里面,第一呢,在一開始考官會問你一些最基本的,確定你身份的問題,比如說他會問道,你的名字是什么?我可以看你的證件嗎?Can I have your ID please- 然后在這個過程之后呢,當確定了身份之后就會正式進入到這個所謂interview的部分了。同學們最好參考一下最新雅思口語機經的內容,了解一下雅思口語評分標準同樣重要。


雅思口語考試內容第二部分,Personal long-turn部分

那在第一部分的這個交流之后呢我們就會進到我們所謂的第二部分,這個Personal long-turn,這個Personal long-turn來說,很多學生可能不太知道這是什么意思,那我們會拿到一張A4大小的紙,那在這個紙上你會有一個題目,那可能是關于人,或者一個地方,或者一個事情,或者一個東西的一個題目,那下面你會有一些提示的問題,根據這個問題,考生有一分鐘的時間去做準備,然后兩分鐘的時間咱們需要自己來喋喋不休的來說一個整段的話,那這段話呢我們必須圍繞著我們這個題目所給出的內容來回答。同學們也可以相應的做一些展開。

雅思口語考試內容第三部分,Two-way discussion部分

那我們在這個第二部分的Personal long-turn之后呢,我們進入到這個第三部分,叫Two-way discussion的部分,那什么叫Two-way discussion呢,實際上形式上來說它是第一部分的一個類似的東西,它是以問答的形式出現,考官會拋出一些問題,這些問題在內容上呢我們通常是跟第二部分你回答的這個問題有關系的,那么這個Two-way discussion主要討論一些比如說社會、自然生態(tài)以及各個方面的這些內容,而它的問題難度呢比第一部分相對要深很多,詞匯量的要求也會大一些,那這個時間我們也持續(xù)在四到五分鐘之間。那整個口語考試我們在這里可以看到,我們只有十一到十四分鐘。

雅思口語話題Part2范文:a good news heard from other people相關文章







雅思口語考試話題類型多種多樣,掌握每種話題的表達方法,才能以不變應萬變,今天小編就來給大家分享一下,雅思口語話題Part2范文:a good news heard from other people,更多雅思口語話題范文??
