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時(shí)間: 方婷698 分享




  1), you are like the root balsam pear, wear so cool and refreshing, grow so relieve inflammation or internal heat.

  2) you don't talk to me, because I don't understand, in the eyes of others, I and a pig in the quarrel is a very stupid thing.

  3) to you, I really can't figure out what language and different human your communication!

  4) all day with inferior perfume still gather around the man, who see your one eye?

  5) long is really creative, live really have the courage!

  6) you live waste air, dead waste of land, half-dead waste RMB!

  7) when you picked up a mirror and look at yourself... Do you think is redundant, but...... You is redundant.

  8) cursing others thick-skinned, said mosquito should be difficult to get you, mosquito struggled for a night is boring.

  9) if you can allow scientists to study actively, so that to understand the world of alien creatures cause a great deal!

  10) I don't understand the rope knot is too long will, and your tongue is not?

  1) 你就像根苦瓜,穿得這么清涼,長(zhǎng)得這么敗火。

  2) 你別和我說話,因?yàn)槲衣牪欢趧e人的眼中看來,我和一條豬在吵架是一件很愚蠢的事。

  3) 對(duì)你,我實(shí)在想不出有什么語(yǔ)言和不同人類的你溝通!

  4) 整天滿身的劣質(zhì)香水味還往男人身邊湊,誰(shuí)多看你一眼了嗎?

  5) 長(zhǎng)得真有創(chuàng)意,活得真有勇氣!

  6) 你活著浪費(fèi)空氣,死了浪費(fèi)土地,半死不活浪費(fèi)人民幣!

  7) 當(dāng)你拿起鏡子,看著自己...你以為是多余的,其實(shí)吧……你還真是多余的。

  8) 罵人別人臉皮厚,就說蚊子應(yīng)該很難訂到你吧,蚊子奮斗了一晚上都沒勁了。

  9) 如果你能主動(dòng)讓科學(xué)家研究,這樣對(duì)世界了解外星生物的事業(yè)作出了很大的貢獻(xiàn)!

  10) 我就不明白繩子太長(zhǎng)就會(huì)打結(jié),而你的舌頭卻不能?


  1) you say, my adolescence up blain blain, you envy of menopause is it?

  2) you don't have the image of the pig, but you have the temperament of the pig.

  3) your mother whore, a hammer on the skull long, I wonder how the expo didn't shout you go to the exhibition?

  4) XX of the pictures on the wall, ward off evil spirits during the day and night for birth control.

  5) seduce my man, I just make you send spring old bitch.

  6) see you have a walk with pride, afraid of other people don't know that you are the airport, please.

  7) all day with the good relations, the relationship is good, but in the end what does that make you in others' eyes.

  8) spring has passed, you still send spring do, regardless of season in the spring of original hair.

  9) you look very refreshing said!

  10) how old niang natural volume, much better than your pot?

  11) a girl, a good a regular length skirt or pants blouse, get some jewelry reasonable decorate yourself, speak eps computation of gas gas, the fair maiden point is bad? !

  12) if acne on my face and less hair on your head, will be satisfied!

  13) be kissed when you were young?

  14) you strong again can you hold your urine?

  15) see you later, I knew your dad all day scold you "raw pieces of X is better than you" is what meaning, see X to burn, again see you contrast, X burn is really better than you! Swear bible

  16) you left look like an idiot, right look like a fool, look like a pig, looking down a donkey.

  17) to immigration to Mars, is to leave you.

  18) who says the most stupid pig brain? I said the most intelligent pig brain, eat, sleep, what also don't want to, keep fat fat fat, can only say that maintain a good pig brain, your brain is to maintain the best

  19) over the years who always take care of you? I admire his courage.

  20) can you speak civilization, about the quality, I think it's time I reborn life again.

  21) please don't use your excretory organ to speak to me, this is very impolite, thank you!

  22) to talk to you can make good, but can't speak.

  23) as a phase also dug a mouth, drum cheeks, or holding a fist face beside, who want to beat you, or your cerebral thrombosis, hemiplegia.

  24) if we know that life is very decadent, why do you continue to be so decadent life?

  25) and they said, Notre Dame DE Paris, the lack of a bell, you go to, think straight answer, how, you resigned from that.

  26) less drag in front of my heel but temperament, set the POSE and reload.

  27) if your ugly can power plants all over the world can the lockout.

  28) of the world is big, big but you lack the piece of mind's eye.

  29) I didn't say you shameless, I mean shameless are you like this.

  30) dressed as such, you are dissatisfied with the world what?

  31) you naked chased me two kilometers, I go back to a head is I am a rascal!

  32) thought you is the cliff side of a flower, afterwards just know, but a grain of slag is vast.

  33) hey... You is this just been thunder ah, or ready to shocking ah.

  34) with dogs, you walk path in countryside, also said that he was someone kicking his throat to sing like his mother.

  35) as a typical form of failure, you are really too successful.

  36) I forget the world still have a kind of people - Mars people, that you come from?

  37) B to describe you, somebody else pencil is not willing to!

  38) in his own country is not love, his ancestor worship, their religious beliefs, I depend, you go to Japan and Korea, Britain, the United States, you are qualified?

  39) Oriental not bright western bright, asshole what kind you like.

  40) others go to fly a plane crashed duo, and you have the same power as long as the parachute.

  41) you are I have seen the capacity of the largest pencil case, don't hold so much you tired?

  42) : have you ever been to places of all sites, have you ever been to the sites will become history.

  43) long shape, you did not play a good proportion.

  44) my life is not good to meet you, even in the sun is too less green.

  45) you this face to become world famous brand trademark.

  46) , although you wear some cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of you.

  47) a feet chuai shit you not, they lifted up their voice, and you are clean.

  48) the acne on your face really much, tractors will be overturned!

  49) prime, goodness pot cooking a big egg, for me I will do, don't give me eat za.Non-mainstream

  50) your family, your mama black socks, your daddy head of tin foil.

  1) 你說,我青春期起痘痘,你更年期羨慕是嗎?

  2) 你沒有豬的形象,但是你有豬的氣質(zhì)。

  3) 你媽的騷貨,錘子長(zhǎng)在腦殼上,我都奇怪世博會(huì)怎么沒喊你去展覽?

  4) 把XX的照片貼墻上,白天避邪,晚上避孕。

  5) 勾引我男人嗎,我不過是把你當(dāng)做發(fā)春的老母狗罷了。

  6) 看你走個(gè)路都昂首挺胸的,怕別人不知道你是飛機(jī)場(chǎng)嗎。

  7) 整天跟這個(gè)關(guān)系好,那個(gè)關(guān)系好,到頭來不過你在別人眼里算什么呢。

  8) 春天都過了,你還在發(fā)春做什么,原來發(fā)春不分季節(jié)的啊。

  9) 你的長(zhǎng)相很提神的說!

  10) 老娘自然卷怎樣,比起你的鍋蓋是不是好太多了呢?

  11) 一個(gè)女孩,好好穿個(gè)正規(guī)長(zhǎng)度的裙子或者褲子上衣,合理的弄些首飾來修飾自己,說話辦事文文氣氣的,淑女點(diǎn)不好么?!

  12) 我臉上的痘要是和你腦袋上的頭發(fā)一樣少,就心滿意足了!

  13) 你小時(shí)候被豬親過吧?

  14) 你再有勁你能憋住尿嗎?

  15) 看見你以后,我才明白你老爸整天罵你“生塊X燒好過生你”是什么意思了,看一下X燒,再看你對(duì)比一下,真的X燒也比你強(qiáng)!罵人寶典

  16) 你左看像白癡,右看像傻子,上看像頭豬,下看像頭驢。

  17) 要移民火星,是為了要離開你。

  18) 誰(shuí)說豬的腦子最蠢?我說豬的腦子最聰明,吃飽了就睡,什么也不用想,養(yǎng)得肥肥胖胖的,只能說豬的腦子保養(yǎng)的好,你的腦子也是保養(yǎng)的最好的

  19) 這么多年誰(shuí)一直照顧你啊?我很佩服他的膽量。

  20) 你能講文明,講素質(zhì)的時(shí)候,我想是我再次投胎做人的時(shí)候。

  21) 請(qǐng)你不要用你的排泄器官對(duì)我說話,這是很不禮貌的,謝謝!

  22) 跟你能好好說話,但不能說好話。

  23) 照個(gè)相還掘個(gè)嘴,鼓個(gè)腮幫子,要不就握個(gè)拳頭弄臉旁邊,你要打誰(shuí)啊,還是你腦血栓啊,半身不遂啊。

  24) 既然知道生活很頹廢,為什么還要繼續(xù)這樣頹廢的生活呢?

  25) 對(duì)方說,巴黎圣母院缺個(gè)敲鐘的,你去吧,直覺得回答,怎么,你從那辭職了。

  26) 少在我面前拽的跟二五八萬(wàn)似的,擺好POSE,再裝。

  27) 如果你的丑陋可以發(fā)電的話全世界的核電廠都可以停擺。

  28) 天下之大,大不過你缺的那塊心眼。

  29) 我可沒說你不要臉,我是說不要臉的都是你這樣的。

  30) 你打扮成這樣,是對(duì)這個(gè)世界有什么不滿么?

  31) 你光著身子追我兩公里,我回一次頭都算我是流氓!

  32) 曾以為你是那崖畔的一枝花,后來才知道,不過是人海一粒渣。

  33) 喲...你這是剛被雷過啊,還是準(zhǔn)備去雷人啊。

  34) 你邁著犬步走在鄉(xiāng)間的小路,還說自己被別人踢碎的嗓子唱歌像他媽阿杜。

  35) 作為失敗的典型,你真的是太成功了。

  36) 我忘了世界還有一種人——火星人,你從那來的吧?

  37) B形容你,人家鉛筆不樂意!

  38) 自己的祖國(guó)不熱愛,自己的祖先不祭拜,自己的宗教不信仰,我靠,你去哈日哈韓哈英哈美,你有資格么?

  39) 東方不亮西方亮,二逼啥樣兒你啥樣兒。

  40) 別人要開飛機(jī)去撞雙子星才行,而你只要跳傘就有同樣的威力。

  41) 你是我見過的容量最大的鉛筆盒了,裝那么多筆你不累嗎?

  42) 你去過的名勝全部變古跡,你去過的古跡會(huì)變成歷史。

  43) 你長(zhǎng)的外形不準(zhǔn),比例沒打好。

  44) 輩子都沒干好事才會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)你,連丟進(jìn)太陽(yáng)都嫌不夠環(huán)保。

  45) 你這張臉可成了全球馳名品牌商標(biāo)了。

  46) 雖然你身上噴了古龍水,但我還是能隱約聞到一股人渣味兒。

  47) 一腳踹不出你屎來,算你拉的干凈。

  48) 你臉上的痘真多,拖拉機(jī)開上去都會(huì)翻車!

  49) 人本初,性本善,鍋里煮個(gè)大雞蛋,給我吃我就干,不給我吃咱就散。

  50) 你全家非主流,你媽黒襪子,你爸錫紙頭。





