


時間: 方婷698 分享



  1) All lives end,all hearts are broken。

  2) 生命都會終結(jié),徒留一顆破碎的心。

  3) Even if the future situat I will always be at your。

  4) 總是未來風云萬變,我始終會在你身邊.

  5) For a moment, can remember many things, also missed a lot.

  6) 那一刻,能記得許多事,也錯過了很多。

  7) I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong.

  8) 我總是口是心非以至于你認為我很堅強。

  9) Smiling, not because happiness too long, is too long time forgot to sorrow.

  10) 面帶微笑,不是因為快樂太長,是太長的時間忘了悲傷。

  11) I just want a warm embrace and nothing more.

  12) 我只是想要一個溫暖的懷抱僅此而已。

  13) Jump is also I love the heart

  14) 心臟還跳就還愛i

  15) Because of you , so i madness .

  16) 因為有你,所以我瘋狂。


  1) I would like to meet a warmyou wander

  2) 我愿顛沛流離再遇見溫暖的你

  3) I thought youd always be mine .

  4) 我以為你會永遠都會是我的

  5) You are really good but we don't fit

  6) (你真的很好可是我們不合適)

  7) Delay is the deadliest form of denial

  8) 拖延其實就是最徹底的

  9) The time that you are my most fatal.

  10) 時光深知你是我最致命的愛人

  11) You’re a jerk!

  12) {你是個廢物/混球}

  13) I pretended to be indifferent to it .

  14) 我假裝無所謂才看不到心被擰

  15) Lost to marry me, marry you win.



  1) If through time through love .

  2) 倘若時光看透愛

  3) m fine thanks for not asking.

  4) 我很好 謝謝你的忽略

  5) [Only I know how important you are

  6) 你有多重要只有我知道.

  7) Eternity is not a distance.

  8) 永遠不是一種距離。

  9) Rely on I don't need your false!

  10) 我不需要你那虛偽的依靠

  11) Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.

  12) 得不到的付出,要懂得適可而止。

  13) The time that you are my most fatal.

  14) 時光深知你是我最致命的愛人

  15) have islose the beginning

  16) 擁有就失去的開始。

  17) Smile while you still have teeth

  18) 微笑吧趁現(xiàn)在還有牙齒

  19) Do not let yourself live like a joke.

  20) 不要讓自己活得像個笑話

  21) No one will be your tears and tears!

  22) 沒有人會因為你的落淚而落淚

  23) Time cures all things

  24) 時間是醫(yī)治一切創(chuàng)傷的良藥

  25) I have been,never left.

  26) [我一直在,從未離開。]

  27) My heart got lost in you world

  28) 我的心曾在你的世界里丟了

  29) Don't let careless words hurt people

  30) 別讓無心話傷了有心人

  31) Silence is a girl's loudest cry.

  32) 沉默是一個女孩最大的哭聲。

  33) 貓有九命也只有一心而已。

  34) A cat has nine lives only in one.

  35) Time cut scar is called growth.

  36) 時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長

  37) Too much is lost in the language

  38) [ 太多的話都敗在語言里 ]

  39) Who never had a scar of youth.

  40) 誰的青春不曾有過傷痕。






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