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  白雪公主(Snow White)是廣泛流行于歐洲的一個(gè)童話故事中的人物,下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的白雪公主英文版簡(jiǎn)介,供大家參閱!


  Snow White (Snow White) is widely popular in Europe, a fairy tale in the characters, the most famous version of the story found in Germany in 1812, "Green fairy tale." Tells the story of Snow White by the stepmother queen (Green Brothers initial manuscript for the mother) abuse, fled to the forest, met seven dwarf story. The historian Bartles claims that the historical prototype of Snow White was born in 1725 in Mariah Sophia von Eltar in the city of Loire in the western United States.


  Green Brothers Edition

  At the beginning of the story, the queen sat on an open window and the winter snow pierced her fingers like a needle, causing three drops of blood to drip on the snow and ebony window frames. She admired the three colors of the mixed changes, said to myself: "Oh, how I wish I had a daughter, the skin as white as white, lips like red blood, black hair like black wooden window frame." Soon after, the queen had a daughter as white as the skin, her lips as red as blood, black hair like ebony. They gave her the name of Snow White, and soon after, the Queen died.

  After a year, the king married a new wife, the wife is very beautiful, but she is empty, very proud. The new queen has a magic mirror, every morning she asked: "Mirror in my hand, who is the most beautiful person on this land?" The mirror always replied, "My queen, you are the most beautiful on the piece of land." The queen always felt very happy because the mirror never had a lie. But when Snow White grows to seven years old, she becomes beautiful as an angel even more beautiful than the queen. When the queen asked her mirror, it replied, "My queen, you are here the most beautiful, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you.

  The queen was shocked, her face became angry and green and yellow, full of jealousy, from that moment her heart began to resent the snow princess. Jealousy and pride, like miscellaneous in her inner growth, let her sleep at night. The queen ordered a hunter to bring Snow White to the deepest of the forest. She asked the hunter to bring back the snow princess's heart to prove that Snow White died. The hunter will be Snow White to the forest, but when he raises his knife, he finds himself unable to kill her under cruelty. Snow White saw the hunter 's move sobbing the hunter: "Oh, my dear hunter, please do not kill me! Let me know my own life, I will run into the forest, never come back! Hunter that he left Snow White, the girl will be eaten by wild animals. He went to a chef to the wild boar of the liver to the queen.

  A few days after the meandering through the forest, Snow White found a small villa belonging to the dwarf. Because no one at home, she ate some rice, drank some wine, and then put together all the beds. Finally, the bed was enough to make her comfortable to lie down, she was asleep in bed. When the dwarfs go home, they can immediately know that someone sneaks into, because everything in the home is a mess. In their loud discussion who sneaked into their own home, and finally found the sleeping Snow White. Then the girls woke up and explained to them what happened, the dwarf had mercy on her, said: "If you keep the house clean, cook, bed stacks, wash clothes, sewing, and weave, and make everything clean You will be able to live with us, you will have everything you want, but they warn her to be careful at home alone, do not run alone in the mountains, do not believe in strangers.

  At the same time, the queen once again asked her mirror: "Mirror in my hand, who is the most beautiful of this land?" The mirror replied: "My queen, you are here the most beautiful. Dwarf home but Snow White is thousands of times more beautiful than you. "The queen was horrified to learn that the hunter had betrayed her and the snow was still alive. She thought about how to deceive Snow White, and then she disguised himself as an old hawker. The queen went to the dwarf's villa, claiming that she could provide colorful, silky shoelaces and persuaded Snow White to pick the best of a shoelace as a gift. And then the Queen to cast the magic of the shoelaces tightly tied to the feet of Snow White, Snow White fainted in the past. But the dwarf came back to find the situation, release the magic shoelaces, so that Snow White wake up again.

  The next morning the queen inquired of her mirror, and the mirror again described the news that Snow White was still alive. The queen was enraged, and she dressed as a businessman selling a comb, claiming to be a white princess with a beautiful comb as a gift. In her brush the snow princess's hair, that a toxic magic comb to let the girls fainted, but the dwarves back to pull out the comb so that Snow White once again wake up. And the next morning the mirror tells the queen that Snow White is still "more beautiful than the woman." Hear the news queen's shock and anger almost let her heart stop beating. As the third and final try, she secretly Looked at the darkest magic, used a poisoned apple and disguised a farmer's wife, with the apple she found the Snow White. This time the girl because of the previous situation, the first is unwilling to accept, so the queen Cut half of the apple, eat their own white (harmless) part of the apple, and give the red (poison) part of the Snow White. Snow White just bite a bite to the ground, no longer wake up, the Queen finally won When the dwarfs returned to the villa and found that they could not save the girl because they could not find the cause of Snow White fainting, can only think she was dead, dwarves can not afford to lose the snow princess's pain, then Put her in a crystal coffin, every day to see her.

  Time passed, and one day a prince riding a white horse passed here and found the white snow princess lying asleep in the coffin. He strode into her coffin in front of her beautiful by the deep attraction, immediately fell in love with her. The seven dwarfs moved to his hard plea and agreed to let him take away the crystal coffin with Snow White. When the servants of the prince drove the coffin away, the action caused a strong shock. The shock shook the poisoned apple from the snowy princess's throat and finally awakened her. The prince then declared his love for her, and they soon developed a wedding plan. The couple invited the queen and king of the continent to come to the wedding, including Snow White's stepmother. At the same time, the queen, still believe that Snow White is not alive, ask her the magic mirror, who is the most beautiful woman on this piece of land. The mirror says, "You, my queen, it is beautiful, but the prince of the white horse is a thousand times more beautiful than you."

  This incredible news so that the Queen was horrified, the hearts of the Queen filled with fear and doubt. Hesitated for the invitation, but she finally decided to go. Because do not know this new queen is indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the wedding, and my heart filled with the deepest fear. When she realized the final truth, has been unable to escape. As a punishment for her attempt to murder, the prince put a pair of shoes burning red iron shoes to the Queen to wear. She was then forced into the iron shoes to dance on the fire, dancing until she finally died.


  In their first version, the Green Brothers they released the first edition of the collection, the first evil is Snowy Jealous Mother. In addition, she ordered a servant to take her to the forest, but she needed herself to collect flowers and discard her; in the first version, this was the first version of the book that was sent to another folklore researcher. The task was transferred to a servant. I believe to change to a stepmother in the future version of the children's story was diluted.

  Disney's Variation Snow White gives the dwarf's name and includes magical, moving trees and a singing snow-capped dog.

  Many other stories of change exist throughout Europe. The dwarfs in these changes are robbers, and the magical mirror is a dialog box with the sun or the moon.

  In a version from Albania, the collection of John Georg von Hahn, the main character of the life with 40 dragons. Her sleep is made by a ring At the beginning of the story there is a turning point in which a teacher urges the heroine to kill her evil stepmother, and she will replace her position. The origin of this story is controversial, and it may not be older than the medieval. In fact there are two possible Albanian versions of Snow White: a stepmother trying to kill her, another in her two sisters trying to kill her jealousy. "Jealousy Sisters" is another Albanian fairy tale. The death of the two fairy tale is due to a ring.

  Parallel to the stepmother of her mirror, the Indian epic Padmavat (1540) includes the line: "Who is more beautiful, am I still Padmavati? Queen Nagamati asked her new parrot, it gives an unpleasant reply ...";

  The story of the story of the Russian writer Alexander Pushkin's poem dead princess and seven knights (1833) resembles Snow White, and the Knights replace the dwarfs.





