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時間: 若木627 分享

  1.在操場上的時候mike見到他女兒maggie哭的稀里嘩啦的時候安慰她到: When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. Its not, its just the beginning. I mean you might have to meet a few more jerks. One day, you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you.

  當(dāng)你年輕的時候,每件事都像世界末日, 其實不是的, 只是開端而已, 你也許會遇見更多的壞蛋, 當(dāng)有一天你會遇見一個男孩, 會如珍寶般待你, 就像日升日落,都陪著你。


  This is a letter from Mike O'Donnell 這封信來自麥克 奧多爾

  He wanted me to read it, 他希望我來念

  “Scarlet 斯科麗 ..

  ....before you go through with this...... 在你經(jīng)歷這一切之前

  I want to remind you of September 7th ,1968 我想要使你想起1988年的9月7號

  It was the first time that I saw you 那是我第一次見到你

  You were reading Less Than Zero 你正在讀less than zero 這本書

  You were wearing a Guns N’Rose T-shirt 你穿著一件槍炮玫瑰的T恤衫

  I‘d never seen anyting so perfect 我從沒有見過如此完美的事物

  Iremember thinking that I had to have you,or I’d die 我記得我想的是要么和你在一起 要么就死去

  Then you whisper that you loved me...... 然后你在我耳邊說你愛我 ......

  at the homecoming dance 就在歸校晚會上

  And I felt...... 我感覺

  ......so peaceful...... 那么平靜

  ......and safe 那么安全

  Because I knew that no matter what happened from that day on...... 因為我知道從那天起 無論發(fā)生什么

  ......nothing could ever be that bad 事情都不會太糟糕

  Because I had you 因為我有了你


  And then I grew up 然后我長大了

  ......and I lost my way 迷失了方向

  And I blamed you for my failures 將自己的失敗歸于你身上

  And I know that you think you have to do this today 我知道你認(rèn)為自己今天必須這么做

  I don‘t want you to 但是我不想你這么做

  But I guess...... 但我猜

  ......if I love you...... 要是我愛你 .

  .....I should let you move on 我就應(yīng)該放手讓你繼續(xù)新的生活

  3.發(fā)避孕套時 MARK說的話

  He's right. I don't need one. 沒錯 我才不需要呢

  You know why I don't need one? 知道我為什么不需要嗎?

  Because there's no one I'm in love with. 因為我沒有愛的人

  It's called "making love," isn't it? 那叫做"做愛" 對吧?

  Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think that 也許我想法老舊 但我覺得

  means you do it with someone you love. 那應(yīng)該和愛的人一起做

  And preferably when you're married. 最好是婚后

  You know, when you're ready 當(dāng)你已準(zhǔn)備好

  to take that love and turn it into a baby. 把那份愛變成小嬰兒

  Because that's what love is. 因為這就是愛所在

  It's that first moment when you hold your baby girl... 當(dāng)你第一次 捧著小嬰兒...

  and you didn't know that anything 想不到它

  could be so small or so delicate. 會如此的小小 嬌弱

  And you feel that tiny heart beat... 感覺到那小小心臟的跳動... ...

  and you know that you couldn't love anything more 你知道它

  in the whole world. 是你的至愛

  And you hope that you can do right by that little girl... 希望自己能夠好好照顧她... .

  ..and always be there to catch her when she falls, 當(dāng)她要摔倒時 在她身邊扶著她

  and that nothing ever hurts her. 保護她不受任何傷害

  Not a broken arm... 不會摔斷胳膊

  ...or a bad dream... 不會做惡夢

  ...or a broken heart. 也不會心碎