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DOTA2令人震撼的不僅僅是畫面和引擎,而是最為微妙的細(xì)節(jié)之處,例如英雄滿血與殘血的姿勢不同,當(dāng)然還有每個英雄都能有多達(dá)數(shù)百句臺詞,這些優(yōu)點(diǎn)都不得不讓我們贊嘆,這是一個用心做出來的游戲。以下是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家準(zhǔn)備的《dota2 中文臺詞》經(jīng)典臺詞,希望大家喜歡!

dota2 中文臺詞(一)



You point, I'll punch! 你指哪兒我打哪兒!

I always do your dirty work。我總是幫你干臟活兒。


Throw the damn thing! 把那個破玩意兒扔了!

Shaken and stirred!搖一搖,再攪一攪~

Didn’t you hear me telling you to throw it? 沒聽見我告訴你把它丟了嗎?

Greed is good 這個大家都懂的


Damn, was gonna ask Batrider if he wanted to trade mounts。想買坐騎找蝙蝠騎士去!

Pudge, were you tapping methane? Yikes! 胖子你在放甲烷?嚇?biāo)牢伊?

I always wondered what you'd get if you melted Apparition down. 我很想知道把極寒幽魂融化了能得到什么

Hey, you think Kunkka knew I stole his rum? 嘿,你覺得昆卡會知道我偷了他的朗姆酒嗎?

Morphling, if I could have shoved you in a beaker… 水人兄,如果我把你放在燒杯里晃悠兩下。。。

One Skeleton King provides a day's requirement of calcium 一只骷髏王可以提供一整天所需的鈣!

Clinkz, your bones were brittle. Shoulda eaten more spinach. 骨弓你有點(diǎn)骨質(zhì)疏松,多吃點(diǎn)菠菜。

Get out the siphon. Clockwerk's full of gasoline! 放開我的虹吸管,發(fā)條全身都是汽油!

I didn't need a tree trunk to knock you out, Earthshaker. 老牛,我不需要樹干就可以敲死你

You made my knuckles bleed, Spirit Breaker. 白牛!我的關(guān)節(jié)在出血!


Only ninety eight percent pure? 難道只有98%的純度?


Must've mixed up the formula! 一定是配方弄錯了!

Shoulda brought a bigger ogre。我應(yīng)該抓一只更大的食人魔的!


Failure is just another kind of success. The wrong kind. 失敗也是一種成功,不大對勁的那種

Maybe I should find some more stable formulas. 也許我應(yīng)該找些更穩(wěn)定的配方

I hope I didn't leave anything on the burner. 但愿我沒有把什么東西落在爐子上


Does Immortality work for both of us? It better!這玩意兒對咱倆都有用么?那就太好了!

2、極寒幽魂Ancient Apparition


Icefog 好吧這個也是吐槽的


Crystal Maiden, you dare cross ice with me?冰女,你敢在我面前放冰?

Lina, frozen out. 莉娜,你出局了

Pudge, it's the meat locker for you! 胖子,這是給你凍肉的冰柜

Lich, your ice is weak. 巫妖,你的冰弱爆了


A south wind blows. 南風(fēng)那個吹~

Another ice age is coming. Ha ha ha ha ha! 又到了一個冰河世紀(jì)。哈哈哈哈!

3、Anti-Mage 敵法師


I've sundered this cabal! 我已經(jīng)消滅了這個小團(tuán)體


Scarce worth the effort. 浪費(fèi)我的努力!


They who live by the wand shall die by my blade。拿著法杖的人都得死在我的刀下


The bonds of brotherhood, severed. 我們的兄弟情義已經(jīng)斷絕

What blood ties, magic tears asunder. 什么血緣關(guān)系,魔法已經(jīng)將我們分開了

Vile fratricide. 骨肉相殘?zhí)蓯u了!

Mother always liked you best. 媽媽最喜歡你了。

What would mother say? 媽媽會說什么呢?


What magic is this? 這是什么魔法!

I go to glory! 我光榮了

Even in death I am not thine. 即使我死了我也不是你的人(結(jié)合AM的背景故事,被殺死的僧人都被召喚了)

Thou art a devil, pure and simple. 你是個惡魔,純的


I persevere in the face of evil! 我已經(jīng)記住了惡魔的臉!

Send thy Dead God's legions, I will put them all to death. 告訴你的死神軍團(tuán),我會讓他們統(tǒng)統(tǒng)去死

I'll shatter the Dead God's legions, as they murdered the monks of Turstarkuri! 我將粉碎死神軍團(tuán),因?yàn)樗麄兺罋⒘诵请[寺的和尚!(兔子不厚道的打成了性隱私)


Blink Dagger? Really?跳刀?真的要買?

What need have I for such a blade? 我要這種東西干什么?


The winds of virtue speed my steps. 良好的品德像清風(fēng)一樣加速我的腳步。

dota2 中文臺詞(二)

1、Axe 斧王


Wet my blade! 弄臟了我的斧頭!


Not by blade alone! 不止有斧頭哦!


Axe misjudged? 判斷失誤了?

You're tougher than Axe thought! 你比我想象中抗打多了


No escaping Axe! 再也逃不出我的斧頭了!


You fought badly--died worse. 你打架太丑了,死相更難看

Axe warms his blade in your guts! 斧王要用你的腸子溫暖他的斧刃


The Axe's edge is keen again! 我的斧子又磨好了

Axe is all the reinforcement this army needs! 斧王是這只軍隊所需要的全部援軍!


So many skulls to cleave. So many bodies to throw on the pile. 有這么多腦袋要砍,這么多尸體要堆起來

No business but war. No family but death. No mercy but the grave! 沒有交易,只有戰(zhàn)爭,沒有家庭,只有死亡,沒有仁慈,只有墳?zāi)?

Axe brings the Red Mist! 斧王帶來了紅色迷霧(Red Mix 為2008年的電影,講的是一個人人錯服藥物結(jié)果靈魂出竅,依附于其他人的身體報復(fù)社會)


Axe does not need this, but no one else shall have it. 斧王當(dāng)然不需要這東西,但是其他人也別想要


Don't worry, precious Axe. Blink Dagger does not come to chop。不要擔(dān)心,可愛的小斧頭,跳刀不是用來切東西的。


Axe has gone three blades! 斧王現(xiàn)在有三把斧子了!


You need a shower. 你該洗澡了


It's not the bat you gotta worry about. She eats fruit. 你不用害怕這只蝙蝠,她是吃水果的

Hey, ask permission the next time you wanna feed my bat. 嘿,下次來喂我的蝙蝠要先問問我


Oh, Lina, I was hoping you'd be my backwarmer。哦,莉娜,我多希望你來給我暖暖身子

Aw, Queenie, in another life we'd a been soulmates, I just know it!嗷,小女王,在另一個世界里我們一直是知音,我知道的

Drow Ranger, don't be a stranger。卓爾游俠,不要那么害羞啊

Oh now, Windrunner, you don't have to run from me。風(fēng)行者,不用跑來跑去躲著我

I know, Vengeful: Chicks rule. They also die. 小復(fù)仇,我懂的,你覺得女權(quán)至上:女人也是要死的。(這一句感謝河馬的翻譯^^)

I gotta say, Enchantress: You are spunky。我必須要說,小鹿你真是活力十足

Spectre, I have no idea what you just said, but I could listen to you all day。幽鬼妹紙,我雖然不知道你剛才說了什么,但是我可以聽你說上一整天

Crystal Maiden, you were a tall glass of ice water。冰女,你就像高腳杯里的冰水

I'm not speakin ill of Lina when her ashes are still warm。莉娜的尸骨未寒的時候我是不會說她壞話的

Damn, Lina, I carried such a torch for ya. 該死的莉娜,我可是為了你才拿著這該死的火炬

Always a pleasure being stalked by the Templar Assassin。能被圣堂**是多開心呢

Death Prophet, I'm the one your visions been warning you about。死亡先知,我是你預(yù)言中被警告的那個人

Mirana, I think your ride and mine have a thing for each other。米拉娜,我覺得咱倆的坐騎有一腿

Broodmother, if you weren't already--ugh, never mind!蜘蛛,如果你沒……呃,算了

I wish I could have got a better look at you, Phantom Assassin?;么?,我希望我能看你看的更清楚

Nightstalker, why have wings if you're not gonna fly。夜魔,你不會飛干嘛還要長翅膀

Shoulda warned ya, Storm Spirit. She likes fruit。藍(lán)叔我要提醒你一下,她是吃水果的

Aw, Pudge, I thought you knew all about choppers. 啊,胖子我相信你對絞肉機(jī)很了解

Uh, usually Pudge, I like a chopped hog. But you the wrong sort。胖子,通常我比較喜歡切好的豬肉,但不是你這種

Sorry, my hoss here thought your name was Nectar-Lyte. Ha ha ha。非常抱歉,我以為你的名字是甜蜜的萊特(吐槽瘟疫法師)

Hey Void! Have you seen Bat to the Future?嘿,內(nèi)褲臉!知道未來的蝙蝠是啥樣么?

Aw, Viper, and I was gonna take you out for a spin. 啊,蝮蛇,我本想騎著你出去兜兩圈

I rode a dragon once. Really chapped my hide。我曾經(jīng)騎過龍,那嚴(yán)重威脅我的生命安全

Okay, Jakiro, which one of you wants to take me for a ride?好吧雙頭龍,你想讓我騎你哪個頭?

One time I was riding this dragon when the damn thing turned into a knight! 曾經(jīng)我還騎著這條龍,后來他居然變成了一個騎士!


Nothin like the feel of my old bat between my legs. 沒人能理解我兩腿間的老蝙蝠的感受


Hoss here has a two-stroke engine. Gotta pet her twice to get her going. 我的蝙蝠有個兩沖程的發(fā)動機(jī),你得愛撫她兩下她才能走