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  第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)



  1. What does Kate promise to do?

  A. Send a message to Jim. B. Go to a meeting with Jim. C. Answer phone calls for Jim.

  2. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Strangers. B. Neighbors. C. Classmates.

  3. What do we know about John’s new job?

  A. It is pretty good. B. It is well paid. C. It is rather easy.

  4. What are they talking about?

  A. Moving to New York. B. Holiday plans. C. A party with old friends.

  5. What is Sarah going to do this Sunday?

  A. Treat some friends at home. B. Go to the beach with the man. C. Have a dinner with her family.




  6. When does the museum close?

  A. At 3:30. B. At 3:40. C. At 4:00.

  7. What will the man probably do?

  A. Tour the museum quickly. B. Visit the museum tomorrow. C. Pay a full price for the ticket.


  8. What problem does Tom have?

  A. He hasn’t got a driving licence. B. He can’t find the sports center. C. He is too busy to go swimming.

  9. What does Tom offer to do for Jane?

  A. Help her with the homework. B. Take her out for a nice dinner. C. Pay for her sports center ticket.

  10. What is Jane worried about?

  A. Her book report. B. The mid-term exam. C. Tom’s weekend plan.


  11. Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A. In a ticket office. B. In a department store. C. In an information centre.

  12. What else does the woman recommend to the man besides islands?

  A. New streets. B. Old castles and churches. C. Old villages along the beach.

  13. What will the man most probably choose to do first?

  A. Visit an island. B. Tour the city. C. Buy a guidebook.


  14. Where did the Slow Food Movement begin?

  A. In France. B. In Italy. C. In Germany.

  15. What did the study in Britain find out?

  A. more children make friends on the Internet.

  B. More children think friendship is important.

  C. More children say they have no best friend.

  16. What is the main idea Dr. Green tries to express in the talk?

  A. People should slow down and focus on quality.

  B. The British should support the Slow Movement.

  C. Friendship should be developed slowly and gradually.


  17. Where does the speaker come from?

  A. England. B. Thailand. C. Canada.

  18. What does the speaker think of the English lessons here in schools?

  A. Not special. B. Not enough. C. Not interesting.

  19. In what way are the speaker’s English programs different?

  A. They are based on the computer.

  B. They are broadcast live every day.

  C. They are designed in various styles.

  20. What does the speaker expect people to do to improve their English?

  A. Attend their English classes.

  B. Practice their English every day.

  C. Watch English movies and TV shows.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)




  Dear Alcohol,

  You’ve been around forever. I can remember all the pain you’ve caused me.

  Do you remember the night when you almost took my father’s life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He's addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went turning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn't the only one badly hurt by you that night.

  Do you remember the night of my first high school party? My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen head over heels for you. "I'm so embarrassed," they said as I held their hair back so that they could throw up. "I'm sorry," they said when I called taxis for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. "This won't happen again," they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night due to you.

  Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car head-on and killed two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn't realize her brother was among them at all. She never saw him again. And it was all your fault.

  I wish you'd walk out of my life forever. I don't want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you've caused. Sure, you've made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you've caused in the lives of millions is not excusable. Stop attracting the people I love! Stop hurting me, please.



  21. What did Alcohol do to the author’s father that night?

  A. It made him drunken and took his life away.

  B. It made him kill two other people when driving.

  C. It got him into a car accident and badly injured.

  D. It got him into trouble and got his stomach pumped.

  22. What does the underlined phrase “were intrigued by” probably mean in the letter?

  A. were interested in B. were satisfied with C. were familiar with D. were disappointed by

  23. What is the author’s purpose in writing this letter?

  A. To warn people not to drive after drinking.

  B. To persuade people to get away from alcohol.

  C. To tell people three sad stories about alcohol.

  D. To warn people against the pain caused by alcohol.

  24. How was the author feeling while writing his letter?

  A. Shocked. B. Responsible. C. Disappointed. D. Sorrowful.B

  Lately, everywhere you look, people are running around with fitness trackers (健身追蹤器)on their wrists. Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app, these trackers can report how many calories you’ve burned and the distance you’ve traveled. Still curious about yourself? You can also learn the number of stairs you’ve climbed and steps you’ve taken.

  Not one to resist peer pressure, however, I paid 0 for a Fitbit Flex. I chose that brand on the basis of intense research: asking my friend Sari which tracker she was using.

  The Fitbit website offered instructions on setting up my new tracker. I entered my height and gender (性別) and certain information I considered none of its business: birth date and weight. Then, I established goals. The American Heart Association recommends that we all walk 10,000 steps a day—about five miles, and so does Fitbit. I decided 6,000 steps was a good place for me to start.

  I changed my tune when, on Day 1, I hit 6,000 steps and tiny LED lights flashed on my wristband. Confident enough now, I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000 steps. So, I got a little obsessed(著迷). On Day 5 at a department store, I decided to check my progress. My target number was just 275 steps away! I walked around the dress apartment watching my smartphone register each step I took. I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me.

  Now I always wear my tracker, not because I've grown to love fitness but because I like being trendy and self-absorbed. Last night I was leaving a restaurant when Fitbit emailed to congratulate me on walking more than 10, 000 steps. Who wouldn’t love a gadget (小裝置) that turns your every footstep into an accomplishment?

  25. Why do people wear fitness trackers while running?

  A. To email information to others. B. To follow the healthy trend.

  C. To report the amount of exercise. D. To tell them the right direction.

  26. Why did the author start from 6,000 steps when using the new tracker?

  A. It is the best choice for beginners. B. The author wasn’t confident at first.

  C. It is the suggestion from Fitbit Flex. D. Thrilling and relaxing.

  27. What does the author think of the experience of using the tracker?

  A. Joyful and encouraging. B. Tiring and changeable.

  C. Painful and challenging. D. Thrilling and relaxing.C

  Today, we’re sending Sally away for a week of summer camp. She never actually asked to go. It was all my idea to sign(報名)her up. She’s nearly 12, and I notice that I’m with my child nearly 24 hours a day.

  Living on a farm without any neighbors, I’ve chosen a life that is quieter than a typical family’s But rather than longing for space away from me, Sally has become increasingly dependent on my presence.

  What frightens me most is that she has become a “mini-me”. She pursues my hobbies, my dreams and my opinions. And that’s why I pulled her to the summer camp: a nearby wilderness camp called Hawk Circle.

  After we ate, we drove to Hawk Circle. Once there, we got a tour of the grounds and were introduced to Sally’s fellow campers. Sally stood by the group of children, holding my hand, horror in her eyes, trying to work up the courage to join in a game of soccer.

  “I need you for a few more minutes,” she told me, holding my hand tightly.

  I pulled away and walked up to one of the camp workers. “Excuse me,” I said loudly. “I’d like to introduce my daughter to you. Maybe you could help her meet a few of these kids.” He came over to talk to Sally, and I kissed on her cheek·and then my husband and I disappeared before Sally realized we were gone.

  It was not until that drive home that I finally felt it. A piece of my soul had been taken from my body. I began to shake. Tears streamed down my face. It took every bit of my strength to keep driving forward.

  When we arrived home, I calmed down and reminded myself why I chose this path. I want Sally to have a chance to find herself out of shadow. I don’t want to see only myself in my child. I want to learn who she is. After 12 years of constantly being together, I want to finally meet my daughter for the first time.

  28. Why did the author sign her daughter up for the summer camp?

  A. Camp training we something new to here daughter.

  B. Her daughter had longed to go to the summer camp.

  C. She expected her daughter to make some new friends.

  D. She wanted to help build up her daughter’s independence.

  29. What happened when they arrived at the summer camp?

  A. Sally enjoyed meeting her fellow campers very much.

  B. Sally found the other campers were not easy to get along with.

  C. Sally felt frightened but her parents left her with a camp worker.

  D. Sally gathered the courage to join in a soccer game immediately.

  30. How did the author feel after leaving the camp?

  A. She was worried about her daughter’s health.

  B. She was regretful for sending her daughter away.

  C. She was upset but confident of her right decision.

  D. She was proud that she had done something correct.

  31. What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?

  A. Kids should often be exposed to summer camps.

  B. Sometimes parents need to let go of their children,

  C. Parents shouldn’t influence their children too much.

  D. Children are usually a real reflection of their parents.D

  Can you figure out someone’s name just by looking at him or her?

  The answer may not be a definite “yes”, but a study by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, found that you would at least have a clue, since people with certain names tend to share similar facial appearances.

  For example, if someone is named Bob, he’s likely to have a round and joyful face, while someone named Tim tends to have a narrower face and a more serious look.

  People have long been associating names with certain cultural expectations, which may be responsible for the study’s results. For example, a woman named Katherine is usually considered to be more reliable than a girl named Bonnie. Previous studies also found that people with traditionally African-American names such as DeShawn and Jamal are more likely to be seen as dangerous and violent by their teachers and are less likely to be hired in jobs.

  These stereotypes(固定模式)have become so widespread that they’ve even affected how people look at themselves. In fact, people tend to subconsciously(下意識地)change their own personalities to fit into these stereotypes—Katherines may try hard to be trustworthy and Bonnies may care less about the mistakes they make.

  “We develop the personality that other people expect us to exhibit,” said lead researcher Youat Zwebner, according to The Telegraph. In other words, it’s not that names change people, but people try to live up to their names.

  And our faces may even change over time, based on these stereotypes.

  “Usually, we think that faces are very fixed but now we show that they’re not,” the study’s co-author Ruth Mayo told UK’s iNews.

  According to Mayo, the use of different facial expressions can allow people to develop different looks. “If you smile a lot, you have different wrinkles around your eyes and your mouth from if you frown(皺眉)a lot,” she said.

  32. Why did the author use the names Bob and Tim as an example?

  A. To prove the influence of names on our emotions.

  B. To present the cultural expectations of certain names.

  C. To show the correct method of guessing someone’s name.

  D. To explain the possible connections between names and looks.

  33. Which of the following are considered cultural stereotypes by the author?

  A. A boy name Tim tends to be cautious.

  B. A boy named Jamal tends to be violent.

  C. A boy named DeShawn appears dangerous.

  D. A girl named Bonnie is likely to be seen as joyful.

  34. Which of the following would Yonat Zwebner probably agree with?

  A. People’s faces become fixed as they grow into adults.

  B. The way people are looked at changes their personalities.

  C. People could change their personalities by using different names.

  D. People should focus on sound and meaning when choosing names.

  35. What might be the best title for the passage?

  A. Name may make looks B. Name can change people

  C. Appearance may affect jobs D. Appearance can carry culture.笫二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


  Self-talk helps us all

  Talking to yourself may seem a little shameful. If you’ve ever been overheard criticizing yourself for a foolish mistake or practicing a speech, you’ll know the social problems it can cause. 36 Talking to ourselves, whether out loud or silently in our heads, is valuable. Far from being a sign of madness, self-talk allows us to plan what we are going to do, manage our activities and control our emotions.

  Psychologists call self-talk private speech-language that is spoken out loud but directed at yourself. We do a lot of it when we are young. As children, we use private speech to control our actions in the same way that we use public speech to control the behavior of others. 37

  Psychological experiments have shown that this so-called inner speech can improve our performance in tasks like telling what other people are thinking. One recent study suggests that self-talk is the most effective when we talk to ourselves in the second person: as “you” rather than “I” .

  We keep the private speech we use as children inside—but we never truly put away the out-loud version. 38 You’re sure to see an athlete shouting at himself or herself.

  39 Hearing different points of view means our thoughts can end up in different places, leading to a solution to a problem, just like a regular dialogue, and might turn out to be one of the keys to human creativity.

  Both kinds of self-talk-silent and out loud-seem to bring many different benefits to our thinking. 40

  A. But there’s no need for embarrassment.

  B. If you want proof, turn on a sports channel.

  C. As we grow older, we keep this system inside.

  D. Take a trip to any preschool and watch a small child playing with toys.

  E. Words to the self, spoken silently or aloud, are so much more than just chatter.

  F. According to the well-known saying, talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.

  G. Self-talk seems to be a very good way of solving problems and working through ideas.笫三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每題1.5分,滿分30分)


  Yesterday I was walking along a busy road when I noticed a young man standing near the pedestrian crossing, selling toys.

  Usually I would 41 and hurry past such sellers before being approached to buy something. But I found this young man was 42 , so I stood for some time without crossing the street. I wanted to see 43 he sold his toys.

  44 , a young mother with a small child came by and the child was 45 by one of the toys in a large box that made a noise. The young mother asked for the 46 and it was charged only one dollar. She 47 a 10-dollar note from her purse and told the young man that she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the 48 back. I was wondering how he was going to give it back. He told the young mother to put the money in the bag 49 his neck and take out 50 change he owed her. She then out her hand into the bag and took out the balance while I was 51 her like a hawk(鷹).

  I realized that this young man depended on 52 people not to cheat him. There was no 53 of him knowing if someone took out more than they should have done. I was so 54 by how this disabled man believed in people that I bought a toy from him I didn’t 55 at all.

  He said it cost one dollar and I, too. told him that I had only a 10-dollar note. He told me to do the 56 thing. So I put my 10 dollars in his 57 . I put my hand in, but didn’t take any change. I hope he will find that he has more 58 than he should when he gets home. As I walked down the street, I saw another kid walking with his father, 59 I gave him the little toy. Then, I walked on, hoping that two people would have a 60 smile on their faces that day.

  41. A. ignore B. look C. pause D. help

  42. A. patient B. honest C. blind D. strange

  43. A. why B. whether C. when D. how

  44. A. Quickly B. Shortly C. Finally D. Quietly

  45. A. attracted B. annoyed C. caught D. driven

  46. A. bargain B. reason C. discount D. price

  47. A. searched for B. pulled out C. picked up D. emptied out

  48. A. note B. toy C. change D. deal

  49. A. tied to B. dropping from C. carried on D. hanging around

  50. A. whichever B. whatever C. however D. whoever

  51. A. watching B. suspecting C. checking D. following

  52. A. begging B. convincing C. trusting D. encouraging

  53. A. point B. way C. chance D. doubt

  54. A. demanded B. surprised C. touched D. influenced

  55. A. need B. know C. value D. store

  56. A. opposite B. good C. equal D. same

  57. A. hand B. bag C. box D. pocket

  58. A. money B. forgiveness C. confidence D. appreciation

  59. A. but B. or C. so D. for

  60. A. ready B. polite C. gentle D. broad笫Ⅱ卷

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)



  Being raised in a family of teachers, I 61 (get) plenty of chances to connect with literature since a young age. So I have many stories about me and reading.

  It was my father who took me on the road to reading and made me appreciate 62 (it) beauty. When I was a little girl, he bought me a book 63 (name) The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I was too young to read this difficult work, so my father explained it to me 64 (patient). From then on, I started to enjoy reading books.

  When I became a middle school student, I began to read some simplified English classics on my own. Sometimes, I would write down my thoughts and 65 (feel) and share them with my father. Among all the books that I read during my middle school years, Jane Eyre left the 66 (deep) impression on me. I was having some difficulties with my studies at that time, 67 Jane Eyre’s persistence (堅持) and courage inspired me a lot. Thanks to my reading habit, I managed 68 (overcome) the difficulty of my studies.

  Now, I’m a senior high school student and very busy with my studies. But I still keep on reading in my spare time. My mother told me that I should be absorbed 69 my studies, but in my point of view, I regard reading as an oasis(綠洲) that can make me relax.

  Recently, I thought about the benefits 70 reading could bring us. Reading can clear our minds and motivate us. In addition, we may broaden our horizons and gain more knowledge through reading. I hope that my story can inspire you to start your own reading adventure.第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)








  Dear Diana,

  Yesterday my friend David came round with a new game and asked to play it by my dad’s computer. I was a little worried, because my dad used it mainly for his work, and I’m only allowed to use it for my homework. It happened when my dad was out, so we tried out the game. After playing, I took it off the compute r. However, when I restarted computer, I found some of my dad’s documents miss. Later in the afternoon, my dad used the computer, but couldn’t find the document in it. He became very angry, but I dared not to tell him about the game. Now I’m feeling regretful and disturbing. I’m not sure whether a computer’s repair shop can get the documents back. Should I tell him the truth, and should I pay to repair it? I wish for your advice.

  Yours ever,


  第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(滿分25分)






  Dear Wendy,

  Looking forward to your early reply.


  Li Hua



  1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.C 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.C 34.B 35.A 36.A 37.C 38.B 39.G 40.E 41.A 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.A 46.D 47.B 48.C 49.D 50.B 51.A 52.C 53.B 54.C 55.A 56.D 57.B 58.A 59.C 60.D


  61. have got / gotten 62. its 63. named 64. patiently 65. feelings

  66. deepest 67. but 68. to overcome 69. in 70. that / which


  Dear Diana,

  Yesterday my friend David came round with a new game and asked to play it by my dad’s

  71. on

  computer. I was a little worried, because my dad used it mainly for his work, and I’m only allowed

  72. uses

  to use it for my homework. It happened when my dad was out, so we tried out the game. After

  73. that

  playing, I took it off the computer. However, when I restarted ∧ computer, I found some of my

  74. the

  dad’s documents miss. Later in the afternoon, my dad used the computer, but couldn’t find the

  75. missing

  document in it. He became very angry, but I dared not to tell him about the game. Now I’m

  76. documents 77去掉to

  feeling regretful and disturbing. I’m not sure whether a computer’s repair shop can get the

  78. disturbed 79. computer

  documents back. Should I tell him the truth, and should I pay to repair it? I wish for your advice.

  80. or

  Yours ever,


  四、書面表達(dá)(One possible version):

  Dear Wendy,

  We’re so happy to know your 18th birthday is approaching. Considering you’re alone here in China, we’re going to hold a party for you to celebrate it.

  The party will be held in the restaurant just next to our school at 6:00 this Saturday afternoon. Twenty of our classmates, together with five teachers, will join. At the party, there’ll be a special ceremony, followed by dinner, drinking, singing, dancing and so on. We’ve ordered delicious food and a birthday cake and prepared gifts for you.

  Is there any special activity you’d like to have at the party? If any idea strikes you, please let us know. We sincerely hope you’ll turn up and have a nice birthday.

  Looking forward to your early reply.


  Li Hua









高考,穩(wěn)的是心,用的是技巧,冷靜的是思想,沉著的是頭腦,高考時就像平常一樣的對待,不要考慮太多。祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017年山東春季高考英語試題,僅供大家參考! 2017年山東春季高考英語試題 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30


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  • 2017年全國英語高考試題及答案解析


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