


時(shí)間: 德豪21 分享



  第Ⅰ卷 (選擇題)



  第一節(jié) (共5小題:每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)


  例:How much is the shirt ?

  A..15. B..18 C..15


  1. What food did the woman cook?

  A. Chinese food. B. Thai food. C. Japanese food.

  2. What does the man suggest the woman do?

  A. Go home by bus. B. Wait for him. C. Drive to the garage.

  3. What sport does the man speaker like?

  (1)Table tennis. B. Football. C. Basketball

  4. When was the train supposed to leave?

  A. At 8: 55 B. At 8: 30 C. At 7: 55

  5. Why is the man unhappy?

  A. The car moves too slowly.

  B. It has been snowing for an hour.

  C. He hates traveling by car.




  6. How does the woman feel now?

  A. Exited. B. Hungry. C. Exhausted.

  7. What does the man want to watch now?

  A. A concert. B. A movie. C. A sports match.


  8. What will the speakers do tomorrow?

  A. Visit a museum. B. See a doctor. C. Go shopping.

  9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Colleagues. B. Classmates. C. Neighbors.


  10. Where was the woman born?

  A. In Argentina. B. In the United States. C. In Chile.

  11. What made the man’s family often move?

  A. The poor economy.

  B. His father’s work.

  C. The passion for adventure.

  12. What’s the man?

  A. A soldier. B. A psychologist. C. A student.


  13. What does the woman want to do?

  A. Lose weight. B. Kill time. C. Get rid of her tiredness.

  14. When can non-members enjoy the special offer?

  A. This month. B. During holidays. C. On their birthdays.

  15. How much does a swimming class cost non-members each time?

  A. $ 35. B. $ 25. C. $ 10.

  16. What class will the woman choose?

  A. A weight training class.

  B. A swimming class.

  C. A yoga class.


  17. Which country has the most effective education system?

  A. South Korea. B. Japan. C. The United States.

  18. What is the study based on?

  A. The number of students.

  B. The level of education.

  C. The abilities of students.

  19. What is Germany’s ranking?

  A. 18th. B. 19th. C. 24th.

  20. What is stressed in the end?

  A. Home education

  B. School faculties.

  C. Teaching methods.





  Walk For Charity

  Dear Friend,

  Please join us for our annual Walk For Charity. Starting in Weldown, you and your friends can choose a delightful 10, 20 or 30 kilometers’ route.

  The money raised will provide support to help people all over the world. Start collecting your sponsors now and then simply come along on the day. Please read the instructions below carefully, especially if you require transport to and from Weldown.

  See you on Sunday 15 April.

  V Jessop: Walk coordinator


  Great Rushly

  Lower Brene



  10 km walk

  20 km walk

  30 km walk






  PS. Well done to last year’s walkers for helping to raise a grand total of £21,000. The mon

  ey has already been used to build a children’s playground.


  30 km: 8--10 am 20 km: 8--10:30 am 10 km: 8--11:30 am

  The organizers reserve the right to refuse late-comers.

  CLOTHINGshould be suitable for the weather. If rain is forecast, bring some protection and be prepared for all possibilities. It is better to wear shoes that have been worn in, rather than ones that are new.

  ROUTE MAPSwill be available from the registration point. The route will be sign-posted and arranged. Where the route runs along the road, walkers should keep to one side in single file, facing oncoming traffic at all times. If you need help along the route, please inform one of the staff.

  Free car parking is available in car parks and on streets in Weldown.


  For the 10 and 20 kilometers’ routes, a bus will be waiting at Fenton to take walkers back to Weldown. The bus will leave every half hour starting at midday. The service is free and there is no need to book.

  21. When may a walker be forbidden to join in the walk?

  A. Being late for the walk

  B. Parking a car on the streets

  C. Choosing the shortest route

  D. Bringing no clothes for the weather

  22. According to the route map,where does the 20 kilometers’ walk finish?

  A. Weldown B. Fenton C. Great Rushly D. Lower Brene

  23. What is the walker warned of?

  A. To prepare new shoes for the walk

  B. To book the bus ahead of time

  C. To care about their own safety

  D. To donate at the registration point

  24. When will the first bus leave?

  A. 11:30 am B. 12:30 pm C. 13:20 pm D. 14:40 pm


  Do you remember your first day of school? Were you excited or a bit scared? When I started school, I lived in an area of southern Germany. I remember how frightened I was, mostly because I didn’t know what to expect.

  My mother and I walked quietly, downhill into the center oftown. Whenweenteredtheclassroom,Inoticedallthechildrenweresittingquietlyintheirseats.Anxiously,Ipickedaspotnexttoafriendly–lookinggirl.

  Inmynervousness,IhadtotallyforgottenIwastoreceiveaSchultuete(schoolcone)onthefirstdayofschool,butasIlookedatmyteacher'sdeskIremembered.Herdeskwascoveredwithhugecardboardcones.IknewthatmymotherhadfilledmySchultuetewithgoodiesandbroughtittomyclassroomthedaybefore, butIdidn'tknowwhichonewasmine.

  Thatmorning,thefocusofmyattentionremainedwiththosecones.All ofthefearslowlydisappeared.Whentheteacheraskedmetoapproachthedesk,shedidnotseemthreateningatall.WhenshesmilinglyhandedmemySchultuete,Iwasthehappiestgirl.


  WhenIwasolderIaskedmymotheraboutherfirstdayofschool.Shetoldmeshehadn'treceived aSchultuetefromherparentsbecausethecustomhadnotbeen establishedalloverGermanyatthattime.

  Thecustombeganinthecitiesinthe1800sandthenspreadtothetownsandvillages. Bytheearly1950s,thetraditionoftheSchultuetewasestablishedalloverthecountry. And it has been passed on even in the present day.

  25. How did the author feel at first about her first day of school?

  A. Excited B. Confused

  C. Afraid D. Delighted

  26. According to the text, a Schultuete _____.

  A. is given to kids as a gift on their first day of school

  B. is presented as a reward by a school teacher

  C. became popular in the early 19th century

  D. is usually filled with school supplies

  27. The underlined sentence “The hill did not seem steep at all” implies that ____.

  A. the author was in good health

  B. the author was very excited then

  C. the author enjoyed climbing hills

  D. the author missed her mother badly


  A sea turtle named Herman, an octopus called Octavia, and a seal named Lidia all spent this summer at the Smithsonian’ s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. But unlike the zoo’s other residents, they are not real animals. These creatures are actually huge sculptures and they’re made entirely out of plastic trash from the ocean.

  These giant artworks, along with 14 others, are part of a traveling exhibit called “Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea”. The Washed Ashore project, led by artist Angela Haseltine Pozzi, works to raise awareness about the problem of plastic pollution in Earth’s oceans.

  More than 315 billion pounds of plastic litter the world’s oceans today. Most of the plastic is garbage from towns and cities, as well as trash that people leave on beaches. rainwater, winds, and high tides bring the trash into the ocean or into rivers that lead to the ocean. Once it is under the waves, the plastic begins to break up into smaller and smaller pieces. It often collects in spots called garbage patches, which spread over large areas of the ocean.

  Thousands of marine animals----including whales, sea turtles,and fish----die each year from eating or getting stuck in plastic bags and other items. Plastic pieces can also injure coral and kill sea grass.

  Washed Ashore and other organizations are working to stop that from happening. Since 2010, Washed Ashore volunteers have collected 38,000 pounds of plastic trash from more than 3000 miles of beaches. They helped Pozzi create more than 60 sculptures of marine creatures that were harmed by plastic pollution.

  The artworks on display at the National Zoo include a 20-foot-long coral reef, a 12-foot-long shark, and a 16-foot-long parrot fish. Each one is made from hundreds of pieces of trash like water bottles and sunglasses.

  “These sculptures are a powerful reminder of our personal role and global responsibility in preserving biodiversity on land and in the sea,” says Dennis Kelly, director of the National Zoo.

  28.Why is Angela exhibiting her sculptured animal?

  A. To prove her talent in sculpture.

  B. To attract most visitors to the zoo.

  C. To care about the plastic pollution in seas.

  D. To teach the people the use of plastic.

  29. What is stressed in Para. 3 according to the text?

  A. Why plastic is difficult to break up.

  B. What problems plastic litter causes.

  C. Where plastic pieces go at last.

  D. How garbage patches are formed.

  30. What are Washed Ashore volunteers doing?

  A. Collecting pollution trash from the beaches.

  B. Turning trash from the ocean into art.

  C. Raising 38,000 pounds for plastic pollution.

  D. Surveying the data of plastic litter in oceans.

  31. Which of the following best describe Dennis Kelly’s attitude to Pozzi’s sculpture?

  A. Doubtful B. Supportive

  C. Negative. D. Indifferent


  Reading instruction in the classroom is a key concern for all teachers and there are many ways to go about it. However, is our determination to achieve excellence in reading skills in our children killing their love and enjoyment of a good book?

  In my work with parents, I am frequently asked the best ways to encourage reluctant readers to be engaged with books. Parents report that their children return home from school with no inclination to pick up a book and read.

  Any eager reader will gladly talk about the joy with a good book to read away the hours on a cold, rainy afternoon. Reading a good book is one of life’s greatest pleasures. We need to share these experiences with our children in order to assist them in developing into strong readers. But the use of boring, mass-produced home reading texts in children’s early years at school can be seen as the beginning of this negative cycle.

  As children progress through their schooling life, there are many other instances of learning reading skills that don’t help reading development. Frequently, teachers feel the pressure to give their students “ just enough” in terms of reading strategies to be able to achieve the test, which leaves little time to focus on reading for pleasure.

  Kelly Gallagher, a high school teacher, outlines the term” Readicide” in his book. He says it’s: the systematic killing of the love of reading, often worsened by foolish, boring practices found in schools.

  Recent research shows that many teachers tend to follow the traditional literacy practices that they have experienced in their own education, which can often have negative intentions for their students.

  While teaching children key concepts for analyzing and evaluating texts is important, the manner in which it is done and time that is spent on this can lead to unexpected results. Schools aren’t to blame when it comes to not arresting students’ lack of interest in reading, but they have an important role to play in fostering reading enjoyment.

  32. What does the underlined word “inclination” mean?

  A. Energy B. Task

  C. Intention D. Requirement

  33. What does the term “Readicide” refer to?

  A. To develop reading habits

  B. To read for pleasure

  C. To learn reading skills

  D. To kill a love for books

  34. According to the text, teachers at school ______.

  A. focus on teaching reading strategies

  B. ignore key concepts for analyzing texts

  C. are to blame for students’ poor reading

  D. fail to follow the traditional reading practices

  35. What might be suitable title for the text?

  A. Reading books is to experience pleasure

  B. Learning to love books is even more important

  C. Teaching reading helps reluctant readers

  D. Getting pleasure from books makes capable readers

  第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10 分)


  5 Things I Wish I Knew Freshman Year

  During my freshman year of college, there were a few things I learned along the way that I wish I had known right from the beginning. 36 . Below is alist of 5 important things any freshman should know,from day one.

  1. 37 .

  It’s okay to miss your best friend forever from home, or to try to make it work long distance with your high school boyfriend… But don’t be lost in high school (and leave the drama behind). Meet new people, make new friends and most importantly keep an open mind when it comes to your high school relationship. If you feel like you’re crushing on someone else, explore the opportunity!

  2. Always use student discounts.

  Now that you’re in college, you shouldn’t pay full price for anything you buy. Sign up forStudent Cardto enjoydiscounts at Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Lenovo, and many more. When you go to the library, or grab a pizza in town, always ask if the store offersa student discount. 38.

  3. Don’t be spellbound by your Instagram self.

  39   And you’re hoping your high school friends are watching…, but put away your phone once in a while and enjoy the moment! Also be mindful of what you’re sharing online. Do you really want your future employer, or your 15-year-old cousin to see you shotgun a beer on Instagram?

  4. Try not to skip too many 8 am classes.

  If you’re going to skip your 8 am class because it is too early, pick a later class. I know what you’re thinking, “I took morning classes in high school and I was fine.” It’s not the same, try to avoid these classes.

  5. Get out of your comfort zone!

  40Take risks things, explore yourpassions, meet new people and smile! Remember, if it’s not going so well at first, youhave three years to find something on campus you like and if you are enjoying yourself,be sure to spend your time wisely as four years go by quicker than you could ever expect!!

  A. Almost every store does

  B. Start off the year doing stuff right

  C. Don’t stay stuck in high school

  D. You want to share with the world how cool your new life is

  E. Lastly, remember, college is only four years long

  F. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, as it can make a big difference

  G. So instead ofgoing through the process yourself, I think I’d make things a bit easier




  Mr. Bard is the manager at his family’s shoe company. He 41 competence in his workers. He always tells the 42 and hard-working employees that he is 43 of them. Not onlydoes he show his appreciation through words, but the most competent workers are

  44 paid more.

  Mr. Bard thinks when an employee works harder and 45_ higher quality shoes, the company earns more money. 46 , the employee should also earn more. But many of the 47 competent workers disagreed.“We are 48 ,” they protest(抗議). “We do the same job, so we should get the same pay!”

  He is a kind and49 man. If he keeps hiring the less competent workers, the whole company will 50, and perhaps all employees will lose their jobs. It will also be bad for his family and the company’s 51 who like their products.

  To 52 the situation, Mr. Bard creates evening workshops to help 53 the employees who are not working at company 54 . They watch the most competent workers, who receive a special bonus for 55 their co-workers. They inspect the production line, ask lots of questions, and 56 until they are skilled and 57 .

  Production at the company 58 , and the customers are happier with the high __59__ shoes! As sales increase, Mr. Bard is able to pay his workers better. 60 hisgoodmanagement and reward system, his business is becoming more and more successful.

  41. A. appreciates B. observes C. discusses D. demands

  42. A. excited B. skilled C. ready D. calm

  43. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. guilty

  44. A. yet B. just C. still D. also

  45. A. buys B. makes C. sells D. does

  46. A. For one thing B. On the contrary C. In other words D. As a result

  47. A. less B. more C. worse D. better

  48. A. active B. similar C. equal D. different

  49. A. quiet B. handsome C. wise D. simple

  50. A. develop B. move C. suffer D. blame

  51. A. workers B. women C. owners D. customers

  52. A. improve B. support C. break D. recover

  53. A. clarify B. control C. train D. invite

  54. A. standards B. impressions C. schedules D. purposes

  55. A. picking B. teaching C. testing D. knowing

  56. A. expect B. promise C. cover D. practice

  57. A. productive B. affected C. amused D. famous

  58. A. gets through B. runs out C. turns out D. goes up

  59. A. safety B. function C. quality D. heel

  60. A. Regardless of B. In spite of C. Instead of D. Thanks to



  第三部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)



  Classical Chinese poetry is traditional Chinese poetry 61 (write) in Classical Chinese and typified by certain traditional forms. Many 62 (poem) come from particular historical periods, such as the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and the verse of Song Dynasty. 63 (it) existence dates back to at least as early as the publication of the Classic of Poetry or Shijing. There are 64 (vary) combinations of forms and genres, most of 65_arose at the end of the Tang Dynasty.

  Development of Classical Chinese poetry 66(active) continued up to the year of 1919, when the May Fourth Movement 67(take) place, and is still popular even today. Classical Poetry created during this 2,500-year period has been developing continuously, 68 (produce) a great deal of diversity—classified by both major historical periods 69 dynastic periods.

  Of the key aspects of Classical Chinese poetryis its close inter-relationshipwith other forms of Chinese art, such as Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy (書法). Classical Chinese poetry has proven to have a strong influence 70 poetry worldwide.




  增加:在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏字符號(hào)( ),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。



  注意:1. 每處錯(cuò)誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

  2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分。

  Dear Li Ming,

  I am writing to express my congratulation to you on your winning first place in the English Speech Competition holding recently. It is no wonder that you have made such a great progress in your Chinese study because you had always been working hard. Your efforts have paid back at last. To be honest, what I admire most are your hard work. It’s from you who I have learned a valuable lesson. Your experience will be great helpful to me in my learning. If only I can be successful like you. I will appreciate if you can write me back and give me your advice. Looking forward to your early reply.


  Li Hua


  你校將要舉辦一次主題為“How to Communicate With Our Parents”的英語演講比賽,請(qǐng)你用英語寫一篇演講稿。要點(diǎn)如下:




  注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右,開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);


  參考詞匯:換位思考put oneself in one’s shoes

  How to Communicate With Our Parents

  Hello, everyone. I’d like to share my ideas about the topic of communicating with our parents._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  1-5 CAACA 6-10 CBABA 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 CACBA


  21-24 ABCB 25-27 CAB 28-31 CDAB 32-35 CDAB36-40 GCADE


  41-45 ABCDB 46-50 DACCC 51-55 DACAB 56-60 DADCD


  61. written 62. poems 63. Its 64.various 65.which

  66.actively 67.took 68.producing 69.and 70.on/upon


  1.congratulation→ congratulations 2.holding→held 3.such a

  4.had→have 5.back→off 6.are→is 7.who→that

  8.great→greatly 9.can→could 10.appreciate∧→appreciate it


  How to Communicate With Our Parents

  Hello, everyone, I’d like to share my ideas about the topic of communicating with our parents.

  Parents are the people devoted to us most, and that’s why it’s necessary to keep a good relationship with them. Here are my ideas on how to make it easier to communicate with parents.

  First, we should respect and trust our parents. Don’t be rude to them even if they have done something wrong. They have experienced more and always try their best to protect us from dangers. Second, if we often share with them our life and experiences, we will know each other better. What’s more, we can often tell our parents how much we love them. If sometimes we don’t agree with our parents’ decisions, we should try to put ourselves into their shoes and we will soon understand them. Please do remember they really hope that we will become the best in the future.

  Thank you for listening.








,從高中英語教師對(duì)聽力測試的認(rèn)知程度,聽力測試對(duì)聽力教學(xué)態(tài)度、教學(xué)方法、教學(xué)內(nèi)容與時(shí)間安排的影響4個(gè)維度,探討高考英語聽力測試對(duì)高中英語教學(xué)的反撥效應(yīng)。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理關(guān)于2017安徽高考英語模擬試卷的內(nèi)容,希望大家喜歡! 2017安徽高考英語


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  • 高考英語模擬試題及答案


  • 17年高考英語遼寧試卷


  • 17年安徽英語高考真題
