
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 勵志 > 勵志歌曲 > 我與你的光年距離主題曲、插曲、片尾曲、背景音樂所有歌曲歌詞MV(3)


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  《我與你的光年距離》王以綸唱《Fight For You》

  今日,90后新銳導(dǎo)演貓的樹執(zhí)導(dǎo),高顏值青春偶像宋威龍、周雨彤、王以綸、王旭東主演的奇幻愛情超級網(wǎng)劇《我與你的光年距離》在主題曲薛之謙的《剛剛好》之后,曝光了首支插曲MV《Fight For You》,這首歌曲由何緢作曲、楊桐作詞,王以綸獻唱演繹,劇中深情守護女主雪姬的富家公子李哲形象躍然屏幕?!段遗c你的光年距離》已定檔2.14,將于情人節(jié)為大家獻上一份最甜蜜的禮物。

  《Fight For You》整首MV由臺灣知名MV導(dǎo)演金卓操刀制作,這位曾成功拍攝劉德華、王力宏、蔡依林、張惠妹等眾多一線大牌MV的金牌導(dǎo)演,以細膩動人又不失動感的表現(xiàn)手法,將王以綸的迷人聲線與他在劇中的表演完美融合。整支MV宛如夏日傍晚的一陣清風(fēng),純美感人。

  偶像劇里的男一是女主的,男二是所有追劇的迷妹的。王以綸在這首插曲MV里,將歌曲蘊藏的情感,通過深情真誠的演唱道出。開口的第一句“oh baby tell me,what can I do?”,吐露了一個對女主雪姬愛而不得想要努力爭取卻不過是徒增傷感無奈的騎士的心聲,“沒有人能阻止我我將為你戰(zhàn)斗”的內(nèi)心獨白讓萬千追劇少女直呼心疼。

  在這首《Fight For You》MV里,不僅有王以綸動人的情歌魅力,更有他在劇中的精彩表演的片段曝光。低頭抿嘴的深思,回眸凝視的脈脈含情,獨立雨中的痛苦絕望,對峙世一的沉靜冷淡,陪伴雪姬的的堅定不移,面對雪姬在他面前被世一帶走的黯然失落,每一個情緒都表達的細膩到位,直入人心。


  《我與你的光年距離》插曲王以綸《Fight For You》在線收聽

  《我與你的光年距離》插曲王以綸《Fight For You》歌詞

  Oh baby,tell me what can i do.

  My heart is burning,wanna be close to you.

  Take my hand till the end.

  For you i will never surrender.

  Cuz you are my girl.

  Oh baby,will you just be there for me.

  my heart is beating wanna fight for you.

  They can't stop me,i will fight for you.

  You should know.

  I'm waking up on the crowded street,

  with a fake smile,pretend that i'm okay.

  Now it's for us to face truth.

  Can't you see now,we've gone too far away.Dream of you when i close my eyes.

  Wish that somebody i can hold you tight.

  What if we can start over again.

  Do anything to fight for you.

  Oh baby,tell me what can i do.

  My heart is burning,wanna be close to you.

  Take my hand till the end.

  For you i will never surrender.

  Cuz you are my girl.

  Oh baby,will you just be there for me.

  my heart is beating wanna fight for you.

  They can't stop me,i will fight for you.

  You should know.

  I'm waking up on the crowded street,

  with a fake smile,pretend that i'm okay.

  Now it's for us to face truth.

  Can't you see now,we've gone too far away.Dream of you when i close my eyes.

  Wish that somebody i can hold you tight.

  What if we can start over again.

  Do anything to fight for you.

  Oh baby,tell me what can i do.

  My heart is burning,wanna be close to you.

  Take my hand till the end.

  For you i will never surrender.

  Cuz you are my girl.

  Oh baby,will you just be there for me.

  my heart is beating wanna fight for you.

  They can't stop me,i will fight for you.

  You should know.

  I will fight for you.

  You should konw.