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慰問信是表示向?qū)Ψ疥P(guān)懷、慰問的信函。它是有 關(guān)機(jī)關(guān)或者個(gè)人,以組織或個(gè)人的名義在他人處 于特殊的情況下 (如戰(zhàn)爭、自然災(zāi)害、事故),或 在節(jié)假日,向?qū)Ψ奖硎締柡?、關(guān)心的應(yīng)用文。慰 問信包括兩種:一種是表示同情安慰;另一種是在節(jié) 日表示問候。信應(yīng)寫得態(tài)度誠懇、真切。

慰問信是對(duì)某些單位或個(gè)人的突出工作,或遭到 什么不幸表示慰問、問候、致意而寫的一種書信。

慰問信的正文,應(yīng)包括為了什么事慰問對(duì)方,要 怎樣向?qū)Ψ綄W(xué)習(xí),或支持、關(guān)心、幫助對(duì)方。對(duì) 于經(jīng)常保持商務(wù)往來的業(yè)務(wù)伙伴,慰問信是維系 公司間友好往來的書信種類之一。商業(yè)伙伴出了 事故或是公司要人去世,都應(yīng)該寫一封慰問信, 以表示關(guān)心。這樣的友好往來也會(huì)給雙方的關(guān)系 帶來好處。 慰問信一定要注意措詞和語氣。下面是寫 慰問信需要注意的幾點(diǎn): 1. Start with a statement of sympathy. ? 2. Follow with sentences about mutual exp eriences or relationship. ? 3. Close with some expressions of comfort and affection.[格式內(nèi)容] 1.標(biāo)題??蓪懗?quot;慰問信"或者"xxxx致 xxxx的慰問信"。


3.慰問的原因??蓪懯录那闆r,或介 紹他人的事跡等。


5.署名和署時(shí)。 ? ?Dear James, In today’s newspaper, I read about the recent events in your town and I am writing to extend my deepest condolences. It broke my heart to see all those pictures of those whose homes have been destroyed in the tragic hurricane. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a little girl crying on the roof of her house asking for help. I am really worried about you and your family, and all your friends there. I am crossing my fingers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound. I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I wantto extend to you my unwavering support. Our government and many nongovernmental organizations are initiating various campaigns to urge people to donate money and necessary things to send to America. I donated all my allowance that I have been saving for years. I feel extremely sorry for this tragedy, and I will be looking forward to hearing from you. Please pass my concern on to your parents. Yours sincerely, Meng Fei[范例參考] 范例一 表示同情安慰的慰問信 新華社北京11月13日電 中國江澤民 13日就美國一架客機(jī)在紐約失事致電美國總統(tǒng)布什。對(duì)遇難者表示哀 悼。電文如下: 美利堅(jiān)合眾國華盛頓白宮喬治· 沃克· 布什總統(tǒng)閣下: 總統(tǒng)先生:我昨晚與你通電話后不久,便驚悉,美國一架客機(jī)在紐 約失事,造成重大人員傷亡和財(cái)產(chǎn)損失。我對(duì)此深感悲痛。

我謹(jǐn)代表中國政府和人民,向你并通過你,向美國政府和人民表 示深切慰問,對(duì)遇難者表示哀悼。中華人民共和國主席 江澤民 二00一年十一月十三日晨于北京給四川地震災(zāi)區(qū)的中學(xué)生寫一封英語慰問信 Dear friends, I"m awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown. Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to tears. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Thinking about your present situation, we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help you. I, as the chairman of student union, on behalf of all my schoolmates,express our most sincere pity and care for you. Besides, we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, expecting that it can help you go through the difficulty. A better hometown can be rebuilt. Therefore, never give up whatever happens. Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help! Yours Sincerely, Li Hua


范文慰問信A Letter Condolence地震慰問信 中國四川汶川大地震災(zāi)害嚴(yán)重, 已造成500 多萬人無家可歸。請你 代表 我校 寫一封 慰問信 災(zāi)區(qū)人民表示 關(guān)懷和慰問。

對(duì)災(zāi)區(qū)人民表示 關(guān)懷 后重建家園的信心 Dear victims, earthquakehich happened eeksago Sichuanprovince enormousdisaster ourhole nation. hascaused both financial lifeloss. Until fiftythousand people lost livesdue muchmore injured seriously. Five million people have buildingsere collapsed We sorryabout manychildren lost manycouples lost cryhen hearing movingstories happenedduring disaster.Our hole nation bigfamily, every member ould like helpinghand peopleho suffered from earthquake.We must sho our arm-heartedness makedonations strickenarea sothat brokenheart can actionshas been taken since earthquakehappened. strickenarea ill soon restoredith otherarm-hearted people’s help. futureill bright,cheer up! Yours sincerely ZZIA 地震慰問信2Dear victims, eekago, nesabout verysorry greatestdisaster after 1949. 40075people ho founddead disastertill havebeen more than 500 million people ho rip

pedthrough, many blocks housesere seriously damaged, evenere deeplymoved internationalrescue teams ho myschool, fort your victims survivorsith our arm heart. Moreover, contributealarge amount ourschool ill try our best helpyou. Last allhave rebuildyour home after disaster.Only perseverancecan naturaldisaster. Good luck bestishes you!Yours sincerely ZZIA 地震慰問信3Dear victims, unknonearthquake suddenly happened Wenchuan,Sichuan province. Almost half hugecalamity Chinesepeople. Until nearly50 thousand people ho died morepeople injured. Many people lost deepsorro. alsolost largenumber buildingsere damaged. What’s more, many children studentslost livesbecause parentsho suffer from bigcalamity can’taccept factuntil Chinesepeople begin doeverything canhen nes.Almost every one uscontributes greatnumber goodshich people Sichuanneed. haveenough money shoulddo all coulddo. What’s more important, canhelp Sichuan people rebuilt livehappily. Yours sincerely ZZIA 注明:篇二:地震慰問信 地震無情人有情地震慰問信 地震無 情人有情 四川受災(zāi)者們: 2016 月12日下午2 時(shí),在四川汶川 發(fā)生了7.8 級(jí)的地震,地震發(fā)生后,牽動(dòng)了千千萬萬在外務(wù)工的受災(zāi) 區(qū)的人員,公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)沈總在地震后也深表關(guān)注,在對(duì)在四川地震中的 受災(zāi)者表示深切慰問。

在我們公司也有部分員工家在災(zāi)區(qū),地震發(fā)生 后也非常關(guān)心家里的情況,不過請你們放心,大災(zāi)見大愛,危難見真情。

地震發(fā)生后,中共中央胡錦濤立即作出重要指示,要求盡快搶 救傷員,確保證災(zāi)區(qū)人民群眾生命安全。國務(wù)院溫**晝夜兼程, 緊急奔赴四川地震災(zāi)區(qū),日以繼夜,現(xiàn)場指揮抗震救災(zāi)工作。他提出 四項(xiàng)要求:第一,現(xiàn)在第一位的工作是抓緊時(shí)間救人,多爭取一分一 秒的時(shí)間就可能多搶救出一個(gè)被困者。第二,要不惜一切代價(jià)連夜打 通道路。這是目前抗震救災(zāi)工作的關(guān)鍵。第三,衛(wèi)生部要統(tǒng)籌協(xié)調(diào), 從各地調(diào)醫(yī)療人員趕赴災(zāi)區(qū)。第四,要全力妥善安置好受災(zāi)群眾,要 緊急從各地調(diào)運(yùn)大批帳篷,滿足群眾避震、避雨需要。他強(qiáng)調(diào),人命 關(guān)天,救人要緊,抗震救援要科學(xué)、有序、統(tǒng)一進(jìn)行。干部和黨員要 站在第一線,組織好抗震救災(zāi)工作。目前抗震救災(zāi)正在緊張有序地進(jìn) 行,中國地震局、國家減災(zāi)委、民政部、解放軍總參謀部、四川省委 省政府、成都軍區(qū)等緊急行動(dòng),支援災(zāi)區(qū)抗震救災(zāi)。

地震無情人有 情,大災(zāi)面前見精神。我們有理由相信,有以胡錦濤同志為黨 中央的堅(jiān)強(qiáng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo);有全黨全軍全國各族人民與災(zāi)區(qū)人民同呼吸、共命 運(yùn),眾志成城,團(tuán)結(jié)協(xié)作;有災(zāi)區(qū)人民的自強(qiáng)不息,奮力自救;有社 會(huì)主義制度的巨大優(yōu)越性,什么樣的難關(guān)我們都能逾越,什么樣的困 難我們都能克服! 公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)沈總代表公司向那些受災(zāi)的深表同情, 并表示慰問。“一方有難,八方支援?!钡卣馃o情人有情。胡錦濤同志、 溫夜不能寐,關(guān)心災(zāi)情。我們相信我們一定能夠戰(zhàn)勝自然災(zāi)害。

xx 工貿(mào)有限公司 2016 親愛的災(zāi)區(qū)小朋友:你們好! 我從電視上得知你們那里地震后房屋倒塌、道路中斷、人身傷亡非常嚴(yán)重的消息后,感到很難過。我知道大地震給你們帶來了很大的災(zāi)難。

我們現(xiàn)在正在學(xué)校讀書,而你們卻在流離失所,有的甚至還被壓在廢 墟下面,等待救援。

你們不要灰心,我們國家一定會(huì)盡心盡力幫助 你們渡過難關(guān),重建家園。我也會(huì)獻(xiàn)出一份微薄的心意,獻(xiàn)出一份愛 心。你們要知道,地震無情人有情。雖然你們有的成了孤兒,沒有了 家,但靠社會(huì)各界的幫助,你們肯定能過去這個(gè)難關(guān)的。

溫家寶爺 爺聽說你們遇災(zāi)后,立即坐飛機(jī)趕往災(zāi)區(qū),并派出大量的解放軍、武 警官兵、消防特警隊(duì)等人前去救援。醫(yī)療各單位也派去了很多醫(yī)護(hù)人 員,并攜帶了醫(yī)療器械和藥品。還用飛機(jī)空投了日常用品。包括棉衣、 棉被、餅干、方便面、礦泉水。你們一定要振作起來,雖然家園倒塌 了,但意志不能磨滅。我們一定會(huì)發(fā)揚(yáng)“一方有難,八方支援”的優(yōu) 良傳統(tǒng)。災(zāi)情發(fā)生后,社會(huì)各界積極響應(yīng),都紛紛向你們伸出了援助 之手。有的獻(xiàn)血、有的捐款捐物......溫也指出:搶救人民的生 命是重中之重,你們千萬要頂住,我們會(huì)盡自己最大努力去幫助你們 的。災(zāi)難總會(huì)過去,讓我們心手相牽,共度難關(guān)! 愿你們保重身體 日重建家園!關(guān)心你們的朋友:山東省聊城市北順小學(xué) 四年級(jí)四班 篇三:地震慰問信DearXiao Wang, sound, deeplymoved helpingother victims timebeing. tragedy. nextday soyou ill receive littlepackage from me, hich filledith medicines monuse. helpful.Yours sincerely, Li Ming justcan’t tell you ho sorry saddenedbeyond ords simplymust rite tellyou ho much you myheart amcertainly relieved allhoping yourquick return ell-balancedlife. Please do feeltoo much distressed Pleaselet me kno anyassistant canrender you. Startith Folloith sentences about mutual experiences Closeith some expressions affection.范文: .慰問信 (Notes Illness,Injury Materialloss) 親友生了病或受了傷,或由 于火災(zāi)、水災(zāi)、被盜等不幸事件蒙受了損失,就應(yīng)該寫封信表示慰問。

慰問信要寫的真誠,要注意措辭。寫慰問信時(shí),一定要圍繞一個(gè)中心, 那就是使收信人從中得到安慰和鼓舞。

慰問病人June 2005Dear Mrs. Corbin, sosorry yourillness. You must hurry getell!Everybody neighborhoodmisses you, e’reall hoping you’ll backsoon. Mr. Burke joins me sendingbest ishes yourspeed recovery. Sincerely yours, Mary Burke 親愛的科賓夫人: 聽說您病了,我非常難過。



您真摯的 瑪*伯克 2005 慰問受傷的人(ToThose Who Have Been Injured) 寫給受傷的人的慰問信要盡量簡短、中肯。信中不必查問 事故是怎么發(fā)生的,是誰的過錯(cuò),或有無見證人;而應(yīng)表達(dá)你聽到友 人受傷后的難過心情,以及希望他不久就能痊愈等等。換言之,你關(guān) 心的不是事故的前前后后,而應(yīng)該是受傷者的身體和恢復(fù)情況。

June 16, 2005 Dear Tom, justcan’t tell you ho sorry youraccident. Your family tells me progressingnicely, aboutten days, certainlyrelieved nextday soyou’ll receive littlepackage from Margaret hopeyou like illhelp timemore pleasantly. everygood ish yoursift recovery. Sincerely, 親愛的湯姆: 知道您受到意外傷害時(shí),我簡直難以形容 我心中是多么難過。您的家人告訴我,您恢復(fù)得很好,再有十天左右 的時(shí)間就可以出院了。聽到這一情況后,我心中感到很寬慰。


衷心祝愿您盡快地恢復(fù) 健康! 您真誠的 4.慰問蒙受物質(zhì)損失的人人們在蒙受損失時(shí),總希望能得到朋友的安慰。這種慰問信一般都比 較簡短,只表示關(guān)心和同情。

June 25, 2005 Dear Mr. Thompson, extremelysorry destroyedyour beautiful house. knoell ho much housemeant offermy sympathy. bestishes youboth. Sincerely yours, Smith 親愛的湯普森先生: 聽說火災(zāi)毀了您漂 亮的住宅,我難過極了。我知道您和夫人是非常喜愛那座房子的。特 立即向您們表示慰問。


您誠摯的, 5.安慰友人考試落榜(ToThose Who Could EntranceExamination) June 29, 2005 Dear Bill, What shocking nes mehen Mr.Leis youcould entranceexamination. meansyou have anotheryear nextentrance examination. quiteunderstand ho you feel Stillyou have many more chances try.So youill illget ready tryagain. amsure you ill easily succeed nextYours, Elizabeth 親愛的比爾: 我在劉易斯先生那里獲悉你 入學(xué)考試落榜,深感惋惜。這意味著你要等待明年再考了。我很能理 解你目前的心境。但你仍有很多機(jī)會(huì),所以希望你別太往心里去,做 好下次考試的準(zhǔn)備。我深信你明年一定能獲得成功。

伊麗莎白2005 6.英文慰問信的寫作格式,英文慰問信范文慰問信 (Notes Illness,Injury Materialloss) 親友生了病或受了傷,或由于火災(zāi)、水災(zāi)、被盜等不幸事件蒙受了損 失,就應(yīng)該寫封信表示慰問。慰問信要寫的真誠,要注意措辭。寫慰 問信時(shí),一定要圍繞一個(gè)中心,那就是使收信人從中得到安慰和鼓舞。

amsorry youhave been sick. ourdaily lives, you have given us too much love caresometimes regardless yourhard ork pay, cancontinuously makeprogress. Each class classmate all expecting you possible.While you ere aay, allmiss you very much. usyou morethan teacher.We all love you, hoping you can recover soon. Best ishes! 7.慰問信,唁電等問候信函祝賀升職 范例 Dear Mr. Gokhale, congratulateyou yourne post NeDelhi. amvery delighted yourpromotion after three exciting hardorkingyears enthusiasmcontributed greatdeal economicties beteen India hasbeen greatpleasure havehad orkingclosely ith you over pastthree years. You have been one mostcapable representatives youso kindly extended mehas been most gratifying.No doubt our paths ill continue crossfrom time lookforard maintainingclose contact ith you yourne capacity. Likeise, please let me kno ouldlike, once again, expressmy sincere gratitude yourefforts improveIndia-Taian trade investmentexchange ishyou successfulfuture. Sincerely yours, 篇五:有關(guān)地震的英語作文有關(guān)地震的英語作文.txt43 風(fēng)帆,不掛 在桅桿上,是一塊無用的布;桅桿,不掛上風(fēng)帆,是一根平常的柱; 理想,不付諸行動(dòng)是虛無縹緲的霧;行動(dòng),而沒有理想,是徒走沒有 盡頭的路。44 成功的門往往虛掩著,只要你勇敢去推,它就會(huì)豁然 洞開。2016 年作文預(yù)測——地震慰問信 中國青海玉樹大地震災(zāi)害嚴(yán)重,已造成***多萬人無家可歸。請你代表 我校寫一封慰問信向?yàn)?zāi)區(qū)人民 表示關(guān)懷和慰問。

簡要描述災(zāi)區(qū)的情況 表達(dá)災(zāi)后重建家園的信心 第一篇Dear victims, poerfulearthquake hit your hometon, Yushu Qinghaiprovince month ago. terriblenatural disaster ourhole nation. hascaused both financial lifeloss. Until approximatelyseventy thousand people lost livesdue muchmore ere injured seriously. Six million people have buildingsere collapsed. keepatching staggeringdeathroll heart-renchingstories from Yushuearthquake. We somuch saddened manychildren lost manycouples lost cryhen hearing movingstories happenedduring somuch touched trueoutpouring emotionfrom all over country.You feellonely. Our hole nation bigfamily, everymember ould like helpinghand allmeans, donatingmoney, time, energy strickenarea. We, 1.3 billion Chinese people shed sametear sharing samehopes. actionshas been taken since earthquakehappened. Chinesepeople doinghatever believe,ith allalks life,your after-disaster reconstruction ill dealtith fantasticspeed. strickenarea ill soon hopeyou can pull yourself together musterup courage future.We ill overe any difficulty, because Chinese.Ten thousand people beat everything ith singleundying heart brightside futureill bright,cheer up! Yours sincerely*** 篇Dearvictims, earthquakehich happened one month ago Qinghaiprovince enormousdisaster ourhole nation. hascaused both financial lifeloss. Until fiftythousand people lost livesdue manymore ere injured seriously. Five million people have buildingsere collapsed We sorryabout manychildren lost manycouples lost cryhen hearing movingstories happenedduring disaster.Our hole nation bigfamily; every member ould like helpinghand peopleho suffered from earthquake.We must sho our arm-heartedness makedonations strickenarea so brokenheart can actionshas been taken since earthquakehappened. strickenarea ill soon restoredith otherarm-hearted people’s help. futureill bright,cheer up! Yours sincerely 篇Dearvictims, eekago, nesabout verysorry greatestdisaster after 1949. 40075people ho founddead disastertill havebeen more than 500 million people ho rippedthrough, many blocks housesere seriously damaged, evenere deeplymoved internationalrescue teams ho myschool, fort your victims survivorsith our arm heart. Moreover, largeamount ourschool ill try our best helpyou. Last allhave rebuildyour home after disaster.Only hen perseverancecan naturaldisaster.Good luck bestishes you!Yours sincerely 篇Dearvictims, unknonearthquake suddenly happened Yushu,Qinghai province. Almost half hugecalamity Chinesepeople. Until nearly50 thousand people ho died morepeople injured. Many people lost deepsorro. alsolost largenumber buildingsere damaged. What’s more, many children studentslost livesbecause parentsho suffer from bigcalamity can’t accept factuntil Chinesepeople begin doeverything canhen nes.Almost every one uscontributes greatnumber goodshich people Qinghaineed. don’thave enough money shoulddo all coulddo. What’s more important, canhelp Qinghai people rebuilt livehappily. Yours sincerely 篇DearJames, today’snespaper, readabout recentevents yourton amriting extendmy deepest condolences. brokemy heart seeall those pictures thosehose homes have been destroyed tragichurricane. couldn’tbelieve my eyes hen littlegirl crying herhouse asking amreally orried about you yourfamily, allyour friends amcrossing my fingers allsafe canonly imagine ho difficult timemust extendtoyou my unavering support. Our government manynongovernmental organizations initiatingvarious campaigns urgepeople donatemoney necessarythings donatedall my alloance havebeen saving feelextremely sorry lookingforard hearingfrom you. Please pass my concern yourparents. Yours Sincerely, 篇Dearfriends, afullysorry severeearthquake unexpectedly hit your hometon. Faced ith rarely-seendisaster, you remain so calm allmoved friendindeed. Thinking about your present










