
學習啦 > 創(chuàng)業(yè)指南 > 職場 > 個人簡歷下載 > 英文簡歷 >


時間: 大富20 分享









Replying to your advertisement…… Answering your advertisement…… Believing that there is an opportunity…… Thinking that there is a vacancy in your company…… Having read your ad……


1、(a)Replying to your recent advertisement in the Boston Evening Globe, I wish to apply for the position of sales manager……  

(b)In applying for the position of sales manager I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your exacting requirements.

2、(a)I believe after reading your advertisement in this morning‘s Journal that you have just the opportunity I am looking for.   (b)your advertisement in this morning‘s Journal for an adjustment manager prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position

3、(a) Having read your advertisement in the New York Times for an accountant, I thought you might be interested in my application.

(b)In your advertisement for an accountant, you indicated that you require the services of a competent person, with thorough training in the field of cost accounting. Please consider me an applicant for the position. Here are my reasons for believing I am qualified for this work.


1、 hesitate to state a definite salary, but, as long as you have requested me to , I should consider 6,500 a month satisfactory. 我對待遇總是遲遲無法定個確切數(shù)目,但既然您要我說明,我認為月薪六千五百元就滿意了。

2、Although it is difficult for me to say what compensation I should deserve, I should consider-a month a fair initial salary. 雖然我很難說待遇應(yīng)該是多少,我以為起薪每月--很合理。

3、I feel it is presumptuous of me to state what my salary should be. My first consideration is to satisfy you completely. However, while I am serving my apprenticeship, I should consider-a month satisfactory compensation. 余不敢冒昧說出起薪多少。最初余僅想要如何工作得好,使您滿意。在學徒(試用)期間,月薪--即可。


1、As for salary, I do not know what to say. Would$4,500 a month be too much? 至于起薪,我不知怎么說,月薪四千五百元會不會太多?

2、Do you think I should be asking too much if I said 5000 dollars a month? 若要求月薪五千元,會不會太高?

3、You know what my services are worth better than I do . All I want is a living wage. 對敝人工作的價值您比我更清楚。我僅想夠糊口即可。


1、(a)軟弱、羞怯的: If you think I can fill the position after you have read my letter, I shall be glad to talk with you. 讀完此信后倘您認為敝人可補缺,敝人愿和您一談。

(b)改寫后(較佳): If my application has convinced you of my ability to satisfy you, I should welcome the opportunity to talk with you, so that you may judge my personal qualifications further.

2、(a)懷疑,不妥、不安全的: If you‘re interested, let me know immediately, as I‘m sure and interview will convince you I‘m the man for the job. 倘貴公司有興趣,請即告知,敝人深信與您面談可以使您相信,敝人適合擔任此職。

(b)改寫后: May I have an interview? You can reach me by telephone at Taipei 884525 between the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 5:30-9:30p.m. any evening. 可否賜予面談?您可在每天上午七至九時,下午五時半至九時電884525號。

3、陳腐的句子: Hoping you will give me an interview, I am……(我希望您惠予面談) Anticipating a favorable decision, I wait your……(等候您的佳音) Trusting your reply will be satisfactory, I remain(靜候滿意的答復(fù))

4、哀求式的句子,不夠完整(漏掉面談時間): Won‘t you please give me the chance to interview your? I can be reached by calling Kenmore 69781. 懇請惠予面談。請打電話K-69781

(b)改寫后: May I have the opportunity to discuss this matter further with you? My telephone is Kenmore 69781. You can reach me between nine and five o‘clock during the day. 可否惠予面談以便進一步商討?我的電話是K-69781。我從上午九時到下午五時都可接通。

5、太過自信的句子: I am quite certain that an interview will substantiate my statements Between two and four every afternoon except Tuesday you can reach me by telephoning 731430. 我深信面談可以證實我的話。您可在每天下午二至四時(星期二例外)打731430號電話通知我。

6、較具體有效的句子。 May I have an interview? My residence telephone is (042) 4398. You reach me by calling that number until June 30. After July 2, my address will be Kent House, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. 可否惠予面談?我住處電話為43981號。六月三十日以前我都在上址,七月二日以后,我的新址為新罕不夏州布列登林肯特屋。


應(yīng)征函要發(fā)揮最大的效果,語氣必須肯定、自信、有創(chuàng)意而不過份夸張,如能事先洞察雇主的喜好,或其他人格特性,根據(jù)物以類聚的原理,應(yīng)征函若能配合雇主的特性,求職的人一定可以比其他人占上風,獲得面談的機會。 比較下列各句語氣上有何不同:

1、I think that I should probably make a good bookkeeper for you. 我想我可能成為貴公司的好簿記號。

2、I am confident that my experience and references will show you that I can fulfill the particular requirements of your bookkeeping position. 我想信我的經(jīng)驗和推薦人可以告訴您,我能夠符合貴公司簿記員一職的特定需要。

3、I recently completed a course in filing at the Crosby School of Business. I am competent not only to install a filing system that will fulfill the needs of your organization, but I am also well qualified to operate it efficiently. 最近我在克洛斯比商業(yè)補習班讀完一門檔案處理的課程,我自信不僅可以設(shè)置一套檔案人類系統(tǒng)符合您的要求,而且可以有效地操作。

4、I feel quite certain that as a result of the course in filing which I completed at the Crosby School of Business, I can install and operate efficiently a filing system for your organization. 我相信在克洛斯比商業(yè)實習班修完一門課后,我能夠替貴公司設(shè)置并且操作一套檔案分類系統(tǒng)。
