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出國留學有機會體驗不同的教育方式。通過參加海外學習計劃,你將有機會看到您可能沒有在家中接觸過的專業(yè)的一面。下面就是小編給大家?guī)淼摹竞唵伟妗看笕?a href='http://wyyxscd8644.com/shenqing/liuxue_1.html' target='_blank'>留學申請書范文,希望能幫助到大家!


Dear _,

As a 23-year-old aspiring student who has grown up and received his education in pace with the evolution of China’s market economy over the past two decades, I deem myself in possession of many professional qualities for undertaking a career in advanced marketing and business management. I believe that I have demonstrated more creativity, management skills, English language proficiency, and the courage to accept challenges than most of my peers on a number of important occasions—being selected from a large number of competitors to study at _ University of _ on an exchange program, winning prize in the _ for University Students, launching my own company upon completing my undergraduate program. My interest and my demonstrated abilities show me unmistakably that to take up a lifelong career in high-level marketing management will be very appropriate for me because that is where my potential lies. In order to scale new heights academically and to lay a solid foundation for my later-day career development, I would like to apply for a Master’s program in international marketing at the prestigious Business School in _ University. For me, this is a self-conscious attempt to face challenge and to transcend my former self. I expect to be initiated into a first-rate academic environment in which my academic foundation is consolidated and my business potential is strengthened.

It was in _ Technology and Business School that I completed my undergraduate education, majoring in marketing. As an academic discipline, marketing fascinated me for its increasingly important strategic role in modern management and for its interdisciplinary character, as it encompasses management science, psychology, sociology, statistics, etc. From the very outset of my undergraduate program, I realized the importance of seeking a comprehensive development, on both academic and personal levels, in order to become a senior management professional in the future. Therefore, throughout my undergraduate program, I endeavored to make full exploitation of all the available educational resources of my university to improve my academic performance. An examination of my academic transcript will indicate that I have maintained a year-by-year ascendance in my study. Apart from that, I have also been very active in extracurricular activities and learned German and _ languages besides English. My ability to perform independent research was cultivated and improved through writing my internship treatise and graduation thesis, both of which were given a 95-point score, the highest score in my class. In particular, my thesis On the Marketing of Hi-Tech Products, by focusing on the major business risks involved in the marketing of hi-tech products and on the short and uncertain life cycle of those products, was rated “Excellent” for detailed analyses and novel perspectives that I offered in it.

The most important part of my undergraduate graduate program is definitely my short but memorable stay in _. As a junior, I was selected through a competitive screening test to embark on a 4-month exchange program with _’s _ Polytechnic on the strengths of my distinguished academic performance, English proficiency and computer skills. This exciting and memorable experience proved extremely beneficial to me—I gained marked improvement in my English, was exposed to a totally different life style and educational system, and achieved new understanding of the concept of marketing. Plunged into a new academic environment, I demonstrated a creative and a critical spirit rare in Chinese students, and won appreciation from my _ professors. In attending the course High Tech Marketing, my team members and I spent the entire semester verifying the plausibility of a business proposal that I raised but was rejected by my _ advisor. Under my insistence and through my continued refinement, my business proposal achieved eventual success and has been incorporated into the overall business plan of _ Company. In another course International Business Plan, my fruitful collaboration with my _ classmates led to our team’s winning of the unprecedented full mark in the final evaluation of our course project. I also accumulated important experience of performing group research in the eAcademy project headed by Dr. _, in which I was responsible for the marketing planning of the enterprise.

Upon completing my undergraduate program, with the support of my friends and family members, I launched my own _ Trade Company that deals in medical equipment and provides hospital management consulting service. In doing this, I became one of the few Chinese graduates who established their own business. My business impulse originated from two sources. The first is my participation in the _ for University Students in which my team won Excellence Award (my responsibility was to formulate marketing plans for our “Optimum” Company and to conduct market surveys). Another is my internship as a senior student at an e-commerce company during which I planned and organized market investigations in preparation for the marketing of the company’s latest product—Hospital Management Information System. I saw myself as possessing necessary business management skills and marketing potential.

Managing my own company, making real business plans and designing real marketing strategies, all those have allowed me to apply my knowledge and to tap my business potential. In making this bold move, I wish to develop a clear understanding of what I am good at and to chart the course of my future career development. My present application for a Master’s program at your esteemed university is motivated by my need to receive further academic input that will enable me to develop my company into a major enterprise.

According to modern management theories, successful enterprises must be highly customer-oriented and marketing is no longer the job of a particular functional department of an enterprise. As a developing country with a planned economy for many decades, China lacks a well-developed science of management and marketing, and the current marketing practices are far from mature as marketing as a standard academic discipline is only of recent origin. Yet this may prove a blessing in disguise for me as I am located at the crucial point of China’s development in marketing theory and practice and I will enjoy greater chances of success. In my proposed degree program, I would like to focus on the marketing of Hi-tech products and on the marketing of multinational companies under cultural pluralism. The relationship between marketing and cultural pluralism has long been my major research concern and during my study in _ I have already paid special attention to the impact of cultural differences between East and West on marketing. In my future studies, I will be exposed a greater cultural diversity, which I believe will further facilitate my study and research. It is an art to deal with the subtle relationship between culture and marketing and I need to gain more understanding and experience in this regard.

Young as I am, I am fully aware of the transitory nature of life and all that I can do is to race against time to maximize knowledge and expertise and to enrich the value of my life within the limited span of my life. Through my future study, I wish to develop myself into a marketing specialist. This is an objective, and I am in possession of the necessary foundation, academic and professional, and the potential for realizing this objective.

Yours sincerely,














1. 年齡:美國大學預科對于年齡的限制是16周歲,但是也有很多大的學校是沒有年齡限制的。

2. 資金充足,美國預科的費用是相對昂貴的,因為讀完語言班之后就需要進入本科或者碩士的專業(yè)課程學習,資金準備要充足。

3. 語言成績,雖然僅僅是申請美國預科,但是對于語言成績也是有一定要求的,對于語言成績的本科秋季最低52分,春季63分,還有部分學校有分數(shù)限制(73分),碩士預科的成績最低托福61分,雅思5分。

4. GPA,對于GPA的要求,申請的學校不同,GPA分數(shù)不同,大體在2.0-3.5。對于美國頂尖學校的預科,GPA要求仍然是在3.5+。

5. 學歷要求,申請美國本科留學的預科需要有高中畢業(yè)證,碩士預科申請需要大學學歷學位。


1. 選擇學校,考慮語言之后要進入大學學習專業(yè)課程,所以在考慮哪些學校提供預科課程的同時,還要看一下申請人心儀專業(yè)的學校課程設置,學校專業(yè)排名,可以參考US NEWS等排名,也可以咨詢專業(yè)人士。

2. 登錄心儀院校的官網(wǎng),查詢申請截止日期或者對于錄取的各項條件及要求。

3. 參加考試,因為申請美國預科也需要一定的語言成績,所以托福,雅思成績也要提供。

4. 在讀證明,如果是仍然在讀的學生申請預科需要學校開具的在讀證明,蓋上學校的章,放在學校的官方信封里。

5. 畢業(yè)證,如果是已經(jīng)畢業(yè)的學生申請預科,美國本科預科需要提交高中畢業(yè)證;如果是美國碩士預科申請需要大學本科畢業(yè)證。

6. 準備材料,除了在讀證明和畢業(yè)證等,還需要的材料是美國留學存款證明,簡歷,個人陳述,推薦信。成績單和語言成績單等需要由學?;蛘呤菣C構(gòu)直接寄送到學校。

7. 填寫申請表:填寫申請學校的網(wǎng)申申請表格,主要以個人信息和資料提交為主。

8. 體檢: 學校一般提供定點體檢機構(gòu),支付一定費用進行體檢,需要2寸照片。

9. 證件辦理:護照,簽證等證件的辦理,注意時間規(guī)劃,準備齊全資料。

10. 準備出國:在offer 通過之后,可以購買機票,確定住宿,打包行李,準備出國讀美國預科。










