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時間: 維維20 分享




1.e-dog 電子狗  e是electronic的縮寫 an e-dog 一條電子狗

2. master 名詞:

主人/大師 形物/名詞所有格+ master …的主人master (s) of … 的主人

3. love, like & enjoy 區(qū)別:

like指一般意義上的“喜歡”love 熱愛,喜愛 感情更為強烈=like… very much

enjoy 在喜歡的基礎上更有欣賞的意思。enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事

like/love sth/sb 喜歡某事/某物  

like/love doing sth.喜歡做某事(習慣性動作)

like/love to do sth 喜歡做某事(一次性的未發(fā)生的動作)           

like 還可作介詞,像….

4. name 名字  What+be動詞+形物/名詞所有格+ name(s)?

5.look after= take care of 照顧  

look after….well = take good care of… 好好照顧….

look at 看著…  look for 尋找… look out 小心… 

look out of… 從…朝外看

look up 查找… look like 看起來像…  

look in 順便訪問… have a look 看一看

6. how to +V原  

如何做某事  特殊疑問詞+ to +V原  Where to go   What to do

7. read, look, see , watch, look at區(qū)別:

read“看,讀” 帶有文字的資料     

read books 看書       

read newspapers 看報紙

look 看 強調“看”的 動作。Look! The bus is coming.

see 看見 強調“看”的結果。 

I can see a bird in the tree. 還可表示:明白。I see.

watch全神貫注地“觀看,注視” Watch TV/ a football match/a film.   

look at.. 看某物…

8. glad 形容詞. 高興的(不能做定語)近義詞: happy ,pleased 等

Glad to see you. = Nice to see you. =Pleased to see you. 見到你很高興。

be glad/nice/ happy to do sth 樂意做某事

9.grade 名詞:年級 當 grade +數(shù)字時 首字母需要大寫,數(shù)字用英語表達,也要大寫。

Class one ,Grade Seven 先說班級后說年級     

對班級/年級提問:What/Which class/grade

10.let sb do sth 讓某人做某事   let’s= let us (動賓結構)

11. slim 形容詞:苗條的 與 fat 意思相反。動詞:lose weight

12. be good at 擅長于…  be good at sth/doing sth= do/does well in sth/doing sth.

be good for … 對… 有益的;be good/nice to 對…友好


名詞:“歡迎,款待”, warm welcome 熱烈歡迎

動詞:意為“歡迎(某人或某事物)” welcome to +地點 歡迎到某地

welcome back to sw. 歡迎回到某地  welcome sb to +地點 歡迎某人到某地

形容詞:受歡迎的  a welcome teacher 一位受歡迎的老師       

You are welcome 不用謝。

14. year 年  in a year 在一年里   in the year of 2017  在2017這一年

15. 基數(shù)詞+days/months/years+old 表示“…天/月/歲” 

5 months old 5個月大  

12 years old 12歲  A 12-year-old boy  一個12 歲的男孩

16. be from = come from 來自….  

be born in+時間/地點 出生在…

17.over 副詞:穿過 go over the mountain 穿過那座山   


18.everyone 和 every one 的區(qū)別:

everyone = everybody后通常不接of, 只用于人.

every one 一般和of 引起的短語連用, 既可以表示人也可以表示物。

19. glasses  n.  (復數(shù))眼鏡 a pair of glasses 一副眼鏡

glass “玻璃” 不可數(shù)名詞   “玻璃杯” 可數(shù)名詞 two glasses of juice

20. help 用法:

help sb do sth. 幫助某人做某事  help sb with sth 幫助某人某事

21. say, speak, talk, tell 的區(qū)別

say 一般作及物動詞用,著重說話的內容. say “hi” to sb

speak 強調說的動作,不強調所說的內容。Speak English/Chinese

talk 意思是“交談,談話,強調兩者之間的相互說話 talk about sth/sb  talk with sb  talk to sb

tell  意為“講述,告訴 tell sb sth.= tell sth to sb.  tell sb to do sth

22. all 和both 的區(qū)別  all用于三者或以上都  both 用于兩者都

語法:連系動詞be 的一般現(xiàn)在時

動詞be 的三種具體變化形式(一般現(xiàn)在時):am ,is ,are.

我(I) 用am , 你(you)用are , is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it);單數(shù)名詞用is,復數(shù)名詞都用are。


1、 肯定句:主語+am/ is/ are …      It is a football.

2、 否定句:主語+am/ is/ are+not…   It is not a football.

3、 一般疑問句:Am/ Is/ Are+主語+其他?

Is it a football? 回答 Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t

4、特殊疑問句:疑問詞+am/is/are +主語+其他?What’s your name?


1、look after / take care of  照顧               

2、on the first day  在第一天

3、Class 1,Grade 7  7年級1班               

4、play football  踢足球

5、after school  放學后                      

6、be /come from  來自

7、be good at / do well in  擅長                

8、fly kites  放風箏

9、go home  回家                          

10、listen to music  聽音樂

11、play a game  玩游戲                     

12、wear glasses  戴眼鏡

13、at school  在學校                       

14、all the lessons  所有的課程

15、talk about  談論                        

16、over there  那里

17、a lot of hobbies  許多愛好                

18、get to know 認識


1. What’s your name?你叫什么名字?

2. Nice to meet you!   很高興見到你。

3. I love reading.    我喜歡閱讀。

4. Now let’s get to know some of the new classmates.   


5. I often play football after school.   放學后我經常踢足球。

6. She is tall and slim.   她個頭很高,身材苗條。

7. He is from Nanjing.   他來自南京。

8. He is good at Maths.   他擅長于數(shù)學。

9. Millie is 11 years old.   米莉11歲。

10. They are all very nice.   他們都很好。


1、enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事(不用enjoy to do sth) 

enjoy oneself= have( a lot of) fun= have a good time玩得開心

名詞:enjoyment  享受,欣賞,樂趣  形容詞:enjoyable 令人快樂的

2、walk to sp. = go to sp. on foot  

(walk home=go home on foot)     have/ take a walk  散步

take sb (out)for a walk 帶某人出去散步  go for a walk  去散步      

go out for a walk 外出散步

3、your favourite sport 你最喜愛的運動(形容詞性物主代詞/名詞所有格+favourite+名詞)favourite=like....best

4、What about/How about…  …怎么樣?(后接名詞、代詞或動名詞,用來詢問情況或征求意見或提出建議。)

What about you?= How about you? 你呢?   

How/What about sth?  What about some milk?喝些牛奶怎么樣?

What /How about doing sth? 

做某事怎么樣?=Why not +V 原形?=Let’s +V原形. =Shall we+V原形

What/How about going swimming?  去游泳怎么樣?

5、go to+ 地點名詞 (除了home/here/there) go to bed/school

go +ving 去做某事  

go boating/swimming/dancing/walking  去劃船/去游泳/去跳舞/去散步

do some +Ving  do some shopping/reading/running  購物/閱讀/跑步

6、English Club/sports club/ dancing club    

take part in a club=join a club 加入俱樂部

7、hope to do sth 希望做某事      

We hope to see a film next week. 注意:不能說hope sb to do sth.

hope +從句  I hope his dream comes true.    

8.real和true的區(qū)別:    real是指事物本身的真假。 It’s made of real gold.

true 是指故事、消息、信息等內容是真實的,而非虛構的。  

I’m going to tell you a true story.

really 副詞 的確,確定(修飾動詞,副詞或形容詞)在口語中,表示驚訝,疑問,惱怒或感興趣 oh, really?

9、time 次,回(可數(shù)名詞) 

How many times do you go to the cinema every month?  

once= one time  twice= two times

time “時間 ,閑暇” (不可數(shù)名詞)  

What’s the time now?     

I don’t have any time to chat with you.

in time 及時  on time 準時  from time to time 時不時地,時常   

last time 上次    next time 下次

9、be a member of .....=be in the..team/club =play for… team/club  


10、系動詞:be動詞,look, smell, sound ,feel, taste  +形容詞   

It makes me feel good.

副詞修飾 動詞/形容詞  He plays football well. /It’s really interesting.


also 表示“也,也是”  用于肯定句中,

also (句中,be動詞后,行為動詞前I also like music.);

too表示“也,也是” 放在肯定句的句末.  I like listening to music too.

either 表示“也”用于否定句的末尾。 I can’t swim either.

12、make sb do sth  使某人做某事              make him stand up

make sb adj.    使某人處于某種狀態(tài)         make us happy

13、come true 變成現(xiàn)實      come on加油   

come back 返回,回來   come from來自 



They are Sandy’s and Lucy’s bedrooms. Children’s Day

2) 帶詞尾s的復數(shù)名詞加’   

parents’ meeting   Teachers’ Day   twins’ school bags




what else=what other things 別的事  something else    

anything else  someone else

16、interested 和interesting的區(qū)別

interesting 有趣的(修飾物)  an interesting book/story

interested 感興趣的 (修飾人)  sb+ be/get/feel/become interested in sth/doing sth 

I am interested in Maths/ singing.

17、different 不同的 反義詞:

same   Tom and I are in the same grade, but we are in different classes

be different from 與.....不同  反義詞組:the same as  與.....相同






4)一般現(xiàn)在時常與often,usually,sometimes,on Mondays,every day等時間狀語連用。



2) 以s,x,ch,sh結尾的動詞,加es

3) 以“輔音字母+y”結尾的動詞,先變y 為i,再加es


1、many times a day    一天許多次                    

2. favourite sports    最喜歡的運動

3.go swimming       去游泳                        

4.a new member of ..... .....的一位新成員

5.in one’s free time    在某人的業(yè)余時間里            

6. make sb happy     使某人開心

7.in the next World Cup  在下一屆世界杯              

8.come true          實現(xiàn)

9.of course             當然                       

10.walk to school      步行去學校

11.stay at home         呆在家里                   

12.many of my students 我的許多學生

13.what else=What other things 其他什么              

14.feel great          感覺很棒

15.be different from      與.....不同                  

16.let/make sb do sth   讓/使某人做某事

17.watch basketball matches on TV觀看電視上的籃球賽 

18.look very strong         看起來很強壯

19.at/on weekends        在周末                   

20. at/on the weekend   在周末

21. talk about/of sth       談論某事                 

22.walk to school= go to school on foot 步行去學校

23. play volleyball with my friends和我朋友打排球      

24. play tennis        打網球

25. play basketball after school 放學后打籃球           

26. enjoy/like/love swimming 喜愛游泳

27. my hero       我的英雄                  

28. every week         每周

29.my favourite football star 我最喜愛的足球明星      

30. listen to music      聽音樂

31. go/come with you     和我一起去/來             

32. love drawing/reading喜愛畫畫/閱讀

33.watch our games      看我們的比賽              

34. shop at weekends    周末購物

35.stay at home          待在家                   

36. read a lot of interesting books 讀許多有趣的書

37. school basketball team 校籃球隊                 

38. do/play sports  進行體育運動

39.many people        許多人                   

40. study English    學習英語


1. which 用作疑問代詞,意為“哪一個”??捎迷谶x擇疑問句中。

Which is your car, the black one or the red one? 


2. best 作為形容詞表示 最好的 (good 的最高級) Tom is my best friend.

作為副詞 表示最,最好的 (well 的最高級)    I work best in the morning.

like …best  最喜歡… I like English best.= My favourite subject is English.

like better 更喜歡….  I like football better than volleyball.  比起排球我更喜歡足球。

1. So  連詞,意為“因此,所以” 但是注意此時so 和because 不能連用。

It s very cold, so I wore a heavy coat.= Because it s very cold, I wore a heavy coat.

so 副詞 如此地,這么,那么常放在形容詞前,表示程度。Our classroom is so beautiful!

So 副詞 這樣,如此,用來代替整個句子。I think so./ I hope so.

3.What s the date today? = What date is it today?詢問日期,常用答語為“It is + 日期”。

What s the date today?  今天幾號?—— It s 5(th) November.  11月5日。


4. What day is it today? 今天是星期幾? It’s Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday…

5. What time is it? =What s the time? 幾點了? It’s eight o’clock.

What time...?是用來詢問具體時間點的句型?;卮穑骸癐t s + 鐘點”或鐘點。

When 詢問的時間比較籠統(tǒng),不一定為具體的時間,可以是年/月/日/上午/下午

When is your birthday, John? 約翰,你的生日是哪一天?It s February 6th. 是2月6日

6. 時間介詞at/in/on區(qū)別

at常用在時間點前 at six o’clock  在6點鐘 

at night/ at noon at Christmas at breakfast/ lunch

in 加一段時間(早上/下午/晚上/季節(jié)/月份/年)

in the morning  in spring in March, in 2017

on用來表示“在某天或星期幾”,或表示“在某天的上、下午或晚上”(含有“特指”的意思)at/ on weekends , on the afternoon of November 21st 在11月21號下on a cold winter evening

7. meeting 會議,集會(可數(shù)名詞) parents’ meeting 家長會

have meetings 開會at the meeting 在會議上 have a sports meeting 舉行運動會

meet 動詞 見面,遇見 Let’s meet at the school gate.   meet with sb 遇見某人

8. show 動詞 引,帶,領 ,給…看  show sb around (sp.) 帶某人參觀某地

show sb sth= show sth to sb 把某物給某人看  

9. want = would like 想  want/would like sth 想要某物  

want/would like to do sth 想要做某事

want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

10.in front of 與 in the front of 的區(qū)別 

in front of 指某物在另一個物體外部的前面

in the front of指某物在另一個物體內部靠前的部分

11.be/get ready for sth  為某事做好準備  

be ready to do sth 準備好做某事

英式:第一層 ground floor  第二層first floor    第三層second floor          

美式:第一層 first floor       第二層second floor  第三層third floor

12.  this way 這邊走,這邊請  by the way 順便說/問一下 

on one’s way (to)…在某人..路上

13. tell sb about sth告訴某人關于某事     

tell sb sth= tell sth to sb告訴某人某事

14.let sb do sth 讓某人做某事   

let sb not to do sth 讓某人不要做某事 Let’s..=Shall we..?

15. 穿put on/wear/in/on 的區(qū)別 put on 

強調動作 put on your coat.    反義短語 take off  

Wear(動詞) +衣服/鞋帽/首飾 (強調狀態(tài)) Who wears a red coat?  -- Coco does.

in(介詞)+顏色/衣服 表示穿著,戴著…  The girl in a red dress is my sister.

衣服+on + 人 …穿在某人身上  The shirt looks good on him.  

with+器官/頭發(fā) 長著….

16. say 說、講(說話內容) say hello to sb 向某人問好  

say sorry to sb 向某人說對不起

17. hear 與listen 的區(qū)別  hear 聽見、聽到強調結果  listen 聽 

強調動作  listen to… 聽..

hear sb well/clearly聽清楚某人的話 hear from 收到某人的來信 hear of/about 聽說,得知

18. bring(帶來) 和take(拿,取) 的區(qū)別

19. take 和 spend 的區(qū)別 take 的主語是物/動詞不定式 spend 的主語是人

It takes (sb) 一段時間to do sth  做某事花了(某人)……時間

sb spend 一段時間 on sth/doing sth . 某人花了..時間在某物/做某事上

20. kind 可數(shù)名詞 種類  a kind of 一種… many/different kinds of… 許多/不同種類的..

all kinds of clothes各種各樣的衣服

kind 善良的/親切的/仁慈的  be kind to sb =be nice/friendly to sb對某人友好 

21. borrow 和lend 的區(qū)別  borrow(主語) 借入  lend(主語) 借出

borrow sth from sb/sp 向/從…借(入) lend sb sth= lend sth to sb. 借給某人某物

22. get to… 到達….  get to school  get to my school  get home/here/there

23. thank sb for sth因某事而感謝某人 

Thank you for your letter 感謝你的來信

thank sb for doing sth 因做某事而感謝某人

Thank my teachers for helping me.感謝老師幫助我

25. a little:一點兒,少數(shù)的,修飾不可數(shù)名詞。

a few:一點兒,少數(shù)的,修飾可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)。



26. How對交通方式提問  walk (to) sp.= go to sp. on foot     

by bike= ride a/the/one’s bike

by bus/train/ship/metro/car/plane = take a bus/train/ship/metro/car


1. favourite subject 最喜歡的科目      

2. Open Day 開放日

3. would like 想要                   

4. the parents  meeting 家長會

5. in the afternoon 在下午            

6. after that 之后

7. at the school gate 在學校大門口      

8. show sb. around 帶領某人四處轉轉

9. in front of 在......前面               1

0. On the ground floor (在一樓[英式英語])

11. this way 這邊;這種方式          

12. in the white shirt 穿著白色襯衫

13. look at 看                       

14. let me see 讓我想想

15. tell ab. about sth. 告訴某人某事     

16. after class 下課后

17. say hello to 跟......問好             

18. on the phone 通過電話

19. get up 起床                      

20. go to school 去上學

21. reading room 閱覽室              

22. all kinds of 所有種類的

23. borrow ... from ... 向......借......       

24. a few 一些

25. far away from 遠離                

26. on foot 步行


1.Your school looks so beautiful.     


2.Who’s the man in the white shirt?   


3. Thank you for your letter.         


4.My classroom is on the ground floor.  


5.It takes me about half an hour to get to school. 


6. Which of the subjects do you like best?    


7. We’re now in front of the classroom building. 


8. Do you know the teacher over there?     




1. wake up       醒來

2. wake sb. up    叫醒某人

3. It’s time for sth. / It’s time (for sb.) to do sth. 


4. go walking in the hills    去山上散步

5. seldom go out     很少外出

6. need a good rest =need to have a good rest   


7. need to do sth.    需要做某事

8. write to her online friend   寫信給她的網友

9. do morning exercises     做早操

10. do eye exercises     做眼保健操

11. do some exercise      鍛煉

12. have lessons     上課

13. start (begin) lessons     開始上課

14. do after-school activities    做課外活動

15. be never late for work / school  上班 / 上學從不遲到

16. one of …..     …….之一。后接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)或復數(shù)代詞

17. be all nice to sb.     都對某人很好

18. chat with sb.   和某人聊天

19. chat with each other    互相聊天

20. help each other      互相幫助

21. play in the playground      在操場上玩

22. be in the school volleyball team是校排球隊成員

=be a member of the school volleyball team

23. practise after school       放學后訓練

practise doing sth.    練習/訓練做某事

24. on Wednesday afternoon     在周三下午

25. have a good time doing sth=have fun doing sth.


26. in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在春(夏、秋、冬)季

27. at 6 years old =at 6   在六歲

=at the age of 6

28. all the best    一切順利,萬事如意

29. have much time to do sth.    有很多時間做某事

30. have no time to do sth.    沒有時間做某事

31. go to her dancing lessons    去上舞蹈課

32. dance for half an hour    跳舞半小時

33. go roller skating     去溜旱冰

34. go walking     去散步

35.   between...and...   在...和...之間

36. visit the  museum     參觀博物館

37.   go on picnics with my family twice a month  


38. at noon    在中午

39. at night    在夜里

40. at work    在工作

41.   be good for sb.   對...有益

42.   be bad for sb.     有…..害

43. help sb. get ready for sth   幫助某人為...做好準備

44.   get ready to do sth    準備好做某事

=be ready to do sth.

45. learn a lot about sth  關于某事了解很多

46. learn more about sth. 關于某事了解更多

47. too much homework (to do)   要做 太多作業(yè)

48. too many lessons   太多課

49. much too cold (hot) 太冷(熱)


1. Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun. 


2. What time do you start lessons? 


3. Our lessons begin at a quarter past eight.   


4. We have a Reading Club.  


5. I also like playing volleyball.  


6. We always have a good time at school. 


7. Millie seldom chats with her friends after class. 


8. I would like to tell you about my life here. 


9. We do not have lessons on Saturday or Sunday.  


10. How often do they exercise? 


11. I hope everyone can come and watch the game. 


12.   Wish our team good luck!   


13.   They help us get ready for the day.  




Welcome and Comic strip

1、讓我們一起慶祝吧      Let’s celebrate.

n. 慶祝            celebration

2、喬裝打扮成…   dress up as…

用…喬裝打扮  dress up in… People dress up in strange clothes for a fun party.

裝扮整齊          dress up

3、美猴王    Monkey King

4、有趣的                  interesting

有趣的晚會     an interesting party

對這個晚會感興趣     be interested in the party

5、你最喜歡的節(jié)日your favourite festival

6、了解世界各地不同節(jié)日的展覽learn about different festivals around the world

7、列一張節(jié)日清單write a list of festivals

8、幫她寫節(jié)日的名稱help her write the names of the festivals

9、春節(jié)Chinese New Year = the Spring Festival

龍舟節(jié)the Dragon Boat Festival

中秋節(jié)the Mid-Autumn Festival

元旦New Year’s Day

五一節(jié)May Day

兒童節(jié)Children’s Day

教師節(jié)Teachers’ Day

國慶節(jié)National Day

婦女節(jié)Women’s Day

母親節(jié)Mother’s Day

父親節(jié)Father’s Day

感恩節(jié)Thanks-Giving Day

10、網聊關于他們最喜歡的節(jié)日 chat online about their favorite festivals

11、吃月餅/火雞/粽子      eat moon cakes/turkey/rice dumplings


1、美國筆友       penfriend in the USA

收到某人的來信    receive/get a letter from sb. = hear from sb.

2、告訴某人關于某事    tell sb. about sth.  Can you tell me about your family?

3、在那一天    on that day

4、戴面具        wear masks

區(qū)別: wear  eg.  He is wearing blue trousers and a red coat.

The boy wearing/in black is my good friend.

The table with three legs may be Lucy’s.

I like the mooncakes with meat inside.

5、在我們的臉上涂油彩     paint our faces

6、制作南瓜燈 make pumpkin lanterns

用橘子制作燈 make lanterns out of oranges

區(qū)別: make ... out of ...    We make bottles out of glass.(我們用玻璃做成瓶子)

be made of  Desks are made of wood.(課桌是用木頭作的)

be made from   Paper is made from wood.(紙張是由木頭作成的.)

be made in    The watches are made in China.(這些手表是中國制造的.)

7、 玩一個叫“不招待就使壞”的游戲    play a game called “ trick or treat”

叫做…            called …= with the name of …


I know the boy called Li Lei.= I know the boy with the name of Li Lei.

8、敲人們的門       knock on/at people’s doors

9、給我們一些糖果作為招待     give us some candy as a treat

用某物招待某人 give sb. sth. as a treat = give sb. a treat of sth.

(我經常用中國茶來招待他們.)  I often give them Chinese Tea as a treat.

= I often give them a treat of Chinese Tea.

招待某人   give sb. a treat = treat sb.

(友好的中國人一定會款待你們的.)  The friendly Chinese people must give you treat.

= The friendly Chinese People must treat you.

10、捉弄某人  play a trick on sb.  Don’t play tricks on old men.

11、在十月31號晚上舉行一個晚會  have a party on the evening of October 31st

12、美味的食物和飲料     nice food and drinks

13、特殊的一天    a special day

14、了解關于萬圣節(jié)(的情況)    learn about Halloween

15、記錄下關于Wendy的信         take some notes about Wendy’s letter

16、不是多有趣                   be not much fun


1、在萬圣節(jié)         on Halloween

2、紅色的那個     the red one

3、在桌子下面      Under the desk

4、喜歡問問題      love asking questions

5、出去吃生日晚餐  go out for a birthday dinner

6、在一家飯店             at a restaurant

7、一些其他的漂亮的東西  some other nice things

Integrated skills & Study skills

1、新年快樂  Happy Chinese New Year= Happy New Year

春節(jié)      Chinese New Year= the Spring Festival

2、這兒有一張海報         Here is a poster


a poster for this year’s Chinese New Year Celebrations in New York

3、新年聚會  Chinese New Year Party

4、舞獅         lion dance

5、煙花    fireworks

放煙花       let off fireworks

6、喜歡問很多問題like to ask a lot of questions

7、唐人街    China Town

8、收音機節(jié)目     the radio programme

9、寫一封明信片給Millie    write a postcard to Millie


on holiday/tour/business/sale/the way

11、拍很多照片  take a lot of photos

12、之后  after that

13、在晚上  at night

14、談論一項活動    talk about an activity

15、看起來很開心  seem very happy


have shows about different festivals around the world

17、度過美好的一天have a nice day

18、棕色的玩具熊        brown toy bear

19、在椅子上    on the chair









