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時間: 妙純901 分享




  1.small talk閑聊

  2.look through瀏覽,快速查看

  3.a thank-you notefor一封...感謝信

  4.be friendly to sb.對某人友好

  5.feel like (doing) sth.想要(做)……

  6.have a hard/difficult time doing sth. /with sth

  =have problem doing sth/with sth做某事有困難

  7.come along到達,出現,跟著來,趕快

  8.have a good day好好玩一天

  9.at least至少

  10.forget to do sth. 忘記去做某事

  forget doing sth. 忘記做過某事

  11.cross a busy street = go/walk across a busy street穿過一條繁忙的街道

  12. get along/on … with sb.與某人相處的…

  13.on Saturday night 在周六的晚上

  at night 在晚上

  14.at the school dining room 在學校的餐廳里

  15.it’s +adj+for sb +to do sth

  16.one of +the +最高級+名詞復數 最 …之一

  17. practice doing sth 練習做某事

  18.a ball game fan 一位球迷

  19.the price is high/low 價格高、低

  20.wait for等候


  22.at noon在中午

  23.get along in a new place 適應新環(huán)境

  24.watch sb do sth觀看某人做某事

  watch sb doingsth觀看某人正在做某事


  1.turn down(音量)放小,(光線)調暗

  turn up(音量)放大,(光線)調亮

  turn on打開(開關、按鈕)

  turn off關(開關、按鈕)

  2.not at all一點也不

  3.right away = in a minute=at once 立刻,馬上

  4.do/wash the dishes洗碗

  5.put on穿上(動作)


  dress sb.給某人穿衣

  6.help sb. with sth.=help sb (to) do sth

  幫助某人做 某事

  7.make posters制作海報

  8.have a long telephone conversation煲電話粥

  9.wait in line排隊

  10.cut in line插隊

  11.follow sb. around跟某人周圍

  12.get mad at/with sb= get annoyed with sb= get angry with sb生氣,感到惱火

  13.try (not) to do sth.盡力(不去)做某事

  14.seem like看上去像……

  15.even if/though盡管、即使

  16.take care = be careful小心

  17.in public places在公眾場合

  18.in public公開地,當眾地

  19.break the rule不遵守規(guī)則

  follow the rules 遵守規(guī)則

  20.put out熄滅

  21.pick up撿起、拾起

  22.feed the dog喂狗

  keep the dog養(yǎng)狗

  23.return sbsth=return sth to sb把…還給…

  =give back sth to sb

  =give sth back to sb(sth是代詞時放在中間)

  24a terrible haircut一個糟糕的發(fā)型

  25.all the time一直

  26. it’s better to do最好做某事=had better do

  27.be polite/impolite有禮貌/不禮貌

  28.must be一定是

  29.keep down抑制,放低

  30.be allowed to do sth 被允許做......

  allow sb to do sth允許某人做某事

  31.take care (not)to do= be careful小心(不)做某事

  32.drop litter亂丟垃圾

  33.clothing store 服裝店

  34. No problem=that's no problem沒問題

  35. order food點食物

  36.another pair 另一雙;另一條

  37.be at a meeting=have a meeting 在開會

  38.in every culture在每一種文化領域

  39.can't stand doing sth不能忍受做某事

  40.go back to回到......

  41.be polite to sb對......有禮貌

  42.be with sb. 和......在一起

  43.talk loudly 大聲講話

  44.at first起初

  45.in all situations在各種情況下

  46.The pen doesn't work.這支鋼筆壞了。

  =The pen is broken.

  =There is something wrong with the pen.


  1. how long多長(對for+一段時間提問)

  how soon多久(對in+一段時間提問)




  Since+ 一段時間+ago

  2. a skating marathon滑冰馬拉松

  3. a pair of一雙,一副,一把,一條

  a pair of skates 一雙溜冰鞋

  a pair of jeans一條牛仔褲

  a pair of glasses 一副眼鏡

  4. raise money (for charity)(為慈善機構)募捐,籌錢

  5. the whole five hours=all the five hours 整整五個小時

  6. three and a half years三年半

  = three years and a half

  7. thanks for (doing sth) 因……而表示感謝

  8. run out of 用完,用盡

  9. by the way順便說一下,順便問一下

  10. in Russian style以俄羅斯的風格

  11. fly kites 放風箏

  12. a talent show才藝表演

  13. finish doing sth. 結束做某事

  14. be interested in=take an interest in對…感興趣

  15. Chinese dynasty中國的王朝

  16. famous characters著名人物

  17. think of考慮,想起

  18. in Russian style俄羅斯的風格

  19. tell sb. about sth.把……的情況告訴某人

  20. enjoy doing sth.喜愛做某事

  21. the Olympic Games奧運會

  = the Olympics

  22.far away在遠處

  23.be hard to understand很難理解

  24.make a list列一個清單

  25.the most common/unusual hobby最普通/最不尋常的興趣愛好

  26.learn about Chinese history學習關于中國歷史

  27.thousands of 數千

  28.be welcomed by受到…的歡迎

  29.the more…the more…越…越…

  30.anyone else其它任何人(else總是后置)

  31.the capital of…的首都/省會

  32.be certain to do確定做某事

  33.miss my family想念我的家

  34.on my seventh birthday在我七歲的生日時

  35.an interesting city with a colorful history


  36.Collectors’ club收集者俱樂部

  37.old coins古幣

  38.talk to /with sb和某人交談

  39.globes with animals 帶有動物的玻璃球

  40.be the first one to do sth第一個做......的人

  41.tell sb about...告訴某人關于...

  42.more than=over超過;多于

  43.learn a lot about了解......很多





