
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 小學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 小考輔導(dǎo) > 小升初英語復(fù)習(xí)重要知識點


時間: 嘉馨975 分享




  Unit 1


  pen (鋼筆) pencil (鉛筆) pencil-case ( 鉛筆盒) ruler(尺子) eraser(橡皮) crayon (蠟筆) book (書) bag (書包) sharpener (卷筆刀) school (學(xué)校)

  Unit 2


  head (頭) face( 臉) nose (鼻子) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊) finger (手指) leg (腿) foot (腳) body (身體)

  Unit 3


  red (紅色的) yellow (黃色的) green (綠色的) blue (藍(lán)色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的) brown (棕色的)

  Unit 4


  cat (貓) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊貓) rabbit( 兔子) duck (鴨子)  pig (豬) bird (鳥) bear (熊) elephant (大象) mouse (老鼠) squirrel (松鼠)

  Unit 5


  cake (蛋糕) bread (面包) hot dog (熱狗) hamburger (漢堡包) chicken (雞肉)  French fries (炸薯條) coke (可樂) juice (果汁) milk (牛奶)  water (水) tea (茶) coffee (咖啡)

  Unit 6


  one (一) two (二) three (三)  four (四) five (五) six( 六) seven (七) eight (八) nine( 九) ten( 十)  doll (玩具娃娃)  boat (小船) ball (球) kite (風(fēng)箏) balloon (氣球) car (小汽車)  plane (飛機)



  A: Hello!  (你好!)

  B: Hi! (你好!)


  A:What's your name? 你的名字是什么?

  B:My name's Chen Jie. 我的名字是陳潔。


  A: Bye.\ Good bye!(再見)

  B: See you.(再見) \ Goodbye.(再見)

  4、A: I have a pencil\ bag\ruler 我有一只鉛筆\書包\尺子。

  B: Me too . 我也有。


  A: Good morning. 早上好!

  B: Good morning! 早上好!


  A: Good afternoon! 下午好!

  B: Good afternoon! 下午好!


  A: Nice to meet you! 見到你很高興。

  B: Nice to meet you,too! 見到你也很高興!

  8、A: Let's go to school! 讓我們一起去上學(xué)!

  B: OK! 好的。


  A: How are you ? 你好嗎?

  B: Fine,thank you我很好,謝謝你。

  10、A: Let's paint. 讓我們畫畫。

  B: Great! 棒極了!

  11、A: Look I have a rabbit\monkey. 看,我有一只兔子\猴子。

  B: Cool\Super \ Great \ Wow! 酷\超級好\棒極了\好厲害.


  A: May I have a look? 我可以看一看嗎?

  B: Sure. Here you are! 當(dāng)然可以。給你!


  A: Have some French fries. 吃一些炸薯條。

  B: Thank you.\ No, thanks. 謝謝你。\不,謝謝你。

  14、A: What do you like? 你喜歡什么?

  B: I like hot dogs. 我喜歡熱狗。


  A: Can I have some chicken? 我能吃一些雞肉?

  B: Sure here you are. 當(dāng)然可以,給你。

  16、A: Thank you. 謝謝你。

  B: You're welcome. 別客氣。

  17、A:B: Happy birthday. 生日快樂!

  B: Thank you. 謝謝。

  18、A: How old are you? 你幾歲啦?

  B: I'm nine. 我九歲了。(要用數(shù)字回答哦!)

  19、A: Let's eat the birthday cake. 讓我們吃生日蛋糕

  B: Great! 棒極了!

  20、A: How many balloons\ gifts? 多少個氣球\禮物?

  B: Four \ ten. 四/十。


  Unit 1

  1.show me your pencil / ruler/ eraser/ crayon/ pen.


  2.open your pencil--case. 打開你的鉛筆盒。

  close your book .合上你的書。

  show me your sharpener. 讓我看看你的卷筆刀。

  carry your bag. 背起你的書包。

  go to school . 去上學(xué)。

  Unit 2

  3.Touch your head./ nose/ eye/ mouth/ ear.


  4. Clap your hands. 拍拍你的手。

  Snap your fingers. 打響你的手指。

  Wave your arms. 揮揮動你的胳膊。

  Cross your legs. 翹翹你的雙腿。

  Shake your body. 扭扭你的身體。

  Stamp your foot. 跺跺你的腳。

  Unit 3

  5.Show me your red/ blue / green / yellow / purple crayon.


  6.Black, black. Stand up. 黑色,黑色,站起來(起立)!

  Pink , pink. Sit down. 粉紅色,粉紅色,坐下!

  Brown, brown. Touch the ground. 棕色,棕色,摸摸地板。

  Orange, orange. Touch your head. 橙色,橙色,摸摸你的頭。

  White, white. Turn around. 白色,白色,轉(zhuǎn)個圈。

  Unit 4

  7. Act like a cat/ duck/ panda/ monkey/ rabbit/ dog.


  8. Hunt like a mouse. 像老鼠一樣搜尋。

  Walk like a elephant. 像大象一樣走路。

  Climb like a bear. 像狗熊一樣爬。

  Fly like a bird. 像小鳥一樣飛。

  Jump like a squirrel. 像松鼠一樣跳。

  Unit 5

  9 .Show me your hamburger. 讓我看看你的漢堡包。

  Pass me the French fries. 把炸薯條遞給我。

  Cut the bread. 切面包。

  Eat the hot dog. 吃熱狗。

  Smell the chicken. 聞聞雞肉。

  Make the cake. 做蛋糕。

  10.pour the water  倒水。

  Smell the coffee 聞聞咖啡。

  Taste the tea 嘗嘗茶。

  Show me the milk 讓我看看牛奶。

  Drink the juice 喝果汁。

  11.bounce the ball.拍拍球。

  fly the kite. 放風(fēng)箏。

  throw the plane.扔出飛機。

  hold the doll.抱娃娃。

  Drive the car.開車。

  blow up the balloons.吹氣球。


  一、 選出下列單詞中劃線部分讀音不同的選項,將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)(1×5分)

  ( )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse

  ( )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths

  ( )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp

  ( )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom

  ( )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats


  6. How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have ?

  7. He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔細(xì)) as his cousin.

  8. The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well every day.

  9. W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day.

  10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_________ at 3:00 p.m..

  三. 根據(jù)句意寫出所給單詞的正確形式。(1×5分)

  11、Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the lake.

  12、Lily is much __________(health) than her sister.

  13、They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they ?

  14、Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your body ?

  15、Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isn’t he?

  四. 選擇最佳答案。(1×10分)

  ( )16.--- Could you help me , please ?

  --- _____________________.

  A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. You’re welcome .

  ( )17.There is _____________sheep on the hill .

  A. little B. a few C. a little D. few

  ( )18.There is ______ “h ” , ______ “o”,_______“u ” and ______ “r ”

  in the word “hour ”.

  A. an ; an ; a ; an B. a; an; a; a C. a; an ; an; a D. an; an ; an ; an

  ( )19.---I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s.


  A. Oh, that’s very nice of you. B. Congratulations.

  C. It’s a pleasure. D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.

  ( )20.---Can I get you a cup of tea?


  A. That's very nice of you B. With pleasure

  C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea

  ( )21---Does she work here?

  ---No, but these days she _____ here.

  A. helps B. help C. is helping D. helping

  ( )22. ---__________ today! ---Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?

  A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it is

  C. What a fine weather it is D. How fine the weather is

  ( )23. I _____tired yesterday, so I ________ go shopping with her.

  A. am, don’t B. was, am not C. was, didn’t D. am, am not

  ( )24. ---Could you get to the park before 3 o’clock?

  ---__________. I’ll still be at the meeting then.

  A. I think so B. Yes, I could C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid so

  ( ) 25. Miss Gao is ________teacher. She teaches _____ English.

  A. our, my B. us, me C. us, our D. our, us

  五. 根據(jù)明信片內(nèi)容及26-30的提示語,將英文代號A-E填在相應(yīng)的橫線上(1×5分)


  You’re an excellent person. I am sure your new job will be a great success.

  Best wishes from

  Mrs Bell


  Wish you every success in your exams. We’ll be thinking of you.

  All our love,

  Granny & Grandpa


  People like you make the world brighter with the special things you do.

  Love from



  Hoping that good health will soon be yours.

  With very best wishes from

  everyone at Better Books

  To dear ____E______

  Life is boring without you. Hurry back.



  26_____________________ Simon is working in another city for four weeks.

  27 __________________ Mary is in hospital.

  28 __________________John has just started a new job.

  29 __________________Karen will start her final exams next week.

  30 __________________Ann cleaned her friend's house when her friend was on holiday.

  六、完型填空 (1×10分)

  “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(劍橋)ask. But no one can give them a __(31)__answer, for there is no wall to be found _(32)___ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, __(33)__, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and_(34)__ of the thirty—one colleges(學(xué)院).

  Cambridge was already a_(35)_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once __(36)__ the Cam. A__(37)__ was built over the river as early as 875,so the town got its name “Cambridge”.

  In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much __(38)__ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a__(39)__ in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries_(40)_ to study at Cambridge.

  ( )31. A. true B. clear C. right D. wrong

  ( )32. A. around B. in C. near D. about

  ( )33. A. cinemas B. libraries C. zoos D. parks

  ( )34. A. parents B. farmers C. teachers D. doctors

  ( )35. A. interesting B. old C. new D. usual

  ( )36. A. said B. called C. spoken D. talked

  ( )37. A. bridge B. building C. station D. house

  ( )38. A. smaller B. slower C. slowly D. faster

  ( )39. A. city B. college C. country D. village

  ( )40. A. stop B. hate C. hope D. dislike

  八、閱讀下面文章并根據(jù)要求回答問題 (1×5分)

  The Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing lots of American and foreign films. Next week it will show an Australian film called“Midnight Meeting”. It is set in Sydney in the 1960s. You can see that film from Monday to Thursday. It will be on twice a day at 6:30 and 9:10 in the evenings. The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are $ 4, but there is a special student ticket at




  Unit 1


  pen (鋼筆) pencil (鉛筆) pencil-case ( 鉛筆盒) ruler(尺子) eraser(橡皮) crayon (蠟筆) book (書) bag (書包) sharpener (卷筆刀) school (學(xué)校)

  Unit 2


  head (頭) face( 臉) nose (鼻子) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊) finger (手指) leg (腿) foot (腳) body (身體)

  Unit 3


  red (紅色的) yellow (黃色的) green (綠色的) blue (藍(lán)色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的) brown (棕色的)

  Unit 4


  cat (貓) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊貓) rabbit( 兔子) duck (鴨子)  pig (豬) bird (鳥) bear (熊) elephant (大象) mouse (老鼠) squirrel (松鼠)

  Unit 5


  cake (蛋糕) bread (面包) hot dog (熱狗) hamburger (漢堡包) chicken (雞肉)  French fries (炸薯條) coke (可樂) juice (果汁) milk (牛奶)  water (水) tea (茶) coffee (咖啡)

  Unit 6


  one (一) two (二) three (三)  four (四) five (五) six( 六) seven (七) eight (八) nine( 九) ten( 十)  doll (玩具娃娃)  boat (小船) ball (球) kite (風(fēng)箏) balloon (氣球) car (小汽車)  plane (飛機)



  A: Hello!  (你好!)

  B: Hi! (你好!)


  A:What's your name? 你的名字是什么?

  B:My name's Chen Jie. 我的名字是陳潔。


  A: Bye.\ Good bye!(再見)

  B: See you.(再見) \ Goodbye.(再見)

  4、A: I have a pencil\ bag\ruler 我有一只鉛筆\書包\尺子。

  B: Me too . 我也有。


  A: Good morning. 早上好!

  B: Good morning! 早上好!


  A: Good afternoon! 下午好!

  B: Good afternoon! 下午好!


  A: Nice to meet you! 見到你很高興。

  B: Nice to meet you,too! 見到你也很高興!

  8、A: Let's go to school! 讓我們一起去上學(xué)!

  B: OK! 好的。


  A: How are you ? 你好嗎?

  B: Fine,thank you我很好,謝謝你。

  10、A: Let's paint. 讓我們畫畫。

  B: Great! 棒極了!

  11、A: Look I have a rabbit\monkey. 看,我有一只兔子\猴子。

  B: Cool\Super \ Great \ Wow! 酷\超級好\棒極了\好厲害.


  A: May I have a look? 我可以看一看嗎?

  B: Sure. Here you are! 當(dāng)然可以。給你!


  A: Have some French fries. 吃一些炸薯條。

  B: Thank you.\ No, thanks. 謝謝你。\不,謝謝你。

  14、A: What do you like? 你喜歡什么?

  B: I like hot dogs. 我喜歡熱狗。


  A: Can I have some chicken? 我能吃一些雞肉?

  B: Sure here you are. 當(dāng)然可以,給你。

  16、A: Thank you. 謝謝你。

  B: You're welcome. 別客氣。

  17、A:B: Happy birthday. 生日快樂!

  B: Thank you. 謝謝。

  18、A: How old are you? 你幾歲啦?

  B: I'm nine. 我九歲了。(要用數(shù)字回答哦!)

  19、A: Let's eat the birthday cake. 讓我們吃生日蛋糕

  B: Great! 棒極了!

  20、A: How many balloons\ gifts? 多少個氣球\禮物?

  B: Four \ ten. 四/十。


  Unit 1

  1.show me your pencil / ruler/ eraser/ crayon/ pen.


  2.open your pencil--case. 打開你的鉛筆盒。

  close your book .合上你的書。

  show me your sharpener. 讓我看看你的卷筆刀。

  carry your bag. 背起你的書包。

  go to school . 去上學(xué)。

  Unit 2

  3.Touch your head./ nose/ eye/ mouth/ ear.


  4. Clap your hands. 拍拍你的手。

  Snap your fingers. 打響你的手指。

  Wave your arms. 揮揮動你的胳膊。

  Cross your legs. 翹翹你的雙腿。

  Shake your body. 扭扭你的身體。

  Stamp your foot. 跺跺你的腳。

  Unit 3

  5.Show me your red/ blue / green / yellow / purple crayon.


  6.Black, black. Stand up. 黑色,黑色,站起來(起立)!

  Pink , pink. Sit down. 粉紅色,粉紅色,坐下!

  Brown, brown. Touch the ground. 棕色,棕色,摸摸地板。

  Orange, orange. Touch your head. 橙色,橙色,摸摸你的頭。

  White, white. Turn around. 白色,白色,轉(zhuǎn)個圈。

  Unit 4

  7. Act like a cat/ duck/ panda/ monkey/ rabbit/ dog.


  8. Hunt like a mouse. 像老鼠一樣搜尋。

  Walk like a elephant. 像大象一樣走路。

  Climb like a bear. 像狗熊一樣爬。

  Fly like a bird. 像小鳥一樣飛。

  Jump like a squirrel. 像松鼠一樣跳。

  Unit 5

  9 .Show me your hamburger. 讓我看看你的漢堡包。

  Pass me the French fries. 把炸薯條遞給我。

  Cut the bread. 切面包。

  Eat the hot dog. 吃熱狗。

  Smell the chicken. 聞聞雞肉。

  Make the cake. 做蛋糕。

  10.pour the water  倒水。

  Smell the coffee 聞聞咖啡。

  Taste the tea 嘗嘗茶。

  Show me the milk 讓我看看牛奶。

  Drink the juice 喝果汁。

  11.bounce the ball.拍拍球。

  fly the kite. 放風(fēng)箏。

  throw the plane.扔出飛機。

  hold the doll.抱娃娃。

  Drive the car.開車。

  blow up the balloons.吹氣球。


  一、 選出下列單詞中劃線部分讀音不同的選項,將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)(1×5分)

  ( )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse

  ( )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths

  ( )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp

  ( )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom

  ( )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats


  6. How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have ?

  7. He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔細(xì)) as his cousin.

  8. The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well every day.

  9. W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day.

  10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_________ at 3:00 p.m..

  三. 根據(jù)句意寫出所給單詞的正確形式。(1×5分)

  11、Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the lake.

  12、Lily is much __________(health) than her sister.

  13、They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they ?

  14、Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your body ?

  15、Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isn’t he?

  四. 選擇最佳答案。(1×10分)

  ( )16.--- Could you help me , please ?

  --- _____________________.

  A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. You’re welcome .

  ( )17.There is _____________sheep on the hill .

  A. little B. a few C. a little D. few

  ( )18.There is ______ “h ” , ______ “o”,_______“u ” and ______ “r ”

  in the word “hour ”.

  A. an ; an ; a ; an B. a; an; a; a C. a; an ; an; a D. an; an ; an ; an

  ( )19.---I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s.


  A. Oh, that’s very nice of you. B. Congratulations.

  C. It’s a pleasure. D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.

  ( )20.---Can I get you a cup of tea?


  A. That's very nice of you B. With pleasure

  C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea

  ( )21---Does she work here?

  ---No, but these days she _____ here.

  A. helps B. help C. is helping D. helping

  ( )22. ---__________ today! ---Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?

  A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it is

  C. What a fine weather it is D. How fine the weather is

  ( )23. I _____tired yesterday, so I ________ go shopping with her.

  A. am, don’t B. was, am not C. was, didn’t D. am, am not

  ( )24. ---Could you get to the park before 3 o’clock?

  ---__________. I’ll still be at the meeting then.

  A. I think so B. Yes, I could C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid so

  ( ) 25. Miss Gao is ________teacher. She teaches _____ English.

  A. our, my B. us, me C. us, our D. our, us

  五. 根據(jù)明信片內(nèi)容及26-30的提示語,將英文代號A-E填在相應(yīng)的橫線上(1×5分)


  You’re an excellent person. I am sure your new job will be a great success.

  Best wishes from

  Mrs Bell


  Wish you every success in your exams. We’ll be thinking of you.

  All our love,

  Granny & Grandpa


  People like you make the world brighter with the special things you do.

  Love from



  Hoping that good health will soon be yours.

  With very best wishes from

  everyone at Better Books

  To dear ____E______

  Life is boring without you. Hurry back.



  26_____________________ Simon is working in another city for four weeks.

  27 __________________ Mary is in hospital.

  28 __________________John has just started a new job.

  29 __________________Karen will start her final exams next week.

  30 __________________Ann cleaned her friend's house when her friend was on holiday.

  六、完型填空 (1×10分)

  “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(劍橋)ask. But no one can give them a __(31)__answer, for there is no wall to be found _(32)___ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, __(33)__, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and_(34)__ of the thirty—one colleges(學(xué)院).

  Cambridge was already a_(35)_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once __(36)__ the Cam. A__(37)__ was built over the river as early as 875,so the town got its name “Cambridge”.

  In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much __(38)__ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a__(39)__ in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries_(40)_ to study at Cambridge.

  ( )31. A. true B. clear C. right D. wrong

  ( )32. A. around B. in C. near D. about

  ( )33. A. cinemas B. libraries C. zoos D. parks

  ( )34. A. parents B. farmers C. teachers D. doctors

  ( )35. A. interesting B. old C. new D. usual

  ( )36. A. said B. called C. spoken D. talked

  ( )37. A. bridge B. building C. station D. house

  ( )38. A. smaller B. slower C. slowly D. faster

  ( )39. A. city B. college C. country D. village

  ( )40. A. stop B. hate C. hope D. dislike

  八、閱讀下面文章并根據(jù)要求回答問題 (1×5分)

  The Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing lots of American and foreign films. Next week it will show an Australian film called“Midnight Meeting”. It is set in Sydney in the 1960s. You can see that film from Monday to Thursday. It will be on twice a day at 6:30 and 9:10 in the evenings. The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are $ 4, but there is a special student ticket at $2.60 for all the films. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket.

  The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street. It’s just five minutes’walk from the cinema. If you need further information, phone 8813962 during office hours-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

  Answer each of the following questions in no more than SIX words.(每題答案不超過6個詞)

  46 In which country is the film “Midnight Meeting” made? ______________________________.

  47 When can people see that film? ___________________________.

  48 How many minutes does the film last? __________________________________.

  49 What’s the price of a student ticket? __________________________.

  50 How far is it from the nearest park to the cinema? _________________________________.


  Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldn’t find his way home when he went for a w 51 . He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m 52 important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a child, he learned things very s 53 . Albert didn’t speak u 54 he was three years old. His parents were w 55 about him. When he was 12, Albert began r 56 math and science books. He was excited about the t 57 he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics. He wanted to find the

  a 58 to the questions about the universe. When he told people about his ideas, other scientists l 59 at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n 60 way. Because of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.

  51._________52.___________53.____________54.___________55. ______________

  56._________57.__________ 58.____________59 ____________60. ______________


  一、1~5 A C A C D

  二、6. monkeys 7. carefully 8. noisy 9. Wednesday 10. finishes

  三、11. is swimming 12. healthier 13. flew 14. eating 15. is going to give

  四、16~20 C C A D A 21~25 C D C C D

  五、26~30 E D A B C

  六、31~35 B A B C D 36~40 B A D A C

  七、41~45 B D C A B

  八、46. Australia 47. From Monday to Thursday 48. Two hours and fifteen minutes

  49. $2.60 50. Five minutes' walk

  九、1. walk 2. more 3. slowly 4. until 5. worried







.60 for all the films. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket.

  The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street. It’s just five minutes’walk from the cinema. If you need further information, phone 8813962 during office hours-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

  Answer each of the following questions in no more than SIX words.(每題答案不超過6個詞)

  46 In which country is the film “Midnight Meeting” made? ______________________________.

  47 When can people see that film? ___________________________.

  48 How many minutes does the film last? __________________________________.

  49 What’s the price of a student ticket? __________________________.

  50 How far is it from the nearest park to the cinema? _________________________________.


  Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldn’t find his way home when he went for a w 51 . He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m 52 important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a child, he learned things very s 53 . Albert didn’t speak u 54 he was three years old. His parents were w 55 about him. When he was 12, Albert began r 56 math and science books. He was excited about the t 57 he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics. He wanted to find the

  a 58 to the questions about the universe. When he told people about his ideas, other scientists l 59 at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n 60 way. Because of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.

  51._________52.___________53.____________54.___________55. ______________

  56._________57.__________ 58.____________59 ____________60. ______________


  一、1~5 A C A C D

  二、6. monkeys 7. carefully 8. noisy 9. Wednesday 10. finishes

  三、11. is swimming 12. healthier 13. flew 14. eating 15. is going to give

  四、16~20 C C A D A 21~25 C D C C D

  五、26~30 E D A B C

  六、31~35 B A B C D 36~40 B A D A C

  七、41~45 B D C A B

  八、46. Australia 47. From Monday to Thursday 48. Two hours and fifteen minutes





  Unit 1


  pen (鋼筆) pencil (鉛筆) pencil-case ( 鉛筆盒) ruler(尺子) eraser(橡皮) crayon (蠟筆) book (書) bag (書包) sharpener (卷筆刀) school (學(xué)校)

  Unit 2


  head (頭) face( 臉) nose (鼻子) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊) finger (手指) leg (腿) foot (腳) body (身體)

  Unit 3


  red (紅色的) yellow (黃色的) green (綠色的) blue (藍(lán)色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的) brown (棕色的)

  Unit 4


  cat (貓) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊貓) rabbit( 兔子) duck (鴨子)  pig (豬) bird (鳥) bear (熊) elephant (大象) mouse (老鼠) squirrel (松鼠)

  Unit 5


  cake (蛋糕) bread (面包) hot dog (熱狗) hamburger (漢堡包) chicken (雞肉)  French fries (炸薯條) coke (可樂) juice (果汁) milk (牛奶)  water (水) tea (茶) coffee (咖啡)

  Unit 6


  one (一) two (二) three (三)  four (四) five (五) six( 六) seven (七) eight (八) nine( 九) ten( 十)  doll (玩具娃娃)  boat (小船) ball (球) kite (風(fēng)箏) balloon (氣球) car (小汽車)  plane (飛機)



  A: Hello!  (你好!)

  B: Hi! (你好!)


  A:What's your name? 你的名字是什么?

  B:My name's Chen Jie. 我的名字是陳潔。


  A: Bye.\ Good bye!(再見)

  B: See you.(再見) \ Goodbye.(再見)

  4、A: I have a pencil\ bag\ruler 我有一只鉛筆\書包\尺子。

  B: Me too . 我也有。


  A: Good morning. 早上好!

  B: Good morning! 早上好!


  A: Good afternoon! 下午好!

  B: Good afternoon! 下午好!


  A: Nice to meet you! 見到你很高興。

  B: Nice to meet you,too! 見到你也很高興!

  8、A: Let's go to school! 讓我們一起去上學(xué)!

  B: OK! 好的。


  A: How are you ? 你好嗎?

  B: Fine,thank you我很好,謝謝你。

  10、A: Let's paint. 讓我們畫畫。

  B: Great! 棒極了!

  11、A: Look I have a rabbit\monkey. 看,我有一只兔子\猴子。

  B: Cool\Super \ Great \ Wow! 酷\超級好\棒極了\好厲害.


  A: May I have a look? 我可以看一看嗎?

  B: Sure. Here you are! 當(dāng)然可以。給你!


  A: Have some French fries. 吃一些炸薯條。

  B: Thank you.\ No, thanks. 謝謝你。\不,謝謝你。

  14、A: What do you like? 你喜歡什么?

  B: I like hot dogs. 我喜歡熱狗。


  A: Can I have some chicken? 我能吃一些雞肉?

  B: Sure here you are. 當(dāng)然可以,給你。

  16、A: Thank you. 謝謝你。

  B: You're welcome. 別客氣。

  17、A:B: Happy birthday. 生日快樂!

  B: Thank you. 謝謝。

  18、A: How old are you? 你幾歲啦?

  B: I'm nine. 我九歲了。(要用數(shù)字回答哦!)

  19、A: Let's eat the birthday cake. 讓我們吃生日蛋糕

  B: Great! 棒極了!

  20、A: How many balloons\ gifts? 多少個氣球\禮物?

  B: Four \ ten. 四/十。


  Unit 1

  1.show me your pencil / ruler/ eraser/ crayon/ pen.


  2.open your pencil--case. 打開你的鉛筆盒。

  close your book .合上你的書。

  show me your sharpener. 讓我看看你的卷筆刀。

  carry your bag. 背起你的書包。

  go to school . 去上學(xué)。

  Unit 2

  3.Touch your head./ nose/ eye/ mouth/ ear.


  4. Clap your hands. 拍拍你的手。

  Snap your fingers. 打響你的手指。

  Wave your arms. 揮揮動你的胳膊。

  Cross your legs. 翹翹你的雙腿。

  Shake your body. 扭扭你的身體。

  Stamp your foot. 跺跺你的腳。

  Unit 3

  5.Show me your red/ blue / green / yellow / purple crayon.


  6.Black, black. Stand up. 黑色,黑色,站起來(起立)!

  Pink , pink. Sit down. 粉紅色,粉紅色,坐下!

  Brown, brown. Touch the ground. 棕色,棕色,摸摸地板。

  Orange, orange. Touch your head. 橙色,橙色,摸摸你的頭。

  White, white. Turn around. 白色,白色,轉(zhuǎn)個圈。

  Unit 4

  7. Act like a cat/ duck/ panda/ monkey/ rabbit/ dog.


  8. Hunt like a mouse. 像老鼠一樣搜尋。

  Walk like a elephant. 像大象一樣走路。

  Climb like a bear. 像狗熊一樣爬。

  Fly like a bird. 像小鳥一樣飛。

  Jump like a squirrel. 像松鼠一樣跳。

  Unit 5

  9 .Show me your hamburger. 讓我看看你的漢堡包。

  Pass me the French fries. 把炸薯條遞給我。

  Cut the bread. 切面包。

  Eat the hot dog. 吃熱狗。

  Smell the chicken. 聞聞雞肉。

  Make the cake. 做蛋糕。

  10.pour the water  倒水。

  Smell the coffee 聞聞咖啡。

  Taste the tea 嘗嘗茶。

  Show me the milk 讓我看看牛奶。

  Drink the juice 喝果汁。

  11.bounce the ball.拍拍球。

  fly the kite. 放風(fēng)箏。

  throw the plane.扔出飛機。

  hold the doll.抱娃娃。

  Drive the car.開車。

  blow up the balloons.吹氣球。


  一、 選出下列單詞中劃線部分讀音不同的選項,將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)(1×5分)

  ( )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse

  ( )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths

  ( )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp

  ( )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom

  ( )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats


  6. How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have ?

  7. He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔細(xì)) as his cousin.

  8. The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well every day.

  9. W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day.

  10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_________ at 3:00 p.m..

  三. 根據(jù)句意寫出所給單詞的正確形式。(1×5分)

  11、Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the lake.

  12、Lily is much __________(health) than her sister.

  13、They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they ?

  14、Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your body ?

  15、Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isn’t he?

  四. 選擇最佳答案。(1×10分)

  ( )16.--- Could you help me , please ?

  --- _____________________.

  A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. You’re welcome .

  ( )17.There is _____________sheep on the hill .

  A. little B. a few C. a little D. few

  ( )18.There is ______ “h ” , ______ “o”,_______“u ” and ______ “r ”

  in the word “hour ”.

  A. an ; an ; a ; an B. a; an; a; a C. a; an ; an; a D. an; an ; an ; an

  ( )19.---I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s.


  A. Oh, that’s very nice of you. B. Congratulations.

  C. It’s a pleasure. D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.

  ( )20.---Can I get you a cup of tea?


  A. That's very nice of you B. With pleasure

  C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea

  ( )21---Does she work here?

  ---No, but these days she _____ here.

  A. helps B. help C. is helping D. helping

  ( )22. ---__________ today! ---Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?

  A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it is

  C. What a fine weather it is D. How fine the weather is

  ( )23. I _____tired yesterday, so I ________ go shopping with her.

  A. am, don’t B. was, am not C. was, didn’t D. am, am not

  ( )24. ---Could you get to the park before 3 o’clock?

  ---__________. I’ll still be at the meeting then.

  A. I think so B. Yes, I could C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid so

  ( ) 25. Miss Gao is ________teacher. She teaches _____ English.

  A. our, my B. us, me C. us, our D. our, us

  五. 根據(jù)明信片內(nèi)容及26-30的提示語,將英文代號A-E填在相應(yīng)的橫線上(1×5分)


  You’re an excellent person. I am sure your new job will be a great success.

  Best wishes from

  Mrs Bell


  Wish you every success in your exams. We’ll be thinking of you.

  All our love,

  Granny & Grandpa


  People like you make the world brighter with the special things you do.

  Love from



  Hoping that good health will soon be yours.

  With very best wishes from

  everyone at Better Books

  To dear ____E______

  Life is boring without you. Hurry back.



  26_____________________ Simon is working in another city for four weeks.

  27 __________________ Mary is in hospital.

  28 __________________John has just started a new job.

  29 __________________Karen will start her final exams next week.

  30 __________________Ann cleaned her friend's house when her friend was on holiday.

  六、完型填空 (1×10分)

  “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(劍橋)ask. But no one can give them a __(31)__answer, for there is no wall to be found _(32)___ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, __(33)__, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and_(34)__ of the thirty—one colleges(學(xué)院).

  Cambridge was already a_(35)_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once __(36)__ the Cam. A__(37)__ was built over the river as early as 875,so the town got its name “Cambridge”.

  In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much __(38)__ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a__(39)__ in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries_(40)_ to study at Cambridge.

  ( )31. A. true B. clear C. right D. wrong

  ( )32. A. around B. in C. near D. about

  ( )33. A. cinemas B. libraries C. zoos D. parks

  ( )34. A. parents B. farmers C. teachers D. doctors

  ( )35. A. interesting B. old C. new D. usual

  ( )36. A. said B. called C. spoken D. talked

  ( )37. A. bridge B. building C. station D. house

  ( )38. A. smaller B. slower C. slowly D. faster

  ( )39. A. city B. college C. country D. village

  ( )40. A. stop B. hate C. hope D. dislike

  八、閱讀下面文章并根據(jù)要求回答問題 (1×5分)

  The Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing lots of American and foreign films. Next week it will show an Australian film called“Midnight Meeting”. It is set in Sydney in the 1960s. You can see that film from Monday to Thursday. It will be on twice a day at 6:30 and 9:10 in the evenings. The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are $ 4, but there is a special student ticket at $2.60 for all the films. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket.

  The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street. It’s just five minutes’walk from the cinema. If you need further information, phone 8813962 during office hours-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

  Answer each of the following questions in no more than SIX words.(每題答案不超過6個詞)

  46 In which country is the film “Midnight Meeting” made? ______________________________.

  47 When can people see that film? ___________________________.

  48 How many minutes does the film last? __________________________________.

  49 What’s the price of a student ticket? __________________________.

  50 How far is it from the nearest park to the cinema? _________________________________.


  Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldn’t find his way home when he went for a w 51 . He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m 52 important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a child, he learned things very s 53 . Albert didn’t speak u 54 he was three years old. His parents were w 55 about him. When he was 12, Albert began r 56 math and science books. He was excited about the t 57 he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics. He wanted to find the

  a 58 to the questions about the universe. When he told people about his ideas, other scientists l 59 at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n 60 way. Because of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.

  51._________52.___________53.____________54.___________55. ______________

  56._________57.__________ 58.____________59 ____________60. ______________


  一、1~5 A C A C D

  二、6. monkeys 7. carefully 8. noisy 9. Wednesday 10. finishes

  三、11. is swimming 12. healthier 13. flew 14. eating 15. is going to give

  四、16~20 C C A D A 21~25 C D C C D

  五、26~30 E D A B C

  六、31~35 B A B C D 36~40 B A D A C

  七、41~45 B D C A B

  八、46. Australia 47. From Monday to Thursday 48. Two hours and fifteen minutes

  49. $2.60 50. Five minutes' walk

  九、1. walk 2. more 3. slowly 4. until 5. worried







.60 50. Five minutes' walk

  九、1. walk 2. more 3. slowly 4. until 5. worried





