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1. 答題前,考生務必用0.  5毫米黑色墨水簽字筆將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫在答題卡的相應位置上,并認真核對條形碼上的姓名、準考證號是否與本人的相符合。

2. 答客觀題必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對應題目的正確選項涂黑,如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案。答案不能寫在試題卷上。

3. 答主觀題必須用0.  5毫米黑色墨水簽字筆作答,答案寫在答題卡各題目指定區(qū)域內(nèi)相應位置上。如需改動,先劃掉原來的答案,然后再寫上新的答案。不準使用鉛筆和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案無效。

4. 考生必須保持答題卡的整潔??荚嚱Y(jié)束后,將試題卷和答題卡一并交回。

第Ⅰ卷(客觀題 共50分)

一、單項選擇 在A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。(本大題共14小題,每小題1分,共14分)

1. ________ is the girl wearing a scarf? Is she your sister?

A. Who B. Which C. What D. Where

2. —Look at the traffic sign on the right. What does it mean?

—It means ________.

A. you mustn’t turn left B. you must turn left

C. you mustn’t turn right D. you must turn right

3. Oh, come on! Stop telling me what to do. Mind ________ own business.

A. you B. your C. us D. our

4. Everyone loves my dog Coffee, ________ he often makes a mess at  home.

A. until B. since C. though D. whether

5. —How are you feeling today, young man?

—Much ________. The medicine works. Thank you, Docter.

A. best B. better C. worst D. worse

6. What great news! But has it been confirmed yet? It just sounds ________  to be true.

A. bad enough B. too bad C. good enough D. too good

7. Hey, John! What’s up? I ________ a shower when you called.

A. had taken B. have taken C. was taking D. am taking

8. We’re looking for ________ who can deal with the new computer virus.

A. someone B. everyone C. something D. everything

9. Shh… ! This is a library. You ________ keep your voice down.

A. can B. can’t C. should D. shouldn’t

10. It’s such an important meeting that everyone is advised to dress  ________.

A. careful B. carefully C. proper D. properly

11. I know how busy you are and I won’t ________ too much of your time.

A. take up B. set up C. make up D. put up

12. I thought I did badly in the exam. ________, I got a 60 and passed.  Hooray!

A. Maybe B. Instead C. Almost D. However

13. I couldn’t ________ what else he has to say. Everyone knows that’s a  lie.

A. suppose B. imagine C. realize D. consider

14. —Would you like to go to the concert with me this Friday?

—Oh, I’m going to the cinema with Sam. ________ Why didn’t you tell me  earlier?

A Are you sure? B. What a pity! C. Are you serious? D. What a surprise!



One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announced that the seventh grade field trip  would be to a theme park. The classroom was filled with excitement as the girls  discussed what they would wear and what they should bring with them. I sat back  and listened, knowing that my parents did not have the money to send me. It made  me ___15___ to feel so left out. But not Danny. He simply told everyone that he  wouldn’t be going. When Mr. Sims asked him ___16___, Danny stood up and said,  “It’s too much money for me. My dad hurt his back and has been out of ___17___  for a while. I’m not asking my parents for money.”

Sitting back down in his seat, Danny held his head up ___18___, even though  whispering had already begun. I could only sit quietly in my seat, knowing those  ___19___ could be about me when they found out I would not be going either.

“Dan, I’m very proud of you for ___20___ the situation that your parents  are in,” Mr. Sims replied.

Seeing the students whispering in the back, Mr. Sims spoke again, only  ___21___.

“This year, we’re going to do things differently. The trip is not until the  end of the month, so there’s plenty of time for money ___22___. Each student  must bring in at least one idea for that. If a student doesn’t want to help,  then he or she will be staying here that day. Any ___23___?”

Of course, Shelly, the most popular girl in the class, spoke up.

“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can ____24____ it. Do I still have to  help?”

“Shelly, this is not a matter of being rich or poor. Money is not just  something that is handed to you when you get older. This will be a great  learning experience for everyone, whether you have the money or not.”

15. A. bored B. angry C. relaxed D. happy

16. A. how B. when C. why D. what

17. A. work B. town C. hope D. time

18. A. excitedly B. proudly C. worriedly D. politely

19. A. secrets B. changes C. praises D. whispers

20. A. understanding B. describing C. explaining D. announcing

21. A. faster B. slower C. louder D. quieter

22. A. lending B. making C. spending D. raising

23. A. ideas B. questions C. plans D. suggestions

24. A. afford B. cancel C. return D. share




New Message


Dear Headmaster#FormatImgID_3# 

I amhappytorecommendJennyThompsonforthe2024YouthStarAward.

As presidentoftheCommunityServiceClub,Jennyledsuccessfulprojectslike helpingyoungerstudentsandraisingover10,000yuan for localshelters.Sheisalwaysreadytohelpothers.Jennydoeswellinher studies,especiallyinScienceandMath,andoftenhelpsherclassmates.She alsovolunteersatthelocalfoodbankandhelpspeopleinneed.

Jenny isagoodstudentandleader.Ihighlyrecommendherforthe2024YouthStar Award.

Yours sincerely,

David Harrison

Community ServiceCoordinatorSunshineHighSchool

25. This is ________.

A. a recommendation letter B. a confirmation letter

C. an application letter D. an invitation letter

26. Who is writing this letter?

A. The headmaster. B. The president. C. Jenny Thompson. D. David  Harrison.

27. What is Jenny like?

A. Kind and careful. B. Kind and helpful.

C. Energetic and careful. D. Energetic and helpful.


Name: Alicia Name: Ricky

Job: News reporter Job: ?

Alicia: What time do you normally start and end your workday?

Ricky: That depends on the part of the project I’m working on. Before and  after filming. I usually wake up at 7 a. m., start working soon after that, and  stop in the afternoon. During filming, I don’t have a regular schedule. I  usually wake up when the sun comes up and I quit when the sun goes down.

Alicia: ▲

Ricky: That also depends on the project. I work from home when I’m not  filming. While I’m filming, I work all over the world. For example, when I was  making a film about the Himalayas, I worked in a village in the mountains.

Alicia: Why did you choose to do this kind of work?

Ricky: When I was young, I watched a lot of movies and read a lot of books.  They showed me different ways of living and thinking. I want my films and  photographs to do this for other people!

Alicia: What’s the most difficult thing about your job?

Ricky: The paperwork. It’s boring, but it’s important.

28. This is most probably ________.

A. an introduction B. an interview C. a public discussion D. a private  dialogue

29. What is Ricky’s job?

A. News reporter. B. Travel writer.

C. Filmmaker and photographer. D. Director and designer.

30. Which question is the most suitable for ________?

A. Where do you work? B. When do you start work?

C. How do you travel? D. What do you do?


Alex set his lunch tray on the table near his friend Leo. “Trade you some  fries for some pretzels,” Alex said.

“Deal,” said Leo, taking his bag of pretzels out of bis lunchbox.

Alex noticed a folded piece of paper at the bottom of Leo’s lunchbox.

“What’s that?” asked Daniel, another boy in their class.

Before Leo could answer, Daniel grabbed the paper. He unfolded it and read  in a loud voice: “Dear Leo, I hope you have a great day. Love. Mom.”

Daniel snorted. “Your mom puts notes in your lunchbox?”

“Yes,” Leo said.

Daniel read the note again, to himself. It almost looked as if he wanted to  keep it.

“Give it back to Leo,” said Alex.

“Well, who wants a note anyway?” Daniel said.

“I do,” said Leo.

Alex liked getting notes too.

Daniel tossed the note and it fell to the floor.

Alex picked it up. He handed it back to Leo, who put it into his  pocket.

On the bus that afternoon, Alex thought about what had happened.

Alex’s older brother, Mateo, arrived home just after Alex did. “How was  your day, little dude?” Mateo asked.

“A boy in my class was mean to Leo,” Alex said. He explained the way Daniel  had acted.

Mateo shook his head. “How would Daniel like it if people picked on him for  getting a note?”

“Daniel never gets notes,” Alex said. Suddenly, he had an idea. “That’s it!  I know how to help Leo and Daniel.”

Alex explained his idea to Mateo. Mateo agreed to help, and they worked on  the plan all afternoon.

At lunchtime the next day, Alex hurried to the cafeteria. He set out 23  folded pieces of paper on a table by the entrance. Each piece of paper had the  name of a classmate on it.

“What are these?” asked Mira.

“We all have notes,” said Sabrina.

Alex watched as Daniel picked up the note with his name on it. Alex knew  that the note said Daniel, ▲ Have a great day.

Alex saw Daniel smile as he put the note into his pocket.

“Great idea, Alex,” said Leo.

“Now everyone knows how it feels to get a lunch note,” Alex said.

31. What does the underlined word “mean” mean in this story?

A. Kind. B. Unkind. C. Generous. D. Ungenerous.

32. Which of the following is the most suitable for?

A. I’m glad you’re in my class. B. I’m glad you’re in a good mood.

C. you’ve been so mean to me. D. you’ve been so friendly to me.

33. What is the best title for this story?

A. DIY Love B. Good Friends C. Lunch Notes D. Kind Offer


A theoryofemotion

Two scientistscalledStanleySchachterandJeromeSingerdevelopedthetwo-factor theoryofemotionin1962.Theysaidthatemotionsareformedintwoparts. First,thebodyhasaphysicalresponsetoathreatandthenthemindconsiders thephysicalresponseasanemotion,whichisthenfeltbytheperson.For example,imagineyouarewalkingthroughaforestandyouseeabear.Seeingit wouldprobablystartaphysicalresponse,suchasyourheartbeatingveryfast andsweatbreakingout.Yourmindthendecidesthatthisisfear,whichyoufeel asanemotion.

A new study has suggested that the key to reducing feelings of anger is not  venting (letting the angry emotions out) but doing calming activities such as  yoga or meditation.

The study was published in March by Sophie Kjaervik and Brad Bushman from  Ohio State University in the US. They wanted to explore the popular theory that  venting (expressing) anger is a good way of reducing it. Examples of venting  anger include shouting or hitting something like a cushion, so that you let go  of the emotion and therefore don’t feel it any more. The pair looked at 154  other studies on anger. These involved 10, 189 people, and included a variety of  ages and backgrounds. In their study, Kjaervik and Bushman define anger as “an  emotional response (反應) to a real or imagined threat (威脅)”. They used a theory  of emotion (情緒假說) that says emotions are partly felt in your body and partly in  your mind.

The scientists looked at the other studies to see how different activities  influenced anger. They found that activities such as running or boxing—which are  often thought to be good for dealing with anger—weren’t very good at reducing  it. In fact, some of these activities actually made it worse because they  increased physical responses in the body that are linked to feeling angry. For  example, they made people’s hearts beat faster. However, activities that  decreased physical responses in the body did help to reduce feelings of anger.  These included activities that slow the heart rate, such as deep breathing,  meditation and yoga. Bushman says activities that increase physical responses  may be good for heart health but are “definitely not the best way to reduce  anger”.

The team found jogging was most likely to increase anger. However, some  heart-rate increasing activities—like ball games and team sports—could reduce  anger.

34. What is the main finding of the new study?

A. A new method of venting anger. B. A new method of reducing anger.

C. Good activities to vent anger. D. Good activities to reduce anger.

35. What can we learn about calming activities?

A. They can reduce feelings of anger. B. They can increase the heart  rate.

C. They are good for mind health. D. They are good for heart health.

36. According to Schachter and Singer’s theory what happens first if you  see a snake and feel afraid?

A. You get the feeling of fear. B. You get the feeling of calm.

C. Your heart beats fast. D. Your heart beats slowly.

37. The following sentence can best be put at the end of ________.

They think this shows that fun or playful activities help to reduce  negative feelings.

A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 4

第Ⅱ卷(主觀題 共50分)



38. I won’t let you go _________ (除非) you tell me the truth.

39. Be more careful! A ________ (過失) is as good as a mile.

40. The work is very ________ (累人的), but nobody complains about it.

41. The 2024 Wuxi Marathon was covered _________ (現(xiàn)場直播) on TV.


42. The AI technology is ________ (rapid) changing all the time.

43. The traditional Chinese folk music has a ________ (last) value.

44. The father is always a real ________ (fight) in the little kid’s  heart.

45. Jim has gone to bed? This is very _________ (usual). He always stays up  late.



46. This stone bridge ________ (build) over 800 years ago.

47. Don’t lose heart, son. There ________ (be) always a way out.

48_________ (keep) calm and carry on. There’s still a long way to go.

49. Wuxi Metro Line S1 ________ (start) to operate on January 31st,  2024.

50. The children did a lot of research in the lab _________ (finish) the  science project.

51. Do you mind turning down the music? I _________ (attend) an online  meeting now.

52. Some people believe robots ________ (take) most jobs away from humans  in the future.

53. The Shenzhou-18 astronauts ________ (work) in Tiangong space station  since late April.



As a country strong in math, China has many folk games filled with math  wisdom. You may have played many of them before. Let’s take a look at two of  them.

Luban Lock

Luban LockwasfirstcreatedbyChinesecarpenterLuBanabout2,000yearsago.Itis saidthatLuusedsixwoodenpiecestomakeatoythatlookslikealockforhis son.Thelockhasalottodowithsolidgeometry(立體幾何). It’shardtoseparatethesixpieces.However,itisusuallyeasiertounlocka LubanLockthantoputitbacktogether.Now,thereareLubanLocksmadeupof nineormorepieces.

Huarong Pass

Huarong PassisatraditionalChineseblock-movingpuzzle.Everyblockisnamedaftera characterinthebookRomance oftheThree Kingdoms, like CaoCao,ZhangFeiandZhaoYun.Tosucceedinthegame,playershavetomove theblockstoget“CaoCao”out.Thisisatestofone’smathknowledge,for example,ofgeometricarea(幾何面積). AccordingtotheChinesePuzzlewebsite,ittakesatleast81stepstoset“Cao Cao”free.

Title: Two Ancient Chinese ___54___ Toys

Luban Lock

> ItwasfirstcreatedbyLuBanabout2,000yearsago.

> LuBanused6piecesof___55___  to makealock-liketoyforhisson.

> Itusesmathknowledgesuchassolidgeometry.

> Itis___56___  to putthesixpiecesbacktogetherthantounlockit.

Huarong Pass

> Itismadeupofafewblocks,andeveryblockhasthe___57___  of acharacterinRomance oftheThreeKingdoms. 

> Playerswinthegameby___58___  the blockstoset“CaoCao”free.

> Itcantestplayers’mathknowledgelikegeometricarea.


按所給的漢語,用英語完成下列句子,并將答案寫在答題卡對應題號的橫線上。(本大題共6小題,每小題1. 5分,共9分)

59. 如果你們同意我的看法,請舉手。

If you _________________, please raise your hand.

60. 這座小城以其美麗的園林著稱。

The small city _________________ its beautiful gardens.

61. 請三思!現(xiàn)在改變主意還不算太晚。

Think twice. It’s not too late to _________________ now.

62. 花這么多時間刷短視頻不值得。出去走走如何?

It’s __________ on short videos. How about going out for a walk?

63. 對不起,先生,當時除了給他接通您的電話我別無選擇。

Sorry, sir. I _________________ to you at that moment.

64. 你要么冒險繼續(xù)等待,要么現(xiàn)在就放棄。

You can _________________ now.


65.  傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日是中華文化的重要組成部分。學校正開展“中華文化周”活動,今年的主題是“交朋友,傳文化”。假設(shè)你是李華,請你給國外的筆友Tom發(fā)一封英文郵件,向他介紹一個中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日(時間、慶祝方式等)。


1. 郵件內(nèi)容須自擬,要求語句通順、意思連貫、符合題意;

2. 詞數(shù)不少于90個,郵件開頭與結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);

3. 郵件中不得使用真實的個人姓名或?qū)W校名稱;

4. 郵件必須寫在答題卡指定的位置上。

Dear Tom,

Traditional festivals are an important part of the Chinese culture.


Can you tell me something about the festivals in your country?

Yours truly

Li Hua






1. 答題前,考生務必用0.  5毫米黑色墨水簽字筆將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫在答題卡的相應位置上,并認真核對條形碼上的姓名、準考證號是否與本人的相符合。

2. 答客觀題必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對應題目的正確選項涂黑,如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案。答案不能寫在試題卷上。

3. 答主觀題必須用0.  5毫米黑色墨水簽字筆作答,答案寫在答題卡各題目指定區(qū)域內(nèi)相應位置上。如需改動,先劃掉原來的答案,然后再寫上新的答案。不準使用鉛筆和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案無效。

4. 考生必須保持答題卡的整潔。考試結(jié)束后,將試題卷和答題卡一并交回。

第Ⅰ卷(客觀題 共50分)

一、單項選擇 在A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。(本大題共14小題,每小題1分,共14分)































【答案】15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. A





【答案】25. A 26. D 27. B



【答案】28. B 29. C 30. A



【答案】31. B 32. A 33. C



【答案】34 D 35. A 36. C 37. D

第Ⅱ卷(主觀題 共50分)























【答案】was built








【答案】to finish


【答案】am attending


【答案】will take


【答案】have worked



【答案】54. Folk

55. wood 56. harder

57. name 58. moving


按所給的漢語,用英語完成下列句子,并將答案寫在答題卡對應題號的橫線上。(本大題共6小題,每小題1. 5分,共9分)


【答案】agree with me


【答案】is famous for##is known for


【答案】change your mind


【答案】not worth spending so much time


【答案】had no choice but to put him through


【答案】either take risks to keep on waiting or give up##either take risks to  keep waiting or give up##either take risks to continue waiting or give up




Dear Tom,

Traditional festivals are an important part of the Chinese culture. I’m  writing to tell you something about the Spring Festival.

Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China  and it usually falls on the first month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Before  the spring festival, people usually have a thorough cleaning and put up couplets  on their doors. No matter how faraway people are, they’ll try to return to their  home. On the New Year’s Eve, people have a big dinner and watch the Spring  Festival Gala. On the first day of the New Year, people set off the fireworks to  celebrate the beginning of a new year. People usually visit their relatives each  other. I like the Spring Festival best, because I can get lucky money.

Can you tell me something about the festivals in your country?

Yours truly

Li Hua




例1:The children were playing on the ground,enjoying____,dirty but  happy.

從句中的happy可以 猜出孩子們是開心的,所以應用enj0y oneself短語,故其答案為themselves。

例2:His boss was____angry as to fire him.

如果“跳過”橫線后面的angry,就可以發(fā)現(xiàn)這里用到一個關(guān)聯(lián)短語so...as to...,所以,so是正解。


數(shù)詞的形式變化包括基數(shù)詞、序數(shù)詞,或加后綴一teen、ty的變化,甚至還有作分母用的序數(shù)詞的單復數(shù)形式,以及one/two的特殊變化形式  once/twice

例:To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses.My eldest son shall take a  half,my second son shall take a (three).

從上下文連續(xù)起來理解,這是一個分馬的計劃,大兒子分得a  half,也就是“一半”或“二分之一”,那么二兒子應該得“三分之一”,所以要填入作分母的序數(shù)詞“third”才能命中目標。



例1:The us consists____fifty states.


例2:Mrs Baker was ill,so her daughter had to ask for

leave to take_____of her.

生病需要人照顧,所以答案是care,與前后詞構(gòu)成take care of。


