
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 小學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 五年級方法 > 五年級英語 >


時間: 舒淇4599 分享










Unit 1

Young [j??] (年輕的)  funny ['f?ni] (滑稽可笑的)  tall [t?:l] (高的)

strong [str??, str?:?] (強壯的)  kind [kaind](和藹的、親切的)

old [?uld](年老的)  short [??:t](矮的)  thin [θin](瘦的)

Mr (先生)  from 從;來自  Canada ['k?n?d?]加拿大  so much 很;非常

like [laik] (像、喜歡)  know[n?u] 知道  principal ['prins?p?l] 校長

university [,ju:ni'v?:s?ti] student ['stju:d?nt, 'stu:-]大學(xué)生

strict [strikt](嚴(yán)格的)  smart [smɑ:t] (聰明的、巧妙的)

active['?ktiv] (積極的、活躍的)  Miss 小姐lady['leidi] 女士;小姐;夫人

fun[f?n] 有趣;逗笑  quiet ['kwai?t](安靜的、文靜的)

very['veri](很、非常)  but[強 b?t, 弱 b?t, b?t] (但是)

Unit 2

Monday['m?ndi, 'm?ndei](星期一)  Tuesday ['tju:zdi](星期二)

Wednesday['wenzdi; -dei] (星期三)  Thursday ['θ?:zdi; -dei](星期四)

Friday ['fraidi] (星期五)  Moral ['m?r?l, 'm?:-] Studies 思想品德課

Social ['s?u??l] Studies 社會課  Saturday ['s?t?di; -dei] (星期六)

Sunday ['s?ndei;-di] (星期天)  wait [weit] 等等;等待

tomorrow [t?'m?r?u, -'m?:-] 明天  often['?f?n, '?ft?n, '?:-] 經(jīng)常

love [l?v] 愛;熱愛  have (有、吃)  on (在…..時候)

do homework (做作業(yè))  watch TV (看電視)

read[ri:d] books (讀書)  day [dei] (天)

Unit 3

cabbage[['k?bid?]] 洋白菜;卷心菜  eggplant'eɡplɑ:nt,-pl?nt] (茄子)

pork[p?:k] 豬肉  mutton['m?t?n] 羊肉  fish[fi?] (魚)

green[ɡri:n] beans[bi:n](青豆)  potato[p?'teit?u (土豆)

tomato[t?'mɑ:t?u, -'mei-] (西紅柿)  tofu (豆腐)   for (為)

lunch [l?nt?](中餐)  we(我們)  menu ['menju:, m?'nju:]菜單

sound [saund]聽起來  Mew Mew 貓咪  healthy['helθi] 健康的

tasty ['teisti](好吃的)  eat [i:t]吃  sweet [[swi:t]](甜的)

sour ['sau?](酸的)  fresh [fre?](新鮮的)  salty ['s?:lti] (咸的)

favourite ['feiv?rit](喜歡的)  they are (他們是)

fruit [fru:t](水果)  grape [ɡreip](葡萄)

now [nau] 現(xiàn)在  have to 不得不

Unit 4

empty ['empti]空的  the trash [tr??] 倒垃圾  at home 在家里

clean [kli:n] the bedroom['bedru(:)m] (打掃臥室)  ill [il]有病的

cook the meals [mi:ls](燒飯)  water the flowers ['flau?] (澆花)

sweep [swi:p] the floor [fl?:] (掃地)  helpful ['helpful] 有幫助的

wash [w??, w?:?] the windows ['wind?u] 擦窗戶

just [d??st]do it 就這么干吧  do housework ['hausw?:k] 做家務(wù)

make [meik] the bed(鋪床)  set[set] the table (擺飯桌)

wash[w??, w?:?] the clothes[kl?u?z] (洗衣服)  have a try 試一試

do the dishes [di?](洗碗碟)  put away[?'wei] the clothes 收拾衣服

robot['r?ub?t, -b?t, 'r?b?t] 機器人  play[plei] chess[t?es]下棋

use[ju:z] a computer[k?m'pju:t?] (使用計算機)

Unit 5

air-conditioner['ε?k?n,di??n] 空調(diào)  curtain['k?:t?n](窗簾)

trash bin (垃圾箱)  closet['kl?zit] (壁櫥)

mirror['mir?](鏡子)  end [end] table ['teibl] (床頭柜)

look at 看一看  own [?un] 自己的  flat [fl?t] 公寓

third [θ?:d]第三的  bedroom ['bedru(:)m] (臥室)

kitchen ['kit?in] (廚房)  bathroom ['bɑ:θrum](衛(wèi)生間)

living ['livi?] room(客廳)  in (在…里面)  on(在…上面)

under ['?nd?] (在…下面)  near [ni?](在..旁邊)

behind [bi'haind] (在…后邊)  over ['?uv?] 在…上面

clothes [kl?u?z] (衣服)  work [w?:k] 工作  tell [tel]告訴;說

Unit 6

sky [skai]天空  cloud [klaud] 云  mountain ['mauntin]山;山脈

river['riv?] (河流)  flower['flau?] (花)  grass [ɡrɑ:s, ɡr?s](草)

lake [leik](湖泊)  forest['f?rist](森林)  path[pɑ:θ, p?θ](路)

park[pɑ:k](公園)  nature['neit??] park 自然公園  farm[fɑ:m] 農(nóng)場

holiday ['h?l?di]假期  picture['pikt??] (照片)  city ['siti]城市

village ['vilid?]鄉(xiāng)村;村莊  house[haus,hauz](房子)  run 跑;奔跑

bridge[brid?] (橋)  tree[tri:] (樹)  road[r?ud] (公路)

building['bildi?](建筑物)  clean [kli:n](干凈的)  air [ε?]空氣

any['eni] 任何的;所有的



本課時的教學(xué)重點是Let’s learn部分五種家務(wù)勞動的表達方法,要求學(xué)生做到四會,并能在情景中自然的加以運用。








(1)Let’s chant

① 教師播放start部分Let’s chant的錄音,讓學(xué)生邊聽邊看圖并能理解歌謠的意思。

② 反復(fù)聽2-3遍后,可帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生小聲重復(fù)。

③ 拍手掌握節(jié)奏,教師將Mike變成本班同學(xué)的名字進行提問:Tom, Tom, what can you do?可提問3-4人。

(2)口語練習(xí) 誰的本領(lǐng)大:

① 男、女生進行比賽,分別用I can…來介紹自己會做的事,看看誰的本領(lǐng)大。

② 請同學(xué)邊說邊用動作表示,重復(fù)不加分,哪組說的多即為獲勝組。

2. Presentation(新課呈現(xiàn))


① 教師出示圖片請同學(xué)們觀看,Oh, so many animals! What can they do?

② 角色扮演:教師提問,Bird, bird, what can you do?請學(xué)生挑選自己喜歡的動物邊說邊做動作。

(2)Let’s learn

① 學(xué)生觀看教材的背景圖,教師指圖,用夸張的語氣介紹:She’s Lucy. This is her room. She’s helpful! Are you helpful? What can you do?

② 然后播放課件或動畫,帶領(lǐng)全班一起反復(fù)跟讀5個詞組,提醒學(xué)生注意語音語調(diào)。

③ 讓學(xué)生在練習(xí)本上寫一寫單詞和詞組。

3.Let’s play (趣味操練)

(1)Let’s play (猜一猜)

① 教師準(zhǔn)備好英文卡片,每組的第一個同學(xué)上前來任選一張。

② 抽卡片的同學(xué)只能做出一個動作,如掃地,請本組的同學(xué)猜一猜并說出英文sweep the floor,這時前面的同學(xué)就可以說:Right! I can…哪組用的時間快、說的準(zhǔn)確,就可加一分。教師可對優(yōu)勝組進行獎勵。

(2)Let’s play (接龍游戲)

① 將學(xué)生分成5組,每組發(fā)一個單詞,如:clean, cook, floor, flower, empty,也可以用圖片代替。

② 請本組同學(xué)配合,看詞或是看圖來說出一句完整話。如:I—I can—I can water—I can water the—I can water the flowers.說的又快又正確小組,教師可予以獎勵。

4.Consolidation and extension(鞏固與擴展)


① 讓學(xué)生做本單元A Let’s learn部分的活動手冊配套練習(xí)。

② 讓學(xué)生每天在家中做適量的家務(wù)勞動,并用英語告訴你的家長。

5. 板書

單詞:I’m helpful! I can sweep the floor.

cook the meals

clean the bedroom

water the flowers

empty the trash


To the east of Feiyun Building, there is a Feiyun Park, which is beautiful all year round.

Spring is a sunny morning. The trees grow bright green leaves, the grass sticks out from the ground, and the flowers show a smiling face. There are red, pink, white... beautiful. Birds also came from all directions to participate in the lively event.

In summer, the sun is burning. The trees grow luxuriantly, like a big green umbrella. People are sheltering in the summer below. The lotus leaves in the pool are not willing to lag behind. Each one wears this gauze or white dress and dances happily.

In autumn, wild geese fly south. Dahlia and Chrysanthemum had a competition, shaking their heads one by one to see who had the brighter smile. Yellow leaves are like small butterflies dancing in the autumn wind. Parthenocissus leaves turn red from green and happily climb to the top of the mountain.

In winter, there are heavy snow and biting wind. Pine trees and holly trees are still green and luxuriant, silently guarding the park.

Beautiful Feiyun Park, I love you!