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英語段落學習:The Recall of U.S. Troops

時間: 曉瓊996 分享

英語段落學習:The Recall of U.S. Troops


  Chris Carlson had been out of the U.S. Army (離開美國陸軍,退伍,復(fù)員,英語可以簡單地用(get) out of the army就可以表達)for two years and was working at Costco in California(這說明他目前只是個平民) when he received notice that he was being called back into service(接到命令:召回入伍。was being called back into service,就是召回(入伍),等于was recalled into active duty,或was called back into active duty).

  The 24-year-old is one of thousands of Soldiers and Marines(海軍陸戰(zhàn)隊) who have been deployed(軍事部署。有一點需要說明的是:一個退伍軍人被召回不等于被deployed,也就是不一定就上戰(zhàn)場,這是recall to active duty和deploy的區(qū)別) to Iraq under a policy that allows military leaders to recall troops(還是召回的又一個說法) who have left the service(就是get out of the service,指military service軍隊服役) but still have time left on their contract(在他們的服役合同上依然還有剩余的服役時間。這點可能就需要對美國的“義務(wù)兵制度”要有所了解了。美國青年是“義務(wù)兵制”,每個人都有8年的服役義務(wù)。跟讀大學一樣,不一定像中國那樣,要連續(xù)四年讀完,可以分段完成。所以,美國的前軍人“召回”,與其說是熱情,不如說是盡本份。所以,很難想像他們能喊出中國軍人“若有戰(zhàn),召必回”那樣豪邁的語言來。).

  "I thought it was crazy," said Carlson, (Carlson說:我覺得這種召回簡直就是神經(jīng)病)who has found himself protecting convoys (護衛(wèi)美國軍車車隊)on Iraq's dangerous roads as part of a New Jersey National Guard unit. "Never in a million years did I think they would call me back(從來沒想過他們會發(fā)出召回令)."


  我們此刻姑且不討論“若有戰(zhàn),召必回”的英語怎么說,至少,我們知道世界各國軍隊在戰(zhàn)時都會做同樣的一件事情,這就是:recall a retired soldier into active duty or service.

  那你想有能力跟別人談?wù)撜務(wù)撌裁词莚ecall to active duty呀?

  Well I know that means a retired soldier or a former soldier will return or go back or is called back into active military service before being deployed for combats.

  Or we will say after a soldier gets out of the military, the military can mobilize and call him back into active duty or active service

  最后一點,active duty,那么,什么是active duty呢?What is active duty?

  我們再來練習練習口語表達吧,不要來來回回就只知道說一個英語短語:recall into active duty.

  Well when we say a soldier is on active duty, that means you will serve 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the military. It is just like working a full-time job. You work 8 hours a day, and five days a week.

  記住,這里用serve一詞,叫做to serve 24 hours a day

  好了,具備了這些“語料談資”,有了“英語體驗在先”,下次當“召回”這個話題再次出現(xiàn)的時候,你至少可以說:這個話題或表達我曾經(jīng)有過大量的英語體驗(在那種語言環(huán)境中體驗過),而不是簡簡單單地從中文體驗角度學過recall into active duty這個英語單詞。


  I will definitely show up at a recall.


