

Ann's family英語教案及反思

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  做好英語教案及下課后做相對的反思,是每個小學英語老師必做的功課,下面學習啦小編為大家?guī)鞟nn's family英語教案及反思,供你參考。

  Ann's family英語教案


  1. Vocabulary: family、mother、father、sister、brother、aunt、uncle、grandfather、grandmother.

  2. Language structures:

  This is my family.

  Who’s that?

  That’s my (mother)。


  1. To master the language structure and new words.

  2. Request others if they can introduce their family.


  1. Draw a house at left of the blackboard and a big tree at the right.

  2. Some colorful apple cards of 4 groups

  3. Some paper with “Who’s that?” “That’s my (mother)。” “This is my family.”

  4. Teacher’s set of Ann and Ken masks.

  5. Some cards of new words.

  6. The video, PPT, photos of family and card of new words.

  7. Some prizes or little gifts.


  1. Great the class

  2. Show the apple cards and ask,“What’s this?”Elicit “apple”。 Ask “what color?” Elicit “red/yellow/green/blue.” Tell them, red apple is group one, yellow to group two, green to three, blue to four.

  3. Show the blackboard,“There is a apple tree, and I would like to see which group is number one. Then all of you in this group can get a little prize.”

  4. Look at the left of blackboard. There is a house. It’s Ann’s family. Then show a photo of Ann’s family. “Where is Ann? Who are they? ” Talk to the children about Ann’s family, such as father, mother, brother, sister. Then talk about the extended family or relatives, especially grandmother, grandfather, aunt and uncle.

  5. Introduce the family words. Show the cards of new words one by one: grandmother/grandfather/mother/father/sister/brother/ uncle/ aunt. Elicit the children to say the names of family members in English. Pass the cards from the first to the end in group and let everyone can tell the word. When they can tell everyone, pin up cards on the blackboard and show the picture of Ann’s family member. Ss will go to match them to the words.

  6. Tell student we are going to learn a song about your family. Play the song for the first time and have them listen carefully. Read the words to the children, pointing to each word and they follow to

  read. For the second time, encourage them to join in by singing, humming, or clapping. Play the song again. This time ask all the children to sing along and to clap in time. Divide the class into two groups. Each group in turn sings two lines and the whole class joins in for the last line.

  7. Hold up the masks of Ann and Ken. Using Ann’s mask say,“That’s my brother.” Have the children say the sentence after me. Using Ken’s mask say, “That’s my sister.” Have the children repeat this. Repeat the procedure a few more times with other children to learn this sentence. That’s my…

  8. Show the PPT. We are going to review the sentences. “Who’s that?”“That’s my (mother)。”Show the paper of these sentences on blackboard. And practice this question and answer one by one to strengthen their memory.

  9. Have children look at the pictures at the top of the page 40. Play the tape and have them point to the correct picture as Ann talks about the members of her family. Play the tape again. They read the words together.

  10. Show the PPT and tell them that today, some children will show us their happy family. Someone will go to the front and use the sentences to introduce his/her family member to classmates. PPT will present the photos of their family and the sentences of “This

  is my family.”“That’s my (father)。” “That’s little me.” Everyone come to the stairs and introduce well can get a little prize.

  11. Talk about the story. Students open their books to page 38 and 39. Say to the children “Play the tape. Have the children look at the pictures as the tape is played.” Play the tape again, pausing at each new picture. And ask questions

  Picture one: “What is Mocky doing? Do you know the children in the picture? What are their doing?”

  Picture two: “What is Ann showing Uncle Booky?”

  Picture three: “Who is Uncle Booky looking at now?”

  Picture four: “Who is he?” Picture five: “Who is the girl in the picture.”

  Picture six: “Who’s the boy in the picture.”

  Picture seven: “Who’s this?”

  Students answer the question and repeat the words for the second time.

  12. Divide the class into two groups. One group will be Uncle Booky and the other group will be Ann. The leader of each group holds up the character’s mask. Play the tape again. Pause after each statement. Each group repeats the dialog for their character. Then the groups switch roles.

  13. Set Homework. Ask the children to tell their families about the English words for family members.

  Ann's family教學反思

  本節(jié)課是北師大版二年級第四單元Ann’s family第二課時詞匯教學。

  上課伊始教師帶領學生通過復習一年級第十單元family的歌曲,繼而以猜謎的方式跟讀故事把學過的句型Who’s that? That’s…和單詞爸爸、媽媽、哥哥、姐姐進行復習。之后通過創(chuàng)設真實的情景,爺爺奶奶叔叔阿姨來家里做客,看相冊,時鐘走到12點到了中午吃飯的時間,引導學生猜一猜誰喜歡吃這些食物的方式再次復習單詞。


  從新授到鞏固到呈現(xiàn)到靈活運用各環(huán)節(jié)過渡自然,無縫銜接。 在本課設計中,電子白板中幕布及聚光燈的的使用大大激發(fā)了學生的興趣,提高了課堂效率,listen to this 及play the game中學生們利用白板中筆的功能使用更是將本來枯燥的,被動的內(nèi)容變得主動,充分發(fā)揮了學生的主體作用。

  上《Ann's family》的教學反思


  在Unit 4 Ann’s Family 一課上,我首先設計了一系列的歌曲滿足他們愛唱的心理,所設計的歌曲與課文內(nèi)容有密切聯(lián)系,讓他們通過唱歌,復習了單詞與句子,為下文鋪墊。學生學起來輕松愉快。在學習課文時,首先出示我的家庭成員的相片,這樣,吸引他們的好奇心,他們很感興趣,從而激發(fā)了他們運用所學的句子進行提問,達到自主探索的目標。










1.My family英語教案及教學反思

2.My family英語教案及反思


4.The U.S英語教案及反思

5.In the living room英語教案及反思