


時間: 玉鳳862 分享

  before的意思是在…之前; 先于,優(yōu)于; 當(dāng)著…的面;previous意思是以前的; 先前的; 過早的; (時間上) 稍前的;previous與before的區(qū)別有哪些呢?本文是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理previous與before的區(qū)別的資料,僅供參考。


  before 作 介詞,連詞,或者副詞。

  介詞:可在后加一個時間點或者短語。 如 before 6 o'clock.

  連詞:連接句子。she had finished homework before we went shopping.

  副詞:作為狀語。I’ve never been there before.


  previous 形容詞 作定語的。。修飾名詞。a previous suggestion 一個預(yù)先的跡象


  before作副詞時同previously。但是before偏重于 之前 先前的意思。previously偏向預(yù)先的意思。


  1 作介詞

  A.指時間.在……以前. e.g. It began to rain before midnight .

  B. 指位置.在……面前. e.g. They knelt before the king .

  C. 指順序或排列在前面. e.g. You name comes before mine on the list .

  2 作連詞

  A.在……之前. e.g. Did she leave a message before she went ?

  B.用于It + be +時間段 + before :在……之后才…… e.g. It willl be five years before I come back .

  3 常于情態(tài)動詞 can / could 連用 : 還沒來得及……就…… e.g. Before I could say a word , she had rushed out of the room


  1. prep. 在......以前,強調(diào)時間

  He came to see me the day before yesterday. 他前天來看我了。

  2. prep. 在......前面,當(dāng)著......的面,向......,強調(diào)地點 She has to appear before the court. 她必須出庭受審。

  3. prep. 在......之前,先于,強調(diào)次序

  Those with babies can get on the bus before others. 帶小孩的人可以先上汽車。

  4. prep. 與其......(寧愿)

  I'd shoot myself before I apologized to him! 我寧死也不向他道歉!

  5. adv. 以前,強調(diào)時間

  We've seen that film before. 我們以前看過那場電影。

  6. adv. 在前面,向前,強調(diào)位置

  Don't run before and after. 別跑前跑后。

  7. conj. 在......前,強調(diào)時間


  1. 趁......

  You should do it before it is too late. 趁現(xiàn)在還不算太晚,你應(yīng)該趕快做它。

  2. 尚未來得及

  Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她還沒有來得及動彈,就聽見有很響的聲音,接著就成了可怕的隆隆轟鳴聲。

  Before they reached the house, a new great wave came,sweeping down trees, and sweeping them down too. 他們還沒到屋子,又一個巨浪打來,沖倒了樹,也沖倒了他們。

  3. 要......先......

  You should be a pupil before you become a teacher. 要當(dāng)老師,先作學(xué)生。


  It was not long before...(過去)沒過多久就......

  It was not long before he returned to Beijing. 不久他就回到北京。

  需要特別注意,該句型可以進行創(chuàng)新,可將否定句改為肯定句(It was long before...過了很久才......)或?qū)⒁话氵^去時改為一般將來時(It will not be long before...要不了多久就......;It will be long before...要過很久才......)。before在這些句型中均引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句, long這個抽象的時間也可改為years, weeks, days等具體表時間的詞。

  It was long before he married Wei Fang. 過了很久他才娶魏芳。 It will be long before he goes abroad. 要過很久他才出國。 Will it be years before he goes to school? 要過好幾年他才能上學(xué)嗎?


  It ________ long before we ________ the result of the experiment.

  A. will not be...will know B. is...will know C. will not be...know D. is...know

  【析】正確答案為C。該句面意思為:在我們知道實驗結(jié)果之前不會過很長一段時間,也就是不會過很長一段時間我們就會知道實驗結(jié)果。應(yīng)使用It was not long before的創(chuàng)新句型It will not be long before,before引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句時,從句應(yīng)用一般現(xiàn)在時代替一般將來時。

  Scientists say it may be five or six years ________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

  A. since B. after C. before D. when

  【析】正確答案為C。該句型也是It was not long before的創(chuàng)新句型。



  before作為連詞時的基本意義是“在……之前”,用于表示時間或順序。如:Turn the light off before you sleep. (睡前先把燈熄掉。) Think before you speak. (說話之前,應(yīng)先想清楚。) 但在不同的語境中before有不同的意義:

  1. before表示“不等……就……”、“尚未……就……” 例1: —Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting? (2006年四川)

  —He rushed out of the room I could say a word.

  A. before B. until C. when D. after

  解析: 答案為A。題中before意為“不等……就”、“尚未……就……”,它表示從句的動作尚未來得及發(fā)生,主句的動作已發(fā)生或完成。全句句意為:我還沒來得及說他就沖出了房間。又如:

  Before I could get in a word, he had measured me. 我還沒有來得及插上話,他就給我量好了尺寸。

  The phone stopped ringing before I answered it. 我還沒有來得及接,電話就掛了。

  2. before表示“不知不覺,還沒弄清就……”(常用于before sb. know/realize…)

  例2: Several weeks had gone by I realized the painting was missing. (2004全國)

  A. as B. before C. since D. when

  解析: 此題最易錯選C或D項,而正確答案為B。用since則時間延續(xù)到了現(xiàn)在,在時間上與had gone矛盾;用when則無法強調(diào)時間流逝的不知不覺性。又如:

  Time passed quickly and three months went by before I knew it. 時間飛快地流逝,不知不覺3個月過去了。

  3. before表示“以免,不然”

  例3: It’s cloudy. Take an umbrella you regret it.

  A. but B. and C. after D. before 解析: and及but表示并列關(guān)系,不合語境;after意為“在……之后”,不合常識,應(yīng)是在下雨前帶傘;before在此處意為“以免你后悔”。before作此意義的用法的例子不少,又如: Put that away before it gets broken. 把它收好,以免砸了。

  Do it before you forget. 盡早動手,不然忘了。

  4. before用于it was / will be + 時間 + before ... 句型中。

  例4: It won’t be long you regret what you have done.

  A. after B. before C. since D. until

  解析: It was / will be + 時間 + before ... 表示“過了多久才…(強調(diào)時間的長)”,在否定句中則表示“沒過多久就…(強調(diào)時間的短)”。例如:

  It will be two years before we meet again.我們要過兩年才能見面。

  It wasn’t long before he married again. 不久他就又結(jié)婚了。

  We didn’t wait long before he came back. 我們沒等多久他就回來了。

  5. before表示“與其……寧可……,比……優(yōu)先”(用于表優(yōu)先順序)

  例5: They would fight to death they surrendered(投降).

  A. before B. after C. since D. because

  解析: 答案為A。before引導(dǎo)的從句在與will, would連用時,有“寧愿……也不”的含義。before即使是作介詞用也有此意義。例如:

  True men choose death before dishonor. 大丈夫?qū)幙蓺⒉豢扇琛?/p>

  I’d die before I apologize to them! 我寧死也不愿向他們道歉!

  We will die before we give in. 我們寧死不屈。

  6. before表示“……才”(強調(diào)從句動作發(fā)生得晚或慢)

  例6: They sailed along the Pacific Ocean for two weeks they arrived home.

  A. since B. when C. before D. after

  解析: 此題正確答案為C。全句句意為:“他們在太平洋航行了兩個星期才回到家。”強調(diào)從句動作比主句動作發(fā)生晚。又如:

  I thought carefully about it before I made a decision. 我經(jīng)過再三考慮才決定。

  It may be many years before the situation improves.


  1. before作為連詞時的基本意義是“在„„之前”,用于表示時間或順序。

  You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card. (2009上海,32) A. before B. if C. while D. as


  2. 表示“過了多久才„„”,說明主句的持續(xù)時間比較長而從句的動作緩緩來遲。

  (1) The American Civil War lasted four years _______ the North won in the end. (2005廣東,30)

  A. after B. before C. when D. then


  (2) Several weeks had gone by 寧夏,39)

  A. as B. before C. since D. when


  3. 表示從句動作還沒來得及發(fā)生或完成,主句動作就已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成了,意為“尚未„„就”,“沒來得及„„就”,常用于before sb. can/ could…。

  —Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting? ( 2006四川,35)

  — He rushed out of the room _________ I could say a word.

  A. before B. until C. when D. after


  4. 表示“以免,以防,趁„„還沒有„„”,強調(diào)動作的必要性,以避免或防止從句動作的發(fā)生。

  He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _____ it got worse.(2003北京)

  A. until B. when C. before D. as

  【解析】選C。由made a mistake和轉(zhuǎn)折詞but可知本題句意是“他犯了一個錯誤,但在事情進一步惡化之前他改變了形勢。”故答案正確答案為C項。

  5. 用于 “It will be/would be+一段時間+before…”句型中,表示“還要過多長時間才„„”;用于“It was+一段時間+before…”句型中,表示“過了多長時間才„„”,強調(diào)時間的“長”。

  (1) I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time ____ Brian get back. (2008北京,34)

  A. before B. since C. till D. after

  【解析】選A。句意:很抱歉你一直在這兒等了很久了,但是還得過一段時間Brian才能回來。It will be +一段時間+before從句表示“還要過多久才„„”,符合句意。

  (2)The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _____ we meet them again. (2007安徽,21)

  A. after B. before C. since D. when

  【解析】選B。句意:這個項目的研究要花掉Joan和Paul大約五個月的時間;我們要過很長時間才能再見面。before與一段時間連用且用于肯定句中表示“要過多長時間才„„”,故選B。 work. (2007江西,29)

  A .when B. before C. since D. that

  【解析】選B。句意:他被告知他至少還需要三個多月才能康復(fù)上班。before用于“It would be+一段時間+before…”句型中表示“要多多長時間才„„”。

  (4) It was some time ___________we realized the truth. (2005山東)

  A. when B. until C. since D. before

  【解析】選D。before用于句型“it was +時間段+ before …”中表示 “過了多長時間才„„”。題意為:過了一段時 間我們才意識到事情的真相。故正確答案為C項。

  6. 用于句型“It won’t be/was not+一段時間+before…”中,意為“不久就„„”,“沒過多長時間就„„”,強調(diào)時間的“短”。

  John thinks it won’t be long he is ready for his new job. (2010陜西,20)

  A. when B. after D. since

  【解析】選C。句意為:約翰認為,用不了多久他就會為他的新工作做好準(zhǔn)備。It won’t be long before...意思是“用不了多久就會„„”,符合句意,因此C為正確答案。when引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句時意為“當(dāng)„„的時候”或“這時”;after表示“„„以后”;since表示“自從„„”,后接一個過去的時間或過去的某件事,均不符合題意。

  7. when和hardly連用,表示“剛一„„就„„”。該結(jié)構(gòu)主句常用過去完成時,當(dāng)hardly位于句首時,要用倒裝語序。

  The girl had hardly rung the bell ______ the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her. (2010福建,26)

  A. before B. until C. as D. since


  8. before句型和其它相似句型的區(qū)別


  (1) “It be +時間段 + since引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句”表示“自從„„已經(jīng)有多長時間了”。主句用一般現(xiàn)在時或現(xiàn)在完成時。


  A. before B. since C. after D. when

  【解析】選B??疾閟ince的用法。句意為:自從我們最后一次見面已經(jīng)幾乎五年了。It is/ has been +一段時間+since從句意為“自從„„已經(jīng)(多久)了”,since從句中謂語動詞用過去時態(tài)。

  (2) “It be +時間點 +when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句”表示“某個動作發(fā)生時是某個時間”。主句謂語動詞可以是一般過去時,也可以是一般將來時。


  A. since B. that C. when D. until


  9. before long和long before的區(qū)別

  (1) before long意為“不久,很快”(其中before是介詞,long是名詞),常在句中作狀語,多與動詞的過去時或?qū)頃r連用。例如:

  ·Before long, the news sped to every part of the world. 不久以后,這個消息遍布到了世界上的每一個地方。

  ·I am so excited that I will enter a new school before long. 不久我就要進入一所新的學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí),我感到非常興奮。

  (2)long before有兩個用法:一為“老早,早就(單獨使用,表示比過去某時早得多的時間)”。二表示“在„„的很久以前,在還沒有„„的很久以前”。如:

  ·She had left long before his return/he returned 在他回來的很久以前她就走了。

  ·He had worked in the factory long before he got married. 在他還沒有結(jié)婚的很久以前他就在這家工廠工作了。

  注:此時的主句謂語通常用過去完成時,但有時也可用一般過去時(因為 before 已體現(xiàn)了動作的先后關(guān)系)。如:

  ·This happened long before you were born. 這事在你還沒出生以前很久就發(fā)生了。

  趁熱打鐵: 1. ——Tommy, your mum has been out without glasses !

  ——Well, take it easy. she comes back home for them.

  A. It is long before that B. It won’t be long since

  C. It won’t be long before D. It will be long before

  【解析】選C??疾楣潭ň湫汀t won’t be +時間段+before表示“過不了多久就會„„”;It will be +時間段+before表示“要過多久才„„”;由take it easy可知后句意為“過不了多久她就會回來”,故選C。

  2. How long do you think the computer company brings out a new product ?

  A. it will be before B. will it be until

  C. will it be when D. it will be that

  【解析】選A。復(fù)合疑問句中的do you think后的句子為陳述語序,排除B、C。It will be…before…表示“要過多久才„„”。句意為:你認為這家電腦公司要過多久才能出新產(chǎn)品?

  3. ——Have you any information about Julia? ——Pity! It’s a long timeA. before B. since C. until D. when


  4. It' s quite a time __________ Yao Ming got injured, but it won' t be long

  to the court.

  A. since; before B. after; when C. before; since D. that; when

  【解析】選A??疾閟ince和before的用法。句意為:自從姚明受傷已經(jīng)有相當(dāng)一段時間了,但是要不了多久他就會回 歸球場的。It is +一段時間+since從句意為“„„已經(jīng)(多久)了”;It won’t be long before +從句意為“過不了(多久)就將„„”。 he returns

  5. It may take a while _____ you find a hobby that truly interests yourself, so don’t give up.

  A. that B. before C. unless D. since

  【解析】選B。句意:要經(jīng)過一段時間,你才能找到使你感興趣的愛好。It be +段時間+before 意為“要過多久才„„”。

  6. How long do you suppose it is ______he arrived there?

  A. when B. before C. after D. since.

  【解析】選D. 你認為他到這有多久了?since “自從”,由它引導(dǎo)的狀語從句,主句為一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)時,從句用一般過去時態(tài)。









before的意思是在之前; 先于,優(yōu)于; 當(dāng)著的面;previous意思是以前的; 先前的; 過早的; (時間上) 稍前的;previous與before的區(qū)別有哪些呢?本文是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理previous與before的區(qū)別的資料,僅供參考。 previous與before的區(qū)別 before


  • have been的用法
    have been的用法

    have been 是動詞be的現(xiàn)在完成時行式,當(dāng)主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時,使用has been的形式。和不同的單詞連用,表達不同的意思。have been 的用法有哪些呢?本文是學(xué)

  • 關(guān)于NO和NOT的用法

    給同學(xué)們帶來了一些語法小知識,比如no與not的用法與區(qū)別,關(guān)于NO和NOT的用法有哪些呢?本文是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理關(guān)于NO和NOT的用法的資料,僅供參考。 關(guān)于

  • aspect和way用法的區(qū)別

    aspect的意思是方面; 面貌; 方位,方向; 形勢;,aspect和way用法的區(qū)別有哪些呢?本文是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理aspect和way用法的區(qū)別的資料,僅供參考。 aspect和way用法

  • top的用法

    n.頂,頂部; (箱子) 蓋,(書頁等的)上欄; 首席; 陀螺;top的用法有哪些呢?本文是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理top的用法的資料,僅供參考。 top的用法 一般都是用at the top