
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語其它 > 3的英文翻譯


時間: 玉蓮928 分享





  英 [θri:] 美 [θri]

  復數: threes


  1. 不要跟那個卑鄙的家伙往來。Don’t keep company with such a mean fellow.

  2. 他們一家人總是早睡早起。The members of his family all keep early hours.

  3. 我的表走得準。My watch keeps good time.

  4. 勿踏草地。Keep off the grass.

  5. 我要永遠遵守諾言。I will always keep my promise.

  6. 我們必須跟上時代。We should keep pace with the times.

  7. 我們要跟上形勢。We should keep up with the situation.

  8. 我們經常打橋牌消磨時間。We always kill time by playing bridge.

  9. 他是一個能見機行事的人。He is a man who knows the time of day.

  10. 我告誡過他,但他一笑了之。I gave him an advice, but he laughed it off.

  11. 他患流感,臥床不起。He is laid up with influenza.

  12. 我最不喜歡那個。I like that least of all.

  13. 別管他。Leave him alone.

  14. 我決心讓它聽天由命。I have made up my mind to leave it to chance.

  15. 別管,誰他去。Let him go.

  16. 當她看見他時常常面露喜色。Her face always lights up when she sees him.

  17. 我傾聽他們談話。I listened for their talk.

  18. 你必須量入為出。You should live up to your income.

  19. 兩年后我將載譽歸來。In two years I will return loaded with honors.

  20. 我們因他舉止粗魯而看不起他。We look down upon him for his poor manners.

  21. 我們將調查這件事。We shall look into this matter.

  22. 他將在學術界出人頭地。He will make a figure in academic circles.

  23. 這出戲大獲成功。This play made a great hit.

  24. 長話短說,他就是想不勞而獲。To make a long story short, he tried to get money without working.

  25. 那個年輕人很快就會在商界嶄露頭角。The young man will soon make a mark in the business world.

  26. 他很希望成名。He is eager to make a name.

  27. 他使自己成了年輕人的榜樣。He set himself an example to the youth.

  28. 結果大不一樣。It makes a difference in the result.

  29. 他輕視我的能力。He makes light of my ability.

  30. 他對自己的病滿不在乎。He made little of his illness.


  1. 他毫不猶豫地幫助妻子洗碗。He makes no bones about helping his wife with dishes.

  2. 他把這看作自己的分內之事。He makes this his business.

  3. 請不要客氣。Please make yourself at home.

  4. 看到那小子就煩。To see that fellow makes me sick.

  5. 蛋糕讓我饞涎欲滴。The cake made my mouth water.

  6. 他和我言歸于好。He has made peace with me.

  7. 我從未見過這么守信用的人。I have never seen such a man of his words.

  8. 我哥哥是一個有欣賞力的人。My brother is a man of taste.

  9. 他父親是一個有品德的人。His father is a man of virtue.

  10. 他去年去世了。He met his end last year.

  11. 雪不久就化了。The snow soon melted away.

  12. 他被感動得流淚了。He was moved to tears.

  13. 我不喜歡喝牛奶,更不用說吃牛肉。I don’t like milk, much/still less beef.

  14. 他怕貓,更不用說老虎。He fears cat, much/still more a tiger.

  15. 我們是近親。We are near in blood.

  16. 不用說,科學對我們很重要。Needless to say, science is very important to us.

  17. 不下雨則已,一下就是傾盆大雨。It never rains, but it pours. (不…則已,一…就會)

  18. 只要他們相遇就爭吵。They never meet without quarrelling.

  19. 他簡直就是一個傻瓜。He is next door to a fool.

  20. 他窮得幾乎什么都沒有。He is poor and possesses next to nothing.

  21. 我發(fā)現你簡直就是傻瓜一樣。I found you no better than an idiot.

  22. 他只不過是一個口頭上的朋友。He is no more than a mouth friend.

  23. 這只不過是個笑話。It is nothing but a joke.

  24. 來吧,現在不做更待何時。Come on! It’s now and never.

  25. 既然你已經吃了,那么你就得付錢。Now that you have eaten it you should pay for it.

  26. 他正忙于寫短篇小說。He occupied himself in writing short stories.

  27. 他用零碎的布料給男孩做了一件衣服。She made a suit for her boy out of odds and ends of cloth.

  28. 昨天斷斷續(xù)續(xù)地下了雨。It rained off and on yesterday.

  29. 據說他是一個打獵的老手了。They say he is an old hand at hunting.

  30. 他為公事而來。He came here on business.






