
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語短語 > 初一到初三的英語短語(2)


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  1. be late for去…遲到

  2. be famous for/be well- known for因…而出名

  3. take ..to 帶…去…

  4. be scared of 害怕…

  5. the poor窮人

  6. the North Pole 北極

  7. get out of從…出來

  8. a new safety rule 一條新的安全規(guī)則

  9. take care of /look after 照顧

  10. get to/arrive in(at)/reach 到達

  11. fall off 從…摔下來

  12. hurt oneself 傷到自己

  13. don’t have to 不必

  14. so that 以便于

  15. come up with 想出…的辦法

  16. It is said that 據(jù)說

  17. set an example 樹立榜樣

  18. make an example 舉一個例子

  19. at the age of 在…歲

  20. in a difficult situation 在困難的情況下

  21. give first aid 急救

  22. day after day 一天又一天

  23. be busy doing sth/be busy with sth 忙于做…

  24. operate on sb 給…動手術

  25. devote to/devote oneself to 致力于,獻身于

  26. be honoured with 被授予

  27. in one’s spare time在…業(yè)余時間

  28. not…until 直到… 才

  29. since then 從那時起

  30. between… and…在… 和 … 之間

  31. die of 死于

  32. because of 因為,由于

  33. graduate from 畢業(yè)于

  34. be different from 不同于

  35. be buried in 被埋葬在

  36. wake up 喚醒, 醒來

  37. get dressed 穿好衣服

  38. catch/have a fever 發(fā)燒

  39. catch/have a cold 患感冒

  40. have/catch a headache 頭痛

  41. look up a word in the dictionary 查找單詞

  42. in poor spirit

  43. miss school

  44. be bad for 對…有害處

  45. be good for 對… 有好處

  46. fall ill/sick 生病

  47. get ill/sick生病

  48. be unable to 不能做

  49. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

  50. out of breath 上氣不接下氣

  51. what’s wrong with you你怎么了

  52. what’s the matter with you

  53. what’s the trouble with you?

  54. be made up of 由… 組成

  55. plenty of 許多,大量

  56. for example 例如

  57. live a happy life 過幸福的生活

  58. marry sb to sb 把… 嫁給

  59. be married with 和… 結(jié)婚

  60. fall asleep/get to sleep/go to sleep 入睡

  61. fall into the habbit of 養(yǎng)成… 的習慣

  62. fall behind落后

  63. give up smoking/stop smoking 戒煙

  64. take medicine 吃藥

  65. brush one’s teeth 刷牙

  66. have a good rest 好好休息

  67. take one’s temperature 測量體溫

  68. prefer (doing) to (doing) 喜歡做… 勝于做…

  69. stay/keep healthy 保持健康

  70. business English 商業(yè)英語

  71. business hours 營業(yè)時間

  72. return to

  73. deal with/do with 處置,處理

  74. put up 支起,搭建

  75. be full of/be filled with 充滿,裝滿

  76. learn by oneself/teach oneself 自學

  77. know/learn by heart 背誦

  78. pay for 付款

  79. in order to 為了

  80. the final examination 期末考試

  81. by chaque 用支票

  82. succeed in doing sth 成功地做…

  83. be successful in

  84. succeed to do sth

  85. have success in sth 在…方面取得成功

  86. on the Internet 在因特網(wǎng)上

  87. as soon as 一…就…

  88. make money 掙錢,賺錢

  89. take turns 輪流

  90. break a world record 打破一項世界紀錄

  91. hold /keep a world record 保持一項世界紀錄

  92. be located in/on 坐落于,位于

  93. on average 平均而言

  94. on record 有紀錄的

  95. four times as…as 是…的四倍

  96. find out 找出,發(fā)現(xiàn)

  97. all over the world/around the world 全世界

  98. feel tired 感到累

  99. without stopping 不停地

  100. stand on one foot 單腳站立

  101. compare with 和…做對比,比較

  102. think of 想起,想到

  103. write down 寫下,記下

  104. make a list of 列…的清單

  105. agree with 同意…

  106. be far from 遠離…

  107. help sb (to)do sth 幫助…做…

  108. help sb with sth

  109. be proud of 為…而驕傲,自豪

  110. have fun 玩的高興,過的愉快

  111. have a good time

  112. enjoy oneself

  113. any other 其他的

  114. be surprised at 對…驚奇

  115. win a gold medal 贏得一塊金牌

  116. up and down 上上下下

  117. set a world record 創(chuàng)造一項世界紀錄

  118. do one’s best 盡…最大的能力

  119. give up 放棄

  120. believe in 信任

  121. be able to …能做

  122. keep/catch up with 跟上,趕上

  123. at age 13 在13歲時

  124. compete in 參加…競賽

  125. compete with/against和…競爭

  126. be amazed at 對…吃驚

  127. get ready for 做好準備

  128. be good at 擅長于

  129. do well in

  130. at the same time 同時

  131. the others 其他的(人或物)

  132. take part in 參加

  133. at the Olympics 在 奧林匹克運動會上

  134. not…any more 不再

  135. keep doing sth 持續(xù)做…

  136. practice doing sth 練習做…

  137. good luck to you 祝你好運

  138. have an accident 出事故

  139. nothing serious 不嚴重

  140. at/on the edge of 在…的邊緣

  141. warn sb( not) to do sth 警告…不要做

  142. in the1670s 在17世紀60年代

  143. fall on top of 掉到… 的上面

  144. be careful with小心對

  145. instead of 代替

  146. put out撲滅

  147. leave sb alone/leave sb by oneself 把…單獨留下

  148. be late for去…遲到

  149. a new safety rule 一條新的安全規(guī)則

  150. take care of /look after 照顧

  151. don’t have to 不必

  152. so that 以便于

  153. It is said that 據(jù)說

  154. set an example 樹立榜樣

  155. make an example 舉一個例子

  156. in a difficult situation 在困難的情況下

  157. give first aid 急救

  158. day after day 一天又一天

  159. be honoured with 被授予

  160. in one’s spare time在…業(yè)余時間

  161. not…until 直到… 才

  162. die of 死于

  163. because of 因為,由于

  164. be buried in 被埋葬在

  165. wake up 喚醒

  166. in poor spirit

  167. miss school 不到校

  168. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

  169. out of breath 上氣不接下氣

  170. be made up of 由… 組成

  171. live a happy life 過幸福的生活

  172. marry sb to sb 把… 嫁給

  173. be married with 和… 結(jié)婚

  174. fall into the habbit of 養(yǎng)成… 的習慣

  175. fall behind落后

  176. give up smoking/stop smoking戒煙

  177. take one’s temperature 測量體溫

  178. business hours 營業(yè)時間

  179. in order to 為了

  180. go on vacation 去度假

  181. stay at home 待在家里

  182. go to the mountains 去爬山

  183. go to the beach 去海灘

  184. visit museums 參觀博物館

  185. go to summer camp 去參加夏令營

  186. quite a few 相當多

  187. study for 為„„而學習

  188. go out 出去

  189. most of the time 大部分時間

  190. taste good 嘗起來很好吃

  191. have a good time 玩得高興

  192. of course 當然

  193. feel like 給„„的感覺;感受到

  194. go shopping 去購物

  195. in the past 在過去

  196. walk around 四處走走

  197. because of 因為

  198. one bowl of„ 一碗„„

  199. the next day 第二天

  200. drink tea 喝茶


  1. the look of joy 快樂的表情

  2. take after 與......相像;像

  3. at the age of 在......歲時

  4. give away 贈送;捐贈

  5. clean up 打掃(或清除)干凈

  6. fix up 修理;修補;解決

  7. cheer up (使)變得更高興;振雀

  8. be similar to 與……相似

  9. give out 分發(fā);散發(fā)

  10. set up 建立;設立

  11. come up with 想出;提出

  12. disabled people 殘疾人

  13. make a plan 制訂計劃

  14. make a difference 影響;有作用

  15. make some notices 做些公告牌

  16. be able to 能夠

  17. try out 試用;試行

  18. in an after-school reading program 在一個課外閱讀項

  19. work for 為…工作;為…. 效力 目中

  20. put up 建造;舉起;張貼

  21. go out for dinner 出去吃飯

  22. stay out late 在外面待到很晚

  23. go to the movies 去看電影

  24. get a ride 搭車

  25. work on 從事

  26. finish doing sth. 完成做某事

  27. clean and tidy 干凈整潔

  28. do the dishes 洗餐具

  29. take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

  30. fold your/the clothes 疊衣服

  31. sweep the floor 掃地

  32. make your/the bed 整理床鋪

  33. clean the living room 打掃客廳

  34. no problem 沒問題

  35. welcome sb. 歡迎某人

  36. come home fro m school/ work放學/下班回家

  37. throw down 扔下

  38. sit down 坐下

  39. come over 過來

  40. take sb. for a walk 帶某人去散步

  41. all the time 一直;總是

  42. all day/evening 整曰/夜

  43. do housework 做家務

  44. shout back 大聲回應

  45. walk away 走開

  46. share the housework 分擔家務

  47. a comfortable home 一個舒適的家

  48. in surprise 驚訝地

  49. get something to drink 拿點喝的東西

  50. watch one show 觀看一個節(jié)目

  51. hang out 閑逛

  52. pass sb. sth. 把某物傳給某人

  53. lend sb. sth. 把某物借給某人

  54. get sth. wet 使某物弄濕

  55. hate to do sth. 討厭做某事

  56. do chores 做雜務

  57. help sb. (to ) d o /with sth•幫助某人干事

  58. bring a tent帶頂帳篷來

  59. buy some snacks買些小吃

  60. go to the store去商店

  61. invite sb. to a party邀請某人參加聚會

  62. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

  63. enough stress足夠的壓力

  64. a waste of time浪費時間

  65. in order to為了

  66. get good grades取得好成績

  67. mind doing sth. 介意做某事

  68. depend on依賴;依靠

  69. develop c children ‟ s independence發(fā)展孩子的獨立性

  70. look after/take care of 照顧;照看

  71. do one‟ s part in (doing ) sth. 做某人分內(nèi)的

  72. have free time有空閑時間

  73. allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事

  74. hang out with sb. 與某人閑逛

  75. after-school classes課外活動課

  76. get into a fight with sb. 與某人吵架/打架

  77. until midnight直到半夜

  78. talk to sb. 與某人交談

  79. too many太多

  80. study too much學得過多

  81. get enough sleep有足夠的睡眠

  82. write sb. a letter給某人寫信

  83. call sb. up打電話給某人

  84. surprise sb. 令某人驚訝

  85. look through翻看

  86. be angry with sb. 生某人的氣

  87. a big deal重要的事

  88. work out成功地發(fā)展;解決

  89. get on with 與…和睦相處;關系良:

  90. fight a lot經(jīng)常吵架/打架

  91. hang over籠罩

  92. refuse to do sth. 拒絕做某事

  93. offer to do sth. 主動提出做某事

  94. so that以便

  95. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事

  96. all the time一直

  97. in future今后

  98. make sb. angry使某人生氣

  99. worry about sth. 擔心某事

  100. copy one‟ s homework抄襲某人的作業(yè)

  101. be oneself做自己

  102. family members

  103. spend time alone獨自消磨時光

  104. make sure 確信;確認

  105. the Animal Helpline 動物保護熱線

  106. beat against... 拍打… …

  107. walk by 走路經(jīng)過

  108. fall asleep 進人夢鄉(xiāng);睡著

  109. make one‟s way to… 在某人去……的路上

  110. die down 逐漸變?nèi)?逐漸消失

  111. hear the news 聽到這個消息

  112. wake up 醒來

  113. important events in history 歷史上的重大事件

  114. in a mess 一團糟

  115. for example 例如

  116. break.. . apart 使……分離

  117. be killed 被殺害

  118. in times of difficulty 在困難的時候

  119. over 多(歲)

  120. at the time of 當.......時候

  121. a school pupil 一個小學生

  122. go off (鬧鐘)發(fā)出響聲

  123. on the radio 通過廣播

  124. take a hot shower 洗熱水澡。

  125. in silence 沉默;無聲

  126. miss the bus 錯過公交車

  127. more recently 最近地;新近

  128. pick up 接電話

  129. the World Trade Center 世貿(mào)中心

  130. bring... together 使……靠攏

  131. take down 拆除;摧毀

  132. in the area 在這個地區(qū)

  133. have meaning to 對……有意義

  134. miss the event 錯過這個事件

  135. remember doing sth. 記得做過某事

  136. by the side of the road 在路邊

  137. at first 首先;最初

  138. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事

  139. be able to 能;會

  140. as soon as ...... 一……就…....

  141. come out (書、電影等)出版

  142. once upon a time 從前

  143. become interested in…對……感興趣

  144. continue to do sth. 繼續(xù)做某事

  145. walk to the other side 走到另一邊去

  146. make sth. happen 使某事發(fā)生

  147. a fairy tale 一個神話故事

  148. try to do sth. 試圖做某事

  149. the rest of the story 故事的其余部分

  150. the journey to sp. ......之旅

  151. leave sb. to do sth. 讓某人做某事

  152. tell the/a story 講故事

  153. make a plan to do sth. 籌劃/計劃做某事

  154. put on 穿上

  155. go to sleep 去睡覺

  156. a little b it 有點兒

  157. lead sb. to sp. 把某人領到某地

  158. keep doing sth. 堅持做某事

  159. get lost 迷路

  160. give up 放棄

  161. change one‟s plan 改變計劃

  162. instead of 代替;反而

  163. tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事

  164. turn .. . into 變成

  165. in the moonlight 在月光下

  166. get married 結(jié)婚

  167. find one‟ s way home 找到某人回家的路

  168. the main character 主要人物;主人公

  169. the next day 第二天

  170. at other times 在另外一些時候

  171. send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地

  172. as big as 與……一樣大

  173. one of the oldest countries 最古老的國家之一

  174. feel free to do sth. 隨意地做某事

  175. as far as I know 據(jù)我所知

  176. man-made objects 人造物體

  177. part of... ...... 的組成部分

  178. the highest mountain 最高的山脈

  179. in the world 在世界上

  180. any other mountain 其他任何一座山

  181. of all the salt lakes 在所有的咸水湖中

  182. run along 跨越… …

  183. freezing weather 冰凍的天氣

  184. take in air 呼吸空氣

  185. the first people to do sth. 第一個做...的人

  186. in the face of difficulties 面臨危險

  187. fall over 摔倒

  188. give up doing sth. 放棄做某事

  189. take care of 照顧;照料

  190. achieve one‟ s dream 實現(xiàn)某人的夢想

  191. every two years •每兩年

  192. the forces of nature 自然界的力量

  193. cut down the forests 砍伐林木

  194. reach the top 到達頂峰

  195. endangered animals 瀕危動物

  196. even though 雖然;盡管

  197. fewer and fewer pandas 大熊貓越來越少

  198. at birth 在出生的時候

  199. be in danger 處于危險之中

  200. be awake 醒著