


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  1. A tale never loses in telling. 故事越傳越長。

  2. Ill news flies apace. 惡事傳千里。

  3. Do not quarrel with your bread and butter. 不要自砸飯碗。

  4. He that travels far knows much. 遠(yuǎn)行者,見識(shí)廣。

  5. When one will not, two cannot quarrel. 一個(gè)巴掌拍不響。

  6. When wine sinks, words swim. 美酒一下肚,話匣關(guān)不住。

  7. The cheap buyer takes bad meat. 便宜無好貨。

  8. Short pleasure, long lament. 痛快一時(shí),痛苦一世。

  9. Money is the root of all evil. 金錢是萬惡之源。

  10. Grasp all, lose all. 欲盡得,必盡失。


  1. Know something of everything and everything of something. 既要有一般常識(shí),又要有專業(yè)知識(shí)。

  2. Know thyself. 知道你自己。

  3. Maidens should (or must) be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak. 少女應(yīng)溫良謙恭,敏于聽而慎于言。

  4. Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can. 盡力而為,盡力節(jié)約,盡力施舍。

  5. Make haste slowly. 從容趕急。

  6. Make hay while the sun shines. 趁熱打鐵。

  7. Make the best of a bad business (or job or bargain) 身處山窮水盡,力爭柳暗花明。

  8. Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it. 白天當(dāng)白天,夜晚當(dāng)夜晚,生活過得好,愉快而多歡。

  9. Make your enemy your friend. 要化敵為友。

  10. Make yourself necessary to someone. 使你有益于人。

  11. Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. 只有人,生下時(shí)啼哭,活著時(shí)抱怨,去世時(shí)失望。

  12. Man has not a greater enemy than himself. 人之大敵,自己而已。

  13. Man is a tool-using animal. 人是用器之獸。

  14. Man is mortal. 人生誰無死。

  15. Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creature of man. 并非時(shí)勢造人,而是人造時(shí)勢。

  16. Man is the artificer of his own happiness. 人之幸福,自己創(chuàng)造。

  17. Manners make the man. 禮貌造就人。

  18. Man proposes, God disposes. 謀事在天,成事在人。

  19. Man''s best plans often miscrarry. 神機(jī)妙算,常常失算。

  20. Man''s best possession is a loving wife. 男人最可貴的是有一個(gè)賢淑的妻子。


  1. Kindness is the sunshine of social life. 仁慈是社會(huì)生活中的陽光。

  2. Kindness will creep where it may not go. 仁慈可進(jìn)入任何禁地。

  3. Kind words are the music of the world. 善言是世上的音樂。

  4. Kind words are worth much and cost little. 口頭方便不費(fèi)力。

  5. Kind words butter no parsnips. 畫餅充饑。

  6. Kinsman helps kinsman, but woe to him that hath nothing. 親幫親,鄰幫鄰,無親無助你倒霉。

  7. Knavery may serve, but honestyis best. 欺詐可能得計(jì),但誠實(shí)總是上策。

  8. Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps. 知識(shí)的獲得是循序漸進(jìn)而不是突飛猛進(jìn)的。

  9. Knowledge comes from experience alone. 知識(shí)來自經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

  10. Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 學(xué)識(shí)可使老年時(shí)舒適地退隱和有所寄托;但如果年青時(shí)不使它扎下根,老年就得不到它的庇護(hù)。

  11. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知識(shí)是一座寶庫,實(shí)踐是打開寶庫的鑰匙。

  12. Knowledge is long, life is short. 吾生有涯,而知無涯。

  13. Knowledge is of two kinds, we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it. 知識(shí)有兩種,一種是我們自己知道的東西,另一種是知道哪里可以找到有關(guān)的資料。

  14. Knowledge is power. 知識(shí)就是力量。

  15. Knowledge is the antidote to fear. 知識(shí)可以解除恐懼。

  16. Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 知識(shí)是萬物中最珍貴的財(cái)寶,丟不掉,偷不走,也不會(huì)損耗。

  17. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. 知識(shí)令人謙虛;無知使人驕傲。

  18. Knowledge will not be aquired without pain and application. 不花力氣,不下功夫是得不到知識(shí)的。

  19. Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist. 只有知識(shí)而無實(shí)踐,只能造就半瓢水的藝術(shù)家。

  20. Know something like the palm of one''s hand. 熟知其事,了如指掌。





