
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語短語 > 大學英語b級短語必備單詞


時間: 楚欣650 分享




  1. feel like doing: 想要做 …

  2. call off: 取消

  3. call on: 拜訪

  4. call out: 出動, 喚起, 大聲叫喚

  5. call in: 收集; 邀請;叫…..來

  6. call up: 提醒

  7. call for: 要求

  8. in return: 作為..的回報

  9. in advance: 預先

  10. in vain: 徒勞

  11. take place: 發(fā)生

  12. take the place of:代替

  13. in place of: 代替

  14. take away:拿走; 奪走, 拿下, 取下

  15. take in: 吸收, 接受

  16. take off: 取, 脫下

  17. take on: 雇用, 從事; 占據(jù)

  18. take to: 愛, 嗜好, 沉迷于

  19. take sb. up on: 接受某人 (邀請?zhí)魬?zhàn)等)

  20. take… into account: 考慮,思考

  21. take pride in:以…..為榮

  22. take part in: 參加

  23. take the initiative in doing sth: 主動做某事

  24. take note:記筆記

  25. take a position: 持…..立場

  26. take over: 把...從一地帶到另一地, 接收, 接管

  27. turn up:找到, 發(fā)現(xiàn), 出現(xiàn)

  28. take turns to do sth: 輪流做……

  29. attempt to do: 企圖做…..

  30. in one's attempt to: 力圖, 試圖

  31. manage to do: 盡力去做。。。(成功)

  32. make out: 辨認出

  33. make sure:確認

  34. make an appointment: 預約

  35. make for: 有利于...

  36. make off: 匆忙離去, 逃走

  37. make in: 進入; 干涉

  38. make up: 編輯, 虛構; 捏造

  39. make an effort to do: 努力去做

  40. make decisions towards sth. : 針對…..做出

  41. make a name for/as: 出名

  42. make sense: 有意義

  43. make ends meet : 使收支平衡

  44. have a great influence on: 在…..有影響

  45. cut down: 減少

  46. cut in: 插嘴

  47. cut off: 切斷, 停掉

  48. cut on: 急速前進

  49. cut out: 刪掉; 戒掉

  50. be disappointed with: 對…..感到失望

  51. above all: 首先

  52. after all: 終究,到底

  53. at all: 全然

  54. consider doing: 考慮做某事

  55. consider …to be: 認為

  56. put aside: 保留

  57. prefer to do rather than do: 寧愿做…而不做…..

  58. a great number of: 大量的

  59. in honor of: 為了紀念…..

  60. in terms of: 根據(jù)…..

  61. in favor of: 贊成

  62. burst into laughter: 突然笑起來

  63. tell a lie:說謊

  64. tell sb (not) to do sth: 叫某人去(不要)做某事

  65. be told to do sth: 被告知不要做某事

  66. reach a conclusion: 得出結論

  67. avoid doing: 避免

  68. have sth done: 某事被做

  69. persuade sb. to do: 勸說某人做某事

  70. agree to do: 同意

  71. get over: 克服困難

  72. get across: 使通過, 使人了解

  73. get after: 追擊; 追捕

  74. get along: 過日子, 相處

  75. get away from: (使)擺脫, (使)離開

  76. get by on: 靠...過活

  77. get in: 進站; 到達。上車

  78. get off : 下車; (動身)離開;脫下(衣服)

  79. get on:上車; 穿上; 過日子

  80. get over: 越過;克服; 忍受;復原, 痊愈

  81. get round:傳開; 回避

  82. get through: 完成; 通過

  83. appreciate doing: 欣賞

  84. permit doing:允許做某事

  85. permit sb to do:允許某人做某事

  86. by nature: 生性

  87. on purpose: 故意,有意

  88. be worth doing: 值得去做