


時(shí)間: 長(zhǎng)思709 分享



  知道了。 I understand.


  I can't go today. (今天我不能去。)

  I don't understand. (不能理解。)

  = I get it.

  明白了嗎? See?see “明白”、“知道”。

  = Do you see?

  = Do you understand?

  = Do you get it?

  完全明白。 I understand very well.

  Do you understand? (明白了嗎?)

  我想我懂了。 I think I understand.

  我明白你說(shuō)的了。 I see what you mean.

  我太清楚那種事了。 I know that too well.

  我明白你的意思。 I see your point.

  I think we need to expand. (我認(rèn)為我們必須再擴(kuò)展。)

  = I see what you mean.

  = I understand what you mean.

  = That makes sense.

  = I get the point.

  噢,我終于明白了。 I get it.


  If you change this, it will work. (如果你改變一下這個(gè),它就能運(yùn)作了。)

  = I get it. (噢,我終于明白了。)

  I don't get it. (我還是不明白。)

  這樣啊,原來(lái)是這么回事。 I got it.


  You see? (明白了嗎?)

  = I see.

  這點(diǎn)事兒我還是知道的。 I know that much!


  原來(lái)是這樣啊! That solves it.


  I left because I didn't feel well. (因?yàn)椴皇娣一厝チ恕?

  = Well, that solves that.

  = That's that.


  好吧,好吧,我知道了。 All right, all right. I understand.


  You have to change your attitude. (你得改變你的態(tài)度。)

  = All right, all right. I understand. (好吧,好吧,我知道了。)

  我知道呀! I know.


  L.A. is in California. (洛杉磯在加利福尼亞州。)

  = I know that.

  = I know it.

  = I didn't know. (我怎么不知道。)

  我認(rèn)識(shí)那個(gè)人。 I know that person.

  = I'm acquainted with that person.

  我見(jiàn)過(guò)他。 I know him by sight.

  *know... by sight “知道,見(jiàn)過(guò)面”。

  Do you know that man? (你認(rèn)識(shí)那個(gè)人嗎?)

  No, but I know him by sight. (不認(rèn)識(shí),但我見(jiàn)過(guò)他。)

  嗯,我聽(tīng)說(shuō)了。 Yeah, I heard about it.

  Jeff got married. (杰夫結(jié)婚了。)

  = Yeah, someone told me.

  = Yes, I've been told.

  = Yeah, I know.

  我聽(tīng)著呢。/我知道了。 I hear you.


  We have to work harder. (我們得更加努力地工作了。)

  Yes, I understand.

  我理解了。 I'm following you.


  So, do you get it? (怎么樣?你理解了嗎?)

  = I'm with you.

  = I'm following.

  I'm not following you. (我不明白你的意思。)

  言之有理。 Makes sense.


  He got fired because he was lazy. (他因?yàn)閼?,才被解雇了?

  = That makes sense.

  = Makes sense to me.

  = You're making sense.

  That doesn't make sense. (這也太奇怪了。)

  我不明白。 I don't understand.

  I can't tell you. (我不能告訴你。)

  = I don't understand. (我不知道是什么事。)

  = I'm not following.

  = I don't get it.比較隨便的說(shuō)法。

  = I'm confused.

  I get it. /I understand. (明白了。)

  我不太明白。 I don't really understand.

  = I don't understand very well.

  我不清楚。 That's not clear.


  So, was he the thief? (這么說(shuō),他是個(gè)小偷?)

  我不明白你在說(shuō)什么。 I can't see your point.


  We should do this first. (我們首先應(yīng)該做這個(gè)。)

  = I don't see where you're coming from.

  = I don't see your point.

  我不明白你的意思。 I can't understand what you mean.

  = I can't see what you mean.

  = I don't understand what you're trying to say.

  = I don't get your drift.

  我弄不清楚你想說(shuō)什么。 I'm not sure what you mean.

  That's how you do it. (所以應(yīng)該這樣做呀。)

  = I'm not sure I understand.

  = I'm not sure I see what you mean.

  = I don't know if I understand what you're trying to say.

  我根本不知道這是怎么回事。 I don't know what's what.

  what's what 是what is what的縮略形式,直譯為“什么是什么”。

  = I don't have any idea what's going on.

  = I don't know anything any more.

  太難了,我弄不懂。 It's over my head.


  ...so, that's the way to use computers. (總之,電腦是這樣使用的。)

  = It's beyond me.

  我也搞不清楚。 Your guess is as good as mine.

  guess “推測(cè),猜想”。這是句常用表達(dá)方式,意為“你要不知道,那我更不知道了”。

  How many people live in this town? (這個(gè)鎮(zhèn)上住了多少人?)

  越想越糊涂。 The more I think about it, the less I understand it.


  我不知道他要干什么。 I don't know what he is driving at.

  drive at... “打算做……”。

  = I don't know what he intends.

  = I don't know what he is getting at.

  = I don't know what he is trying to do.

  = It's not clear. (我不清楚。)

  = That's unclear.

  That's clear. (那很清楚了。)

  她到底想干什么? What's she after?

  I'm not sure. (我不清楚。)

  = What's her game?

  我一點(diǎn)兒都不知道。 I have no idea.

  Do you know where my pen is? (你知道我的筆在哪兒?jiǎn)?)

  = I have no clue.

  = No idea.

  = It's all Greek to me.

  我怎么不知道。 I didn't know that.

  John got married last week. (約翰上星期結(jié)婚了。)

  That's news to me.


  = I wasn't aware of that.

  不知道。/不太清楚。 I don't know.

  Do you know where she's from? (你知道她是從哪兒來(lái)的嗎?)

  = I have no idea.

  我不太清楚。 I don't know for sure.

  for sure 有“確切地”、“毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)地”的含意。

  Do you know the way to my house? (你認(rèn)識(shí)去我家的路嗎?)

  = I don't know for certain.

  = I'm not absolutely sure.

  誰(shuí)也不知道確切的情況。 No one knows for sure.

  這種說(shuō)法與“who knows?”幾乎相同,但因?yàn)橛辛薴or sure,所以句子含有知道得不確切,但也有各種各樣的說(shuō)法的語(yǔ)感。

  我怎么會(huì)知道? How should I know?


  Is he married? (他結(jié)婚了嗎?)

  誰(shuí)能知道? Who knows?


  What is the meaning of life? (什么是人生?)

  = Nobody knows.

  = No way of knowing.

  = There's no way of knowing.

  = It's impossible to find out.

  有事嗎? Yes?

  Excuse me... (對(duì)不起……)

  為何? What for?

  I bought this beautiful pen. (我買(mǎi)了一支漂亮的鋼筆。)

  您說(shuō)什么? Pardon me?

  因?yàn)槁曇粜《鴽](méi)有聽(tīng)清楚或一時(shí)沒(méi)能理解對(duì)方所表達(dá)的意思時(shí),與其裝作聽(tīng)見(jiàn)或聽(tīng)懂了,不如問(wèn)一句Pardon me?這樣就可以不失禮貌地將對(duì)話進(jìn)行下去。

  Is there a post office near here? (這附近有郵局嗎?)

  = Pardon?

  = I beg your pardon?

  現(xiàn)在怎么樣? How about now?

  對(duì)不起,你說(shuō)什么? Excuse me?

  = What did you say?

  什么? What?


  = Huh?


  你說(shuō)什么來(lái)著? Did you say anything?


  對(duì)不起,你說(shuō)什么來(lái)著? I'm sorry, what did you say?


  那又怎么樣呢? So what?


  = What of it?

  什么意思? What does it mean?


  = What do you mean?

  = Please explain what you mean. (請(qǐng)您解釋一下您的意思。)

  = What are you trying to say? (您想說(shuō)什么?)

  = What do you mean by that? (您這是什么意思?)

  你是說(shuō)……嗎? Are you saying that...?


  Are you saying that it's a bad idea? (你是說(shuō)這個(gè)主意不好?)

  That's right. (是的。)

  = Do you mean...?

  = Are you trying to say that...?

  后來(lái)怎么樣了? Then what?

  = And then?

  = What happened then?

  他到底想干嗎? What's he driving at?


  您能再說(shuō)一遍嗎? Would you repeat that, please?


  = Could you repeat that, please?

  = Could you say that again, please?

  = Say it again. (再說(shuō)一遍。)

  = Please say it again. (請(qǐng)?jiān)僬f(shuō)一遍。)

  = Please repeat that. (請(qǐng)?jiān)僦貜?fù)一遍。)

  您說(shuō)得太快了。 You're speaking too quickly.

  = You're talking too fast.

  請(qǐng)您再說(shuō)慢一點(diǎn)兒。 Please say it more slowly.

  = More slowly, please.

  = Please speak slower.

  = Please don't speak so quickly. (請(qǐng)您不要說(shuō)得太快。)

  = Would you slow down, please? (您能說(shuō)慢一點(diǎn)兒?jiǎn)?)

  我跟不上您說(shuō)的。 I can't keep up.

  請(qǐng)?jiān)俅笠稽c(diǎn)兒聲說(shuō)。 Please speak a little louder.

  = Could you speak up? (您能再大一點(diǎn)兒聲兒?jiǎn)?)

  = A little louder, please? (請(qǐng)大點(diǎn)兒聲。)

  = Speak up, please? (請(qǐng)大聲說(shuō)。)

  = Please speak up.

  = Please speak louder.

  我聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)。 I can't hear you.


  = I can't hear a word you're saying. (我根本聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)你說(shuō)什么。)

  = I can't hear you at all. (根本聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)。)

  = I can't hear you well. (我聽(tīng)不太清楚。)

  我沒(méi)聽(tīng)見(jiàn)你說(shuō)什么。 I couldn't catch what you said.


  I didn't catch that.

  你在說(shuō)什么呢? What are you talking about?


  就像我一樣。 Just like me!

  John is very smart. (約翰真聰明。)

  = Yeah, just like me! (嗯,就像我一樣。)*夫妻談?wù)撟约旱膬鹤蛹s翰。

  好吃嗎? Was it good?

  = We had melon for lunch at school. (在學(xué)校吃午飯時(shí),我們吃了哈蜜瓜。)

  玩得高興嗎? Did you have fun?

  After school, we played soccer. (放學(xué)后,我們?nèi)ヌ咦闱蛄恕?

  這套衣服怎么樣? How do you like this suit?

  It looks great on you. (很配你呀!)

  = How do you like this suit? (你看這件襯衫怎么樣?)

  I think it's nice. (我覺(jué)得挺好。)

  你覺(jué)得怎么樣? How did you like it?

  I liked it very much. (我非常喜歡。)

  = What did you think of it?

  你喜歡嗎? Did you like it?

  = Did you enjoy it?

  你覺(jué)得那個(gè)怎么樣? What do you think of it?


  What do you think of our new boss? (你覺(jué)得我們新老板怎么樣?)

  I think she's very friendly. (我覺(jué)得她非常友善。)

  = What do you think about it?


  結(jié)果怎么樣? How'd things turn out?

  turn out... “結(jié)果是……”。

  = How'd things turn out? (結(jié)果怎么樣?)

  They turned out to be miserable. (結(jié)果很慘。)

  = How was it?

  = How did it go?

  = How did it turn out?

  = How did it end up?

  長(zhǎng)話短說(shuō)…… To make a long story short,...

  你就簡(jiǎn)明扼要地說(shuō)吧。 Just tell me the story in a nutshell.

  nutshell “堅(jiān)果的殼”,in a nutshell是慣用語(yǔ),“簡(jiǎn)明扼要地說(shuō),總結(jié)性地說(shuō)”。

  = Give it to me in a nutshell.

  告訴我詳細(xì)情況。 Let me know the circumstances.

  = Let me know the situation.

  輕而易舉。 A piece of cake.


  How was the test? (你考試考得怎么樣?)

  = A piece of cake. (簡(jiǎn)直輕而易舉。)

  = It was a piece of cake.

  = It was very easy.

  = It was a snap.

  = It was no problem (at all).

  = It was as easy as 1,2,3.

  = It was as easy as A,B,C.

  到現(xiàn)在為止還好。 So far, so good.

  How's your cooking going? (你做飯做得怎么樣了?)

  = Up till now, no problems.

  馬馬虎虎。 So-so.


  How's school? (你們學(xué)校怎么樣?)

  = So-so. (馬馬虎虎。)

  事情)就是這樣。 That's about it.

  沒(méi)什么了不起的。 It was nothing.

  Wow! How'd you do that? (哇!你怎么做出來(lái)的?)

  = It was no big deal.

  這很簡(jiǎn)單。 There's nothing to it.

  Can you help me E-mail? (你能教我用一下E-mail(電子郵件)嗎?)

  = It's a piece of cake. (這輕而易舉。)

  = Nothing complicated about it. (這沒(méi)什么復(fù)雜的。)

  啊,真靈! It worked!

  And if you plug this in... (然后你插上插頭……)

  It worked! (啊,亮了!)

  = It did the job!

  還需再加把勁。 It needs work.


  What about the new computer system? (那個(gè)新的計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)怎么樣?)

  = It needs work. (還需改進(jìn)。)

  = It needs more work.

  = It needs some work.

  就差那么一點(diǎn)兒。 Almost.


  = I thought it was a home run. (我以為是個(gè)本壘打呢。)

  越來(lái)越不好。 Going from bad to worse.


  How's married life? (婚后生活怎么樣?)

  = Getting increasingly worse.

  = Getting worse and worse (all the time).

  他一舉成名。He made it big.

  *make it big “在社會(huì)上取得了成功”。

  = He became very successful.

  = He is a big success.

  問(wèn)題解決了。 We're set.


  They just fixed the car. (他剛把車(chē)修好。)

  We're set. (我們準(zhǔn)備好了。)

  = Let's get going. (那我們走吧。)

  = Our problem's solved.

  = We're ready.

  = We're okay.


《大學(xué)英語(yǔ)課程教學(xué)要求》倡導(dǎo)的口語(yǔ)網(wǎng)絡(luò)教學(xué)是一種有廣闊發(fā)展前景的新興教學(xué)模式,對(duì)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)改革必將產(chǎn)生深遠(yuǎn)影響。下面小編就分享日常生活常用英語(yǔ)句子給你們,希望你們喜歡。 日常生活常用英語(yǔ)句子如下: 知道了。 I understand. 理


  • 日常生活常用的句子


  • 日常接待常用英語(yǔ)句子

    全國(guó)大學(xué)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)改革提出要 提高學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)綜合應(yīng)用能力,尤其是聽(tīng)說(shuō)能力 后,大家對(duì)英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)能力的重視達(dá)到了前所未有的程度。下面小編就給大家分享

  • 日常交流英語(yǔ)句子


  • 日常交流常用英文句子
