


時間: 焯杰674 分享

  英語短語是貫穿英語學習的第二法寶,必須熟練掌握英語短語的使用。下面學習啦小編為大家?guī)?a href='http://wyyxscd8644.com/xuexiff/gaoeryingyu/' target='_blank'>高二英語重點短語,歡迎大家學習!


  have a genius for doing sth在„„有天賦 talent

  take up=undertake從事

  go on with sth/doing 繼續(xù)做同一件事 go on to do 繼續(xù)做另外一件事

  be curious about對„„感到好奇

  be curious to do sth對做某事感到好奇

  dream of doing sth/sth夢想„„

  use up用完 run out of用完

  be satisfied with對„„表示滿意或滿足 be content with對„„表示滿意

  be patient with/of對„„耐心

  be engaged被占據(jù)

  be engaged in忙于做某事 engage oneself in忙于做某事

  point at瞄準 point out指出

  seek to do試著做某事 try to do試著做某事 manage to do成功做某事 seek for/after尋找,設法達到 seek sb/sth out找出

  be on fire for癡迷于

  be interested in對„„感興趣

  be on fire朝„„出發(fā) set out for朝„„出發(fā)

  be on fire=burning著火的

  match sth/sb against/with 比

  observe doing注意到

  debate about doing辯論,討論做某事

  be to計劃,安排

  be about to do立刻要發(fā)生的事情,不加時間 be going to do即將發(fā)生,安排

  have sth in common with sb in sth 和某人某方面有共同點

  be similar to 和„„相似

  in turn按順序

  in advance提前

  in time及時

  mean to do打算做 mean doing意味著

  turn out關掉

  make out理解

  carry out實行

  no point in沒有用 no use doing沒有用

  have much/mor/a little/little/no difficulty (in) doing sth

  have difficulty with sth 做某事有困難

  catch fire 著火了(不能接一段時間做狀語) be on fire著火(強調(diào)狀態(tài))

  pick one’s words小心說話

  compare with與„„相比,比得上 compare to與„„相比,把„„比作

  rob sb/sw of sth搶某人或某地方的東西 steel sth from sb/sw偷某人或某物的東西 pick one’s pocket扒竊某人口袋

  reason with與某人理論 the reason for„„的原因

  refer to參考

  think of想起

  for once這一次

  relate to與„„有關

  even if即使(強調(diào)假設) even though(強調(diào)事實)

  never even連„„也不 or even乃至,甚至 even as正當„„的時候 even now甚至現(xiàn)在還 even so盡管如此

  even then甚至那個時候

  第2 / 3頁

  prefer sth./to do sth./doing sth. prefer sth. to sth.

  prefer doing sth. to doing sth. prefer sb. (not) to do sth.

  prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. prefer that … should do…

  would prefer doing sth.寧愿做(prefer不用于進行時態(tài))

  would like to do sth.想去做某事.(還沒有做) would like to have done sth 原本想去做某事.(沒做成)(常常和具體的過去時間連用)

  live close to靠近„..而住

  stand close to靠近„而站立 (to 為介詞)

  would rather (not ) do sth.寧愿(不)做某事 would rather ( not ) have done sth. 寧愿(沒)做過某事

  would rather do sth than do sth. 寧愿做„也不愿做„

  would do sth. rather than do sth. 寧愿做„也不愿做„ would rather +陳述句

  be excited about/at對...感到興奮

  can’t stand + doing / n. 不能忍受„„,不能堅持

  stand treat付賬

  look at朝„„看,關注,考慮

  have sth. done

  1. 讓東西給別人做 2. 遭遇某事

  go against相反,反對;違背,違反;不利于;攻擊


  impress sth on sb.使某人牢記某事. impress sb with sth.使某人牢記某事.

  be impressed by/at/with 被„所感動,欣賞.

  fill with 變得;充滿.

  fill …with 將…裝滿, 使…充滿. be full up 充滿

  act as扮演„„的角色,起„„的作用 act like行為像,舉動像

  pull through是„„度過






