


時間: 玉蓮928 分享



  K: (Holding a loudspeaker) Attention, please! Every student, if you are eager to enlarge your horizon and enrich your boring spare time, but you cannot find a proper place to let out your depressed impulse, OK, now it’s high time that you resorted to us-our university’s various students? unions, where, once you are involved in, there will be a lot of opportunities for you to have a large circle of friends very soon!

  K:同學(xué)們注意啦,如果你們想擴展視野,豐富你們無聊的閑暇時間,但是又苦于找 不到含適的場所發(fā)泄你們壓抑的沖動,那么是時候向我們學(xué)校協(xié)會伸出求肋信號 了,一旦你們加入了學(xué)校協(xié)會,那么很快你就會有絕好的機會擴大你們的交際圈。

  E: Excuse me, I am a freshman here, but I am not familiar with the current school life, so most of the time I just have nothing meaningful to do except learning. However, learning all the time sometimes makes me feel depressed and lack a sense of interest. So I am looking for a chance to change this kind of life state...

  E:不好意思,我是大一新生,對學(xué)校的現(xiàn)狀還不是很熟悉,所以大部分時間我都是 在學(xué)校,但是老是學(xué)習(xí)使我很壓抑而且缺少興趣,所以我想改變一下現(xiàn)狀……

  K: OK, I have understood your trouble, but don’t worry about that, because what you are encountering now is very common among the freshman, and that’s why we are here to help you, to some degree. As you know, our university has established different kinds of students’ associations, most of them are founded according to the students’ interests. When you really join, you will taste the great joy and delight in the activities held regularly in our campus.

  K:好的,我明白你的問題了,請不用擔(dān)心,因為你遇到的正是在新同學(xué)中司空見慣 的問題,_定程度上我們可以幫你們解決這個難題。如你所知,學(xué)校成立了很多 社團,大部分都是根據(jù)學(xué)生的興趣建立的,當(dāng)你真正地加入其中后,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)校園里定期舉行的這些活動會給你帶來很多樂趣。

  E: Since you have told me so many benefits of your associations, can you tell more details about them by giving me one specific example? Because I have not grasped the real advantages of them...

  E:既然你給我說了那么多社團的優(yōu) 點,那能否綰我舉個具體的例子 說明一下呢?因為我沒有真正的 理解它們的益處……

  K: Well, I am so sorry about that, I know what I am saying gives you a kind of feeling of blowing my horn ' . So I can explain the details about one association. For example, the English Speaking Society aims at practicing and improving your spoken English. Every week,we will hold this activity in the form of an English Comer to attract the students to join us, so everybody can communicate and express their ideas and thoughts freely and relaxed...

  K:很抱歉,我說的話給你造成了一 種自吹自檑的感覺,那我就給舉 一個實際的例子吧。比如,我們的 英語協(xié)會每周會舉行類似像個英語角的活動,吸引各位同學(xué)加入其中,暢所欲言。

  E: Uh, now I got what you said. It is just a big difference between the ASSOCIATION that is in my mind and one that is in your mouth. Besides, as for the association in my mind, in fact, I myself don't know about it, either. I just heard it from my friend and did a little search on the Internet. At the moment I am having a walk, and coincidently I came across your activity which, I thought, would give me a hand for my perplexity. However, when you explained to me, it is simply far from relevant to that!

  E:哦,現(xiàn)在我明白你的意思了。我所想的協(xié)會和你說的這些協(xié)會有很大的區(qū)別呢。 其實,對于我想知道的協(xié)會情況我本身也不了解,只是從朋友那里聽到過并且做 過一些捜索工作。那會兒我正在散步,碰巧遇到你們這個話動,我本以為可以從 你們那里得到解答,不過你們說的與我想知道的相差甚遠……

  K: ... Uh, I feel rather sorry not being able to give you some valuable information, but can you tell me what kind of association you want to know. Only after you tell me,can I know from which aspect I can solve your problem

  K:很抱歉沒能結(jié)你提供一些有價值的信息,但是你能否告訴我你想知道的那個協(xié)會 名稱呢,只有這樣我才能知道我應(yīng)該從哪方面幫肋你呀。

  E: Oh, the Association that I mentioned just now is Yali-China Association.Will you have a chance to hear about it?


  K: Yali-China Association, let me see. (Kevin falls into the thought) Ah, with Yali-China Association, do you refer to that organization which is founded in China, but with its headquarters in America?

  K:雅禮協(xié)會,我想想看啊,你指的是那個在中國成立,但是總部在美國的那個組織 嗎?

  E: Wow, you do know about that. That’s great. So can you do me a favor to tell me more about this association, because I have to finish a survey of it as my mid-term paper, which seems to me ahot potato for such a long time.

  E:哇,你知道這個呀,太棒了,那你能告訴我更多的信息嗎,因為我要完成這學(xué)期 的期中調(diào)査問卷,這個問題困擾了我好長一段時間了。

  K: Well, you know what, that’s a real coincidence. For one of my foreign friends comes from Yale University, now he is studying in China. We keep contact with each other frequently, and he also tells me a lot about Yali-China Association. The Yale-China Association, founded in 1901,is a private, nonprofit organization with more than a century of experience contributing to the development of education in and about China and to the furtherance of understanding between Chinese and American people. The Yale-China Association was first incorporated as the Yale Foreign Missionary Society, and was known informally as Yale-in-China as early as 1913. It was nondenominadonal from its beginnings and by the 1920s had ceased to be an overtly missionary enterprise. It was re-incorporated in 1934 as a secular organization, the Yale-in-China Association, and in 1975 as the Yale-China Association. At the urging of the home office in New Havn City of New Haven Seal as well as other missionaries in China, the Yale Mission early on assumed more of an educational than evangelical function.

  K:嗯,你知道嗎,這太巧含了,我正好有一個美國的朋友,他現(xiàn)在正在中國讀書, 我們經(jīng)常保持聯(lián)系,所以他給我講了很多關(guān)于雅禮協(xié)會的事情。雅禮協(xié)會建于1901年,是一個私立的非盈利性的組織,有著100多年的歷史,它 促進了中國教育的發(fā)展,增進了中美兩國人民的感情。雅禮協(xié)會是第一個注冊 的外國傳教士協(xié)會,并且早在1913年就認作為非正式的耶魯大學(xué)在中國的協(xié)會。 從_開始它就與宗教無關(guān),直到20世紀(jì)20年代才終止了公開傳教組織的身份。 在1934年重新注冊為非宗教組織,命名為耶魯一中國協(xié)會,1975年更名為雅禮 協(xié)會。協(xié)同在中國的其他傳教機構(gòu)和紐黑文總部的崛起,耶魯早就被認為是承載 著教育而非教會功能的機構(gòu)。

  E: Wow, I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you. You know so much about it that I just cannot write down all of them, because all of the information is quite useful so that I don’t know which part I should omit and which part I should note down. Here, I,ve got an idea. Can we make an appointment some other time if it is convenient for you, so we can have more time to talk? In addition, today, you have told me quite a lot about it and you must be very tired and thirsty...

  E:哇,我真不知道怎么表達我的感激之情!你說得真夠詳細的,我都來不及記錄下 來了。因為這所有的信息都很有用,所以我不知道該刪減或者該記錄哪一部分了。 我有個想法,方便的話,我們何不約個時間呢?這樣我們可以有更多的時間來 聊了。而且,你今天綰我講了這么多肯定也又累又渴了……

  K: OK, that sounds nice. And we’d better find another time and place to share so much information about Yali-China Association...


  C: Hi, John! Long time no see. I heard you are studying at Yale, how is everything there?


  J: Hello, Catherine. Everything is fine. Thank you. By the way, I met Tom yesterday and he said you are planning to apply to Yale. Anything I can help?

  J:你好,凱瑟琳。我_切都挺好的,多謝掛念。我昨天碰到湯姆了,他說你正想申 請來耶魯讀大學(xué),有什么我能幫忙的嗎?

  C: Yeah, I’m interested in economics and would like to further my study at Yale. You know I’m really fascinated by its education system: for one tning is the emphasis on undergraduate teaching, with so many distinguished knowledgeable professors giving lectures to undergraduate students; then is the vitality of student life. Both academic and extracurricular and the research opportunities are available at Yale University. However, I am a bit confused by the complicated applicationprocedures.

  C:是啊,我正打算申請去耶魯留學(xué)呢!我對經(jīng)濟學(xué)很感興趣,也非常想去耶魯上學(xué)。 你知道的,我對耶魯早就有所耳聞。我很欣賞耶魯?shù)慕逃w系:首先,她非常強 調(diào)本科教學(xué),有那么多學(xué)識淵博的知名敘授為本科生授課;其次,那兒的學(xué)習(xí)以 及課外生活相當(dāng)豐富多彩,她還為學(xué)生提供許多的科研機會。但是我有點搞不清 那復(fù)雜的申請程序。

  J: You really shock me. You have already known so much about Yale. It doesn’t matter that you do not know the detailed application procedures. I will explain to you one by one. To be accepted to study at Yale, first of all, interested applicants must apply directly to the school, college, or program where the degree will be awarded.

  J:我真被你嚇到了,你竟然已經(jīng)了解了這么多有關(guān)耶魯?shù)南?。如果你不清楚具體 的申請程序,不要緊啊,我可以一點一點地解釋給你聽。要想來耶魯讀書,首先, 對耶魯感興趣的申請者必須直接向?qū)W位授予單位——研究生學(xué)院、本科生學(xué)院或 是項目作出申請。

  C: OK. I see. Then what should I prepare for the application?


  J: The following material is needed for your application. First of all,you should have a secondary school report which consists of a transcript and school counselor recommendation. The transcript is a record of grades achieved over the past three years of schooling. Predicted grades (if applicable) should be included. If you do not have a counselor, the form and recommendation can be filled in by a tutor/house master/ principal/academic advisor or another comparable school official.

  J:你需要準(zhǔn)備好下面這些材料。首先,要準(zhǔn)備_份所畢業(yè)高中開具的公證,里面要 包含_份成績報告單以及一份輔導(dǎo)員介紹信。成績報告單上應(yīng)該包含你高中三年 的各科成績,如果可能的話,還應(yīng)該包含你的預(yù)測成績。要是沒有輔導(dǎo)員,介紹 信也可以由你的家庭教師、舍監(jiān)、校長、學(xué)術(shù)顧問或是其他與此相當(dāng)?shù)膶W(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo) 中的一位來代寫。

  C: OK. I'm very lucky that my high school performance was good. My GPA was about 95 and I ranked the second among about 2300 students. So I think I’m the right candidate.


  J: You are really good enough on this respect. Next come the teacher recommendations. Two teacherrecommendations are required. Both should be written by recent teachers in academic subjects. You must provide the school with an official English translation of any letters or transcripts not written in English, in addition to the original 6 documents.

  J:我覺得你已經(jīng)相當(dāng)合格了。申請所需的第二項材料是教師推薦信。一共需要兩位 老師的推薦信,而且他們必須是最近給你帶過課的老師。此外,除了遞交原件以外, 所有的申請材料都要求提供一份正式的英文翻譯件。

  C: No problem. I will ask my headteacher who knows me quite well and my math teacher to write therecommendations. Is this OK?


  J: Yes. And the last requirement for Chinese students is your grades for SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I) and any combination of two Subject Tests plus tests of your English ability: TOEFL⑦ or IELTS grades. You needn’t worry about the SAT; it is a piece of cake for us Chinese applicants. However, you should pay more attention to the test of the English language. We students at Yale must be able to understand rapid, idiomatic English and to express ourselves easily in both spoken and written English. As part of the assessment of a candidate’s competence in English, Yale strongly recommends TOEFL for any applicant whose first language is not English and who has not received at least two years of his or her secondary education in an English-medium curriculum. For TOEFL, a minimum score of 100 is required on the Web-based TOEFL. For IELTS a minimum score of 7 is required.

  J:可以。我們中國學(xué)生申請耶魯?shù)淖詈笠豁椧笫荢AT I、其他兩門自選科目的成 績以及有關(guān)英語語言水平測試的成績托福或稚思都可以。身為一名中國學(xué)生,你 不必擔(dān)心SAT成績,它對我們來說是小菜_碟。但是你_定要在語言考試上多花 點心思,因為耶魯學(xué)生必須具備理解快速的、地道的英語的能力,并且不管是在 □語還是書面語中都要能夠流利地表達自己的思想。作為衡量申請者英語能力的 手段,耶魯強烈推薦那些母語不是英語的以及中學(xué)階段學(xué)習(xí)英語不到兩年的申請 者參加托??荚?。耶魯對托福成績的要求是機考最低100分,對雅思成績的最低 要求是7分。

  C: English is my all-time favorite. I’m now busy preparing for TOEFL and there is only two weeks left for the test. I hope I would have a good result and realize my dream at Yale. Thank you very much for you time and patience.

  C:英語一直是我的最愛。我現(xiàn)在正忙著準(zhǔn)備托福呢,因為還有不到兩周就要考試了。 我希望能取得個好成績來圓我的耶魯夢。最后非常感謝你抽出寶貴時間來耐心為 我講解。

  J: My pleasure. Hope we will meet at Yale. Good Luck!


  C: Thank you. See you at Yale. Bye.


  J: Bye-bye!



  A: Morning, Jennifer. You look rather pretty on this pink dress.


  J: Thank you. Yesterday was my birthday and mom gave it to me as a gift.


  A: Though maybe it is a bit late, but still “Happy Birthday”.


  J: Thank you anyway. By the way, how do you handle the course selection? Ah! I’m still confused about it and can not decide which to take.

  J:還是謝謝你啦。對了,你打算怎么選課啊?哎!我現(xiàn)在還是感覺很困惑,不知道 到底該選哪些課。

  A: I have been planning since last term but still not quite decided. On one hand, there are so many courses which are practical for later career. On the other hand, several distinguished professors will give lectures this term. However, our time and energy is limited, so it is really painful to make a final decision.

  A:從上學(xué)期開始我就在盤算到底該選什么課,這不到現(xiàn)在也還設(shè)能定下來嘛。一方 面,很多課程很實用,會對我們以后的工作有所幫助;另_方面,有些資深教授 這學(xué)期也會開課,我也不想錯過。但是我們的時間和精力畢竟有限啊,所以要最 終做個取舍還真是難啊!

  J: Yeah. We can not have our cake and eat it. What you said just now reminds me that I have to take future career into consideration as well. I have never thought of that before. Then why not take two practical classes and another two given by our great professors?

  J:是啊。魚和熊掌不可兼得啊!你倒是提醒了我,我也要把將來的職業(yè)規(guī)劃考慮進 去,以前我都從來沒想過這個事呢。旣然這樣的話,為什么不選兩門實用性課程 再選兩門大教授開的課呢?

  A: Sounds good. As for me, I think I will take Chinese and applied mathematics as the practical classes and at the same time follow the lectures in anthropology and cognitive science given by our famous professors.

  A:這個主意聽起來不錯。對我來說,我覺得實用性課程我就選漢語和應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)了。 至于大教授開的課我想上人類學(xué)和認知科學(xué)。

  J: Chinese? I was considering taking this course too. But those who had taken it said it is rather hard for us whose native language is of the Indo-European language family.

  J:漢語?我也一直想選這門課呢!但是選修過這門課的同學(xué)都說對于我們這些母語 屬于印歐語系的人來說,漢語實在太難學(xué)了。

  A: Anyway I'm charmed by the Chinese language and culture and I think speaking Chinese will bring much convenience when we hunt for a job. So I would like to take the challenge.

  A:不管怎樣,我深深著迷于中國的語言和文化,而且要是會說漢語的話,對我們以 后找工作也會有好處的。所以我想挑戰(zhàn)一下自己。

  J: Uh, I think it deserves your hard-work. And I want to have a try too. Then when we can speak some Chinese, we can travel to China together.

  J:嗯,我覺得值得一試。我也想學(xué)學(xué)看。等我們都會說一些漢語的時候,我們還可 以一起去中國旅游呢!

  A: Good idea. Such profound history and beautiful scenery in China can be our motivation. What about you? Have you decided?

  A:好主意。中國悠久的歷史和優(yōu)美的風(fēng)景也會成為我們學(xué)習(xí)漢語的動力的。你打算 選什么課啊?現(xiàn)在決定了嗎?

  J: Besides Chinese,I would like to take African studies, economics and literature. You know that Africa is undeveloped and there are so many poor people who need urgent help. When I have a basic knowledge of Africa, I can explain to the public and call on them to do something within their power.

  J:除了漢語外,我想選修非洲研究、經(jīng)濟學(xué)還有文獻學(xué)。你知道的,非洲是個欠發(fā) 達地區(qū),那有那么多亟待幫肋的窮人。了解了非洲的基本情況后,我就能向大家 介紹非洲,號召大家為非洲提供一些力所能及的幫助了。

  A: You are so kind-hearted. And I think after class you can surf the internet to find more information and pictures on Africa if you like. Still there are three courses which I have a great passion) for. It’s a pity that I have to give them up.

  A:你真好!我覺得如果你愿意的話,課下你可以上網(wǎng)捜索更多有關(guān)非洲的消息和圖 片。對了,還有三門課我非常感興趣,但是真可惜我不得不放棄了。

  J: Don’t worry! I suggest you borrow the suggested readings and notes from our classmates who choose to follow such classes and read them by yourself. And when you have trouble in understanding, you can ask them for help.

  J:別擔(dān)心。你可以借閱我們班選修這些課程的同學(xué)的課后閱讀材料和筆記來自學(xué) 啊!而且當(dāng)你有看不懂的地方的時候,還可以向他們請教呢。

  A: Good idea. By way of doing so, twice can be accomplished with half the effort. You are such a smart girl. Thank you very much.


  J: Not at all. I’m sorry I must leave now. I have an appointment at 10 a.m. See you next time.


  A: See you.



在進行英語對話時,我們可能很快就會結(jié)束話題。其實我們也可以嘗試一些長對話。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的校園英語長對話,供大家參閱! 校園英語長對話:雅禮協(xié)會 K: (Holding a loudspeaker) Attention, please! Every student, if


  • 校園英語的情景對話

    在校園中,在輕松的的心情下,更能輕松進行英語對話。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的校園英語情景對話,供大家參閱! 校園英語情景對話:烏希大廈

  • 大學(xué)校園情景對話

    在不同的場合,不同的地點,不同的時間,常見或常用的英語對話也會有所不同。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的大學(xué)校園情景對話,供大家參閱! 大學(xué)校

  • 2人英語的對話范文


  • 英語相關(guān)的對話

    學(xué)習(xí)英語,就要努力開口說英語??梢栽囍袜従踊蚺笥堰M行英語對話。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的英語對話,供大家參閱! 英語對話:常青頌 N: Hi,