


時間: 玉蓮928 分享



  ATTENDANT: What are you going to eat?

  KARL: Nothing.

  ATTENDANT: Would you like more coffee?

  KARL: Yes, please.

  ATTENDANT: What are you going to eat?

  MARTIN: Nothing, thank you.

  ATTENDANT: Would you like more coffee?

  MARTIN: No, thank you. Do you like coaching?

  KARL: Yes, I do.

  MARTIN: Were you a runner?

  KARL: Yes, I was. I ran in school. I was in the Olympics.

  MARTIN: That's interesting.

  MARTIN: Where does your family like to travel?

  KARL: My wife likes cities. She likes New York and Washington D C. My children like the country. They like rivers and mountains.

  MARTIN: You have rivers and mountains in Colorado.

  KARL: Oh, yes. But my children like the rivers and mountains in Idaho.MARTIN: My family lives in the East. They like to travel in the West.

  KARL: Does your family like to travel by plane?

  MARTIN: Yes, they do. They don't travel very often.

  KARL: Do they like to travel by train?

  MARTIN: Yes, they do. They like to travel by car, too.

  KARL: Do you travel by bus?

  MARTIN: No, I don't. I live in Baltimore. I work in Washington D C.

  MARTIN: The train is very good there.

  KARL: We don't have a train.

  MARTIN: Do you have a bus?

  KARL: No, we don't. We travel by car. My daughter likes to travel by horse.MARTIN: That's very nice in the country.

  KARL: It's very slow.

  MARTIN: My daughter likes animals.

  KARL: Does she like horses?

  MARTIN: Yes, she does. We don't have a horse.

  KARL: We have four horses.

  KARL: Where does you wife like to travel?

  MARTIN: She likes to visit her family.

  KARL: Where does her family live?

  MARTIN: Her mother lives in Indianapolis. Her father lives in Florida.

  KARL: Does she have aunts and uncles?

  MARTIN: Yes.

  KARL: Where do they live?

  MARTIN: New York, Boston, Los Angeles.

  KARL: Do you visit them?

  MARTIN: Yes, we do. My wife likes to visit family.

  KARL: How do you travel to Los Angeles?

  MARTIN: We travel by plane.

  KARL: How do you travel to New York.

  MARTIN: We take the train. It's very fast.

  KARL: That's nice. How do you travel to Indianapolis?

  MARTIN: We travel by car. We like to have the car with us.

  ATTENDANT: May I get you something?

  KARL: May I have more coffee, please?

  ATTENDANT: Of course, May I get you something?

  MARTIN: No, thank you.

  KARL: I'm going to San Antonio for a track meet.

  MARTIN: Do you have runners in the track meet?

  KARL: Yes, I do.

  MARTIN: How many runners do you have in the meet?

  KARL: Only three. They run very well.

  MARTIN: How do they travel?

  KARL: They travel by plane.

  MARTIN: Are they here?

  KARL: No, they aren't. They're going to travel on Tuesday. You're going to write about football players. Do you write about runners?

  MARTIN: I can write about runners. I write about sports often. I'm going to write about swimming.

  KARL: I'm going to travel to the East.

  MARTIN: Where are you going?

  KARL: First, I'm going to New Jersey.

  MARTIN: Come to Baltimore.

  KARL: Thanks.


  Hi, Lucy, long time no see. How is everything going? 好久不見,最近怎么樣?

  Not so good. 不太好

  What happened? 怎么啦?

  You know the final exam is coming and I’m a little worried about my results. 期末考試快到啦,我有點擔心我的成績

  Cheer up. I believe you can make it. 振作起來,我相信你能辦到的

  Thank you. 謝謝

  By the way, do you have any plan about your coming holiday? Where do you plan to do? 順便問下,馬上放假了,你們有什么計劃嗎?想去哪兒?

  I hope I can go to Yunnan during the spring festival. It is very beautiful and I am interested in the local culture there. The old building, the special custom, and beautiful scenery, everything is amazing! 我希望今年春節(jié)能去云南。云南很漂亮,而且我對它當?shù)氐?a href='http://wyyxscd8644.com/zixun/wenhua/' target='_blank'>文化十分感興趣。古老的建筑,獨特的習俗,還有美麗的風景,一切都是那么迷人。

  And the Yulong mountain is very wonderful. If you have a chance to go to Yunnan, you’d better have a look at it. 玉龍雪山也很棒。如果你真有機會去,你最好去看下

  of courseI will. I will try to persuade my parents to go with me. 當然。我會說服我父母帶我去云南。

  What about you? Any good idea?你們呢?有什么想法?

  I’d like to go to Hangzhou to spend a week at my uncle’s. 我會花一周的時間去我在杭州的叔叔家

  How are you going there? 你怎么去?

  By train perhaps. My uncle will bring me to West Lake and Lingyin temple. 乘火車吧。我叔叔會帶我去西湖和靈隱寺

  It must be an interesting trip. I want to go to Beijing. My parents promise that they will take me to Beijing if I get good results in the final exam. 那肯定很有意思。我想去北京。我爸媽答應我,只要我在這次考試中取得好成績就會帶我去

  How wonderful! I am always dreaming about paying a visit to Beijing. You are so lucky! 太棒啦。我一直夢想著去北京玩。你太幸運了

  Yes. There are so many great places of interest in Beijing. 是啊。北京有好多的名勝古跡

  You’d better make a list of the sites you want to see in advance.你最好在去之前把你想看的景點列張單子

  And don’t forget to taste the Beijing duck. 還有別忘了去嘗嘗北京烤鴨

  Thanks for your advice. Look, it’s lunch time. Let’s go and have lunch together.

  Let’s go!謝謝你們的建議。午飯時間到啦,我們一起吃飯去~


  ATTENDANT: Please fasten your seat belt. May I take those for you?MARTIN: Yes, please. Thanks.

  ATTENDANT: You're welcome.

  MARTIN: Good morning. I'm Martin Learner.

  KARL: Good morning. I'm Karl Musholt.

  MARTIN: Where are you going?

  KARL: I'm going to San Antonio. Where are you going?

  MARTIN: I'm going to Dallas.

  KARL: Do you live in Dallas?

  MARTIN: No, I live in Baltimore. I'm going to write a story.

  KARL: About Dallas?

  MARTIN: No, I'm going to write a story about football.

  KARL: Ah-the Dallas Cowboys.

  MARTIN: That's right.

  KARL: Do you like airplanes?

  MARTIN: Umm-They're OK.

  KARL: I don't like airplanes. They make me nervous.

  KARL: Do they make you nervous?

  MARTIN: No, they don't.

  KARL: Do you fly very often?

  MARTIN: Yes, I do. I travel very often.

  KARL: What do you do?

  MARTIN: I'm a reporter. What do you do?

  KARL: I'm a coach.

  MARTIN: Are you OK?

  KARL: Yes. I'm OK.

  MARTIN: That wasn't too bad.

  ATTENDANT: Would you like something to drink?

  KARL: Yes, please.

  ATTENDANT: What would you like?

  KARL: Coffee.

  MARTIN: Coffee, please. What do you coach?

  KARL: I coach track. I coach runners.

  MARTIN: Where are you from?

  KARL: I'm from Germany. But I live in Colorado now.

  MARTIN: Do you coach at a university?

  KARL: No, I don't. I have a camp for runners.

  MARTIN: Do you travel very often?

  KARL: Yes. I do.

  MARTIN: Do you like to travel?

  KARL: Yes, I do. I don't like to fly.

  MARTIN: Where do you like to travel?

  KARL: I like to visit family.

  MARTIN: How do you travel?

  KARL: I travel by car very often. My family lives in the West.

  MARTIN: Do you like to drive?

  KARL: Yes. My children like to drive, too.

  KARL: They often drive. Do you like to travel?

  MARTIN: I have to travel.

  KARL: I have to travel, too.

  MARTIN: I like to travel in the country. I live in the city. My home is in Baltimore.

  KARL: My home is in the country. My camp is in the country. How do you travel

  MARTIN: I travel by train very often.



  馬 ?。汉玫?,請。謝謝。


  馬 ?。涸缟虾?,我叫馬丁·勒納。

  卡 爾:早上好,我叫卡爾·馬肖爾特。

  馬 ?。耗闳ツ膬?

  卡 爾:我去圣安東尼市,你去哪兒?

  馬 ?。何胰ミ_拉斯。

  卡 爾:你住在達拉斯?

  馬 ?。翰皇牵易≡诎蜖柕哪?,我將寫篇報導。

  卡 爾:有關達拉斯嗎?

  馬 ?。翰皇牵覍懫嘘P足球的報導。

  卡 爾:啊,達拉斯牛仔隊。

  馬 丁:不錯。

  卡 爾:你喜歡坐飛機嗎?

  馬 丁:嗯,還可以吧。

  卡 爾:我不喜歡坐飛機,飛機使我緊張。你坐飛機緊張嗎?

  馬 ?。翰痪o張。

  卡 爾:你常坐飛機嗎?

  馬 ?。菏堑?,我常出差旅行。

  卡 爾:你做什么工作?

  馬 丁:我是記者,你做什么工作?

  卡 爾:我是教練。

  馬 ?。耗銢]事兒吧?

  卡 爾:是的,我沒事。

  馬 ?。嚎雌饋磉€可以。


  卡 爾:好的。


  卡 爾:咖啡。

  馬 丁:請來杯咖啡。你訓練什么?

  卡 爾:我訓練田徑,我訓練賽跑運動員。

  馬 ?。耗闶悄牡娜?

  卡 爾:我是德國人,但現(xiàn)在我住在科羅拉多。

  馬 ?。耗阍诖髮W當教練嗎?

  卡 爾:不,不是。我是越野運動員。

  馬 ?。耗愠3鋈ヂ眯袉?

  卡 爾:是的。

  馬 ?。耗阆矚g旅行嗎?

  卡 爾:喜歡,我不喜歡乘飛機。

  馬 ?。耗阆矚g去哪兒。

  卡 爾:我喜歡走親訪友。

  馬 ?。耗阍鯓勇眯?

  卡 爾:我經常開車旅行,我家住在西部。

  馬 丁:你喜歡開車嗎?

  卡 爾:喜歡,我的孩子也喜歡開車,他們經常開車。你喜歡旅行嗎?

  馬 ?。何也坏貌宦眯?。

  卡 爾:我也不得不旅行。

  馬 丁:我喜歡去鄉(xiāng)下旅行。我住在城市,我家在巴爾的摩。

  卡 爾:我家在鄉(xiāng)下,我的營地就在鄉(xiāng)下,你坐什么旅行?

  馬 ?。何页W疖嚶眯?。




3.英語對話練習2人 旅游經歷

