
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語口語 > 出國旅游英語情景會話


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  1. Please endorse the traveler's check. 請背簽這張旅行支票。

  2. What is the issuing bank of your traveler's checks? 您的旅行支票的發(fā)行銀行是哪家?

  3. I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check. 我想兌現(xiàn)美國運通的旅行支票。

  4. Can I pay for the traveler's check with an open check? 我能不能用普通支票支付旅行支票的款項?

  5. For our guests'convenience, traveler's checks cashed here. 為方便本店旅客,本處承兌旅行旅行支票。

  6. Traveler's checks are very convenient for a long-distance travel. 旅行支票對于長天旅行很方便。

  7. The rate for traveler's check is 300 yuan against 100 dollars. 旅行支票的兌換率是100美元兌現(xiàn)300元。

  8. Traveler's checks are safer to carry than a large amount of cash. 帶旅行支票比帶大筆現(xiàn)金安全得多。

  9. A few more traveler's checks may come in handy on the holiday. 多帶幾張旅行支票,度假時會有用的。

  10. I'd like to buy five hundred dollars worth of traveler's check, please. 我要買500美元的旅行支票。

  endorse 在(支票等)背面簽名,背書

  例句:Please endorse the check at the back. 請在支票背面簽名。

  traveler's checks 旅行支票

  American Express 美運通公司,提供簽帳卡及信用卡、旅行支票、旅游、財務策劃、投資產品、保險及國際銀行服務等。

  handy 方便的,手邊的

  例句:Our flat is very handy for the schools. 我們住所離學校很近,非常方便。

  A: Good afternoon, madam. May I help you? 下午好,夫人。需要為您效勞嗎?

  B: Yes, could you cash these traveler's checks for me, please? 是的,你能幫我把這些旅行支票兌現(xiàn)承現(xiàn)金嗎?A: Certainly, madam. Sign your name here. And show me your passport, please. 當然可以,把您的名字簽在這兒。請出示一下護照好嗎?

  B: OK. Here you are. 好的,給你。

  A: Fine. How would you like them? I mean the denomination. 謝謝,您需要什么樣的?我是指面值。

  B: Oh, could you give me twenty dollars in small bills and ten dollars in change, please. 請把二十塊換成小鈔,十塊換成零錢好嗎?

  A: No problem. Here's your passport, and here's your money. 沒問題,這是您的護照,還有您的錢。

  B: Thanks a lot. 多謝了。

  cash 把支票兌換成現(xiàn)金

  例句:I want to cash the balance of traveler’s letter of credit. 我要把旅行信用證的結余兌現(xiàn)。


  1. I need to have a basic saving account. 我需要一個基本儲蓄存款賬戶。

  2. What's the service charge for a deposit? 存款的手續(xù)費是多少?

  3. I want to open a foreign exchange account. 我想開一個外匯賬戶。

  4. What's the interest rate for the saving account? 儲蓄賬戶利息是多少?

  5. I would like to open an account during my stay here. 在此停留期間,我想開個賬戶。

  6. Do I need a saving account and a checking account? 儲蓄存款賬戶和支票存款賬戶我都需要開嗎?

  7. I want to know how to open an online banking account. 我想問一下怎么開通網(wǎng)上銀行?

  8. We offer variable term deposit, notice deposit and current deposit in our bank. 我行有定活兩便、通知存款和活期存款。

  9. You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars. 您可以隨時以50美元的起存額開立儲蓄賬戶。

  10. There is a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the saving. 支票賬戶要收取服務費,現(xiàn)金賬戶則不收。


  saving account 儲蓄賬戶

  checking account 支票賬戶

  exchange account 外匯賬戶

  current deposit account 活期存款賬戶

  variable term deposit 定期活期均可

  notice deposit 通知存款

  current deposit 活期存款

  initial 最初的,一開始

  例句:What was your initial reaction? 你的第一反應是什么

  A: Good morning, lady. May I help you? 早上好,女士。需要幫忙嗎?

  B: Yes, I'd like to open a current deposit account with your bank. 是的,我想在貴行開一個活期存款賬戶。

  A: OK. Please fill in a deposit slip and show me your passport. 好的。請?zhí)顚懸幌麓婵顔?,并把您的護照給我看一下。

  B: No problem. Is there a minimum balance? 沒問題。請問有起存金額嗎?

  A: Sure. It would be at least 1 yuan to open an account. 當然有,開戶時至少應該存1塊錢。

  B: I see. Here is 800 yuan. 知道了,這是800塊錢。

  A: Yes. By the way, you may also input a PIN number to insure safety of your funds. 好,順便說一下,為了資金的安全,您可以設一個密碼。

  B: A pin number? How many digits? 密碼?幾位數(shù)字呢?

  A: 6 digits. You'd better mix the number and the letter together. 6位數(shù),您最好將數(shù)字和字幕混合在一起設。

  B: Alright. Is that OK? 好,可以了嗎?

  A: Well, please input again. Yes, it's done. This is your Current All-In-One passbook and yourpassport. 請再輸一遍。行辦好了。這是您的“活期一本通”存折,還有您的護照。

  B: Thanks a lot. 多謝。

  A: My pleasure. 不客氣。


  PIN number 個人識別密碼PIN為Personal Identification Number的縮寫。

  passbook 銀行存折

  digits 數(shù)字,數(shù)位


  1.In what denominations do you prefer? 您要什么面值的?

  2.Please tell me the current rate for sterling? 請告訴我英國貨幣的現(xiàn)行兌換率。

  3.Please give me the currency exchange receipt. 請把貨幣兌換收據(jù)給我。

  4.Could you change these French francs for me? 請將這些法郎兌換一下好嗎?

  5.The buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 US dollars. 100美元的現(xiàn)鈔買入價是523元人民幣。

  6.Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation. 貨幣兌換率是經(jīng)常變動的。

  7.The rate for traveler's checks is 300 yuan against 100 dollars. 旅行支票的兌換率是100美元兌換300元人民幣。

  8.I'll want to know the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB. 我想知道美元對人民幣的兌換率。

  9.The balance will be settled in convertible currency within three months. 三個月內余額可以兌換成貨幣結清。

  10.You can exchange money at a bank or an office of tourist agency. 你可以到銀行或者是旅行社的辦公室處去兌換貨幣。


  denomination 面額,(度量衡等的)單位

  例句:Which denomination of bill will you be paying with? 您要用哪一種鈔票付款?

  sterling 英國貨幣

  例句:Sterling should be allowed to float. 應當允許英鎊浮動。

  receipt 收據(jù)

  區(qū)別 invoice 發(fā)票

  例句:I paid the bill but he neglected to give me a receipt. 我付了賬單,但他忘了給我收據(jù)。

  convertible (貨幣)可自由兌換的

  例句:The dollar is convertible. 美元可以自由兌換。

  A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 早上好先生。我能為您做些什么嗎?

  B: Good morning. I'd like to change some US dollars into RMB Yuan. May I know the exchangerate today? 早上好,我想把一些美元兌換成人民幣。請問今天的匯率是多少?

  A: Sure. The current rate is 0 to 670 RMB yuan. 現(xiàn)在的匯率是100美元折合成670元人民幣。

  B: OK. Here is the money. 好的,錢在這。

  A: Eight hundred US dollars. Is that right? 800美元對嗎?

  B: Yes, it is. 沒錯。

  A: May I have a look at your passport? 可以看一下您的護照嗎?

  B: Of course. Here you are. 當然,給你。

  A: Thank you. You have given me 800 US dollars. That would be 5360RMB yuan. 謝謝,您給了我800美元,也就是5360元人民幣。

  B: Wait, What denomination do you have? 等一下,你都有什么面額的貨幣?

  A: We have 100 yuan notes, 50 yuan notes, 20 yuan notes and 10 yuan notes. 有100元、50元、20元、10元的鈔票。

  B: Let me see. Please give me forty 100s, twenty 50s, fifteen 20s, and the rest is 10s. 讓我想一下,請給我50張100元、20張50元、15張20元,其余的兌換成10元的鈔票吧。

  A: OK. Here is the money, your passport and the receipt. 好的。這是您的錢、護和收據(jù)。

  B: Thank you. 謝謝。

  A: By the way, please keep the receipt well. When you need to convert the RMB yuan backinto US dollars, you have to show it at the customs. 順便提一下,請您躲閃保管好收據(jù)。當您需要將人民幣兌換成美元時,您得向海關出示的。

  B: Thank you so much. 十分感謝。

  A: You're welcome. 不用謝。

  exchange rate 匯率,兌換率

  例句:The world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. 世界又恢復到浮動匯率制度。







