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  Living for today not tomorrow 活在當(dāng)下

  Adam: Hi Sarah.


  Sarah: Hi.


  Adam: Today we're talking about bucket list. Things you want to do before you die. Do you have anything?


  Sarah: Actually, no. I don't have a bucket list. And the reason why is because I've already done or I'm currently doing the things that I want to do. In addition, I like to live in the now, so like the present, like what's happening. So I really don't think of the distant future very much, just like what's in front of me. For example, I'm going to Singapore soon, in about 10 days. And I'm really looking forward to that and the new adventure and things that I'll get to do there.


  Adam: What sort of things do you have in mind to explore in Singapore?


  Sarah: First of all, swing dancing. My favorite kind of dance currently is Lindy hop swing dancing. And Singapore is one of the places in Asia that has several swing dance meet-up groups. So I look forward to dancing several of the nights while I'm there, but also trying all of the delicious food and just exploring a country that I've never been to.


  Adam: Wow, great. What are some of the things that you have wanted to do in the past that you have accomplished already?


  Sarah: I think living in foreign countries. I've already lived in two foreign countries and I plan on living in foreign countries probably the rest of my life. So that's a big one. And I think just everyday things, like finishing college and getting two master's degrees and being able to support myself. It's all things that are important to me.


  Adam: Yeah. Those are really great things. What are your two degrees in?


  Sarah: My first degree is in teaching English to speakers of other languages. This degree allows me to be able to live in other countries and to teach English. And then my other degree is in global studies. So it's like an inter-cultural degree where I learned about different cultures and religions.


  Adam: That's really great. Have you ever eaten anything exotic or had any really interesting experiences that most people might not have had when you're traveling to these different places and fulfilling your goals?


  Sarah: I've definitely eaten a lot of different things, most of which I'm not really sure what a lot of it was. The strangest probably – jellyfish, maybe. I'd also gotten a chance to ride a lot of different animals. I've ridden a camel, donkey, horse, elephant, and even an ostrich. So that's pretty exciting.


  Adam: Yeah. That's really interesting. Have you done any other extreme activities?


  Sarah: Yeah. I've been skydiving before. I've been volcano boarding. I'm trying to think what else I have done. I haven't been bungee jumping. I think that's probably one of the only ones that I haven't done as of right now. But I really have no desire to do that one, so.


  Adam: Wow. That's great. You've lived a good life.


  Bucket List 遺愿清單

  Sarah: So Adam, we're talking about bucket lists, so things that you would like to do before you die. Sowhat's your number one thing on your bucket list?


  Adam: Oh, difficult question. Number one, I'dprobably have to say, oh, skydiving maybe. I'vewanted to do it for a long time. And I went bungee jumping in New Zealand. That was fun but Istill have not yet been sky-diving. And jumping out of the plane just sounds like an awesomeidea to me.


  Sarah: What other kind of adventure sports have you done?


  Adam: This summer, I was – what did I do? Sand boarding in Peru. That was fun. When I wasyounger I did a lot of snowboarding and skateboarding. And yeah, I really enjoy extremesports. I ride a motorcycle currently. If I could I'd love to race cars professionally, although Idon't know how good I'd be at it. But it just looks like so much fun.


  Sarah: Yeah. Well, it's never too late to start something you want to do, so you should add thatto your bucket list. So tell me what else is on your bucket list?


  Adam: I really want to write a book. Be the author of a novel. I'm always in the process ofwriting something down but it never seems to come to complete book type end result. Butmaybe eventually, all of these little things that I have written down will come into a book formand I can publish it and complete my goal.


  Sarah: What kind of things do you write? Like what kind of genre or is that kind of all thesame or do you write many different styles?


  Adam: I wrote a lot of different things. One thing that I write is travel stories from my travelsabroad or anecdotes that I come across when I'm traveling. Recently, I've been writing jokes. I really enjoy watching stand-up comedy and have got kind of inspired from them to writesome stuff down, although I've never really presented it. And I also write, I guess, fantasystories as well. I have a few short stories but it's been difficult for me to try to put them intobook, like a longer version of them. The details are tricky to write down.


  Sarah: Wow! That's really interesting. Hopefully, one day, we'll be able to read a book writtenby you.


  Adam: Yeah. That'd be great.


  Sarah: Yeah. So tell me what else is on your list?


  Adam: The other things would be traveling to Europe, which I plan to do hopefully nextsummer, so I can cross that one off the list. I've always wanted to go to Europe especially Italyand Spain. So I'm excited to get that one done. And I'd also really like to go to Africa and go ona safari and see, you know, lions, tigers in the wild, in their natural habitat. I've also heard thatyou could see sharks, Great White sharks in South Africa on the coast. I had some friends thatwent and sat in a cage in the water and had Great White swim by. That sounds like a terrifyingand once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'm terrified of sharks but it would be quite amazing tosee.


  Sarah: Yeah. I am terrified of sharks as well, so I probably will not be adding that to mybucket list. But yeah, I hope you get to do everything that's on your list there.


  Adam: Thanks. Me too!


  Dream Time 做夢時間

  Sarah: So do you dream a lot? Do you rememberyour dreams?


  Todd: I usually do. Although, I have to admit, nowthat I'm older, I don't dream so much. It's prettyrare that I have a dream. But I will have dreams ifI'm really stressed or if I'm really sick. So usually, every time I get sick, I notice I'm sick because I have a dream. And I'll wake up in the middleof the night from some crazy dream and then I'll notice, oh wow, I'm sick. So yeah, that'sabout it.


  Sarah: That's very interesting.


  Todd: Yeah. Although, you know, when I was younger, I used to have all these dreams relatedto work. I guess they were stress related. And the craziest dream was, I was a waiter at a veryfast-paced restaurant, and it was very stressful. And you had to wait on about 10 tables, andpeople would come in and you have to get their food fast. And if you didn't, you'd get yelled atby the boss or the customers would be upset. So I used to have this dream – and this is when Iwas in college, that I would be sleeping and there would be a table in my room and thecustomers would be sitting there watching me sleep, and they would be furious because Iwasn't bringing their food. I was like just sleeping in the bed right next to their table. And itwas the same nightmare I had for – like again and again and again. It was crazy.


  Sarah: That's really interesting. And kind of funny, too.


  Todd: Yeah, I know. And it's weird how you have the same recurring dream. I used to haveanother dream, a nightmare when I was young. And it would be – I was riding a bicycle up likea mountain and the mountain was – like had a path that just kept going around and around themountain. And you had to be really careful or else your bike would fall off the cliff. And then, my bike of course would go off the cliff and I would fall, fall, fall and you would wake up rightbefore you hit the ground. I had that dream many, many times when I was a little kid.


  Sarah: Wow.


  Todd: Yeah.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Todd: Do you ever have nightmares or any dreams like that?


  Sarah: Yeah. I don't dream very often but I have this one reoccurring dream also where I am inschool and it's at the end of the semester and I suddenly realized that there's one class that Ihaven't been going to the entire semester and I'm going to fail it. So I panic and I'm runningaround like trying to find my professor to like try to figure out what I need to do or what Ineed to study for the final exam so that I don't fail this class. But what's really interestingabout this dream is I found out a few years ago that my father has the same reoccurring dream.


  Todd: Wow. You know, this is going to sound crazy. I've had that dream, too. I've had a dreamof like I registered for a course in college and I never went to the course, and I'm going to getan F. And I don't even remember when I registered or where the class is but I didn't finish theclass. Is that the same dream?


  Sarah: Exact same dream.


  Todd: Wow. I wonder what it means.


  Sarah: Me too.


  Todd: Maybe there's somebody out there that really knows what it means and they're like, "Uh-oh, those two people are doomed."


  Sarah: There must be a lot of people with that dream.


  Todd: Yeah. And maybe that's it, like there's certain structures. Like I know that the bikedream that I have about falling off the cliff, I've heard that many people have that. Yeah. Haveyou ever heard about the dream – I had it a couple of times, a dream where you're in class andthen you suddenly notice that you don't have any clothes on and you're afraid that people aregoing to notice you don't have any clothes on?


  Sarah: No, I've never had that one.


  Todd: Yeah. That was one when I was really, really little, but yeah.


  Sarah: I've heard that some people – a lot of people have dreams about their teeth falling outand that this means that like they're afraid of losing something in their life.


  Todd: Really?


  Sarah: Something that's really important to them.


  Todd: Oh wow. So if you're teeth are falling, you're going to lose something.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Todd: Wow.


  Sarah: Or you're afraid of losing something because most people, their teeth are reallyimportant to them.


  Todd: Yeah. Interesting. Well, I don't have any nightmares anymore. It's pretty rare. Howabout you?


  Sarah: Yeah. Same as me. Thank goodness.


  Todd: Yeah. Maybe it's just a young thing.


  Sarah: Maybe.





3.簡短的英語場景對話:請假小對話 - 學(xué)習(xí)啦

