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  Proud Papa 令人驕傲的父親

  Abidemi: Jeremy, I heard you have a new baby. Congrats on that.


  Jeremy: Thanks.


  Abidemi: So how has fatherhood changed you inany way?


  Jeremy: You know, it's changed me probably in every way. You know, when you think of howyour life is different, it's basically from when you wake up until – well, you eventually get to goto sleep. Everything is different. But, you know, everything about it is positive, even things thatyou'd think would annoy you actually aren't really that annoying. Like having a toddler comeand wake you up at 6 o'clock in the morning when you've got a cold and you've taken a bunchof sleeping medication the night before, like which happened this morning. And even that, having a toddler wake you up and just looking at you and laughing, it's awesome. It really isawesome. So, you know, I always kind of worried before when I was thinking about having a kidabout all these things – oh, I can't go out at night or I'm going to have to wake up so early inthe morning and I'm going to be woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming child. Allof that stuff really doesn't bother me. It just, you know, it's part of the experience and yeah, sometimes maybe I'd like to sleep a little bit longer. But yeah, waking up and then having alittle guy sit on my lap while he plays with the remote control and changes channels over andover again, I mean, that's somehow a very, very enjoyable experience. But, you know, you getto see a little person change everyday and start figuring things out. And of course, everyperson, every parent thinks that their child is the smartest child in the world. He can turn offand on the light switch, you know, but it's those types of things that you just marvel at. So, you know, I can say like most people that it's everything about it is very positive. But it's oftenjust the really, really small things that make you appreciate this little wonder.


  Abidemi: And looking back on the experience now, what are some things that you would wishthat you had known before your little boy came along?


  Jeremy: Yeah, it's a good question. You know, I was so stressed out for the first couple ofweeks after he was born. And from the moment he was born until he came back home, andthen for the first number of weeks that we was home, we basically just hovered over him forweeks. And, you know, of course, you have to protective and careful of a new born baby. Butnot everything was as serious as we thought it was. And, you know, crying – we were worriedabout waking up our neighbors or we're worrying that, you know, something was seriouslywrong. Babies cry. And if you really get stressed out about it then you're going to make yourlife miserable. So, you know, having done it once, just realizing that, you know, kids cry, kidsget sick, kids throw up, kids need their nappies changed, I would just take a deep breath if Ihave to do it again and just realize, okay, this is just part of the experience. And you just got toroll with it.


  Abidemi: Okay. That's great.


  Soup for Supper 晚飯喝湯

  Todd: Okay. So Sarah, I see you eat soup every dayat work. Why are you eating soup every day?


  Sarah: That's because I love to cook soup.


  Todd: So you make the soup?


  Sarah: Yes, it's very easy to make.


  Todd: So you cook it and then you just bring it to work everyday?


  Sarah: Yeah. I just make a lot on Monday and then I bring it to work everyday of the week.


  Todd: Oh nice. So how do you make the soup? What's your secret?


  Sarah: Well, I like to cook very easy. So I buy meat that's already cut up, usually, chicken andthen some rice, usually brown rice and then I buy some vegetables. So after I bought theingredients, I chop them up and I put them all together in water until boils and add someseasoning.


  Todd: Okay. So you say the water boils, so as soon as the water boils that's when you put inall the ingredients?


  Sarah: Yes, that's right.


  Todd: So you don't put in the ingredients before the water boils.


  Sarah: No. I guess, it's just easier for the water to be hot because then the vegetables and themeat cook a little faster.


  Todd: So how do you give the soup flavoring?


  Sarah: I usually add salt and pepper, maybe some garlic. And depending on the type of soup, either maybe some soy sauce or lemon juice.


  Todd: Okay. Do you put in the flavoring after you put in the ingredients or before you put inthe ingredients?


  Sarah: Maybe after but usually, right about all at the same time.


  Todd: Okay.


  Sarah: So I just put everything in at one time.


  Todd: And then after you cook the soup, do you put the soup in the refrigerator? Do you let itsit outside?


  Sarah: I usually eat some right then, and I also put it in containers for the week. But I let it sitin the containers out on the counter for a while for it to cool before I put in the refrigerator.


  Todd: All right. And so, you don't put it in the refrigerator until it is cool?


  Sarah: Until it's about room temperature.


  Todd: Okay, nice. And then how do you heat it up? Do you heat it up in a pot or do you heat itup in the microwave?


  Sarah: In the microwave. It's the easiest.


  Todd: Yeah. Nice. So you make enough for five meals?


  Sarah: Maybe, sometimes. If I think I will get tired of eating it during the week then maybeI'll just make enough for three or four meals. But if it's some kind that I think is really deliciousand I know I want to eat it everyday, then I'll make a lot.


  Todd: Well, if that happens, when you make the soup, you can make it for six or seven andgive me a bowl.


  Sarah: Okay. I'll do that next time.


  Todd: Oh great. Thanks.


  City Superlatives 最佳城市

  Sarah: Hi, Todd.


  Todd: Hey, Sarah. How are you?


  Sarah: Good. How are you?


  Todd: Not bad.


  Sarah: So I heard you are from San Francisco.


  Todd: That's right. Yeah, I was born there and Ilived in the city for many years.


  Sarah: Cool. What is the most interesting thing about your city?


  Todd: Well, San Francisco has many interesting things, but the most interesting thing isprobably the architecture. There's lots of very unique buildings. And the most unique buildingis probably the Trans-America building. It's a building like a pyramid. It's nice.


  Sarah: Well, that's really cool.


  Todd: Uh-hmm.


  Sarah: What is the most expensive area in San Francisco?


  Todd: Well, it is very, very expensive. The most expensive area is a place called Pacific Heights, and it's on the highest hill in San Francisco and it overlooks the Bay. It's a really, reallybeautiful place.


  Sarah: Hmm.


  Todd: That area by far has the best views of the city.


  Sarah: Hmm, what is the most beautiful place in San Francisco?


  Todd: Well, actually the most beautiful place is outside the city. It's a place called Muir Woods. And it has the tallest trees in the world, and some of these trees are really old. They are theoldest trees in North America. Some of them are over 2,000 years old.


  Sarah: Wow. It sounds like some place I would like to see. So it sounds really expensive. Whereis the cheapest place to live?


  Todd: The cheapest place to live is a place called Sunset. And Sunset is on the west side, andthe houses are kind of old and they're a little bit cheap. But one thing about Sunset is it hasnicest view of the ocean, and you could watch the sunset every night. That's why it's called theSunset area.


  Sarah: Hmm. If I wanted to go there, when is the best time to visit?


  Todd: Well, the best time is probably in the fall because that's when the weather is the nicest. It's not too cold, and it's not too hot. And it doesn't rain that much.


  Sarah: So when would be the worst time to visit?


  Todd: The worst time to visit would be probably February and March, because February andMarch are the coldest and wettest months. So – well, March isn't that cold but sometimes it'swet, so it rains a lot.


  Sarah: Wow. That sounds really great. I want to go there.


  Todd: Yeah, you should. It's great place.






