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  1. 詞組句型


  do some shopping,做一些購物,

  go shopping,去購物,

  shop 商店

  sentence patterns: 口語句型:

  next week I will do some shopping.下周我將做一些購物。

  she did some shopping yesterday.昨天做了一些購物。

  shall we go shopping together? 我們一起去購物嗎?

  when did she go shopping yesterday?她昨天什么時候去購物?

  she alwasys shops at weekends. 她在周末總是誑商店。


  by installment, 分期買…

  buy... on credit, 在信貸,

  down payment 首付

  sentence patterns:口語句型:

  we bought the house by installment.我們分期買了房子。

  he will buy the house by installment.他會分期買房子。

  I bought that car on credit.我貸款買了那輛車。

  she will buy a television on credit.她會貸款買一個電視。

  what is the down payment?什么是定金嗎?

  i didn't pay the down payment.我沒有付定金。




  sentence patterns:口語句型:

  which coat fits you most?這外套最適合你?

  does this skirt suit me?這條裙子適合我嗎?

  that color doesn't suit your complexion. 那種顏色不適合你的膚色。


  follow the fashion, 追隨時尚,

  keep up with the joneses比闊氣

  sentence patterns: 口語句型:

  many girls like following the fashion. 許多女孩喜歡跟上潮流了。

  does your girlfriend follow the fashion?做你的女朋友趕時髦?


  on sale,打折,


  sentence patterns:口語句型:

  this machine is on sale for only 1000 yuan.這臺機(jī)器是在促銷,只有1000元。

  that bike was on sale for only 100 yuan. 那輛自行車被出售后,只有100元。

  all the goods are sold at a discount. 所有的商品都打折出售。

  we give a 20% discount for cash.現(xiàn)金付款,我們給予20%優(yōu)惠。


  how many,多少,

  how much 多少錢

  how many apples did you buy? 你買了多少蘋果?

  how many eggs will you buy? 你要買多少個雞蛋?

  how much information did you get? 你買了多少信息?

  how much did it cost?花費了多少錢?


  be full of, 充滿,

  be filled with 充滿

  sentence patterns: 口語句型:

  the pond is full of water.池塘里滿是水。

  the market is full of persons. 市場充滿了人。

  the vegetable counter is filled with fresh vegetables. 蔬菜柜臺充滿了新鮮的蔬菜。

  her eyes are filled with tears.她的眼睛充滿了淚水。

  2. 多種表達(dá)

  why don't we go window shopping?我們?yōu)槭裁床蝗ス浣帜?

  let's go window shopping.我們?nèi)ス浣帧?/p>

  shall we go window shopping?我們?nèi)ス浣謫?

  it is so crowded!它是如此的擁擠!

  what a big crowd! 好擁擠的人群!

  when does the bookstore open?書店什么時候開放?

  what time does the bookstore open?書店什么時候開放?

  when do the doors open?什么時候開門?

  how soon does the bookstore open? 還要多長時間書店才開放?

  we won't open until twelve. 我們不會開到十二點。

  it opens at twelve.開放到十二點。

  where can i find the coat department?我在哪里可以買到外套?

  where is the coat department located?外套在哪里在哪買?

  where is the coat department? 外套在哪里買?

  i want to buy a white shirt. 我想買一件白襯衫。

  i'd like to buy a white shirt. 我想買一件白襯衫。

  i need a white shirt.我需要一個白色的襯衫。

  may i help you?我可以幫你嗎?

  can i help you? 我能幫你嗎?

  can i be of any assistant to you?我能給你的助理嗎?

  how may i help you? 我可以怎樣幫助你?

  what can i show you?我能告訴你嗎?

  how do you sell this?你怎么賣這個嗎?

  how much do you charge for this? 你要價多少?

  how much do you want it for? 你想要多少?

  how much shall i pay for it? 我要付多少錢?

  what price are you asking? 什么價格是你要?

  how much does it cost? 它的價格是多少?

  i just want to look around. 我只是想看看。

  i am just looking around. 我只是隨便看看。

  i am just browsing. 我只是隨便看看。

  just looking. 只是看看。

  his wife likes to follow the fashion. 他的妻子喜歡追隨時尚。

  his wife likes to keep up with the joneses.他的妻子喜歡比闊氣。

  this is better.這是更好的。

  i like this better. 我喜歡這個更好。

  that's more like it.更喜歡它。

  it is too conservative. 它是太保守了。

  it is too bland.它太乏味。

  it is too plain. 它太普通。

  that's more than i can afford. 這是超過我的負(fù)擔(dān)。

  that's more than i was expecting to pay. 這比我更期望支付。

  that's more than i wanted to pay.這比我更想支付。

  i'll take that one.我就要這一輛。

  i'd like that one. 我想這一個。

  i'd like to buy that one.我想買這一個。

  i'll get that one. 我將得到一個。

  can i pay in chinese yuan?我可以付人民幣嗎?

  do you take chinese yuan? 你可以用人民幣嗎?

  do you accept chinese yuan? 你接受人民幣嗎?

  i'd like to get a refund.我想要退款。

  i'd like a refund. 我想要退款。

  i'd like my money back. 我想把我的錢要回來。

  where is the cash desk?結(jié)帳柜臺在哪里?

  where is the check out counter?結(jié)帳柜臺在哪里?

  i'm running low on salt. 我用低鹽。

  my salt is running out.我的鹽已經(jīng)不多了。

  i'd like to shop for a pair of shoes. 我想買一雙鞋子。

  i'd like to get a pair of shoes. 我想買一雙鞋子。

  i'd like to buy a pair of shoes. 我想買一雙鞋子。

  i want a pair of shoes. 我想要一雙鞋子。

  what size shoes do you take?你穿幾號的鞋子?

  what size shoes do you want? 你要什么碼數(shù)的鞋子?

  have you got a shorter size? 你有一個短的尺寸嗎?

  have you got anything slightly shorter?你有什么略短?

  have you got anything more expensive than this? 你有什么比這更貴?

  have you got more expensive ones?你有更昂貴的那些嗎?

  how do you like this pattern? 你喜歡這個款式嗎?

  what about this pattern? 這個模式嗎?

  how do you think of this design? 你怎么認(rèn)為這個設(shè)計嗎?

  this type of goods has a great sale. 這種類型的商品銷路很好。

  there's a good sale for this type of goods.有一個好的銷售這類產(chǎn)品。

  it has one year warranty. 它有一年保修。

  it has one year guarantee. 它有一年的保證。

  how much does it amount to? 要多少數(shù)量?

  how much does it add up to? 要多少說明了什么?

  how much does it come to? 要多少來?

  how much do you ask for that?你要賣多少錢?

  how much do you charge?費用是多少呢?

  it's a real bargain. 這是真正的便宜貨。

  it's a good buy. 這是一個好買賣。

  it's too cheap. 太便宜的。


  1. 詞組句型


  a savings account, 一個儲蓄賬戶,

  a checking account, 一個支票帳戶,

  a current savings account, 活期儲蓄賬戶,

  a time savings account 一個定期儲蓄賬戶

  sentence patterns: 口語句型:

  he would like to have a savings account.他想有一個儲蓄帳戶。

  she wants to open a checking account. 她要開一個支票帳戶。

  i owned a current savings account. 我擁有一個活期儲蓄賬戶。

  could you give me some information about a time savings account? 你能給我一些信息關(guān)于一個定期儲蓄賬戶嗎?


  mature, 成熟,

  fall due 到期

  sentence patterns: 口語句型:

  my rent doesn't fall due until sunday.直到星期天我的房租不到期。

  my book has fallen due. 我的書已經(jīng)到期。

  the insure bill has been mature.保險賬單已經(jīng)到期。

  the account will be mature. 這個帳號是到期的。


  fill in,填寫,

  fill out 填寫

  sentence patterns: 口語句型:

  please fill in an application form. 請?zhí)顚懸环萆暾埍怼?/p>

  did you fill in an application form?你有沒有填寫申請表嗎?

  please fill out that form after you finish your work.請?zhí)畋砀裨谀阃瓿赡愕墓ぷ鳌?/p>


  withdraw, 撤回,

  draw 畫

  sentence patterns: 口語句型:

  he withdrew all his savings and left the country.他取出了他所有的積蓄,離開了這個國家。

  he will withdraw some money to contribute to the poor. 他將取出一些錢為窮人。

  may i draw some money? 我可以取出一些錢嗎?

  i want to draw some money tomorrow. 我明天要取些錢。


  bill, 鈔票,

  note 鈔票

  sentence patterns:口語句型:

  please give me a twenty-dollar bill.請給我一張20美元的鈔票。

  do you have a twenty-dollar bill?你有一張20美元的鈔票嗎?

  he gave me a fifty-pound note. 他給了我一個五十英鎊的鈔票。

  2. 多種表達(dá)

  what's the interest rate?利率是多少?

  how's the interest rate?的利率是如何?

  has he got his ID card with him?他獲到了他的身份證?

  has he got his passport with him? 他得到了他的護(hù)照?

  has he got any identification? 他有證件嗎?

  please key in your code. 請鍵入你的代碼。

  please type in your code.請輸入你的代碼。

  here is your passbook.這是您的存折。

  here is your bankbook. 這是你的存折。

  the code is not correct. 代碼是不正確的。

  the code is incorrect. 代碼是不正確的。

  the deposit is exhausted. 存款是用完。

  the deposit is used up. 定金用完了。

  i'd like to break this note. 我想把這張紙幣拆散。

  i'd like to change this note into coins. 我想把這張紙條換成了硬幣。

  i'd like to change some chinese yuan into sterling pounds.我想兌換一些人民幣變成英鎊。

  i'd like to exchange some chinese yuan into sterling pounds. 我想兌換一些人民幣變成英鎊。

  i'd like to convert some chinese yuan into sterling pounds. 我想把一些人民幣變成英鎊。

  i would like to register that letter.我想注冊那封信。

  i would like to have that parcel insured. 我想這包裹保險。

  i would like to insure that parcel for 500 yuan.我想確保包裹為500元。

  what's the postage for this parcel?什么的郵資是這個包裹嗎?

  how much is this parcel? 這個包裹是多少郵資?

  how much does this parcel cost?這個包裹要多少錢郵資?

  i'd like to send some money to my friends.我想寄一些錢給我的朋友。

  i'd like to remit some money to my friends 我想?yún)R一些錢給我的朋友