


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享



  Todd: You know, Greg, we were both talking about how we have part-time job, you know, I think there's a lot of benefit but looking back, sometimes I wonder if it's not so good if children work.


  Greg: Why?


  Todd: You know, I just think, basically, that kids get in this trap, they start working, they start getting a little money, they kind of get into buying things, consumerism, and they really don't focus on studying or being in clubs or just doing extra-curricular activities when they're young.


  Greg: But sometimes if people work, they learn that they have to work in order to get something and then they transfer that to school and say, OK, I have to work at school in order to get good grades, or to get into the high school I want, or into the college I want.


  Todd: I think it's nice to look at it that way but I think in reality, most people that are wealthy, their children don't work and they get better grades and they do activities that help their school resume, and as a result they get into the best schools, and they get the best jobs.


  Greg: Maybe the rich people are able to go to better schools cause their better schools in the rich area so their getting a better education, that might be one.


  Todd: Yeah, that's true but I think maybe that if kids, if they start working and they work too much, then they lose their priorities, which should just be about an education.


  Greg: I agree if they work too much, but I think you learn a lot of things, which are very important, you know, there's a difference between book knowledge and world knowledge.


  Todd: OK, that's true. Well, so how many hours would you suggest that a child works? Like for you what's the maximum hours that a kid in high school should work?


  Greg: A high school student should probably work no more than 10 hours a day.


  Todd: OK, I agree. I agree. See when I was in high school, I was like working 25, 30 hours.


  Greg: That's, that's a lot.


  Todd: Right, and that's why I'm not a rich man today.



  Todd: Hey, Shuan, it's good to see you. How was your break?


  Shuan: Ah, it was great Ted. I went to, I went on actually, a Caribbean cruise with my friend Jason.


  Todd: No, way, you went on a cruise?


  Shuan: Yeah, it was, it was a hectic cruise mind you.


  Todd: Oh, man, I've always wanted to go on a cruise. So what's it like?


  Shuan: Well, I mean, we started out in Florida and that's when I met up with, well, that's when my family met up with Jason's family. Jason's the name of my friend, and while we were in Florida, in, I can't remember the name, but we went jet-skiing, and that was really, really fun.


  Todd: Wait a minute. You were on a cruise and you go jet skiing?


  Shuan: Oh, before we actually went on the cruise boat.


  Todd: Oh, OK.


  Shuan: Yeah, we were just in the harbor and then we decided to go have some fun so we rented a couple of jet skis, and we went around the harbor.


  Todd: Oh, that's cool man. Actually, when you get the jet skis, do you have to take a test of anything? Do they just give them to you?


  Shuan: Ah, you don't have to take a test because it was in an enclosed area pretty much.


  Todd: Oh, OK.


  Shuan: They set out an area for learners to use jet skis.


  Todd: Oh, nice, but from the harbor you got on the cruise ship. What was the cruise ship like?


  Shuan: Oh, it was absolutely massive. It was about 8 stories high. And the first two stories we just for cabins, I'm sorry the first three stories were for cabins and the next story was all shops and then the story above that, it was night club, a casino, an art exhibit an indoor pool and on the top deck of course was the outdoor pool, bar and another night club, and few more pools, and it was the biggest ship I think I've ever seen.


  Todd: That sounds awesome. So how do you spend you time on a cruise ship? Like, what's a typical day on a cruise ship?


  Shuan: A typical day, you wake up probably hung over at around noon and then you head to the top deck to sunbathe for a few hours and as soon as you start to get red you head in, have another few drinks, maybe swim in the pool for a bit, head down to the arcade room, play a few games and head to the pizzeria, have some lunch, late lunch, and then it would be back outside on the deck and play some deck games.


  Todd: So on the ship did you see any shows or anything?


  Shuan: Yes, that's actually one of the biggest rooms on the ship is the theatre room. It's about two stories high. We saw magic shows. We saw even a play, oh and also stand up comedy which was pretty good.


  Todd: Oh, man that's great. Well, so how much did the cruise cost in total?


  Shuan: I have no idea. I got my parents to pay for that.


  Todd: Man, sounds like a good deal.


  Shuan: Yeah. It was.



  Todd: So, Shuan, you talked about being on a cruise and going to Key West. Were there any other places that you remember that were really good on your trip?


  Shuan: Yeah, we ended up in Cancun for two days, and I have a really interesting story that I probably shouldn't tell, but I will anyway. Well, the first day it was just normal, pretty much shopping and we checked out the local sites and stuff and went to a Mayan, an old Mayan temple (nice) and it was kind of scary. They told us that they had human sacrifices and everything there so.


  Todd: Ooh, gory.


  Shuan: It was kind of creepy but. On the second day, we went snorkeling and we lost track of time. The bus dropped us off at around 12 o'clock and we were supposed to meet back at the bus at around 4 o'clock. Unfortunately for me and my friend, we didn't have watches, so we went snorkeling, and while we were snorkeling we found these underwater tunnels which were just filled with fish and coral and we basically lost track of time and we went swimming through all of them, and, or yeah, another story about that is we actually saw a sea lion.

  肖恩:有點(diǎn)兒令人毛骨悚然。第二天我們?nèi)ジ摿?,而且我們忘記了時(shí)間。我們?cè)谥形?2點(diǎn)左右下了大巴車(chē),我們本應(yīng)該在下午四點(diǎn)在大巴車(chē)上集合。不幸的是,我和我朋友都沒(méi) 有手表,我們?nèi)ジ?,發(fā)現(xiàn)了水底隧道,那里有各種各樣的魚(yú)類(lèi)和珊瑚,所以我們就忘記了時(shí)間,一直在里面暢游,哦對(duì)了,我們還看到了一只海獅。

  Todd: Oh, really.


  Shuan: A sea lion, yeah. It just came right up next to us so we added that and.


  Todd: It let you touch it?


  Shuan: It let us touch it, yeah.


  Todd: That is cool.


  Shuan: We swam around with the sea lion for a little bit. And then we headed back, cause we thought it was around 3 o'clock, but unfortunately it was 4:30 and the bus had already left.


  Todd: Oh, no.


  Shuan: So we had to rent a taxi, and I would say that taxi drivers in Mexico are probably the most dangerous taxi drivers ever. On the way back, I noticed that his speedometer wasn't working, and we must have been going around a 130 kilometers per hour down this road. It was only a two lane road. One way for one-way traffic, and one way for the other way traffic, but he was driving on the shoulder of the lane we wanted to get on so he was passing trucks and cars and motorbikes, just all on the shoulder and he basically drove 130 kilometers per hour, right down the side of the road. And we got to the ferry terminal where we were supposed to catch the ferry back to the cruise ship, or back to another island which the cruise ship was parked at we actually missed the ferry by three minutes.


  Todd: Oh!


  Shuan: Yeah, so they told us that the next ferry would be three hours later and we just couldn't afford to wait because our ship was going to leave, so we couldn't think of anything else but to charter an airplane. So this is all on my dad's credit card, mind you, so we chartered an airplane and we flew to the island which was about a ten minutes flight, not that long, but it ended up costing us 500 U.S. dollars.


  Todd: Oh, man.


  Shuan: And that was just to get back to the cruise ship, and it was just the worst time I've ever spent there.


  Todd: Oh, man, what a story. Well, what did you dad say about the credit card bill?


  Shuan: Um, I got billed for it a few months later.









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